Make Suitescript run on data imported via a .csv upload - netsuite

I wish to do .csv import, and have my suitescript run on that data, as if a user was inputting the data from the UI.
function(currentRecord) {
function saveRecord (){
var objRecord = currentRecord.get();
var imagescheck = objRecord.getText('custitem_imagescheck');
var live=false;
if (imagescheck=='T' ){
else {live=false;}
fieldId: 'custitem_live',
value: live,
return true;
return {
saveRecord: saveRecord
So if I imported the value "True" to the field custitem_imagescheck, the suitescript should act as if the user checked the checkbox and turn the field "custitem_live" to "True".
At the moment, the above code only work via the UI, not during .csv import.

When you go through the CSV Import Wizard, on the second page you will see Import Options and under the standard radio button choices you will see Advanced Options. Expand the Advanced Options and look at the bottom right where you will see a check-box for the option to "Run Server SuiteScript and Trigger Workflows". Select this option to run User Event scripts etc when you import.


How can you control visibility of datasource in Cesiumjs?

I want to display multiple datasources in a cesiumjs viewer but need to allow the user to select which ones they want to see at any given time. For example, if I load a kml and a czml file, how do I hide one and show the other? I can't find the cesiumjs way to do this with its API.
Update Feb 2016: A show flag has been proposed and may be added to a future version of Cesium.
Original answer:
Currently there is no show flag on the dataSource, however it is easy to add and remove the dataSource from the list of available dataSources, and this is used to get the show/hide functionality.
Here's a working demo: Load the Cesium Sandcastle Hello World example, and paste the following code into the left side, then hit Run (F8). It should display a checkbox in the upper-left with show/hide functionality.
var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer('cesiumContainer');
// Create a typical CzmlDataSource.
var dataSource1 = new Cesium.CzmlDataSource();
// Add a checkbox at the top.
document.getElementById('toolbar').innerHTML =
'<label><input type="checkbox" id="showCheckbox" /> Show CZML</label>';
var checkbox = document.getElementById('showCheckbox');
checkbox.addEventListener('change', function() {
// Checkbox state changed.
if (checkbox.checked) {
// Show if not shown.
if (!viewer.dataSources.contains(dataSource1)) {
} else {
// Hide if currently shown.
if (viewer.dataSources.contains(dataSource1)) {
}, false);
This code could be improved, for example it could be a "lazy load" where the dataSource.load does not get called until the first time it's shown. Also if a dataSource has been hidden a while, you have to consider at what point should you be saving memory by destroying the dataSource rather than continuing to hold onto it (triggering a new lazy load if it is later shown again).
as of now, show is a property of the data source, you can control it by accessing the property in dot or bracket notation:
const src = new Cesium.CzmlDataSource(); = false;

CRM form. Preset Field is not saved on after Clicking Save button

I am working on CRM 2011.
On Form_onLoad event I am presetting the value of a field.
but after clicking on save button my field address1_line1 is blank.
To check I put a alert on Form_onsave function.
alert("address =" + (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("address1_line1").getValue()));
In alert,I get the value of address1_line1 field but finally address1_line1 is blank.
mdg.PresetField function is as follows
mdg.PreSetField = function(attributeName, value) {
var attribute;
if (attributeName.setSubmitMode) {
attribute = attributeName;
else {
attribute = Xrm.Page.getAttribute(attributeName);
attribute.addOnChange(function() {
I solved it..
in my custom mdg.PresetField function earlier code was
I changed never to always and now it is working..
This code is not part of the CRM JavaScript API so I assume it's a custom library? Have you added this script to the list of webresources available on the form? Also make sure it comes before the script you are trying to use it in.

Need to modify browser action popup contents upon tab change

I need to modify the contents of browser Action popup on tab change.
I am detecting change of tab in background.js script
var tabHandler={
var parser = document.createElement('a');//To extract the hostname, we create dom element
parser.href = tab.url;
var regex=/^(www\.)?([^\.]+)/
var matches=regex.exec(parser.hostname)//This gives us the hostname, we extract the website name
var website=matches[2];
function getWebsiteCoupons(site){
var coupons=cache.pull(site)
return coupons;
var coupons=getWebsiteCoupons(website);
onTabUpdate:function(tabId, changeInfo, dtab){
tabChanged:function(activeInfo) {
console.log(this) ;
So I tried to detect a click action on the browser action, but this doesn't work when I have a popup already defined.
function BrowserActionClicked(tab){
If I remove the popup from manifest, the script works. But I don't know how to get instance of the manifest's contents
I also tried getting the views. The view however is an empty view, doesn't contain the contents of the popup.
var view=chrome.extension.getViews();
this didn't work either. How do I update the contents of the browser popup from background script?
I am in a bit of a fix here, to be honest

Want to fill WinJS.UI.ListView with my own data

I had got the data using
WinJS.xhr({ url: url, responseType: "json" }).then(
I make this stuff on the button click event.
I got the data properly but can not fill them in my ListView.
So now, how can I bind the JSON data in my WinJS.UI.ListView on every click of button with my new data...? please help me for this with some simple example. because I had already checked so many links. But still I could not understand where
it should go something like this:
WinJS.xhr({ .. }).then(function xhrcomplete(req)
var data; // assuming you already have code that parsed json text to an object.
var items = [];
// fill code here to get items out of the data
var list = new WinJS.Binding.List(items);
// binding code will depend on whether listview has groupHeaderTemplate or not
// if not - it should be like this
listView.winControl.itemDataSource = list.dataSource; // listView is the id of the your list view control in html
}).then(null, function onerror(error)
// handle error case

click to replace value, shift + click to append value using jquery

I have a list with items.
When I click any of these items, I copy its id-value into a form text-field.
Everytime I click, it replaces the value, which is correct by default. But what I would like to add, is a way for the user to hold down a key on their keyboard, and when they then click, they just .append whatever they just clicked into the same form field.
Here's my jQuery-code I'm using for the first/default scenario:
$('ul#filter-results li').click(function(){
var from = $(this).attr('id'); // get the list ID and
$('input#search').val(from+' ').keyup(); // insert into text-field then trigger the search and
$('input#search').focus(); // make sure the field is focused so the user can start typing immediately
Is there a way to implement some sort of keyboard key-listener?
Something like:
if (e.shiftKey){
.append('this text instead')
haven't tried out to see if shiftKey is even any valid name here
shiftKey is of one of the properties of the event object and is valid to be used. try this:
$(document).on('keyup click', function(e){
if (e.shiftKey) {
$('ul#filter-results').on('click', 'li', function(e) {
if(e.shiftKey) {
do something;
} else {
do something else;
There is a jQuery plugin for extended click.
You could try that or see how they have done it and implement it yourself.
ExtendedClick plugin
Hope this helps.
This is what I ended up with:
I switched over to altKey because shiftKey marked a lot of text when I clicked.
Didn't do anything besides it doesn't look good...
$('ul#filter-results li').click(function(e){
var text = $(this).attr('id'); // get the ID
var input = $('#search'); // form field to insert text into
if (e.altKey){ input.val(input.val()+', '+text+' ').keyup(); } // fetch whatever is already there, and add some more
else { input.val(text+' ').keyup(); } // just replace whatever is already there
Thanks for good suggestions...
