Openshift first call after few hours always fail - node.js

I have recently deployed by nodejs ( with mongodb ) server on open shift which is being used by my android application. Every morning the first interaction from the app to the open-shift server always fails to get a response. After that any call made to the server always get a very fast response. I have a feeling that its sort of goes into sleeping mode because of no interaction from app to server for 8 hours or so (sleeping time)... I might be wrong . So I wish to know if someone has experienced that and if yes how do you resolve this . I do not get any logs at server for first call .

If you are using OpenShift Online Starter, you will find this behaviour explained on the product page.
Quoting it:
Your project resources sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity, and must sleep 18 hours in a 72 hour period
OpenShift Online Starter is a free tier intended for experimentation and testing. It is not intended for production systems that need to be running permanently.
If you are running a production site, you would want to look at the Pro tier.


Node app running on cPanel hosting shuts down after 30 minutes idle

I have a REST api node app.
Once its running on localhost, it runs until I stop the dev debugging, no errors.
I moved it over to my cPanel hosting, installed a node app.
It starts up the same as localhost.
But after 30 minutes being idle, it shuts down.
The next request after this, restarts the app.
There are no crash or errors in the log, just the restarting messages.
I know this is default behaviour for free hosting, like Heroku but I'm paying for this hosting package.
Does anyone know...
Is this default behaviour for cPanel hosted node apps, or is my app causing this (using too much memory or cpu for example?
Is there any settings that can be edited to change this?
According to the docs, cPanel uses something called Phusion Passenger to run Node.js. In turn, Passenger docs show a default "idle time" of 5 minutes and a default of passenger_min_instances = 1. No idea if cPanel changes the defaults, or if the hosting provider did. I would recommend contacting the hosting provider about the issue in any case, and asking about these options specifically - they may be able to help or tune the service for you.
The startup time for a node app depends on what it's doing. A rest-api could be in the milliseconds, whereas a small Ai app loading a corpus or training a dataset (which mine was) could end up being 30 seconds plus. However the quantity of users did not warrant a dedicated server, so the work-around was to call the endpoint using a CRON, keeping the app alive.
Not perfect, but this type of thing may be useful if you are using aws lambda, which calls a 3rd party service, and which charges based on time taken. Every millisecond counts.

EF Core 3.1.14 Recurring Cold Start

We have deployed a very simple .NET CORE 3 Web API application to Azure Cloud. The application is a web api and talks to a very simple SQL server database hosted in Azure as well. There are two main performance problems we are noticing
All API calls go to DB for either read or write operations. The tables only contain 4 and 5 rows and the queries are just basic select and insert queries with no joins.
The first call to the API is very slow (30 seconds to query 1 record in a table of size 10) and we added the timer and noticed it is the DB call that is taking 99.99% of the time. So I used the Azure Data Studio Profiler and realized that the query reached SQL Server after like 29.90 seconds. So the issue is not the query itself. Also, the second, third query etc. are super fast and return within < 30 milli-seconds. So the issue is not the internet connectivity between the Web App and the Azure SQL Database.
The bigger problem is that, if you stop calling the API for say 2-3 minutes and then do another call, then again the first query takes 30 seconds. But the subsequent queries are faster.
If this was only happening when w3wp.exe starts then I wouldn't be concerned but if the requests to the API stop coming for 2-3 minutes then again it is down. This is of concern.
We have Always ON set to Yes.
I tried collecting .NET Trace in Azure for the web app but this is giving me this weird error.
Here are the Nuget package versions installed in the VS solution related to EF.
Here is the SQL Server pricing tier.
Is there any other way to collect trace for Azure Web APP. I really need to see the call stack of the code for those 30 seconds to move forward. I have access to KUDU etc.
UPDATE 3 - 8th May 2021
I have posted the answer to my own question. This may not be root cause for other people who face similar problem but at least 1 area to look into.
UPDATE 2 - 7th May 2021
After adding EF Core logging as suggested by Ivan, he is right that the opening of connection is taking too long? Why is that? And how to stop that from happening?
UPDATE 1 - 7th May 2021
Jason Pan - We are using App Service Plan and this is the only application hosted there. The plan is P1V2 (
Ivan Stoev - Yes since the .NET Trace is not working for some reason as explained in my question, we captured the App Insights Profiler Trace to capture the call stack and as per call stack it appears that the connection to the SQL server was opened after 30 seconds. So I made two changes in my code:
a. Removed IDisposable from our Repository class that was having our context inject through DI. Before inside the Dispose method, I was calling Dispose on our context class.
b. I replaced services.AddDbContext with services.AddDbContextPool
I then wrote a test program to call the API method randomly once every 2 to 4 mins for 1 hour and only 1 call took 30 seconds and the remaining 21 took few milli-seconds.
But my next step is to run a 24 hours test (1 call every 2-7 mins for example) to see if this was just fluke or actually the solution.
Ok so posting an answer to my question. It turned out that there was no issue with web application, app service plan, sql server or entity framework. I took a network trace of my application and 1 other application which doesn't have any issue and opened it with network monitor. We noted that they are taking different paths. After looking into the IP address we realized that the other application had a virtual network setup. You can see that by going to your app service plan and then click on Networking option in the left menu bar. And then choose the first one for vNet. Once we configured vNet, then all responses were within < 1 second.
There was one another oversight by me. The Auth0 calls were also taking 14 seconds sometimes. And when I tried running tcpping from KUDU that timed out sometimes as well. But was working fine for other web applications.

How to fine-tune NodeJS server deployed to Azure WebApp for massive load

I deployed node js server to Azure WebApp, and it worked fine. But, I see that sometime the response time is very slow. Also, I see that somewhere above 500 request/second the server start to fail handling request, and I see it use only 15% CPU. Now, I checked and the server return 500 error because the pipe is busy (by the win32 error code). That's why I was wondering if there is something I can change in the IISNode config to improve the server request capacity.
I already enabled the AlwaysOn feature, and also I add a check in Pingdom to keep the site alive. Also, I already changed nodeProcessCountPerApplication to 0 so it use all the available process.
Thank you,
One thing you can do is enable Always On. Without it, when your site hasn't been visited for 20 minutes the site gets taken down. Then the next time someone makes a request to your site Azure Web Apps warms up (re-sets up) your site but this process takes a few seconds.
Note that Always On is only available for sites in Basic, Standard, or Premium SKUs
Also, check out this page for tips on debugging Node.js apps in Azure Web Apps:

Website on Azure Virtual Machine stops responding every day

I have a website ( running on an Azure Virtual Machine currently configured to Basic, A2 (2 cores, 3.5 GB memory) monitoring 3 endpoints.
Every morning since Tuesday, June 24,
The website has been unavailable (the browser just spins, I don't even get a 401 or any error)
I can't RDP into the virtual machine,
The endpoint status shows a warning triangle (although when I click on the link next to it some say Not Available while others give a time, I'm not sure I know how to translate the endpoint status box).
To resolve the problem, I login to Azure and restart the Virtual Machine. So far, everything seems to work fine for the remainder of the day until I arrive to work in the morning at 7:30 (Mountain Time).
Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?
Well, it seems to me like your app somehow manages to hang IIS by wasting resources. Cant tell you more without any data. You should enable some performance counters monitoring and see what is going on.
It looks like the system was hanging as Rouen mentioned. From that, we found this article which seems to have resolved the problem: IIS: Web Application hangs periodically needs system reboot
Here is everything my developer did:
I changed a few other things on the server. Set the sql server to never auto close, which should help the performance in the morning, set the gupdate to manual ( we did that together ) and then I found this article, which seems an exact case for our problem so I set the Credentials Manager to automatic and restarted.
IIS: Web Application hangs periodically needs system reboot

Web Site Availability in Windows Azure [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
App pool timeout for azure web sites
I am working on an mvc 4 app that is hosted in Windows Azure. This app will not have a lot of traffic as people will intermittently (once an hour) use it. I wanted to try using Windows Azure.
My app is currently set to use the FREE web site mode. I noticed that after 30 minutes, the site takes a long-time (> 5 seconds) to load. After that initial load, its fast. Then, if someone doesn't use it for another 30 minutes, it takes >5 seconds to load again.
I then tried upping the web site mode to a SHARED instance. I experienced the same problem there.
I then tried upping the web site mode to a RESERVED instance. The problem then goes away.
While I'd like to use Windows Azure, paying $50+ a month for a RESERVED instance is pretty expensive for a site that few have used up to this point. However, I can't have the initial lag. That will just defer the few users I have. You could say you get what you pay for. At the same time, I have a hard time believing others are experiencing this problem and not complaining. There has to be something I'm missing.
I figure the problem has to deal with the application pool resetting. However, I can't seem to figure a way around this. Is anyone familiar with this issue? Is there a way to fix it on a FREE or SHARED instance?
Thank you!
This is expected behavior based on how Windows Azure Web Sites work. The app pool they live in is spun up "on demand" and then hangs around for a time period.
For a detailed (and shameless plug) you can check out my article on this:
In summary:
Web Sites are hosted in a process on a farm of machines running IIS. If a site is idle for some time then the process is torn down automatically. Also, if the box is seeing a lot of pressure due to the other sites on the box the idle timeout may come down quite a bit (even as low as five minutes). When the next call comes in you'll see the process spun up again (likely on a completely different server). This is because you are in a shared environment (and is similar to how Heroku works). Once you move to reserved then you are the ONLY person on that virtual machine and if you suffer from noisy neighbor issues in processing its' because of your own stuff.
There are ways to keep your site "up", such as having a job that pings the url frequently; however, given that the idle timeout is somewhat fluid it may not solve every case. You can check out a recent post by Sandrino on how to use Azure Mobile Services as a job scheduler: . There are also 3rd party services available that can do the ping for you automatically.
To be honest, the web sites are a great feature for quick development and test, or even relatively low traffic sites as you are talking about. If you need a high level of uptime and better performance then you'll want to look at Reserved, or another option if the cost isn't in line with expectations.
This isn't an Azure problem. It is a "feature" of any web site hosted in IIS. The default time-out for app pools is 20 minutes. Read about App Pool timeouts here - - one method is to create a keep alive page and ping the page every 10 minutes or so.
