Particle's Azure IoT Hub integration needs the IoT Hub Name, Shared Policy Name, and Shared Policy Key. The connection string in IoT Central gives the Key, but I have not been able to guess what the hub name and policy name are to be able to pipe my Particle cloud data into IoT Central.
Would be nice to have, that'd be the ultimate for quick up and running proof of concepts!
Azure IoT Central recently released Device bridge which is an open-source solution that connects Sigfox, Particle, The Things Network, and other clouds to your Azure IoT Central app. You can access the open source solution from Github.
I have Raspberry Pi which sends data to my IoT hub, which will then use an azure stream analytics job to send data to the SQL database, and finally the data will be used by my app service to visualize the data. I have heard that I should implement private endpoints/private vnet for my IoT hub for security enhancement. However, how will my Raspberry Pi send data to the IoT Hub? Can anyone help?
IoT Hub can connect to your Azure blob storage, event hub, service bus resources for message routing, file upload, and bulk device import/export over the resources' public endpoint. Binding your IoT Hub resource to a VNet blocks connectivity to the resource by default. As a result, this configuration prevents IoT hubs from sending data to your resources. To fix this issue, enable connectivity from your IoT Hub resource to your storage account, event hub, or service bus resources via the trusted Microsoft service option.
To allow other services to find your IoT hub as a trusted Microsoft service, your hub must use a managed identity. Once a managed identity is provisioned, grant permission to your hub's managed identity to access your custom endpoint. Follow the article Managed identities support in IoT Hub to provision a managed identity with Azure role-based access control (RBAC) permission, and add the custom endpoint to your IoT hub. Make sure you turn on the trusted Microsoft first party exception to allow your IoT hubs access to the custom endpoint if you have the firewall configurations in place.
Please refer the resource IoT Hub support for virtual networks with Azure Private Link to have a better understanding on this issue.
I want to make my own IoT solution software through which i can control and monitor third party products using azure IoT central so problem i am facing is to connect third party cloud with azure iot central can anyone suggest me how to achieve this task.
To control 3rd party device/software you may need to have IoT Hub SDK / IoT Central SDK on it (client side). This will give you an option to send commands to your devices. You can find commands documentation here. Also you can use Device management API to add, remove, provision devices in IoT Central application.
You mentioned 3rd party devices in first sentence and 3rd party cloud in second. You can connect 3rd party clouds to IoT Central via Azure IoT Central Device Bridge - this is one way connection as of today, where you send data from 3rd party cloud to IoT Central.
Can you explain what kind of cloud you are trying to connect and what your expected outcome?
I am building a POC IoT project and was analyzing various IoT cloud platforms that would suit the purpose.
Is it possible for Azure ASP.NET Web forms application to consume IoT device data read by Azure IoT Hub?
Maybe this?
Seems to do what you are asking for though it does run on Azure which might not be what you want.
we are working on an integration with service bus. We don't have an account with azure, so we can't run our own server, but our client does.
For testing purposes, are there any openly available service bus topics I can subscribe to and test our code? the content actually does not matter, we just want to make sure our code can connect and read messages.
If this is not possible, how is the approach for testing our subscription code for azure service bus? Do we need to open a azure account?
You do need your own subscription to create and test Service Bus Topics.
To create your free Azure Subscription refer here.
I am new to Microsoft azure. Is azure function app sufficient to write application logic for Desktop appllication and IOT devices or is there any other way to write logic and perform task execution in azure.
To clarify a little, are you asking if you can use Azure Function to write application logic for application running on IoT Device? If your IoT device is running Azure IoT Edge, you can use Azure Function within your module. Otherwise, you can use Azure IoT Device SDK.