Python HTTPServer [WinError 10053] When there are too many requests? - python-3.x

Running a super simple webserver that, for the most part, just needs to strip out the query info from requests from a 3rd party script and return some files:
def run(server_class=HTTPServer, handler_class=MyHandler, port=xxx):
server_address = ('', port)
httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class)
print ('Starting httpd...')
One object that the server must return is an HTML page that then loads some javascript, which then loads three.js, which then proceeds to load a ton of objects from this same server.
Which works, but after reloading 1-5 times, it would usually result in WinError[10053] and the server locking up! After that, connections would be rejected or timeout. Not sure if this is due to too many requests, or something to do with Three.js's load function's connections.
This took hours and I couldn't find a specific solution, so I'll post an answer down below. Feel free to chime in other answers

By multi-threading the server/handler, I've been able to handle at least one user. It may still be a throughput problem, but this has been enough for now:
class ThreadingHTTPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer):
def run(server_class=ThreadingHTTPServer, handler_class=MyHandler, port=xxx):
server_address = ('', port)
httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class)
print ('Starting httpd...')
Some other things I tried/failed:
Editing self.path and calling SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self) //Couldn't get path changing to affect the simple handler
allow_reuse_address = True/False // No effect
manually setting close_connection = True //No effect
some header play //No effect
Hope this saves someone!


How to debug a python websocket script that uses `.run_forever()` method (infinite event loop)

I'm coding a script that connects to the Binance websocket and uses the .run_forever() method to constantly get live data from the site. I want to be able to debug my code and watch the values of variables as the change but I'm not sure how to do this as the script basically hangs on the line with the .run_forever() method, because it is an infinite event loop. This is by design as I want to continuously get live data (it receives a message approximately every second), but I can't think of a way a good way to debug it.
I'm using VSCode and here are some snippets of my code to help understand my issue. The message function for the websocket is just a bunch of technical analysis and trade logic, but it is also the function that contains all the changing variables that I want to watch.
socket = f"wss://{Symbol}#kline_{interval}"
def on_open(ws):
print("open connection")
def on_message(ws, message):
global trade_list
global in_position
json_message = json.loads(message)
candle = json_message['k'] # Accesses candle data
...[trade logic code here]...
def on_close(ws):
print("Websocket connection close")
# ------------------------- Define a websocket object ------------------------ #
ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(socket, on_open=on_open, on_message=on_message, on_close=on_close)
If more code is required to answer the question, then I can edit this question to include it (I'm thinking if you would like to have an idea of what variables I want to look at, I just thought it would be easier and simpler to show these parts).
Also, I know using global isn't great, once I've finished (or am close to finishing) the script, I want to go and tidy it up, I'll deal with it then.
I'm a little late to the party but the statement
worked for me. Place it just before you define your websocket object and it will print all traffic in and out of the websocket including any exceptions that you might get as you process the messages.

How to shut down CherryPy in no incoming connections for specified time?

I am using CherryPy to speak to an authentication server. The script runs fine if all the inputted information is fine. But if they make an mistake typing their ID the internal HTTP error screen fires ok, but the server keeps running and nothing else in the script will run until the CherryPy engine is closed so I have to manually kill the script. Is there some code I can put in the index along the lines of
if timer >10 and connections == 0:
close cherrypy (< I have a method for this already)
Im mostly a data mangler, so not used to web servers. Googling shows lost of hits for closing CherryPy when there are too many connections but not when there have been no connections for a specified (short) time. I realise the point of a web server is usually to hang around waiting for connections, so this may be an odd case. All the same, any help welcome.
Interesting use case, you can use the CherryPy plugins infrastrcuture to do something like that, take a look at this ActivityMonitor plugin implementation, it shutdowns the server if is not handling anything and haven't seen any request in a specified amount of time (in this case 10 seconds).
Maybe you have to adjust the logic on how to shut it down or do anything else in the _verify method.
If you want to read a bit more about the publish/subscribe architecture take a look at the CherryPy Docs.
import time
import threading
import cherrypy
from cherrypy.process.plugins import Monitor
class ActivityMonitor(Monitor):
def __init__(self, bus, wait_time, monitor_time=None):
bus: cherrypy.engine
wait_time: Seconds since last request that we consider to be active.
monitor_time: Seconds that we'll wait before verifying the activity.
If is not defined, wait half the `wait_time`.
if monitor_time is None:
# if monitor time is not defined, then verify half
# the wait time since the last request
monitor_time = wait_time / 2
bus, self._verify, monitor_time, self.__class__.__name__
# use a lock to make sure the thread that triggers the before_request
# and after_request does not collide with the monitor method (_verify)
self._active_request_lock = threading.Lock()
self._active_requests = 0
self._wait_time = wait_time
self._last_request_ts = time.time()
def _verify(self):
# verify that we don't have any active requests and
# shutdown the server in case we haven't seen any activity
# since self._last_request_ts + self._wait_time
with self._active_request_lock:
if (not self._active_requests and
self._last_request_ts + self._wait_time < time.time()):
self.bus.exit() # shutdown the engine
def before_request(self):
with self._active_request_lock:
self._active_requests += 1
def after_request(self):
with self._active_request_lock:
self._active_requests -= 1
# update the last time a request was served
self._last_request_ts = time.time()
class Root:
def index(self):
return "Hello user: current time {:.0f}".format(time.time())
def main():
# here is how to use the plugin:
ActivityMonitor(cherrypy.engine, wait_time=10, monitor_time=5).subscribe()
if __name__ == '__main__':

Flask_Sqlalchemy with multithreaded Apache. Sessions out of sync with database

Background: Apache server using mod_wsgi to serve a Flask app using Flask_Sqlalchemy connecting to MySQL. This is a full stack application so it is nearly impossible to create a minimal example but I have tried.
My problem is that when I make some change that should modify the database subsequent requests don't always seem to reflect that change. For example if I create an object, then try to edit that same object, the edit will sometimes fail.
Most of the time if I create an object then go to the page listing all the objects, it will not show up on the list. Sometimes it will show up until I refresh, when it will disappear, and with another refresh it shows up again.
The same happens with edits. Example code:
bp = Blueprint('api_region', __name__, url_prefix='/app/region')
#bp.route('/rename/<int:region_id>/<string:name>', methods=['POST'])
def change_name(region_id, name):
region = Region.query.get(region_id)
try: = name
except AttributeError:
return "Success"
#bp.route('/name/<int:region_id>/', methods=['GET'])
def get_name(region_id):
region = Region.query.get(region_id)
name =
except AttributeError:
return name
After object is created send a POST
curl -X POST
Then several GETs
curl -X GET
Sometimes, the GET will return the correct info, but every now and then it will return whatever it was before. Further example output it happens at varying frequency but about one in 25 will fail, and it isn't always the "last" value either, when testing it seems to get 'stuck' at a certain value no matter how many times I change it up.
I am using the "dynamically bound" example of Flask_Sqlalchemy
db = SQLAlchemy()
def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
... snip ...
return app
Which creates a scoped_session accessible in db.session.
Apache config is long and complicated but includes the line
WSGIDaemonProcess pixel processes=5 threads=5 display-name='%{GROUP}'
I can post more information if required.
For reference if anyone finds this thread with the same issue, I fixed my problem.
My Flask App factory function had the line app.app_context().push() leftover from the early days when it was based off a Flask tutorial. Unfortunately snipped out of the example code otherwise it might have been spotted by someone. During a restructuring of the project this line was left out and the problem fixed itself. Not sure why or how this line would cause this issue, and only for some but not all requests.

Requests: Check that the proxy has been used to make the HTTP Request

I've been scratching my head the whole day yesterday about this and to my surprise, can't seem to find an easy way to check this.
I am using Python's Requests library to pass my proxy such as:
def make_request(url):
with requests.Session() as s:
s.mount("http://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3))
s.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=3))
page = None
d.rotate(-1) #d contains a dict of my proxies. this allows to rotate through the proxies everytime make_request is called.
s.proxies = d[0]
page = s.get(url, timeout=3)
print('proxy used: ' + str(d[0]))
return page.content
Problem is, I can't seem to make the request fail when the proxy is not expected to work. It seems there is always a fallback on my internet ip if the proxy is not working.
For example: I tried passing a random proxy ip like or removing the ip authentication that is needed on my proxies, the request is still passed, even though it should'nt.
I thought adding the timeout parameters when passing the request would do the trick, but obviously it didn't.
Why does this happen?
How can I check from which ip a request is being made?
From what I have seen so far, you should use the form
s.get(url, proxies = d)
This should use the proxies in the dict d to make a connection.
This form allowed me to check with working proxies and non-working proxies the status_code
I will update once I find out whether it just circulates over the proxies in the dict to match a working one, or one is able to actually select which one to be used.
Tried to work around the dict in proxies, to use different proxy if I wanted to. However, proxies must be a dict to work. So I used a dict in the form of:
d = {"https" : 'https://' + str(proxy_ips[n].strip('\n'))}
This seems to work and allow me to use an ip I want to. Although it seems quite dull, I hope someone might come and help!
The proxies used can be seen through:
I hope that helps, obviously quite old question, but still!

Specifying timeout for python-requests, when using PreparedRequest

I know for a PreparedRequest, we specifiy the timeout in session.send call, where session can be an instance of requests.Session class, as I've already seen here:
But I need to put the timeout before I do the send. Somewhat inherently, to the PreparedRequest object. Because I'm using the session.send method as map function, to map to PreparedRequest instances.
def async_req2resp(reqs, session):
responses = []
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=workers) as executor:
for response in, requests):
except Exception as e:
print('async_requests2responses exception: ' + str(e))
return responses
Now I need to specify the timeout somehow. How can I do it?
The above code is wrapped inside a method. I am getting the session object as an argument. Is there a way I can set the timeout for all the requests that will be sent with the session object, before the parallel execution of session.send happens?
Thank you.
I'm waiting for your answer about sendit but until then, let me give you some information that should help you get the rest of the way there.
If you have a PreparedRequest object as request then you can do session.send(request, timeout=timeout_val) where timeout_val is whatever the value of the timeout is that you want.
With that in mind, this question becomes, "How do I pass that to sendit with each request?" and that question I don't have the answer for.
Side note:
You've tagged this with concurrent.futures which makes me suspect you're trying to optimize your application that uses this method. With that in mind, you should avoid appending to a list at all costs. You should, instead, try to do the following:
responses = []
responses = list(, requests))
# etc.
If you figure out how to pass the timeout parameter to sendit, feel free to suggest an edit to this answer to update it to be complete.
With the updated information in the question, I can more accurately answer your question.
Before you call you should do the following:
import functools
timedout_send = functools.partial(session.send, timeout=my_timeout)
list(, requests))
# ...
