Node: Generate 6 digits random number using crypto.randomBytes - node.js

What is the correct way to generate exact value from 0 to 999999 randomly since 1000000 is not a power of 2?
This is my approach:
use crypto.randomBytes to generate 3 bytes and convert to hex
use the first 5 characters to convert to integer (max is fffff == 1048575 > 999999)
if the result > 999999, start from step 1 again
It will somehow create a recursive function. Is it logically correct and will it cause a concern of performance?

There are several way to extract random numbers in a range from random bits. Some common ones are described in NIST Special Publication 800-90A revision 1: Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators
Although this standard is about deterministic random bit generations there is a helpful appendix called A.5 Converting Random Bits into a Random Number which describes three useful methods.
The methods described are:
A.5.1 The Simple Discard Method
A.5.2 The Complex Discard Method
A.5.3 The Simple Modular Method
The first two of them are not deterministic with regards to running time but generate a number with no bias at all. They are based on rejection sampling.
The complex discard method discusses a more optimal scheme for generating large quantities of random numbers in a range. I think it is too complex for almost any normal use; I would look at the Optimized Simple Discard method described below if you require additional efficiency instead.
The Simple Modular Method is time constant and deterministic but has non-zero (but negligible) bias. It requires a relatively large amount of additional randomness to achieve the negligible bias though; basically to have a bias of one out of 2^128 you need 128 bits on top of the bit size of the range required. This is probably not the method to choose for smaller numbers.
Your algorithm is clearly a version of the Simple Discard Method (more generally called "rejection sampling"), so it is fine.
I've myself thought of a very efficient algorithm based on the Simple Discard Method called the "Optimized Simple Discard Method" or RNG-BC where "BC" stands for "binary compare". It is based on the observation that comparison only looks at the most significant bits, which means that the least significant bits should still be considered random and can therefore be reused. Beware that this method has not been officially peer reviewed; I do present an informal proof of equivalence with the Simple Discard Method.
Of course you should rather use a generic method that is efficient given any value of N. In that case the Complex Discard Method or Simple Modular Method should be considered over the Simple Discard Method. There are other, much more complex algorithms that are even more efficient, but generally you're fine when using either of these two.
Note that it is often beneficial to first check if N is a power of two when generating a random in the range [0, N). If N is a power of two then there is no need to use any of these possibly expensive computations; just use the bits you need from the random bit or byte generator.

It's a correct algorithm (, though you could consider using bitwise operations instead of converting to hex. It can run forever if the random number generator is malfunctioning -- you could consider trying a fixed number of times and then throwing an exception instead of looping forever.

The main possible performance problem is that on some platforms, crypto.randomBytes can block if it runs out of entropy. So you don't want to waste any randomness if you're using it.
Therefore instead of your string comparison I would use the following integer operation.
if (random_bytes < 16700000) {
return random_bytes = random_bytes - 100000 * Math.floor(random_bytes/100000);
This has about a 99.54% chance of producing an answer from the first 3 bytes, as opposed to around 76% odds with your approach.

I would suggest the following approach:
private generateCode(): string {
let code: string = "";
do {
code += randomBytes(3).readUIntBE(0, 3);
// code += Number.parseInt(randomBytes(3).toString("hex"), 16);
} while (code.length < 6);
return code.slice(0, 6);
This returns the numeric code as string, but if it is necessary to get it as a number, then change to return Number.parseInt(code.slice(0, 6))

I call it the random_6d algo. Worst case just a single additional loop.
var random_6d = function(n2){
var n1 = crypto.randomBytes(3).readUIntLE(0, 3) >>> 4;
if(n1 < 1000000)
return n1;
if(typeof n2 === 'undefined')
return random_6d(n1);
return Math.abs(n1 - n2);
loop version:
var random_6d = function(){
var n1, n2;
n1 = crypto.randomBytes(3).readUIntLE(0, 3) >>> 4;
if(n1 < 1000000)
return n1;
if(typeof n2 === 'undefined')
n2 = n1;
return Math.abs(n1 - n2);


Valid Sudoku: How to decrease runtime

Problem is to check whether the given 2D array represents a valid Sudoku or not. Given below are the conditions required
Each row must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
Each column must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
Each of the 9 3x3 sub-boxes of the grid must contain the digits 1-9 without repetition.
Here is the code I prepared for this, please give me tips on how I can make it faster and reduce runtime and whether by using the dictionary my program is slowing down ?
def isValidSudoku(self, boards: List[List[str]]) -> bool:
r = {}
a = {}
for i in range(len(boards)):
c = {}
for j in range(len(boards[i])):
if boards[i][j] != '.':
x,y = r.get(boards[i][j]+f'{j}',0),c.get(boards[i][j],0)
u,v = (i+3)//3,(j+3)//3
z = a.get(boards[i][j]+f'{u}{v}',0)
if (x==0 and y==0 and z==0):
r[boards[i][j]+f'{j}'] = x+1
c[boards[i][j]] = y+1
a[boards[i][j]+f'{u}{v}'] = z+1
return False
return True
Simply optimizing assignment without rethinking your algorithm limits your overall efficiency by a lot. When you make a choice you generally take a long time before discovering a contradiction.
Instead of representing, "Here are the values that I have figured out", try to represent, "Here are the values that I have left to try in each spot." And now your fundamental operation is, "Eliminate this value from this spot." (Remember, getting it down to 1 propagates to eliminating the value from all of its peers, potentially recursively.)
Assignment is now "Eliminate all values but this one from this spot."
And now your fundamental search operation is, "Find the square with the least number of remaining possibilities > 1. Try each possibility in turn."
This may feel heavyweight. But the immediate propagation of constraints results in very quickly discovering constraints on the rest of the solution, which is far faster than having to do exponential amounts of reasoning before finding the logical contradiction in your partial solution so far.
I recommend doing this yourself. But has full working code that you can look at at need.

z3py solver.check() goes from "sat" to "unknown" when I increase length of Bitvector

I want to factor a number n with Bitvectors in Z3. I use Bitvectores because I want to constrain single bits in p an q. This simple example does work and the solver returns "sat".
from z3 import *
Bits = 32
n = 12
p_vec = BitVec('p', Bits)
q_vec = BitVec('q', Bits)
n_vec = BitVecVal(n,Bits)
s = Solver()
s.add(p_vec * q_vec == n_vec)
s.add(p_vec > 1, q_vec > 1)
print (s.check())
But now I want to factor another number n with 4096 Bits. So I changend Bits=4096 in the example and used the same numbers. The solver give me now "unknow" instead of "sat".
It seems the solver discontinues at some point. Do I have to change some solver settings or is there an other approach to do that.
When I run your program with Bits = 4096, it does not say unknown. It simply does not finish quickly (I waited for a few minutes), and I wouldn't expect it to.
Bitvector solver is complete. That is, if you wait long enough, it'll eventually return sat or unsat, assuming you do not run out of memory (and patience). For this problem, however, the amount you'll wait might be practically infinite, and you'll most likely run out of memory on your computer long before that happens. So, I'm not sure how you're getting that unknown. Maybe you're using some timeout options, or something else you're not showing here.
You can try adding constraints of the form: p_vec < n and q_vec < p_vec to break symmetries. And it could indeed help in some cases since n is a constant. But this is in general futile, and for any reasonable bit size for use in cryptographic practice, the solver will practically loop forever.
Factorization is a hard problem for obvious reasons and an SMT solver is definitely not the right tool for it. See here for an earlier discussion: Bitvector function Z3

How does Duval's algorithm handle odd-length strings?

Finding the Lexicographically minimal string rotation is a well known problem, for which a linear time algorithm was proposed by Jean Pierre Duval in 1983. This blog post is probably the only publicly available resource that talks about the algorithm in detail. However, Duval's algorithms is based on the idea of pairwise comparisons ("duels"), and the blog conveniently uses an even-length string as an example.
How does the algorithm work for odd-length strings, where the last character wouldn't have a competing one to duel with?
One character can get a "bye", where it wins without participating in a "duel". The correctness of the algorithm does not rely on the specific duels that you perform; given any two distinct indices i and j, you can always conclusively rule out that one of them is the start-index of the lexicographically-minimal rotation (unless both are start-indices of identical lexicographically-minimal rotations, in which case it doesn't matter which one you reject). The reason to perform the duels in a specific order is performance: to get asymptotically linear time by ensuring that half the duels only need to compare one character, half of the rest only need to compare two characters, and so on, until the last duel only needs to compare half the length of the string. But a single odd character here and there doesn't change the asymptotic complexity, it just makes the math (and implementation) a little bit more complicated. A string of length 2n+1 still requires fewer "duels" than one of length 2n+1.
OP here: I accepted ruakh's answer as it pertains to my question, but I wanted to provide my own explanation for others that might stumble across this post trying to understand Duval's algorithm.
Lexicographically least circular substring is the problem of finding
the rotation of a string possessing the lowest lexicographical order
of all such rotations. For example, the lexicographically minimal
rotation of "bbaaccaadd" would be "aaccaaddbb".
A O(n) time algorithm was proposed by Jean Pierre Duval (1983).
Given two indices i and j, Duval's algorithm compares string segments of length j - i starting at i and j (called a "duel"). If index + j - i is greater than the length of the string, the segment is formed by wrapping around.
For example, consider s = "baabbaba", i = 5 and j = 7. Since j - i = 2, the first segment starting at i = 5 is "ab". The second segment starting at j = 7 is constructed by wrapping around, and is also "ab".
If the strings are lexicographically equal, like in the above example, we choose the one starting at i as the winner, which is i = 5.
The above process repeated until we have a single winner. If the input string is of odd length, the last character wins without a comparison in the first iteration.
Time complexity:
The first iteration compares n strings each of length 1 (n/2 comparisons), the second iteration may compare n/2 strings of length 2 (n/2 comparisons), and so on, until the i-th iteration compares 2 strings of length n/2 (n/2 comparisons). Since the number of winners is halved each time, the height of the recursion tree is log(n), thus giving us a O(n log(n)) algorithm. For small n, this is approximately O(n).
Space complexity is O(n) too, since in the first iteration, we have to store n/2 winners, second iteration n/4 winners, and so on. (Wikipedia claims this algorithm uses constant space, I don't understand how).
Here's a Scala implementation; feel free to convert to your favorite programming language.
def lexicographicallyMinRotation(s: String): String = {
def duel(winners: Seq[Int]): String = {
if (winners.size == 1) s"${s.slice(winners.head, s.length)}${s.take(winners.head)}"
else {
val newWinners: Seq[Int] = winners
.sliding(2, 2)
.map {
case Seq(x, y) =>
val range = y - x
Seq(x, y)
.map { i =>
val segment = if (s.isDefinedAt(i + range - 1)) s.slice(i, i + range)
else s"${s.slice(i, s.length)}${s.take(s.length - i)}"
(i, segment)
.reduce((a, b) => if (a._2 <= b._2) a else b)
case xs => xs.head

Solving math with integers larger than any available integer data type

In some programming competitions where the numbers are larger than any available integer data type, we often use strings instead.
Question 1:
Given these large numbers, how to calculate e and f in the below expression?
(a/b) + (c/d) = e/f
note: GCD(e,f) = 1, i.e. they must be in minimised form. For example {e,f} = {1,2} rather than {2,4}.
Also, all a,b,c,d are large numbers known to us.
Question 2:
Can someone also suggest a way to find GCD of two big numbers (bigger than any available integer type)?
I would suggest using full bytes or words rather than strings.
It is relatively easy to think in base 256 instead of base 10 and a lot more efficient for the processor to not do multiplication and division by 10 all the time. Ideally, choose a word size that is half the processor's natural word size, as that makes carry easy to implement. Of course thinking in base 64K or 4G is slightly more complex, but even better than base 256.
The only downside is generating the initial big numbers from the ascii input, which you get for free in base 10. Using a larger word size you can make this more efficient by processing a number of digits initially into a single word (eg 9 digits at a time into 4G), then performing a long multiply of that single word into the correct offset in your large integer format.
A compromise might be to run your engine in base 1 billion: This will still be 9 or 81 times more efficient than using base 10!
The simplest way to solve this equation is to multiply a/b * d/d and c/d * b/b so they both have the common denominator b*d.
I think you will then need to prime factorise your big numbers e and f to find any common factors. Remember to search again for the same factor squared.
Of course, that means you have to write a prime generating sieve. You only need to generate factors up to the square root, or half the digits of the min value of e and f.
You could prime factorise b and d to get a lower initial denominator, but you will need to do it again anyway after the addition.
I think that the way to solve this is to separate the problem:
Process the input numbers as an array of characters (ie. std::string)
Make a class where each object can store an std::list (or similar) that represents one of the large numbers, and can do the needed arithmetic with your data
You can then solve your problems normally, without having to worry about your large inputs causing overflow.
Here's a webpage that explains how you can have such an arithmetic class (with sample code in C++ showing addition).
Once you have such an arithmetic class, you no longer need to worry about how to store the data or any overflow.
I get the impression that you already know how to find the GCD when you don't have overflow issues, but just in case, here's an explanation of finding the GCD (with C++ sample code).
As for the specific math problem:
// given formula: a/b + c/d = e/f
// = ( ( a*d + b*c ) / ( b*d ) )
// Define some variables here to save on copying
// (I assume that your class that holds the
// large numbers is called "ARITHMETIC")
ARITHMETIC numerator = a*d + b*c;
ARITHMETIC denominator = b*d;
ARITHMETIC gcd = GCD( numerator , denominator );
// because we know that GCD(e,f) is 1, this implies:
ARITHMETIC e = numerator / gcd;
ARITHMETIC f = denominator / gcd;

What is an efficient way to compute the Dice coefficient between 900,000 strings?

I have a corpus of 900,000 strings. They vary in length, but have an average character count of about 4,500. I need to find the most efficient way of computing the Dice coefficient of every string as it relates to every other string. Unfortunately, this results in the Dice coefficient algorithm being used some 810,000,000,000 times.
What is the best way to structure this program for increased efficiency? Obviously, I can prevent computing the Dice of sections A and B, and then B and A--but this only halves the work required. Should I consider taking some shortcuts or creating some sort of binary tree?
I'm using the following implementation of the Dice coefficient algorithm in Java:
public static double diceCoefficient(String s1, String s2) {
Set<String> nx = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> ny = new HashSet<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < s1.length() - 1; i++) {
char x1 = s1.charAt(i);
char x2 = s1.charAt(i + 1);
String tmp = "" + x1 + x2;
for (int j = 0; j < s2.length() - 1; j++) {
char y1 = s2.charAt(j);
char y2 = s2.charAt(j + 1);
String tmp = "" + y1 + y2;
Set<String> intersection = new HashSet<String>(nx);
double totcombigrams = intersection.size();
return (2 * totcombigrams) / (nx.size() + ny.size());
My ultimate goal is to output an ID for every section that has a Dice coefficient of greater than 0.9 with another section.
Thanks for any advice that you can provide!
Make a single pass over all the Strings, and build up a HashMap which maps each bigram to a set of the indexes of the Strings which contain that bigram. (Currently you are building the bigram set 900,000 times, redundantly, for each String.)
Then make a pass over all the sets, and build a HashMap of [index,index] pairs to common-bigram counts. (The latter Map should not contain redundant pairs of keys, like [1,2] and [2,1] -- just store one or the other.)
Both of these steps can easily be parallelized. If you need some sample code, please let me know.
NOTE one thing, though: from the 26 letters of the English alphabet, a total of 26x26 = 676 bigrams can be formed. Many of these will never or almost never be found, because they don't conform to the rules of English spelling. Since you are building up sets of bigrams for each String, and the Strings are so long, you will probably find almost the same bigrams in each String. If you were to build up lists of bigrams for each String (in other words, if the frequency of each bigram counted), it's more likely that you would actually be able to measure the degree of similarity between Strings, but then the calculation of Dice's coefficient as given in the Wikipedia article wouldn't work; you'd have to find a new formula.
I suggest you continue researching algorithms for determining similarity between Strings, try implementing a few of them, and run them on a smaller set of Strings to see how well they work.
You should come up with some kind of inequality like: D(X1,X2) > 1-p, D(X1,X3) < 1-q and p D(X2,X3) < 1-q+p . Or something like that. Now, if 1-q+p < 0.9, then probably you don't have to evaluate D(X2,X3).
PS: I am not sure about this exact inequality, but I have a gut feeling that this might be right (but I do not have enough time to actually do the derivations now). Look for some of the inequalities with other similarity measures and see if any of them are valid for Dice co-efficient.
=== Also ===
If there are a elements in set A, and if your threshold is r (=0.9), then set B should have number of elements b should be such that: r*a/(2-r) <= b <= (2-r)*a/r . This should eliminate need for lots of comparisons IMHO. You can probably sort the strings according to length and use the window describe above to limit comparisons.
Disclaimer first: This will not reduce the number of comparisons you'll have to make. But this should make a Dice comparison faster.
1) Don't build your HashSets every time you do a diceCoefficient() call! It should speed things up considerably if you just do it once for each string and keep the result around.
2) Since you only care about if a particular bigram is present in the string, you could get away with a BitSet with a bit for each possible bigram, rather than a full HashMap. Coefficient calculation would then be simplified to ANDing two bit sets and counting the number of set bits in the result.
3) Or, if you have a huge number of possible bigrams (Unicode, perhaps?) - or monotonous strings with only a handful of bigrams each - a sorted Array of bigrams might provide faster, more space-efficent comparisons.
Is their charset limited somehow? If it is, you can compute character counts by their code in each string and compare these numbers. After such pre-computation (it will occupy 2*900K*S bytes of memory [if we assume no character is found more then 65K time in the same string], where S is different character count). Then computing the coefficent would take O(S) time. Sure, this would be helpful if S<4500.
