How to do transfer-learning on our own models? - python-3.x

I am trying to apply the transfer-learning on my CNN model, I am getting the below error.
model = model1(weights = "model1_weights", include_top=False)
TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)

If you are trying to use transfer-learning using custom model, the answer depends on the way you saved your model architecture(description) and weights.
1. If you saved the description and weights of the model on single .h5 file.
You can easily load model, using keras's load_model method.
from keras.models import load_model
model = load_model("model_path.h5")
2. If you saved the description and weights of the model on separate file (e.g in json and .h5 files respectively).
You can first load the model description from json file and then load model weights.
form keras.models import model_from_json
with open("path_to_json_file.json") as json_file:
model = model_from_json(
After the old model is loaded you can now decide which layers to discard(usually these layers are top fully connected layers) and which layers to freeze.
Let's assume you want to use the first five layers of the model without training again, the next three to be trained again, the last layers to be discarded(here it is assumed that the number of the network layers is greater than eight), and add three fully connected layer after the last layer. This can be done as follows.
Freeze the first five layers
for i in range(5):
model.layers[i].trainable = False
Make the next three layers trainable, this can be ignored if all layers are trainable.
for i in range(5,8):
model.layers[i].trainable = True
Add three more layers
ll = model.layers[8].output
ll = Dense(32)(ll)
ll = Dense(64)(ll)
ll = Dense(num_classes,activation="softmax")(ll)
new_model = Model(inputs=model.input,outputs=ll)


Merging same vgg16 model but with different inputs

I am working on a classification problem in a project. The specificity of my problem is that I have to use two different type of data to manage it. My classes are Car, Pedestrian, Truck and Cyclist. My dataset is composed of :
-Images coming from the Camera : they are RGB image. Here is an example :
Images obtain by projecting Lidar Point Cloud (just 3D points) into 2D camera plane and encoding pixels using Depth & Reflectance. Here are examples :
I already manage to use both modalities in order to perform the classification task by using the Concatenate function of the keras API.
But what I would like to do is to use a more powerful CNN like VGG. I used pre-trained model and freeze all layers except the last 4. I read the grayscale image as RGB because the VGG16 pre-trained model need 3 channels input. Here is my code :
from keras.applications import VGG16
#Load the VGG model
#Camera Model
vgg_conv_C = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape=(227, 227, 3))
#Depth Model
vgg_conv_D = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape= (227, 227, 3))
for layer in vgg_conv_D.layers[:-4]:
layer.trainable = False
for layer in vgg_conv_C.layers[:-4]:
layer.trainable = False
mergedModel = Concatenate()([vgg_conv_C.output,vgg_conv_D.output])
mergedModel = Dense(units = 1024)(mergedModel)
mergedModel = BatchNormalization()(mergedModel)
mergedModel = Activation('relu')(mergedModel)
mergedModel = Dropout(0.5)(mergedModel)
mergedModel = Dense(units = 4,activation = 'softmax')(mergedModel)
fused_model = Model([vgg_conv_C.input, vgg_conv_D.input], mergedModel) )
The last line give the following error :
ValueError: The name "block1_conv1" is used 2 times in the model. All
layer names should be unique.
Did someone know how to handle this? To be simple, I just want to use VGG16 on both type of images, then just get the feature vectors for each modality, then Concatenate them and add fully connected layers at top to predict the image's class. It works with no-pre trained models. Can provide the code if needed
Try this
#Camera Model
vgg_conv_C = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape=(227, 227, 3))
for layer in vgg_conv_C.layers: = + str('_C')
#Depth Model
vgg_conv_D = VGG16(weights='imagenet', include_top=False, input_shape= (227, 227, 3))
for layer in vgg_conv_D.layers: = + str('_D')
In this way, you'd still be able to use two identical pre-trained networks.
As mentioned in the error,
ValueError: The name "block1_conv1" is used 2 times in the model. All
layer names should be unique.
Therefore use Saimse network or If use dual CNN them remember in network layer ame are unique. its better and copy the network for second configuration and change the layers name.
IStackoverflowAndIKnowThings solution gives me the error:
AttributeError: Can't set the attribute "name", likely because it conflicts with an existing read-only #property of the object. Please choose a different name.
The following worked for me (see this post):
for layer in vgg_conv_C.layers:
layer._name = layer._name + str('_C')

How to extract features from a layer of the pretrained ResNet model Keras

I trained a model with Resnet3D and I want to extract the neurons of a layer. I plan to use them with the SVM classifier. How can I extract these weights and put them to the numpy array?
Load the weights by keras
model = Resnet3DBuilder.build_resnet_18((128, 96, 96, 3), nClass[0])
extract a layer
dns = model.layers[-1].output
now what should i do?
If you just want to visualise the features, in pure Keras you can define a Model with the desired layer as output:
from keras.models import Model
model_cut = Model(inputs=model.inputs, output=model.layers[-1].output)
features = model_cut.predict(x) # Assuming you have your images in x
Note that in order for this to work, model must have been compiled at least once.

Modify layers in resnet model

I am trying to train resnet50 model for image classification problem. I have loaded the pretrained 'imagenet' weights before training the model on the dataset I have. I want to insert a layer (mean subtraction layer) in-between the input layer and the first convolutiuon layer.
model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet')
def mean_subtract(img):
img = T.set_subtensor(img[:,0,:,:],img[:,0,:,:] - 123.68)
img = T.set_subtensor(img[:,1,:,:],img[:,1,:,:] - 116.779)
img = T.set_subtensor(img[:,2,:,:],img[:,2,:,:] - 103.939)
return img / 255.0
I want to insert inputs = Lambda(mean_subtract, name='mean_subtraction')(inputs) next to the input layer and connect this to the first convolution layer of resnet model without losing the weights saved.
How do I do that?
Quick answer (Seems better than adding the function to the model)
Use the preprocessing function as described here: preprocessing images generated using keras function ImageDataGenerator() to train resnet50 model
Long answer
Since your function doesn't change shapes, you can put it in an outer model without changing the Resnet model (changing models may not be so simple, I always try to mount new models with parts from other models if needed).
resnet_model = ResNet50(weights='imagenet')
inputs = Input((None,None,3))
#it seems you're using (3,None,None) instead.
#choose based on your "data_format", which by default is channels_last
outputs = Lambda(mean_subtract,output_shape=not_necessary_with_tensorflow)(inputs)
outputs = resnet_model(outputs)
model = Model(inputs, outputs)

Keras loaded model input change

Do you have any idea of an easy way to modify input image size of a saved model in Keras? For example the training input image size is 32x32, but in test I would like to input the full image 180x180. The model has been saved and at test loaded as the following:
json_file = open('autoencoder64a.json', 'r')
loaded_model_json =
loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json)
# load weights into new model
Many thanks,
Is this a fully convolutional net? Otherwise you will not be able to reuse it with different input size, as this will change the number of weights in the non-convolutional layers.
If it is indeed a FCN, you only need to change the first and last line in the code defining the model:
input_layer = Input((180,180))
#All other layers copied here from your old model,
#ending with 'last_layer =...'
new_model = Model(input_layer, last_layer)

Keras - Reuse weights from a previous layer - converting to keras tensor

I am trying to reuse the weight matrix from a previous layer. As a toy example I want to do something like this:
import numpy as np
from keras.layers import Dense, Input
from keras.layers import merge
from keras import backend as K
from keras.models import Model
inputs = Input(shape=(4,))
inputs2 = Input(shape=(4,))
dense_layer = Dense(10, input_shape=(4,))
dense1 = dense_layer(inputs)
def my_fun(my_inputs):
w = my_inputs[0]
x = my_inputs[1]
return, x)
merge1 = merge([dense_layer.W, inputs2], mode=my_fun)
The problem is that dense_layer.W is not a keras tensor. So I get the following error:
Exception: Output tensors to a Model must be Keras tensors. Found: dot.0
Any idea on how to convert dense_layer.W to a Keras tensor?
It seems that you want to share weights between layers.
I think You can use denselayer as shared layer for inputs and inputs2.
Do check out shared layers #
I don't think that you can use the merge layer like this.
But to answer your question, you will probably have to create a custom layer which has tied weights. Look at this example.
Otherwise, the way to access the weights of a layer is to use get_weights() method on that layer, this will retrun a list of numpy arrays containing the weights. For the case of the Dense layer, it will contain weights and bias.
There are two cases for the solution, depending on what you are trying to do:
You would like to share the W matrix between your two operations, and the W matrix for these two operations are kept the same even if its value changed during training or for some other reason. Then you should use dense.weights[0] which is the W matrix as a tensor from your dense layer.
If you are only going to use the value of W matrix at the time of your code is written and this value is never going to change, then use K.constant(dense.get_weights[0]) which extracts the weights as numpy array and is converted into tensor.
