While starting kudu-master, I am getting the below error and unable to start kudu cluster.
F0706 10:21:33.464331 27576 master_main.cc:71] Check failed: _s.ok() Bad status: Invalid argument: Unable to initialize catalog manager: Failed to initialize sys tables async: on-disk master list (hadoop-master:7051, slave2:7051, slave3:7051) and provided master list (:0) differ. Their symmetric difference is: :0, hadoop-master:7051, slave2:7051, slave3:7051
It is a cluster of 8 nodes and i have provided 3 masters as given below in master.gflagfile on master nodes.
If this is a new installation, working under the assumption that master ip addresses are correct, I believe the easiest solution is to
Stop kudu masters
Nuke the <kudu-data-dir>/master directory
Start kudu masters
I believe the most common (if not only) cause of this error (Failed to initialize sys tables async: on-disk master list (hadoop-master:7051, slave2:7051, slave3:7051) and provided master list (:0) differ.) is when a kudu master node gets added incorrectly. The error suggests that kudu-master thinks it's running on a single node rather than 3-node cluster.
Maybe you did not intend to "add a node", but that's most likely what happened. I'm saying this because I had the same problem; after some googling and debugging, I discovered that during the installation, I started kudu-master before putting the correct IP address in master.gflagfile, so that kudu-master was spun up thinking it was running on a single node, not 3 node. Using steps above to clean install kudu-master again, my problem was solved.
I use Apache Airflow for daily ETL jobs. I installed it in Azure Kubernetes Service using the provided Helm chart. It's been running fine for half a year, but since recently I'm unable to access the logs in the webserver (this used to always work fine).
I'm getting the following error:
*** Log file does not exist: /opt/airflow/logs/dag_id=analytics_etl/run_id=manual__2022-09-26T09:25:50.010763+00:00/task_id=copy_device_table/attempt=18.log
*** Fetching from: http://airflow-worker-0.airflow-worker.default.svc.cluster.local:8793/dag_id=analytics_etl/run_id=manual__2022-09-26T09:25:50.010763+00:00/task_id=copy_device_table/attempt=18.log
*** !!!! Please make sure that all your Airflow components (e.g. schedulers, webservers and workers) have the same 'secret_key' configured in 'webserver' section and time is synchronized on all your machines (for example with ntpd) !!!!!
****** See more at https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/configurations-ref.html#secret-key
****** Failed to fetch log file from worker. Client error '403 FORBIDDEN' for url 'http://airflow-worker-0.airflow-worker.default.svc.cluster.local:8793/dag_id=analytics_etl/run_id=manual__2022-09-26T09:25:50.010763+00:00/task_id=copy_device_table/attempt=18.log'
For more information check: https://httpstatuses.com/403
What have I tried:
I've made sure that the log file exists (I can exec into the airflow-worker-0 pod and read the file on command line in the location specified in the error).
I've rolled back my deployment to an earlier commit from when I know for sure it was still working, but it made no difference.
I was using webserverSecretKeySecretName in the values.yaml configuration. I changed the secret to which that name was pointing (deleted it and created a new one, as described here: https://airflow.apache.org/docs/helm-chart/stable/production-guide.html#webserver-secret-key) but it didn't work (no difference, same error).
I changed the config to use a webserverSecretKey instead (in plain text), no difference.
My thoughts/observations:
The error states that the log file doesn't exist, but that's not true. It probably just can't access it.
The time is the same in all pods (I double checked be exec-ing into them and typing date in the command line)
The webserver secret is the same in the worker, the scheduler, and the webserver (I double checked by exec-ing into them and finding the corresponding env variable)
Any ideas?
Turns out this was a known bug with the latest release (2.4.0) of the official Airflow Helm chart, reported here:
Should be resolved in version 2.4.1 which should be available in the next couple of days.
Here is what I am trying to do.
I have created two nodes of DataStax enterprise cluster,on top of which I have created a java program to get the count of one table (Cassandra database table).
This program was built in eclipse which is actually from a windows box.
At the time of running this program from windows it's failing with the following error at runtime:
Initial job has not accepted any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient memory
The same code has been compiled & run successfully on those clusters without any issue. What could be the reason why am getting above error?
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf;
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext;
import org.apache.spark.api.java.JavaSparkContext;
import org.apache.spark.sql.SchemaRDD;
import org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra.CassandraSQLContext;
import com.datastax.bdp.spark.DseSparkConfHelper;
public class SparkProject {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SparkConf conf = DseSparkConfHelper.enrichSparkConf(new SparkConf()).setMaster("spark://").setAppName("DatastaxTests").set("spark.cassandra.connection.host","").set("spark.executor.memory", "2048m").set("spark.driver.memory", "1024m").set("spark.local.ip","");
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
CassandraSQLContext cassandraContext = new CassandraSQLContext(sc.sc());
SchemaRDD employees = cassandraContext.sql("SELECT * FROM portware_ants.orders");
//SchemaRDD managers = cassandraContext.sql("SELECT symbol FROM employees");
I faced similar issue and after some online research and trial-n-error, I narrowed down to 3 causes for this (except for the first the other two are not even close to the error message):
As indicated by the error, probably you are allocating the resources more than that is available. => This was not my issue
Hostname & IP Address mishaps: I took care of this by specifying the SPARK_MASTER_IP and SPARK_LOCAL_IP in spark-env.sh
Disable Firewall on the client : This was the solution that worked for me. Since I was working on a prototype in-house code, I disabled the firewall on the client node. For some reason the worker nodes, were not able to talk back to the client for me. For production purposes, you would want to open-up certain number of ports required.
My problem was that I was assigning too much memory than my slaves had available. Try reducing the memory size of the spark submit. Something like the following:
~/spark-1.5.0/bin/spark-submit --master spark://my-pc:7077 --total-executor-cores 2 --executor-memory 512m
with my ~/spark-1.5.0/conf/spark-env.sh being:
Please look at Russ's post
Specifically this section:
This is by far the most common first error that a new Spark user will
see when attempting to run a new application. Our new and excited
Spark user will attempt to start the shell or run their own
application and be met with the following message
The short term solution to this problem is to make sure you aren’t
requesting more resources from your cluster than exist or to shut down
any apps that are unnecessarily using resources. If you need to run
multiple Spark apps simultaneously then you’ll need to adjust the
amount of cores being used by each app.
In my case, the problem was that I had the following line in $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-env.sh:
of each worker,
and the following line in $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-default.sh
spark.executor.memory 4g
in the "master" node.
The problem went away once I changed 4g to 3g. I hope that this will help someone with the same issue. The other answers helped me spot this.
I have faced this issue few times even though the resource allocation was correct.
The fix was to restart the mesos services.
sudo service mesos-slave restart
sudo service mesos-master restart
I can confirm the 3-replica cluster of h2o inside K3s is correctly deployed, as executing in the Python3 interpreter h2o.init(ip="x.x.x.x") works as expected. I followed the instructions noted here: https://www.h2o.ai/blog/running-h2o-cluster-on-a-kubernetes-cluster/
Nevertheless, I had to modify the service.yaml and comment out the line which says clusterIP: None, as K3s was complaining about something related to its inability to set the clusterIP to None. But even though, I can certify it is working correctly, and I am able to use an external IP to connect to the cluster.
If I try to load the dataset using the h2o cluster inside the K3s cluster using the exact same steps as described here http://docs.h2o.ai/h2o/latest-stable/h2o-docs/automl.html, this is the output that I get:
>>> train = h2o.import_file("https://s3.amazonaws.com/erin-data/higgs/higgs_train_10k.csv")
h2o.exceptions.H2OResponseError: Server error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Error: Key not loaded: Key<Frame> https://s3.amazonaws.com/erin-data/higgs/higgs_train_10k.csv
Request: POST /3/ParseSetup
data: {'check_header': '0', 'source_frames': '["https://s3.amazonaws.com/erin-data/higgs/higgs_train_10k.csv"]'}
The same error occurs if I use the h2o.upoad_file("x.csv") method.
There is a clue about what may be happening here: Key not loaded: Key<Frame> while POSTing source frame through ParseSetup in H2O API call but I am not using curl, and I can not find any parameter that could help me overcome this issue: http://docs.h2o.ai/h2o/latest-stable/h2o-py/docs/h2o.html?highlight=import_file#h2o.import_file
I need to use the Python client inside the same K3s cluster due to different technical reasons, so I am not able to kick off nor Flow nor Firebug to know what may be happening.
I can confirm it is working correctly when I simply issue a h2o.init(), using the local Java instance.
I have tried in different K3s clusters without success. I changed the service.yaml to a NodePort, and now this is the error traceback:
>>> train = h2o.import_file("https://s3.amazonaws.com/erin-data/higgs/higgs_train_10k.csv")
h2o.exceptions.H2OResponseError: Server error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Error: Job is missing
Request: GET /3/Jobs/$03010a2a016132d4ffffffff$_a2366be93ec99a78d7bc161de8c54d67
I have tried using different services (NodePort, LoadBalancer, ClusterIP) and none of them work. I also have tried using Minikube with the official image, and with a custom image made by me, without success. I suspect this is something related to either h2o itself, or the clustering between pods. I will keep digging and let's think there will be some gold in it.
I also found out that the post about running H2O in Docker is really outdated https://www.h2o.ai/blog/h2o-docker/ nor is working the Dockerfile present at GitHub (I changed it to uncomment the ENTRYPOINT section without success): https://github.com/h2oai/h2o-3/blob/master/Dockerfile
Even though, I tried with the custom image I built for h2o-k8s and it is working seamlessly in pure Docker. I am wondering why it is still not working in K8s...
I have tried modifying the environment variable called H2O_KUBERNETES_SERVICE_DNS without success.
In the meantime, the cluster started to be unavailable, that is, the readinessProbe's would not successfully complete. No matter what I change now, it does not work.
I spinned up a K3d cluster in local to see what happened, and surprisingly, the readinessProbe's were not failing, using v3.30.0.6. But now I started testing it with R instead of Python. I am glad I tried, because I may have pinpointed what was wrong. There is a version mismatch between the client and the server. So I updated accordingly the image to v3.30.0.1.
But now again, the readinessProbe is not working in my k3d cluster, so I am unable to test it.
It seems it is working now. R client version with server version Also tried with Python version and server version and it started working. Marvelous. The problem was caused by a version mismatch between the client and the server, as the python client was updated to while the latest server for docker was
I upgraded OpsCenter from 5.1.3 to 5.2.0 (and then to 5.2.1). I had a scheduled backup to local server and an S3 location configured before the upgrade, which worked fine with OpsCenter 5.1.3. I made to no changes to the scheduled backup during or after the upgrade.
The day after the upgrade, the S3 backup failed. In opscenterd.log, I see these errors:
2015-09-28 17:00:00+0000 [local] INFO: Instructing agents to start backups at Mon, 28 Sep 2015 17:00:00 +0000
2015-09-28 17:00:00+0000 [local] INFO: Scheduled job 458459d6-d038-41b4-9094-7d450e4bac6f finished
2015-09-28 17:00:00+0000 [local] INFO: Snapshots started on all nodes
2015-09-28 17:00:08+0000 [] WARN: Marking request d960ad7b-2ccd-40a4-be7e-8351ac038c53 as failed: {'sstables': {u'solr_admin': {u'solr_resources': {'total_size': 155313, 'total_files': 12, 'done_files': 0, 'errors': [u'{:type :opsagent.backups.destinations/destination-not-found, :message "Destination missing: 62f5a26abce7463bad9deb7380979c4a"}', u'{:type :opsagent.backups.destinations/destination-not-found, :message "Destination missing: 62f5a26abce7463bad9deb7380979c4a"}', u'{:type :opsagent.backups.destinations/destination-not-found, :message "Destination missing: 62f5a26abce7463bad9deb7380979c4a"}', shortened for brevity.
The S3 location no longer appears in OpsCenter when I edit the scheduled backup job. When I try to re-add the S3 location, using the same bucket and credentials as before, I get the following error:
Location validation error: Call to /local/backups/destination_validate timed out.
Also, I don't know if this is related, but for completeness, I see some of these errors in the opscenterd.log as well:
WARN: No http agent exists for definition file update. This is likely due to SSL import failure.
I get this behavior with either DataStax Enterprise 4.5.1 or 4.7.3.
I have been having the exact same problem since updating to OpsCenter 5.2.x and just was able to get it working properly.
I removed all the settings suggested in the previous answer and then created new buckets in us-west-1, us-west-2 and us-standard. After this I was able to successfully able to add all of those as destinations quickly and easily.
It appears to me that the problem is that OpsCenter may be trying to list the objects in the bucket that you configure initially, which in my case for the 2 existing ones we were using had 11TB and 19GB of data in them respectively.
This could explain why increasing the timeout for some worked and not others.
Hope this helps.
Try adding the remote_backup_region property to the cluster configuration file under the [agents] heading in "cluster-name".conf. Valid values are: us-standard, us-west-1, us-west-2, eu-west-1, ap-northeast-1, ap-southeast-1
Does that help?
The problem was resolved by a combination of 2 things.
Delete the entire contents of the existing S3 bucket (or create a new bucket as previously suggested by #kaveh-nowroozi).
Edit /etc/datastax-agent/datastax-agent-env.sh and increase the heap size to 512M as suggested by a DataStax engineer. The default was set at 128M and I kept doubling it until backups became successful.
I am trying to experiment with Spark and found this demo provided by DataStax:
I was able to run the pricer utility and data populated into created tables without any issues.
Then next command is to start the website which I did:
$ cd website
$ sudo ./start
And then open the url on the browser:
The website appears to load but a script error comes up:
fname is undefined
The initial error seems to stem from here:
if (mtype == Thrift.MessageType.EXCEPTION) {
var x = new Thrift.TApplicationException();
throw x;
The error is occurring in thrift.js and is shown in the screenshot below:
Any ideas on how to resolve this? I believe this is probably a bug (or limitation) that must be addressed by the DataStax team. I am using DSE on Ubuntu. My best guess is because I don't use localhost in my cassandra.yaml file and the website gives me no way to specify the IP of my database server. There appears to be a duplicate of the cassandra.yaml file in the website resource directory (maybe it uses that?) but it has the same settings as my primary cassandra.yaml file.