Dynamic Azure public IP Address - azure

In which scenario can we use a dynamic public IP Address ? I cannot think of a scenario where i would want to expose a public IP for internet facing azure services but that could be dynamic.

The two scenarios we use dynamic IPs are
A VM has a mechanism to auto update a DNS A record with its new address.
The Ip address has a CNAME mapped to the DNS name - so mapping www.example.com to example.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com This way whenever the address changes it still points to the same thing.
Remember though that a dynamic IP address doesn't change unless the VM is deallocated. Or the underlying host fails and VM is started on another host.

Hope this helps- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-network/virtual-network-ip-addresses-overview-arm
That outlines the use cases for both static and dynamic IPs.
The main use case for dynamic PIP's for me is for gateways. For web or app services I would use static.


Azure Internal Load Balancer - Static or Dynamic?

Whats the strategy for IP address when setting up ILB? It makes sense to have a static IP but when would you want Dynamic?
When you create an internal load balancer on Azure, you will associate a virtual network and subnet with this load balancer. If you do not know which specific IP address you will use it as the frontend IP of the load balancer, you can choose Dynamic, then Azure will assign the next available unassigned or unreserved IP address in the associated subnet's address range. Also, you can change it to static after you have created your load balancer. If you want to specify a dedicated or known IP in the subnet at the first time, you could select IP address assignment static.
Read more about Private IP addresses.
If you have an Azure environment behind a load balance you might want Frontend IP to be static so you are rest assured that you environment's public IP will not accidentally change except you want it to, especially if you are making use of SNAT.
Also you do not really save by making it dynamic, if there is a resource behind it you will have an IP charge for the whole month.

Changing Azure VM ip address without downtime

I have an Azure VM with SQL Server on. There are a number of applications using this database via it's public ip address. The ip address is currently set to Dynamic and the VM requires maintenance which could change it. Is there a way of assigning a static ip address to the VM while keeping the current one active while I update the applications to use the new static one?
Is there a way of assigning a static ip address to the VM while
keeping the current one active while I update the applications to use
the new static one?
If I understand it correctly, you just want to change the public IP address to static.
We can change the public IP address to static via Azure portal, that IP address will not change.

The IP address of my Azure Windows VM changed without waning

A few days ago, the IP address of our VB Windows Server changed from 40.x.x.x to 13.x.x.x on the Azure platform. We have many loggers in the field that connect to this IP address and now, none of them can connect.
Can the IP change without any warning from Azure?
Also, there is no support to be found. No number, no online support... I mean, This is not a problem I should be paying support for... besides.. support is more expensive than the VM.
Your IP address will change if, for instance, you restart your virtual machine. However, you can set this to be static by doing so:
go to Public IP addresses
Click Configuration
Set assignment to Static
Click Save
This will retain the IP address that you have right now but at an additional cost.
Can the IP change without any warning from Azure?
For now, there is no warning when public IP address change. I think you should know IP address types and allocation methods in Azure.
There are two methods in which an IP address is allocated to a public IP resource - dynamic or static. The default allocation method is dynamic, where an IP address is not allocated at the time of its creation. Instead, the public IP address is allocated when you start (or create) the associated resource (like a VM or load balancer). The IP address is released when you stop (or delete) the resource. This causes the IP address to change when you stop and start a resource.
If you want to public IP address not change, you could change dynamic to static.

Azure VM IP Address

I'm trying to run some VOIP software on my Azure VM, but it's picking up the internal IP address 10.x.x.x and broadcasting it to external servers. The external servers obviously can't see that internal address. So, I want to configure the machine such that its IP address is the static external address (13.x.x.x). When I run ipconfig, I need the IPv4 address to be my (13.x.x.x). This way the VOIP software will broadcast the correct externally accessible IP address.
What's the best way to do this in Azure? Do I just go to the server itself and turn off "obtain IP address automatically" and put in my static external IP or is there some other "Azure" way of doing what I'm trying to do? PS. I'm pretty new to Azure VMs and associated IT management.
OK, so what I ended up doing is:
In the portal I added an address range and sub-net to the virtual network that included my external, static IP address
In the portal I changed the sub-net that the VM network interface was using to the new one that included my external IP. I also set the address to "static" and put in external address
Rebooted the VM
The VM now reports the internal address and external address as being the same external address which is what I wanted. Not sure if this is the best or only way to do this but it worked for me. Open to better recommendations if anyone has one.

How do I create point to site connection with existing VNET in Resource manager

I have RM VNET and the address range is
I have 4 VM running on it without issue.
What I noticed here is I found the IP of the VM's get changed every alternate days and because of this the APP running on the VM's are affected.
For now I have assigned Static IP for the VM's. but need to change it to Dynamic as static IP is chargable
Is there any way to assign a static IP for the VM's without charges?
If this is referring to the free public IP assigned to you, one way to get around the cost is using a CNAME entry in your DNS pointing to your resource's FQDN. Set TTL as low as you can afford so the outside world can pick up the change fast.
Here is an article about how: http://www.codewrecks.com/blog/index.php/2015/10/11/where-is-my-dns-name-for-azure-vm-with-new-resource-manager/
If this is referring to VM's internal IP address such as, I don't believe static private IP address is chargeable.
Here is an solid article explain things:
