CQRS/ES - User Login from Read Or From Write Side - domain-driven-design

I am building a user login and authentication in CQRS with event sourcing.(with AXON Framework)
Follwing are the steps in my model -
User Registration Flow -
UserRegistrationCommand handles the user registration , since the
application makes the uniqueness between users using email , means only one
user can register with one email. (For this I was maintaining the table on
read side , which contains the registered email address. So when user tries
to register ,We query the read side for the validation of email address
from client side (not from the write side),and show a message "This email
is already register").
When the client validation passes ,the UserRegistrationCommand is issued and
handled by the command handler , which then fires an event called
UserRegistredEvent , and this event is handled by the event handler on read
side and updates the read side DB.
2. UserLogin Flow -
I am bit confused about the UserLogin.
I have two approaches in my mind:
First Approach -
User login using the read side, means user enters the username and
password. And this username and password is validated from read side, and
UserLogedInEvent is fired from the read side and catched by the write side and is
saved in event store.
But I have never seen in any architecture diagram that read side fires and event and handle by write side.
So can i do that ?
Second Approach -
User login using write side , means the user issues UserLogingCommand
and before the command dispatch to command handler , we validate the
username and password using the read side by accessing the same public api
of read side (which was used in first approach).
But the problem is that , we cannot use the read side in write side (as I read
and know in cqrs architecture).
But since I am using public API of read side, so I can think , it may be
So which approach you guys suggest OR there is some other approach to do it

we cannot use the read side in write side (as I read and know in cqrs architecture)
That's not quite right. There's nothing wrong with using read side data when computing a write -- you just need to be aware of the latency.
I have never seen in any architecture diagram that read side fires and event and handle by write side
It's a common enough pattern - a subscriber watches for changes in the read models, and computes commands to send to write models. If you search for "process manager" and "event driven architecture" you may find the diagrams you are looking for.
For example, Alice places an order. So we write that down in the order book, and as a consequence fire messages to the billing service and the fulfillment service.
So which approach you guys suggest
Honestly? Buy a commodity solution for login and authentication and move on to a problem that has value to the core business.
But if you are rolling your own, I think you need to have a hard look at what your latency requirements actually are, and work from there.


Is it possible to send form data to server from developer tools

I just learnt one can manipulate the frontend code of a website from the developer tools that comes with some browsers. Now, my question is that if someone can manipulate my js, HTML and CSS codes to suitable needs, and was able to send a request to my webserver, will the server receive and process the request as authenticated request. Let me site a suitable example:
Let's say I created a form that uses ajax to retrieve some information from my webserver, in the form I have a hidden input that contains numbers which determine the information that will be displayed (e.g. 1 should display information for level 1 users, 2 should display information for level 2 users). The default value of the hidden input is 1, now if the user (level 1) is able to tweak the frontend code and set the value to 2 before sending, will he receive the information meant for level 2.
If this is possible, how can I prevent such thing from happening, or what is the standard procedure for handling situations like this?
The typical rules in this case are:
Do not trust the client exclusively to tell you whether they have the permission or not. You should have the information to determine that on the server side, use it.
Validate client side requests, and make sure the user that is requesting an action has the actually has permissions to do so, and that the data they are sending is valid.
Sure, you can have client side validation for a good UX experience, but always backstop it with server side validation, authentication and authorization.
The best way to prevent your example scenario is: Don't send the client side data they aren't supposed to see and then rely on the client to hide it. If the user isn't supposed to see it, don't send it.

CQRS and synchronous operations (such as user registration)

I'm in the process of adopting DDD concepts for designing our next projects, and more specifically CQRS.
After reading a LOT of stuff I'm now trying to implement a simple Proof Of Concept.
The thing is I'm stuck right after I started :p
I'm trying to apply this approach to a simple user registration process, where steps are:
User fills the registration form & submit the request
The app creates the user
The app authenticates the user (auto log in)
The app sends a verification email to the user
The app redirect the user somewhere else with a confirmation message
From an implementation point of view, what I get so far is:
The controller action maps the request data to a RegisterCommand object
The controller action asks the Command Bus to handle the RegisterCommand
The command handler (UserService) "register" method creates a new User object (whether by a new command or a factory object)
The model raises a RegisterEvent
The command handler asks the repository to store the new user object
That's it, the controller action doesn't know about any of that.
So, my guess is, since everything in this context HAS TO be done synchronously (except for the email sending), I can use a direct/synchronous command bus, and in the controller action, right after the command bus invocation, I can query for a read only User (query database) and if it exists assume that everything went well, so I can give the user a confirmation message.
The automatic log in process being handled by an Event Handler.
Assuming that this is correct, what if something goes wrong, how to inform the user with the correct information ?
A common example is often used in articles we can find over the internet: A customer pays his order by using an expired credit card. The system accepts the request, informs the user that everything is OK, but the user receives an email a few minutes later telling him that his order could not be processed.
Well, this scenario is acceptable in many cases, but for some other it is just not possible. So where are the examples dealing with these use cases ? :p
Thank you !
I think this registration use case is closer to the paying for an order use case than you think.
Most of the CQRS thought leaders suggest validating on the read side before issuing a command, thus giving your command a higher probability of success.
If the validation fails on the read side, you know how to handle this - make the user pick another name before you even send off the registration command. If validation succeeds, send the command - now you're talking probably a few hundred microseconds AT MOST where another user could've come in and taken the same username between the time you validated the command and sent it off. Highly unlikely.
And in the very rare case when that does happen, you act in the same as way as the expired credit card example - the next time the user logs in, you present them with an explanation and a form to submit a new username - or send them an email saying "hey - someone else has that username, please click here to select a new one". Why does this work? Because you have a unique ID for that user.
Look at a user registration page like Twitter. As soon as you enter a username, it does a little Ajax call and says "nope, this is taken" or "this one is good!" That's pre-validation.
I hope this helps!
The problem with contrived examples is that you can change your mind about how the "domain" functions, so there's little use in discussing this example in particular. The basic premise you seem to forego is that we must assume that things are just going to work. Everything else is about risk and mitigating it. Taking this example, if I ask you, what if I lost 1 user registration in 100000? What if I lost 1 out of 10? Why would that happen? Do I have bigger problems at that point in time? Would future users be likely to register again when the system comes back online and works as expected? When would that be? What if we monitored our quality of service and prevent users from registering because we can't assure the quality they've come to associate with our brand? What if the server exploded, or the datacenter got nuked? Do we want to protect against that? You see, there is no right answer. Just various shades of grey. So how do we mitigate the risk? We could make things synchronous but that is only a guarantee at that limited point in time. What if I had to restore a backup that's 2 hours old (e.g. because the disk corrupted)? That's 2 hours of registered users lost (maybe). These things happen ... I just wanted to point out the relativity of what I consider a false sense of security. Mitigate it, invest in what you can't afford to lose, make sure you have a good audit trail. Probably not the answer you were looking for ...

CQRS Event Sourcing: Validate UserName uniqueness

Let's take a simple "Account Registration" example, here is the flow:
User visit the website
Click the "Register" button and fill out the form, click the "Save" button
MVC Controller: Validate UserName uniqueness by reading from ReadModel
RegisterCommand: Validate UserName uniqueness again (here is the question)
Of course, we can validate UserName uniqueness by reading from ReadModel in the MVC controller to improve performance and user experience. However, we still need to validate the uniqueness again in RegisterCommand, and obviously, we should NOT access ReadModel in Commands.
If we do not use Event Sourcing, we can query the domain model, so that's not a problem. But if we're using Event Sourcing, we are not able to query the domain model, so how can we validate UserName uniqueness in RegisterCommand?
Notice: User class has an Id property, and UserName is not the key property of the User class. We can only get the domain object by Id when using event sourcing.
BTW: In the requirement, if the entered UserName is already taken, the website should show the error message "Sorry, the user name XXX is not available" to the visitor. It's not acceptable to show a message, that says, "We are creating your account, please wait, we will send the registration result to you via Email later", to the visitor.
Any ideas? Many thanks!
A more complex example:
When placing an order, the system should check the client's ordering history, if he is a valuable client (if the client placed at least 10 orders per month in the last year, he is valuable), we make 10% off to the order.
We create PlaceOrderCommand, and in the command, we need to query the ordering history to see if the client is valuable. But how can we do that? We shouldn't access ReadModel in command! As Mikael said, we can use compensating commands in the account registration example, but if we also use that in this ordering example, it would be too complex, and the code might be too difficult to maintain.
If you validate the username using the read model before you send the command, we are talking about a race condition window of a couple of hundred milliseconds where a real race condition can happen, which in my system is not handled. It is just too unlikely to happen compared to the cost of dealing with it.
However, if you feel you must handle it for some reason or if you just feel you want to know how to master such a case, here is one way:
You shouldn't access the read model from the command handler nor the domain when using event sourcing. However, what you could do is to use a domain service that would listen to the UserRegistered event in which you access the read model again and check whether the username still isn't a duplicate. Of course you need to use the UserGuid here as well as your read model might have been updated with the user you just created. If there is a duplicate found, you have the chance of sending compensating commands such as changing the username and notifying the user that the username was taken.
That is one approach to the problem.
As you probably can see, it is not possible to do this in a synchronous request-response manner. To solve that, we are using SignalR to update the UI whenever there is something we want to push to the client (if they are still connected, that is). What we do is that we let the web client subscribe to events that contain information that is useful for the client to see immediately.
For the more complex case:
I would say the order placement is less complex, since you can use the read model to find out if the client is valuable before you send the command. Actually, you could query that when you load the order form since you probably want to show the client that they'll get the 10% off before they place the order. Just add a discount to the PlaceOrderCommand and perhaps a reason for the discount, so that you can track why you are cutting profits.
But then again, if you really need to calculate the discount after the order was places for some reason, again use a domain service that would listen to OrderPlacedEvent and the "compensating" command in this case would probably be a DiscountOrderCommand or something. That command would affect the Order Aggregate root and the information could be propagated to your read models.
For the duplicate username case:
You could send a ChangeUsernameCommand as the compensating command from the domain service. Or even something more specific, that would describe the reason why the username changed which also could result in the creation of an event that the web client could subscribe to so that you can let the user see that the username was a duplicate.
In the domain service context I would say that you also have the possibility to use other means to notify the user, such like sending an email which could be useful since you cannot know if the user is still connected. Maybe that notification functionality could be initiated by the very same event that the web client is subscribing to.
When it comes to SignalR, I use a SignalR Hub that the users connects to when they load a certain form. I use the SignalR Group functionality which allows me to create a group which I name the value of the Guid I send in the command. This could be the userGuid in your case. Then I have Eventhandler that subscribe to events that could be useful for the client and when an event arrives I can invoke a javascript function on all clients in the SignalR Group (which in this case would be only the one client creating the duplicate username in your case). I know it sounds complex, but it really isn't. I had it all set up in an afternoon. There are great docs and examples on the SignalR Github page.
I think you are yet to have the mindset shift to eventual consistency and the nature of event sourcing. I had the same problem. Specifically I refused to accept that you should trust commands from the client that, using your example, say "Place this order with 10% discount" without the domain validating that the discount should go ahead. One thing that really hit home for me was something that Udi himself said to me (check the comments of the accepted answer).
Basically I came to realise that there is no reason not to trust the client; everything on the read side has been produced from the domain model, so there is no reason not to accept the commands. Whatever in the read side that says the customer qualifies for discount has been put there by the domain.
BTW: In the requirement, if the entered UserName is already taken, the website should show error message "Sorry, the user name XXX is not available" to the visitor. It's not acceptable to show a message, say, "We are creating your account, please wait, we will send the registration result to you via Email later", to the visitor.
If you are going to adopt event sourcing & eventual consistency, you will need to accept that sometimes it will not be possible to show error messages instantly after submitting a command. With the unique username example the chances of this happening are so slim (given that you check the read side before sending the command) its not worth worrying about too much, but a subsequent notification would need to be sent for this scenario, or perhaps ask them for a different username the next time they log on. The great thing about these scenarios is that it gets you thinking about business value & what's really important.
UPDATE : Oct 2015
Just wanted to add, that in actual fact, where public facing websites are concerned - indicating that an email is already taken is actually against security best practices. Instead, the registration should appear to have gone through successfully informing the user that a verification email has been sent, but in the case where the username exists, the email should inform them of this and prompt them to login or reset their password. Although this only works when using email addresses as the username, which I think is advisable for this reason.
There is nothing wrong with creating some immediately consistent read models (e.g. not over a distributed network) that get updated in the same transaction as the command.
Having read models be eventually consistent over a distributed network helps support scaling of the read model for heavy reading systems. But there's nothing to say you can't have a domain specific read model thats immediately consistent.
The immediately consistent read model is only ever used to check data before issuing a command, you should never use it for directly displaying read data to a user (i.e. from a GET web request or similar). Use eventually consistent, scaleable read models for that.
About uniqueness, I implemented the following:
A first command like "StartUserRegistration". UserAggregate would be created no matter if user is unique or not, but with a status of RegistrationRequested.
On "UserRegistrationStarted" an asynchronous message would be sent to a stateless service "UsernamesRegistry". would be something like "RegisterName".
Service would try to update (no queries, "tell don't ask") table which would include a unique constraint.
If successful, service would reply with another message (asynchronously), with a sort of authorization "UsernameRegistration", stating that username was successfully registered. You can include some requestId to keep track in case of concurrent competence (unlikely).
The issuer of the above message has now an authorization that the name was registered by itself so now can safely mark the UserRegistration aggregate as successful. Otherwise, mark as discarded.
Wrapping up:
This approach involves no queries.
User registration would be always created with no validation.
Process for confirmation would involve two asynchronous messages and one db insertion. The table is not part of a read model, but of a service.
Finally, one asynchronous command to confirm that User is valid.
At this point, a denormaliser could react to a UserRegistrationConfirmed event and create a read model for the user.
Like many others when implementing a event sourced based system we encountered the uniqueness problem.
At first I was a supporter of letting the client access the query side before sending a command in order to find out if a username is unique or not. But then I came to see that having a back-end that has zero validation on uniqueness is a bad idea. Why enforce anything at all when it's possible to post a command that would corrupt the system ? A back-end should validate all it's input else you're open for inconsistent data.
What we did was create an index table at the command side. For example, in the simple case of a username that needs to be unique, just create a user_name_index table containing the field(s) that need to be unique. Now the command side is able to query a username's uniqueness. After the command has been executed it's safe to store the new username in the index.
Something like that could also work for the Order discount problem.
The benefits are that your command back-end properly validates all input so no inconsistent data could be stored.
A downside might be that you need an extra query for each uniqueness constraint and you are enforcing extra complexity.
I think for such cases, we can use a mechanism like "advisory lock with expiration".
Sample execution:
Check username exists or not in eventually consistent read model
If not exists; by using a redis-couchbase like keyvalue storage or cache; try to push the username as key field with some expiration.
If successful; then raise userRegisteredEvent.
If either username exists in read model or cache storage, inform visitor that username has taken.
Even you can use an sql database; insert username as a primary key of some lock table; and then a scheduled job can handle expirations.
Have you considered using a "working" cache as sort of an RSVP? It's hard to explain because it works in a bit of a cycle, but basically, when a new username is "claimed" (that is, the command was issued to create it), you place the username in the cache with a short expiration (long enough to account for another request getting through the queue and denormalized into the read model). If it's one service instance, then in memory would probably work, otherwise centralize it with Redis or something.
Then while the next user is filling out the form (assuming there's a front end), you asynchronously check the read model for availability of the username and alert the user if it's already taken. When the command is submitted, you check the cache (not the read model) in order to validate the request before accepting the command (before returning 202); if the name is in the cache, don't accept the command, if it's not then you add it to the cache; if adding it fails (duplicate key because some other process beat you to it), then assume the name is taken -- then respond to the client appropriately. Between the two things, I don't think there'll be much opportunity for a collision.
If there's no front end, then you can skip the async look up or at least have your API provide the endpoint to look it up. You really shouldn't be allowing the client to speak directly to the command model anyway, and placing an API in front of it would allow you to have the API to act as a mediator between the command and read hosts.
It seems to me that perhaps the aggregate is wrong here.
In general terms, if you need to guarantee that value Z belonging to Y is unique within set X, then use X as the aggregate. X, after all, is where the invariant really exists (only one Z can be in X).
In other words, your invariant is that a username may only appear once within the scope of all of your application's users (or could be a different scope, such as within an Organization, etc.) If you have an aggregate "ApplicationUsers" and send the "RegisterUser" command to that, then you should be able to have what you need in order to ensure that the command is valid prior to storing the "UserRegistered" event. (And, of course, you can then use that event to create the projections you need in order to do things such as authenticate the user without having to load the entire "ApplicationUsers" aggregate.

Mixing Service-Oriented Architecture Security and Business Logic

I have a SOA which makes heavy use of nonces (i.e, one-time one-use security tokens).
My app takes a nonce from a client, verifies it, then sends a new nonce back to said client as part of every reply. Also included in each reply are the results of business logic operations that executed right after the nonce was authenticated.
The nonce verification and generation are operationally coupled with the business logic, since both occur in response to every client request. However I don't want the two to be coupled in code. What's the right way to partition them in accordance with SOA principles? Is it too much to break the security and business logic into two separate services, with one calling the other as part of each reply to each client request?
Yes it makes sense to separate them. But I don't think they should have awareness of each other at all (Call each other directly).
I'll dive into a specific example and technology of how something similar is implemented.
In the web frame work Struts2 all incoming requests pass through a stack of operations(called interceptors) before arriving at a user defined object (called an action). The action then will access the business tier.
When submitting a web form there is the issue of double submission. So one way to protect against this is with a token that is sent along with the form submission. So we need to create a unique token place it as a hidden field, and then when we receive the request only process it if the token is good. This prevent users from doing something like accidentally buying something more than once.
In Struts2 there is a special server side token tag which creates the hidden field for us. So there is something that needs to be done for each form. The token interceptor if active will enforce that this value always exists and is good when receiving the form and will redirect responses that do not somewhere else.
The idea of implementing a nonces interceptor/filter that checks that the incoming nonce value is good and for responses adds the correct nonces value to the response should be completely independent of the business logic.
The example here is with html forms but adding an interceptor(or whatever you call "that which handles cross cutting concerns at the request/response level" for your appropriate technology) which adds such a value to json or xml messages should be pretty easy and likely produce the most elegant result.
The following is a link to struts2 interceptor reference (it might clarify the idea better):
The following two links are both interceptors which manage tokens:
I expect only the first few paragraphs of each link will be useful but something like it for your technology should be nice.
I think what you outlined above would be in keeping with SOA principles. You're keeping two distinct sets of operations separated - once service has the business logic, the other has the security logic.
This would be especially true if you have (or the potential of having) other services that would rely on nonces.

CouchDB - Figuring out database security

CouchDB offers validation prior to allowing an object/row to be inserted into the database. This make sure that if you have a public facing couch application, you're database won't be filled with junk by just anyone.
User <-> CouchDB
However, I'm tring to figure out what that looks like comming from the standard application design process where you have a trusted middle layer that does much of the auth work. For example, most apps place Ruby or PHP between the database and user agent which allows the application to figure out information about the user agent before allowing something like a post to be saved to the database.
User -> Ruby -> MySQL
User <- Ruby <- MySQL
How do you trust the user to do administrative tasks when the user can't be trusted?
For example, how would you do something like "email verification" prior to inserting a user row using just couchDB? You can't let the user agent insert the row - because they would fill the system with spam accounts. On the other hand, there is no middle layer either that can insert the row after they click the link in the email.
How about this, I would assume that you would allow anyone to enter their email by creating a new record in a public table like email_verify. This is something that a public user agent could do as the table would not do anything in the application - it would just be a holding tank.
Then node.js could track the _changes feed and send an activation email while creating a new entry in a private table (like email_confirm) (node.js would serve as a trusted middle layer). If the user clicks that link and comes back then... [unknown] ... and node.js could finally create a record in the private user table (user).
At this point we could then rely on couchdb validation for the rest of the application since we got a confirmed user account created.
As more background lets imagine a discussion built on couchdb that anyone can register for. We don't want to allow just anyone to directly submit content without some kind of verification - yet the user agents all directly run the system. (Tables would be Thread, Comment, & User). How would this work?
I would think about adding roles to existing users in this issue.
Using couchdb's validation and changing _design/_auth can be a good idea to add email, email_verified and randomly generated email_verification_code in _users database when the user firsts registers.
To send mail, get confirmation, resend confirmation you can use external processes. (for an example usage of external process you can check couchdb-lucene).
And at last you can again do a quick check in _design/_auth in user update process if verification code matches and add verified_user role for that user.
This way all your requests would pass over couchdb, you would use external process only when you need to send mail and get confirmation.
Edit : Forgot to add (since it was pretty obvious), I would add verified_user role to database readers.
Couldn't you just make use of CouchDb's Validation ?
Users could be flagged. Upon registration, a User is added to the Users database. He gets his mail and then is flagged "valid:true" or something like this upon answering to that mail or clicking a link.
With validation users could not only be "logged in/out" but also access authorization can be implemented with more granular access rights. E.g.: Only mark threads solved if one is the author, admin, whatever...
Or does this seem impracticable?
After talking with some people on #couchdb IRC, it seems that they can't figure out out a way to do something administrative (like activation users that click on a email link) with out using a "backend" process like a node.js server which keeps track of the _changes feed.
I was hoping for a pure couchdb app - but it seems like couchdb still has a little ways to go.
Still, the good news is that you can hand off 80% of your applications logic/processing to your users. The other 20% will be 1) a node.js instance for things like sending emails or checking recaptcha and 2) record validation functions running in your couchdb, and 3) map/reduce (query) functions. These three things cannot be offloaded to something "untrusted" like a user-agent.
