NodeJS Stream badly returned via async/await - node.js

I am trying to check if an image exists in a folder.
If it exists I want to pipe its stream to res (I'm using Express)
If it does not exist I want to do another thing.
I created an async function that is supposed to either return the image's stream if it exists or false if it doesn't.
I get a stream when I do it but I get an infinite load on the browser, as if there was an issue with the stream.
Here is the minimal reproduction I could have :
Link to runnable code
const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const app = express();
app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
// Check if the image is already converted by returning a stream or false
const ext = 'jpg';
const imageConvertedStream = await imageAlreadyConverted(
// Image already converted, we send it back
if (imageConvertedStream) {
console.log('image exists');
} else {
console.log('Image not found');
app.listen(3000, () => {
console.log('Server started on port 3000');
async function imageAlreadyConverted(
) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
// If we know the wanted extension, we check if it exists
let imagePath;
if (extWanted) {
imagePath = path.join(
} else {
imagePath = path.join(basePath, size, `img_${id}_${quality}.jpg`);
const readStream = fs.createReadStream(imagePath);
readStream.on('error', () => {
readStream.on('readable', () => {
95% of my images will be available and I need performance, I suppose checking with fs.stats and then creating the stream is taking longer than trying to create the stream and handling the error.

The issue was with the "readable" event. Once I switched to the "open" event, everything is fine.


Piping/streaming file from memory to bucket in Firebase/GCS

I'm trying to generate multiple documents and pack them together to a zip and upload it to Google Cloud Storage via Firebase (using default bucket).
So far:
generating multiple documents works
packing them together doesn't work (I get empty zip and I'm using ArchiverJS)
uploading to the bucket (it's just empty) works
Seems like to upload a file I need to save it to temporary folder within Firebase Function, but I can't find any solution how to empty it after using. So I wanted to use streams, but then I was warned that it's a bad idea because checksum and such.
On the other hand .save() function let's save arbitrary data. It was specifically requested here, but really doesn't seem to work (at least for me).
Also, ArchiverJS seems to also let use of streams.
So, theoretically, it should all work nicely. But it's not so I hope someone else knows better.
const express = require('express')
var router = express.Router()
var archiver = require('archiver')
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
var serviceAccount = require("../servicekey.json")
credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: "",
storageBucket: ""
var bucket =
const {
} = require('./generateServices')'/', async (req, res) => {
try {
return res.status(403).send({
message: 'Wrong file type. Please provide .docx file.'
const template =
const data = await convertCSVtoJSON(req.files.data1)
let zip = archiver('zip')
zip.on('warning', function(err) {
zip.on('error', function(err) {
res.status(500).send({error: err.message})
zip.on('entry', function(ars) {
// console.log(ars)
zip.on('end', function() {
console.log('Archive wrote %d bytes', zip.pointer())
// res.attachment('')
// zip.pipe(output)
// zip.pipe(res)
data.forEach((docData, index) => {
let buff = generateDocx(template, docData, 'title')
zip.append(buff, { name: `${index}.docx` })
const file = bucket.file("") // nazwa do zmiany, (err) => {
if (!err) {
} else {
console.log("error " + err);
} catch (error) {
module.exports = router

copy an image in nodeJs with fs

Im trying to copy an png file from a folder to another folder in my nodeJs project.i have some problem. new Image file has some problem and cant open.
i use this code
const fs = require('fs');
var inStr = fs.createReadStream(mainDir+"/"+req.body.ExRequestId+".png");
var outStr = fs.createWriteStream(mainDir+"/"+docReq._id + ".png");
When working with streams, it's good practice to wait for streams to become ready before using them and handle the errors.
The following snippet waits for the ready event on both streams before piping the ReadStream to the WriteStream and handles the errors.
// assuming you're using express and the app instance is bound to a variable named app
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
// ...
// helper function: returns a promise that gets resolved when the specified event is fired
const waitForEvent = (emitter, event) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => emitter.once(event, resolve));'/handle-post', async (req, res) => {
// TODO: validate the input
const { ExRequestId } = req.body;
const srcFileName = `${path.join(mainDir, ExRequestId)}.png`;
const destFileName = `${path.join(mainDir, docReq._id)}.png`;
const srcStream = fs.createReadStream(srcFileName);
await waitForEvent(srcStream, "ready");
const destStream = fs.createWriteStream(destFileName);
await waitForEvent(destStream, "ready");
const handleError = err => res.status(500).json(err);
srcStream.on("error", handleError);
destStream.on("error", handleError);
await waitForEvent(srcStream, 'end');
res.status(200).json({srcFileName, destFileName});
I also put together a minimal working example. It can be found here.
try with this code:
fs.readFile(sourcePath , function (err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
fs.writeFile(destinationPath , data , 'base64' , function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
console.log('It\'s saved!');

How to efficiently forward request to multiple endpoints using nodejs?

I built a nodejs server to act as an adapter server, which upon receiving a post request containing some data, extracts the data from the request body and then forwards it to a few other external servers. Finally, my server will send a response consisting of the responses from each of the external server (success/fail).
If there's only 1 endpoint to forward to, it seems fairly straightforward. However, when I have to forward to more than one servers, I have to rely on things like Promise.All(), which has a fail-fast behaviour. That means if one promise is rejected (an external server is down), all other promises will also be rejected immediately and the rest the servers will not receive my data.
May be this ain't be the exact solution. But, what I am posting could be the work around of your problem.
Few days back I had the same problem, as I wanted to implement API versioning. Here is the solution I implemented, please have a look.
Architecture Diagram
Let me explain this diagram
Here in the diagram is the initial configuration for the server as we do. all the api request come here will pass to the "index.js" file inside the release directory.
index.js (in release directory)
const express = require('express');
const fid = require('./core/file.helper');
const router = express.Router();
fid.getFiles(__dirname,'./release').then(releases => {
releases.forEach(release => {
// release = release.replace(/.js/g,'');
module.exports = router
code snippet for helper.js
//requiring path and fs modules
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
module.exports = {
getFiles: (presentDirectory, directoryName) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//joining path of directory
const directoryPath = path.join(presentDirectory, directoryName);
//passsing directoryPath and callback function
fs.readdir(directoryPath, function (err, files) {
// console.log(files);
//handling error
if (err) {
console.log('Unable to scan directory: ' + err);
//listing all files using forEach
// files.forEach(function (file) {
// // Do whatever you want to do with the file
// console.log(file);
// });
Now, from this index file all the index.js inside each version folder is mapped
Here is the code bellow for "index.js" inside v1 or v2 ...
const express = require('express');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const fid = require('../../core/file.helper');
const dbconf = require('./config/datastore');
const router = express.Router();
// const connection_string = `mongodb+srv://${dbconf.atlas.username}:${dbconf.atlas.password}#${}/${dbconf.atlas.database}`;
const connection_string = `mongodb://${dbconf.default.username}:${dbconf.default.password}#${}:${dbconf.default.port}/${dbconf.default.database}`;
useCreateIndex: true,
}).then(status => {
console.log(`Database connected to mongodb://${dbconf.atlas.username}#${}/${dbconf.atlas.database}`);
fid.getFiles(__dirname,'./endpoints').then(files => {
files.forEach(file => {
file = file.replace(/.js/g,'');
}).catch(err => {
console.log(`Error connecting database ${err}`);
module.exports = router
In each of this index.js inside version folder is actually mapped to each endpoints inside endpoints folder.
code for one of the endpoints is given bellow
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const userCtrl = require('../controllers/users');'/signup', userCtrl.signup);'/login', userCtrl.login);
module.exports = router;
Here in this file actually we are connecting the endpoints to its controllers.
var config = {'targets':
relay(req, resp, config);
function relay(req, resp, config) {
doRelay(req, resp, config['targets'], relayOne);
function doRelay(req, resp, servers, relayOne) {
var finalresponses = [];
if (servers.length > 0) {
var loop = function(servers, index, relayOne, done) {
relayOne(req, servers[index], function(response) {
if (++index < servers.length) {
loop(servers, index, relayOne, done);
}, 0);
} else {
done(resp, finalresponses);
loop(servers, 0, relayOne, done);
} else {
done(resp, finalresponses);
function relayOne(req, targetserver, relaydone) {
//call the targetserver and return the response data
/*return relaydone(response data);*/
function done(resp, finalresponses){
resp.writeHead(200, 'OK', {
'Content-Type' : 'text/plain'
It sounds like you are trying to design a reverse proxy. If you are struggling to get custom code to work, there is a free npm library which is very robust.
I would recommend node-http-proxy
I have posted link below, which will lead you directly to the "modify response", since you mentioned modification of the API format in your question. Be sure to read the entire page though.
Note: this library is also very good because it can support SSL, and proxies to both localhost (servers on the same machine) and servers on other machines (remote).
Promise.all() from MDN
It rejects with the reason of the first promise that rejects.
To overcome the problem, you'll need to catch() each request you've made.
request('<url 1>').catch(err => /* .. error handling */),
request('<url 2>').catch(err => /* .. error handling */),
request('<url 3>').catch(err => /* .. error handling */)
.then(([result1, result2, result3]) => {
if(result1.err) { }
if(result2.err) { }
if(result3.err) { }

How to combine video upload chunks Node.js

I'm trying to upload a large (8.3GB) video to my Node.js (Express) server by chunking using busboy. How to I receive each chunk (busboy is doing this part) and piece it together as one whole video?
I have been looking into readable and writable streams but I'm not ever getting the whole video. I keep overwriting parts of it, resulting in about 1 GB.
Here's my code:
req.busboy.on('file', (fieldname, file, filename) => {`Upload of '${filename}' started`);
const video = fs.createReadStream(path.join(`${process.cwd()}/uploads`, filename));
const fstream = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(`${process.cwd()}/uploads`, filename));
if (video) {
fstream.on('close', () => {`Upload of '${filename}' finished`);
res.status(200).send(`Upload of '${filename}' finished`);
After 12+ hours, I got it figured out using pieces from this article that was given to me. I came up with this code:
//busboy is middleware on my index.js
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const streamToBuffer = require('fast-stream-to-buffer');
//API function called first
uploadVideoChunks(req, res) {
req.busboy.on('file', (fieldname, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) => {
const fileNameBase = filename.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '');
//save all the chunks to a temp folder with .tmp extensions
streamToBuffer(file, function (error, buffer) {
const chunkDir = `${process.cwd()}/uploads/${fileNameBase}`;
fs.outputFileSync(path.join(chunkDir, `${}-${fileNameBase}.tmp`), buffer);
req.busboy.on('finish', () => {
res.status(200).send(`Finshed uploading chunk`);
//API function called once all chunks are uploaded
saveToFile(req, res) {
const { filename, profileId, movieId } = req.body;
const uploadDir = `${process.cwd()}/uploads`;
const fileNameBase = filename.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, '');
const chunkDir = `${uploadDir}/${fileNameBase}`;
let outputFile = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(uploadDir, filename));
fs.readdir(chunkDir, function(error, filenames) {
if (error) {
throw new Error('Cannot get upload chunks!');
//loop through the temp dir and write to the stream to create a new file
filenames.forEach(function(tempName) {
const data = fs.readFileSync(`${chunkDir}/${tempName}`);
//delete the chunk we just handled
outputFile.on('finish', async function () {
//delete the temp folder once the file is written
Use streams
multer allow you to easily handle file uploads as part of an express route. This works great for small files that don’t leave a significant memory footprint.
The problem with loading a large file into memory is that you can actually run out of memory and cause your application to crash.
use multipart/form-data request. This can be handled by assigning the readStream to that field instead in your request options
streams are extremely valuable for optimizing performance.
Try with this code sample, I think it will work for you.
busboy.on("file", function(fieldName, file, filename, encoding, mimetype){
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(writePath);
file.on("data", data => {
totalSize += data.length;
file.on("end", () => {
console.log("File "+ fieldName +" finished");
You can refer this link also for resolve this problem
I think multer is good with this, did you try multer?

Piping multiple file streams using Node.js

I want to stream multiple files, one after each other, to the browser. To illustrate, think of having multiple CSS files which shall be delivered concatenated as one.
The code I am using is:
var directory = path.join(__dirname, 'css');
fs.readdir(directory, function (err, files) {
async.eachSeries(files, function (file, callback) {
if (!endsWith(file, '.css')) { return callback(); } // (1)
var currentFile = path.join(directory, file);
fs.stat(currentFile, function (err, stats) {
if (stats.isDirectory()) { return callback(); } // (2)
var stream = fs.createReadStream(currentFile).on('end', function () {
callback(); // (3)
stream.pipe(res, { end: false }); // (4)
}, function () {
res.end(); // (5)
The idea is that I
filter out all files that do not have the file extension .css.
filter out all directories.
proceed with the next file once a file has been read completely.
pipe each file to the response stream without closing it.
end the response stream once all files have been piped.
The problem is that only the first .css file gets piped, and all remaining files are missing. It's as if (3) would directly jump to (5) after the first (4).
The interesting thing is that if I replace line (4) with
stream.on('data', function (data) {
everything works as expected: I see multiple files. If I then change this code to
stream.on('data', function (data) {
all files expect the first are missing again.
What am I doing wrong?
PS: The error happens using Node.js 0.8.7 as well as using 0.8.22.
Okay, it works if you change the code as follows:
var directory = path.join(__dirname, 'css');
fs.readdir(directory, function (err, files) {
var concatenated = '';
async.eachSeries(files, function (file, callback) {
if (!endsWith(file, '.css')) { return callback(); }
var currentFile = path.join(directory, file);
fs.stat(currentFile, function (err, stats) {
if (stats.isDirectory()) { return callback(); }
var stream = fs.createReadStream(currentFile).on('end', function () {
}).on('data', function (data) { concatenated += data.toString('utf8'); });
}, function () {
But: Why? Why can't I call res.write multiple times instead of first summing up all the chunks, and then write them all at once?
Consider also using multistream, that allows you to combine and emit multiple streams one after another.
The code was perfectly fine, it was the unit test that was wrong ...
Fixed that, and now it works like a charme :-)
May help someone else:
const fs = require("fs");
const pth = require("path");
let readerStream1 = fs.createReadStream(pth.join(__dirname, "a.txt"));
let readerStream2 = fs.createReadStream(pth.join(__dirname, "b.txt"));
let writerStream = fs.createWriteStream(pth.join(__dirname, "c.txt"));
//only readable streams have "pipe" method
I also checked Rocco's answer and its working like a charm:
//npm i --save multistream
const multi = require('multistream');
const fs = require('fs');
const pth = require("path");
let streams = [
fs.createReadStream(pth.join(__dirname, "a.txt")),
fs.createReadStream(pth.join(__dirname, "b.txt"))
let writerStream = fs.createWriteStream(pth.join(__dirname, "c.txt"));
//new multi(streams).pipe(process.stdout);
new multi(streams).pipe(writerStream);
and to send the results to client:
const multi = require('multistream');
const fs = require('fs');
const pth = require("path");
const exp = require("express");
const app = exp();
app.get("/stream", (q, r) => {
new multi([
fs.createReadStream(pth.join(__dirname, "a.txt")),
fs.createReadStream(pth.join(__dirname, "b.txt"))
