I have matrix of coordinates in format XXYY where XX and YY are numbers (0 to 10,000) but Y is represented using letters (A = 1, B = 2, AA = 27 and so on).
points = ["2B", "29AA", "18F", "5AG"]
how can i convert this to something like?
xy_points = [(2, 2), (29, 27), (18, 6), (5, 33)]
My first thought was to use int() and ord(), but things get complicated when a Y coordinate is more than one letter (AZ, AE, BE).
A = ["1", "2", "3", "B"]
C = [list(map(lambda x: int(x) if x.isdigit() else ord(x) - 64, A))]
I know i can get the string letter by letter and convert it to an integer using base 26. (i.e. for AG would be (ord("A") - 64) * 26 + (ord("G") - 64)). But that would involve a lot of lines.
Is there a simple way to do so?
A recursive function like this will do:
def y(s):
if len(s) == 1:
return ord(s[0]) - ord('A') + 1
return y(s[-1]) + 26 * y(s[:-1])
print(y('B'), y('AA'), y('F'), y('AG'), y('AA'), y('BA'), y('ZZ'), y('AAA'))
This outputs:
2 27 6 33 27 53 702 703
Que: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_wrap_and_word_wrap
What I tried & issue faced: I tried a recursive approach to solve this problem. Currently, unable to find the overlapping subproblems. Can anyone help me how can I optimize, memoize and modify/update my recursion approach?. (I am thinking my approach is Wrong)
approach: Either the word is in the current line(if and only if space is left) or will be in the new line.
Code Flow:
Input text = "Cat is on Floor" .
I stored len in an array = [3,2,2,5]
ans(a,b,c) : a: index, b: line (currently no use), c: current line sum
base condn if all elements are over a>=size: return pow(spaceleft,2)
will return min( subproblem(word in current line),subproblem(word in new line)+pow(spaceleft,2))
Initially : ans(1,1,3)
ans(2,1,6) ans(2,2,2)
ans(3,2,2) ans(3,2,5) ans(3,3,2)
ans(4,3,5) ans(4,3,5) ans(4,4,5)
The below code is in python3.x :
size = 4
def ans(a,b,c):
return pow((n-c),2);
if(c+arr[a]+1 > n):
return (pow((n-c),2)+ans(a+1,b+1,arr[a]))
return (min(ans(a+1,b,c+arr[a]+1),pow((n-c),2)+ans(a+1,b+1,arr[a])))
Thanks in advance for giving your valuable time and helping me....
I think your formulation might be missing some cases. It surely is hard to understand. Here's one that seems to get the right answer.
class LineWrapper:
def __init__(self, lens, width):
self.lens = lens
self.width = width;
def cost(self, ptr=0, used=0):
remaining = self.width - used
# Case 1: No words: Cost is due to partially used line.
if ptr == len(self.lens):
return remaining ** 2 if used else 0
# Case 2: First word of line. Must skip.
if used == 0:
return self.cost(ptr + 1, self.lens[ptr])
# Case 3: Out of space. Must wrap.
needed = 1 + self.lens[ptr]
if remaining < needed:
return remaining ** 2 + self.cost(ptr)
# Case 4: Min cost of skip and wrap.
return min(self.cost(ptr + 1, used + needed), remaining ** 2 + self.cost(ptr))
There's lots of overlap among subproblems in this formulation, and yours, too. A simple example is [1, 1, 1, 1] with a width of 7. The solution will try putting this on all combinations of 1, 2, 3, and 4 lines. May sub-combinations will repeat.
To see this more obviously, we can memoize and check for hits:
def memo_cost(self, ptr=0, used=0):
args = (ptr, used)
if args in self.memos:
print(f'Memo hit: {args}')
return self.memos[args]
remaining = self.width - used
# Case 1: No words has cost of partially used line
if ptr == len(self.lens):
r = remaining ** 2 if used else 0
self.memos[args] = r
print(f'Done: {r}')
return r
# Case 2: First word of line. Must skip.
if used == 0:
r = self.memo_cost(ptr + 1, self.lens[ptr])
self.memos[args] = r
print(f'Must skip: {r}')
return r
# Case 3: Out of space. Must wrap.
needed = 1 + self.lens[ptr]
if remaining < needed:
r = remaining ** 2 + self.memo_cost(ptr)
self.memos[args] = r
print(f'Must wrap: {r}')
return r
# Case 4: Min cost of skip wrap and wrap.
r = min(remaining ** 2 + self.memo_cost(ptr), self.memo_cost(ptr + 1, used + needed))
self.memos[args] = r
print(f'Min: {r}')
return r
print(LineWrapper([1, 1, 1, 1], 7).memo_cost())
When run, this produces:
$ python3 lb.py
(0, 0)
(1, 1)
(1, 0)
(2, 1)
(2, 0)
(3, 1)
(3, 0)
(4, 1)
Done: 36
Must skip: 36
(4, 3)
Done: 16
Min: 16
Must skip: 16
(3, 3)
(3, 0)
Memo hit: (3, 0)
(4, 5)
Done: 4
Min: 4
Min: 4
Must skip: 4
(2, 3)
(2, 0)
Memo hit: (2, 0)
(3, 5)
(3, 0)
Memo hit: (3, 0)
(4, 7)
Done: 0
Min: 0
Min: 0
Min: 0
Must skip: 0
My answer with memo thanks to #Gene
INF = 9223372036854775807
size = 4
dp = [[INF for i in range(n+1)] for j in range(size+1)]
def ans(a,b,c):
return dp[a][c]
dp[a][c] = pow((n-c),2)
return pow((n-c),2)
if(c+arr[a]+1 > n):
dp[a][c] = (pow((n-c),2)+ans(a+1,b+1,arr[a]))
return dp[a][c]
dp[a][c] = (min(ans(a+1,b,c+arr[a]+1),pow((n-c),2)+ans(a+1,b+1,arr[a])))
return dp[a][c]
I am examining every contiguous 8 x 8 x 8 cube within a 50 x 50 x 50 cube. I am trying to create a collection (in this case a dictionary) of the subcubes that contain the same sum and a count of how many subcubes share that same sum. So in essence, the result would look something like this:
{key = sum, value = number of cubes that have the same sum}
{256 : 3, 119 : 2, ...}
So in this example, there are 3 cubes that sum to 256 and 2 cubes that sum to 119, etc. Here is the code I have thus far, but it only sums (at least I think it does):
an_array = np.array([i for i in range(500)])
cube = np.reshape(an_array, (8, 8, 8))
c_size = 8 # cube size
sum = 0
idx = None
for i in range(cube.shape[0] - cs + 2):
for j in range(cube.shape[1] - cs + 2):
for k in range(cube.shape[2] - cs + 2):
cube_sum = np.sum(cube[i:i + cs, j:j + cs, k:k + cs])
new_list = {cube_sum : ?}
What I am trying to make this do is iterate the cube within cubes, sum all cubes then count the cubes that share the same sum. Any ideas would be appreciated.
from collections import defaultdict
an_array = np.array([i for i in range(500)])
cube = np.reshape(an_array, (8, 8, 8))
c_size = 8 # cube size
sum = 0
idx = None
result = defaultdict(int)
for i in range(cube.shape[0] - cs + 2):
for j in range(cube.shape[1] - cs + 2):
for k in range(cube.shape[2] - cs + 2):
cube_sum = np.sum(cube[i:i + cs, j:j + cs, k:k + cs])
result[cube_sum] += 1
The defaultdict(int), can be read as a result.get(key, 0). Which means that if a key doesn't exists it will be initialized with 0. So the line result[cube_sum] += 1, will either contain 1, or add 1 to the current number of cube_sum.
I am trying to solving the "Counting Change" problem with memorization.
Consider the following problem: How many different ways can we make change of $1.00, given half-dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies? More generally, can we write a function to compute the number of ways to change any given amount of money using any set of currency denominations?
And the intuitive solution with recursoin.
The number of ways to change an amount a using n kinds of coins equals
the number of ways to change a using all but the first kind of coin, plus
the number of ways to change the smaller amount a - d using all n kinds of coins, where d is the denomination of the first kind of coin.
#+BEGIN_SRC python :results output
# cache = {} # add cache
def count_change(a, kinds=(50, 25, 10, 5, 1)):
"""Return the number of ways to change amount a using coin kinds."""
if a == 0:
return 1
if a < 0 or len(kinds) == 0:
return 0
d = kinds[0] # d for digit
return count_change(a, kinds[1:]) + count_change(a - d, kinds)
: 292
I try to take advantage of memorization,
Signature: count_change(a, kinds=(50, 25, 10, 5, 1))
def count_change(a, kinds=(50, 25, 10, 5, 1)):
"""Return the number of ways to change amount a using coin kinds."""
if a == 0:
return 1
if a < 0 or len(kinds) == 0:
return 0
d = kinds[0]
cache[a] = count_change(a, kinds[1:]) + count_change(a - d, kinds)
return cache[a]
It works properly for small number like
In [17]: count_change(120)
Out[17]: 494
work on big numbers
In [18]: count_change(11000)
RecursionError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-18-52ba30c71509> in <module>
----> 1 count_change(11000)
/tmp/ipython_edit_h0rppahk/ipython_edit_uxh2u429.py in count_change(a, kinds)
9 return 0
10 d = kinds[0]
---> 11 cache[a] = count_change(a, kinds[1:]) + count_change(a - d, kinds)
12 return cache[a]
... last 1 frames repeated, from the frame below ...
/tmp/ipython_edit_h0rppahk/ipython_edit_uxh2u429.py in count_change(a, kinds)
9 return 0
10 d = kinds[0]
---> 11 cache[a] = count_change(a, kinds[1:]) + count_change(a - d, kinds)
12 return cache[a]
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison
What's the problem with memorization solution?
In the memoized version, the count_change function has to take into account the highest index of coin you can use when you make the recursive call, so that you can use the already calculated values ...
def count_change(n, k, kinds):
if n < 0:
return 0
if (n, k) in cache:
return cache[n,k]
if k == 0:
v = 1
v = count_change(n-kinds[k], k, kinds) + count_change(n, k-1, kinds)
cache[n,k] = v
return v
You can try :
cache = {}
count_change(120,4, [1, 5, 10, 25, 50])
gives 494
while :
cache = {}
count_change(11000,4, [1, 5, 10, 25, 50])
outputs: 9930221951
I created a program to get the the max value of a list and the position of its occurrences (list starting at indexing with 1 not 0) but I can't manage to find any useful solutions.
The input is always a string of numbers divided by zero.
This is my code:
inp = list(map(int,input().split()))
m = max(inp)
count = inp.count(m)
def maxelements(seq): # #SilentGhost
return [i for i, j in enumerate(seq) if j == m]
I expect to output the maximum value and then all the positions of its occurrences. (also is it possible to do without brackets as in the example below?)
Input: 4 56 43 45 2 56 8
Output: 56
2 6
If you want to shift index values, you could just do
return [i + 1 for i, j in enumerate(seq) if j == m]
more generally any transformation of i or j!
def f(i, j):
# do whatever you want, and return something
return i + 1
return [f(i, j) for i, j in enumerate(seq) if j == m]
Without brackets, as a string:
return " ".join(str(i + 1) for i, j in enumerate(seq) if j==m)
Specifiy start=1 with enumerate():
>>> l = [4, 56, 43, 45, 2, 56, 8]
>>> max_num = max(l)
>>> [i for i, e in enumerate(l, start=1) if e == max_num]
[2, 6]
By default enumerate() uses start=0, because indices start at 0.
I have a list of characters, say x in number, denoted by b[1], b[2], b[3] ... b[x]. After x,
b[x+1] is the concatenation of b[1],b[2].... b[x] in that order. Similarly,
b[x+2] is the concatenation of b[2],b[3]....b[x],b[x+1].
So, basically, b[n] will be concatenation of last x terms of b[i], taken left from right.
Given parameters as p and q as queries, how can I find out which character among b[1], b[2], b[3]..... b[x] does the qth character of b[p] corresponds to?
Note: x and b[1], b[2], b[3]..... b[x] is fixed for all queries.
I tried brute-forcing but the string length increases exponentially for large x.(x<=100).
When x=3,
b[] = a, b, c, a b c, b c abc, c abc bcabc, abc bcabc cabcbcabc, //....
//Spaces for clarity, only commas separate array elements
So for a query where p=7, q=5, answer returned would be 3(corresponding to character 'c').
I am just having difficulty figuring out the maths behind it. Language is no issue
I wrote this answer as I figured it out, so please bear with me.
As you mentioned, it is much easier to find out where the character at b[p][q] comes from among the original x characters than to generate b[p] for large p. To do so, we will use a loop to find where the current b[p][q] came from, thereby reducing p until it is between 1 and x, and q until it is 1.
Let's look at an example for x=3 to see if we can get a formula:
p N(p) b[p]
- ---- ----
1 1 a
2 1 b
3 1 c
4 3 a b c
5 5 b c abc
6 9 c abc bcabc
7 17 abc bcabc cabcbcabc
8 31 bcabc cabcbcabc abcbcabccabcbcabc
9 57 cabcbcabc abcbcabccabcbcabc bcabccabcbcabcabcbcabccabcbcabc
The sequence is clear: N(p) = N(p-1) + N(p-2) + N(p-3), where N(p) is the number of characters in the pth element of b. Given p and x, you can just brute-force compute all the N for the range [1, p]. This will allow you to figure out which prior element of b b[p][q] came from.
To illustrate, say x=3, p=9 and q=45.
The chart above gives N(6)=9, N(7)=17 and N(8)=31. Since 45>9+17, you know that b[9][45] comes from b[8][45-(9+17)] = b[8][19].
Continuing iteratively/recursively, 19>9+5, so b[8][19] = b[7][19-(9+5)] = b[7][5].
Now 5>N(4) but 5<N(4)+N(5), so b[7][5] = b[5][5-3] = b[5][2].
b[5][2] = b[3][2-1] = b[3][1]
Since 3 <= x, we have our termination condition, and b[9][45] is c from b[3].
Something like this can very easily be computed either recursively or iteratively given starting p, q, x and b up to x. My method requires p array elements to compute N(p) for the entire sequence. This can be allocated in an array or on the stack if working recursively.
Here is a reference implementation in vanilla Python (no external imports, although numpy would probably help streamline this):
def so38509640(b, p, q):
p, q are integers. b is a char sequence of length x.
list, string, or tuple are all valid choices for b.
x = len(b)
# Trivial case
if p <= x:
if q != 1:
raise ValueError('q={} out of bounds for p={}'.format(q, p))
return p, b[p - 1]
# Construct list of counts
N = [1] * p
for i in range(x, p):
N[i] = sum(N[i - x:i])
print('N =', N)
# Error check
if q > N[-1]:
raise ValueError('q={} out of bounds for p={}'.format(q, p))
print('b[{}][{}]'.format(p, q), end='')
# Reduce p, q until it is p < x
while p > x:
# Find which previous element character q comes from
offset = 0
for i in range(p - x - 1, p):
if i == p - 1:
raise ValueError('q={} out of bounds for p={}'.format(q, p))
if offset + N[i] >= q:
q -= offset
p = i + 1
print(' = b[{}][{}]'.format(p, q), end='')
offset += N[i]
return p, b[p - 1]
Calling so38509640('abc', 9, 45) produces
N = [1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 17, 31, 57]
b[9][45] = b[8][19] = b[7][5] = b[5][2] = b[3][1]
(3, 'c') # <-- Final answer
Similarly, for the example in the question, so38509640('abc', 7, 5) produces the expected result:
N = [1, 1, 1, 3, 5, 9, 17]
b[7][5] = b[5][2] = b[3][1]
(3, 'c') # <-- Final answer
Sorry I couldn't come up with a better function name :) This is simple enough code that it should work equally well in Py2 and 3, despite differences in the range function/class.
I would be very curious to see if there is a non-iterative solution for this problem. Perhaps there is a way of doing this using modular arithmetic or something...