event that the unzip process is finished - node.js

I use the following code which works
but I want to know when the API is done the extracting
and finish the process, is there anyway to do it with this lib?
it based on yauzl
var extract = require('extract-zip')
extract(source, {dir: target}, function (err) {
// extraction is complete. make sure to handle the err
I didnt find any event that the process done, but maybe I miss something ?

This module doesn't fire events. However, the callback function is called whenever the unzip process has finished (or an error occurred). This is the only way you are informed the process has finished. You can put your logic that needs to run after the process has finished there.
var extract = require('extract-zip')
extract(source, {dir: target}, function (err) {
// extraction is complete. make sure to handle the err
// If you are here the process of unzipping is done (or an error occurred)
If you really do want events, you can take a look at the underlying yauzl package as it uses events and streams extensively.


fspromises.writeFile() Writes Empty File on process.exit()

I've been looking all over, but I can't seem to find the answer why I'm getting nothing in the file when exiting.
For context, I'm writing a discord bot. The bot stores its data once an hour. Sometime between stores I want to store the data in case I decide I want to update the bot. When I manually store the data with a command, then kill the process, things work fine. Now, I want to be able to just kill the process without having to manually send the command. So, I have a handler for SIGINT that stores the data the same way I was doing manually and after the promise is fulfilled, I exit. For some reason, the file contains nothing after the process ends. Here's the code (trimmed).
function exit() {
.then(owner => owner.send('Rewards stored. Bot shutting down'))
.then(() => process.exit());
process.once('SIGINT', () => {
process.once('exit', () => {
private guildCurrencies: Map<string, Map<string, number>> = new Map<string, Map<string, number>>();
storeRewards(): Promise<void[]> {
const promises = new Array<Promise<void>>();
this.guildCurrencies.forEach((memberCurrencies, guildId) => {
promises.push(this.storageService.store(guildId, memberCurrencies));
return Promise.all(promises)
store(guild: string, currencies: Map<string, number>): Promise<void> {
return writeFile(`${this.storageLocation}/${guild}.json`, JSON.stringify([...currencies]))
.catch(err => {
console.error('could not store currencies', err);
So, as you can see, when SIGINT is received, I get the currency service to store its data, which maps guilds to guild member currencies which is a map of guild members to their rewards. It stores the data in different files (each guild gets its own file) using the storage service. The storage service returns a promise from writeFile (should be a promise of undefined when the file is finished writing). The currency service accumulates all the promises and returns a promise that resolves when all of the store promises resolve. Then, after all of the promises are resolved, a message is sent to the bot owner (me), which returns a promise. After that promise resolves, then we exit the process. It should be a clean exit with all the data written and the bot letting me know that it's shutting down, but when I read the file later, it's empty.
I've tried logging in all sorts of different places to make sure the steps are being done in the right order and I'm not getting weird async stuff, and everything seems to be proceeding as expected, but I'm still getting an empty file. I'm not sure what's going on, and I'd really appreciate some guidance.
EDIT: I remembered something else. As another debugging step, I tried reading the files after the currency service storeRewards() promise resolved, and the contents of the files were valid* (they contained valid data, but it was probably old data as the data doesn't change often). So, one of my thoughts is that the promise for writeFile resolves before the file is fully written, but that isn't indicated in the documentation.
EDIT 2: The answer was that I was writing twice. None of the code shown in the post or the first edit would have made it clear that I was having a double write issue, so I am adding the code causing the issue so that future readers can get the same conclusion.
Thanks to #leitning for their help finding the answer in the comments on my question. After writing a random UUID in the file name, I found the file was being written twice. I had assumed when asking the question, that I had shared all the relevant info, but I had missed something. process.once('exit', ...) was being called after calling process.exit() (more details here). The callback function for the exit event does not handle asynchronous calls. When the callback function returns, the process exits. Since I had duplicated the logic in the SIGINT callback function in the exit callback function, the file was being written a second time and the process was exiting before the file could be written, resulting in an empty file. Removing the process.once('exit', ...) logic fixed the issue.

Handling multiple post requests with locking

So I have to write some NodeJS code that does the following: whenever a post request is made, I attempt to execute some program; if the program is already executing (because of a previous request), I ignore the request. If not, I execute the program. I'm using NodeJS child_process.exec to accomplish this; however, there's no way for me to know when exec(program) terminates; I thought of using execSync, but this simply blocks any requests until the program is done executing, instead of ignoring them completely. Here is the code I have right now:
function fun () {
execFile('C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe', ['package.json'],);
execFile is an EventEmitter, so you can listen for events that occur while execFile operates, including the exit event, which tells you the process has completed.
ignoreNextRequest = true;
execFile('C:\\Windows\\System32\\notepad.exe', ['package.json']).once('exit', (code, signal) => {
// Your code to handle the end of the process here.
ignoreNextRequest = false;

Unexpected Node.js program flow

I am new to node.js and working through the API. In the stream module docs I came across this example of the "unpipe event" (actually a fusion of two examples in the docs).
const fs = require("fs);
const writable = fs.createWriteStream("write.txt");
const readable = fs.createReadStream("read.txt");
console.log("Stop writing to file.txt");
console.log("Manually close the file stream");
}, 0);
writable.on("unpipe", function(src){
console.log("Something has stopped piping into the writer");
I can't understand the following console.log order:
"Stop writing to file.txt"
"Something has stopped piping into the writer"
"Manually close the file stream"
Given the setTimeout callback is running - which is the first phase of the event loop as I understand - how on earth does the callback for the "unpipe" event start to run before the setTimeout callback has finished.
Originally I had the setTimeout firing after a time above zero seconds, however I was finding that the unpipe call back was always called first. I reasoned that my computer was reading the file always first before the setTimeout was ready. (Although I can't see any mention in the docs about the completion of the write to the file eliciting the "unpipe" event, but this makes sense I suppose). However I can't for the life of me reason how the above program flow is occurring. Thanks in advance for any help.
As specified by the node.js documentation:
The EventEmitter calls all listeners synchronously in the order in which they were registered.
That is, when .emit is called, it synchronously runs through all listeners for the emitted event and calls them.
Note that if necessary you can wrap your callback code in process.nextTick to ensure that it will always run asynchronously, but in your case it's likely that's unnecessary.
Also the source of the call to .emit (the emission of the event) will often be asynchronous.

How to iterate on each record of a Model.stream waterline query?

I need to do something like:
// Do something with each record
Lineup is a collection with over 18000 records so I think using find is not a good option. What's the correct way to do this? From docs I can't figure out how to.
The .stream() method returns a node stream interface ( a read stream ) that emits events as data is read. Your options here are either to .pipe() to something else that can take "stream" input, such as the response object of the server, or to attach an event listener to the events emitted from the stream. i.e:
Piped to response
Setup event listeners
var stream = Lineup.stream({foo:"bar"});
stream.on("data",function(data) {
stream.pause(); // stop emitting events for a moment
* Do things
stream.resume(); // resume events
stream.on("err",function(err) {
// handle any errors that will throw in reading here
The .pause() and .resume() are quite inportant as otherwise things within the processing just keep responding to emitted events before that code is complete. While fine for small cases, this is not desirable for larger "streams" that the interface is meant to be used for.
Additionally, if you are calling any "asynchronous" actions inside the event handler like this, then you need to take care to .resume() within the callback or promise resolution , thus waiting for that "async" action to complete itself.
But look at the "node documentation" linked earlier for more in depth information on "stream".
P.S I believe the following syntax should also be supported if it suits your sensibilities better:
var stream = Lineup.find({foo:"bar"}).stream();

Node.js: Will node always wait for setTimeout() to complete before exiting?

node -e "setTimeout(function() {console.log('abc'); }, 2000);"
This will actually wait for the timeout to fire before the program exits.
I am basically wondering if this means that node is intended to wait for all timeouts to complete before quitting.
Here is my situation. My client has a node.js server he's gonna run from Windows with a Shortcut icon. If the node app encounters an exceptional condition, it will typically instantly exit, not leaving enough time to see in the console what the error was, and this is bad.
My approach is to wrap the entire program with a try catch, so now it looks like this: try { (function () { ... })(); } catch (e) { console.log("EXCEPTION CAUGHT:", e); }, but of course this will also cause the program to immediately exit.
So at this point I want to leave about 10 seconds for the user to take a peek or screenshot of the exception before it quits.
I figure I should just use blocking sleep() through the npm module, but I discovered in testing that setting a timeout also seems to work. (i.e. why bother with a module if something builtin works?) I guess the significance of this isn't big, but I'm just curious about whether it is specified somewhere that node will actually wait for all timeouts to complete before quitting, so that I can feel safe doing this.
In general, node will wait for all timeouts to fire before quitting normally. Calling process.exit() will exit before the timeouts.
The details are part of libuv, but the documentation makes a vague comment about it:
you can call ref() to explicitly request the timer hold the program open
Putting all of the facts together, setTimeout by default is designed to hold the event loop open (so if that's the only thing pending, the program will wait). You can programmatically disable or re-enable the behavior.
Late answer, but a definite yes - Nodejs will wait around for setTimeout to finish - see this documentation. Coincidentally, there is also a way to not wait around for setTimeout, and that is by calling unref on the object returned from setTimeout or setInterval.
To summarize: if you want Nodejs to wait until the timeout has been called, there's nothing you need to do. If you want Nodejs to not wait for a particular timeout, call unref on it.
If node didn't wait for all setTimeout or setInterval calls to complete, you wouldn't be able to use them in simple scripts.
Once you tell node to listen for an event, as with the setTimeout or some async I/O call, the event loop will loop until it is told to exit.
Rather than wrap everything in a try/catch you can bind an event listener to process just as the example in the docs:
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
console.log('Caught exception: ' + err);
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('This will still run.');
}, 500);
// Intentionally cause an exception, but don't catch it.
console.log('This will not run.');
In the uncaughtException event, you can then add a setTimeout to exit after 10 seconds:
process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) {
console.log('Caught exception: ' + err);
setTimeout(function(){ process.exit(1); }, 10000);
If this exception is something you can recover from, you may want to look at domains: http://nodejs.org/api/domain.html
There may actually be another issue at hand: your client application doesn't do enough (or any?) logging. You can use log4js-node to write to a temp file or some application-specific location.
Easy way Solution:
Make a batch (.bat) file that starts nodejs
make a shortcut out of it
Why this is best. This way you client would run nodejs in command line. And even if nodejs program returns nothing would happen to command line.
Making bat file:
Make a text file
put START cmd.exe /k "node abc.js"
Save it
Rename It to abc.bat
make a shortcut or whatever.
Opening it will Open CommandLine and run nodejs file.
using settimeout for this is a bad idea.
The odd ones out are when you call process.exit() or there's an uncaught exception, as pointed out by Jim Schubert. Other than that, node will wait for the timeout to complete.
Node does remember timers, but only if it can keep track of them. At least that is my experience.
If you use setTimeout in an arrow / anonymous function I would recommend to keep track of your timers in an array, like:
=> {
timers.push(setTimeout(doThisLater, 2000));
and make sure let timers = []; isn't set in a method that will vanish, so i.e. globally.
