Use exact version numbers in package.json or not? - node.js

Common practice for version numbers of npm dependencies in package.json has been to enter exact version numbers (like 1.2.4) instead of inexact version numbers (like ^1.2.4 which allows installing bug fix releases like 1.2.5) to make sure a future installation will not break due to changes in dependencies (see for example this article).
Using exact version numbers has a drawback in that you can't automatically update bug fix versions of dependencies. This is an issue when it's nested dependencies having security fixes or bug fixes. For example, at this moment the package karma-browserstack-launcher uses browserstack, which is using an outdated version of https-proxy-agent containing a security vulnerability. This becomes very visible right now thanks to npm audit which looks for security issues in dependencies.
Since some time we have package-lock.json, which is used to lock down the version numbers of all dependencies. This may change the way we deal exact or inexact version numbers in package.json.
My question is: given package.json and package-lock.json, what is the best strategy nowadays to deal with version numbers of dependencies? Use exact versions or not? How can I deal with security issues in nested dependencies if they don't get upgraded?

My feeling is that
packages that are libraries and meant to be used to others should have inexact version numbers and should specify the minimum they require in order to work; and
top-level projects that aren't going to be included elsewhere should specify the full version numbers of their requirements, so they can have the most control over when things are updated.


How can I get a warning-free Node.js build?

When bootstrapping a new Expo project with expo init ..., I see the following warning (among about a dozen others) right off the bat:
warning expo > uuid#3.4.0: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details.
OK, great. I understand the concern. Then, I go over here and see that, while there are some possible breakages, I went through and verified that none of the calling code seems to run afoul of them. Then, using Yarn resolutions, I add this to my package.json:
"resolutions": {
"uuid": "7.0.3",
Next, I delete node_modules and yarn.lock, and yarn install again, and now I get this warning:
warning Resolution field "uuid#7.0.3" is incompatible with requested version "uuid#^3.4.0"
So, essentially, I've traded one warning for another. What I really want here is an error and warning free build. I'm willing to accept responsibility for the breakage I might cause by pinning "incompatible" versions. Or if I could turn these warnings on/off (one by one) somehow, it'd be suboptimal, but I'd probably be fine with that.
I come from a previous life of developing safety-critical systems in C & C++, where we operated under a doctrine of 'warnings are errors waiting to happen; no warnings allowed ever.' I've noticed from looking at many other Node.js projects that many folks working in this ecosystem seem to just say, "Warnings? YOLO!", and I can see why, TBH. When the problematic dependency is a 7 layer deep, transitive dependency (all 7 of which you didn't write, don't "own", and are unlikely to be able to edit/fix, and 6 of which you didn't even explicitly ask for) I can see how it might be easy to say, "Not my problem!" and push onward.
But is it really the case that there's just no hope for a warning free build? I thought resolutions would be the solution to this, and it was helpful for one dependency that was a "compatible" version, but I'm driving myself nuts trying to figure out how to simply get a clean build on an effectively empty (i.e. no code of my own) project. There have to be companies/teams out there with similar desires, so I'm assuming there's some solution I'm not aware of. Does anyone have any hot tips?
I've tried:
yarn resolutions (as described)
npm-force-resolutions (seems like an abomination -- it edits your packages-lock.json, requires 'double installing')
force-resolutions (which looks like just a newer fork of npm-force-resolutions, and has the same issues).
I've read about NPM v8.3's overrides (and it looks promising, TBH), but Expo's cloud building service uses NPM v8.1, so that's off the table until some nebulous moment in the future.
I just can't believe this an unsolvable problem, or that I'm somehow the first person to try to solve it. Thanks!

npm: refer to a peer dependency; how to align the version from a peer dependency

In abstract, I'm ok with the provided version of dependency-B, which is already installed thanks to dependency-A.
"dependencies": {
"dependency-A": "x.y.z",
$> npm ls --depth=1
├─┬ dependency-A#x.y.z
│ ├── dependency-B#x.y.z
So when I require('dependency-B'), I'll expect A's dependency.
I'm using the root function from that library and, in fact, if dependency-A bumps the version, I'd like to align with it and use the same version it uses.
If dependency-B is listed on the dependencies, a brand new package will be installed.
"dependencies": {
"dependency-A": "x.y.z",
"dependency-B": "a.b.c",
$> npm ls --depth=1
├─┬ dependency-A#x.y.z
│ ├── dependency-B#x.y.z
│ ├── ...
├─┬ dependency-B#a.b.c
I'm tempted to not list dependency-B on my dependencies. Should I avoid this practise? Isn't ok to rely on the peer version installed by my main dependency?
If this is a brad practise, how can I tell npm to give me the very same version it's installed by another package?
"dependencies": {
"dependency-A": "x.y.z",
"dependency-B": "~try the one that is installing dependency-A~",
tl;dr: You should always have all dependencies that you're using in your own dependencies object, as conformant implementations of package managers are not required to give you access to your dependencies' dependencies.
This is an interesting question, and I can think of two scenarios in which you might encounter this:
Both your package and dependency-A use dependency-B independently, for your own set of reasons, and you simply don't care which version to use.
You need to use dependency-B in order to interact with dependency-A, by creating objects of B or receiving objects of B created by A.
Scenario 1: Independent usage
If you and your dependency need the same package but don't need to share anything about it, Node gives you the amazing ability of using different versions of the same package in different places by specifying different versions in the package.json of your package and your library's. This is one of the strengths of the Node module system.
Your situation, however, is that you don't care about the actual version of the package (which makes me think this is not your scenario). In particular, you wonder if it's just better to not define anything in your own package.version and just let Node find your dependecy's dependency.
This last situation is only possible because you're using npm, and npm does one particular thing: it flattens the module tree in an effort to deduplicate packages, that is, so that multiple dependency specifications that can be satisfied by the same version are, in the end, using the exact same version. This reduces both the size and depth of the module tree, but creates the unintended consequence that you now have access to packages you havent specified as dependencies, just because they were installed in you node_modules directory for the purpose of deduplication.
This is not the only possible strategy though, and pnpm, another package manager, instead useds symlinks to achieve the same goals. I won't enter into much detail, but pnpm installs all dependencies in a different, system-wide (or user-specific) directory, and then symlinks from your node_modules (and from the dependencies' own node_modules) to the appropriate location in that folder. This achieves not only project-wise deduplication, but system-wide deduplication, as all of your projects using a specific package version will use the same installation. The consequence of this system, though, is that you "lose" the ability to use your dependencies' dependencies in your own package, because they're no longer physically in node_modules.
Apart from all that, is the idea that you don't care about the version they use. That's almost never the case, as the whole point of semantic versioning is to avoid or contain breakage due to dependency version upgrades. You don't care about the version you use now, but if that package gets upgraded in your dependency to a different major version, your package can break unexpectedly.
In conclusion, not defining a dependency that you are going to use anyway is a bad practice, both because it prevents other developers from using your package in a different package manager, and because it opens you to unexpected breakage that you won't be able to properly manage.
Scenario 2: Dependent usage
The more likely scenario given your description of the problem is that at some point in your usage of dependency-A, either it asks for something or returns something from dependency-B. In this situation it is desirable that both use the same, or at least compatible versions, so that all assumptions about the shape of the objects that are being exchanged hold.
The correct way of specifying this situation is to explicitly declare dependency-B as a peer dependency of dependency-A. If that's not the case, they're not being correct and you should most definitely bring that up in an issue if possible. As a workaround, you might just declare the same version as them and be wary o possible breakages due to version upgrades on their part. Not defining anything in your own package.json can have the same problems as in Scenario 1.
However, another possibility is that you don't even need to require that dependency. It might be the case that they expect you to pass data, functions, objects or anything that will be further passed to dependency-b, but in a way that shields you from ever having to interact with dependency-B directly. In this situation, they're essentially incorporating part of B's API into their own, and therefore any breaking change from dependency-B should also incur in a breaking change of dependency-A. This shields you from unexpected breakages, avoids you having to define anything in your package.json and means you're safe.

Is a package excluded from Stackage LTS because of an omitted dependency?

I'm a bit confused about how a dependency on a package affects including it in Stackage LTS; specifically, if
package A requires package B, and
package A works when package B is installed as an extra-dep on top of LTS-X.Y, but
package B itself is not in LTS-X.Y,
does package A have to be excluded from LTS-X.Y, particularly if
the only reason B is excluded is because of a test suite dependency, not a dependency in the library itself?
I'll copy/paste my answer on github
does package A have to be excluded?
No, it doesn't have to be excluded. Here's why:
even if the only reason B is excluded is because of a test suite dependency
In this case, we can add B to the build plan and mark it under the skipped-tests section in order to avoid pulling in its test suite dependencies. This is true of both LTS and nightly snapshots.
(However, a preferable course of action would be to remedy B's dependency issue so that the test suite can be run.)
To further clarify, in response to #bergey's answer:
packages are only included if the package's maintainer agrees to keep it up to date with respect to its dependencies
This is only true of packages explicitly included. Some packages are transitive dependencies, which are included implicitly, and are not necessarily held to such strict standards. (However, in the future we may eliminate the concept of implicit inclusion and instead include all packages explicitly.)
Exceptions can also be made so that a package may be included, even though its test suite or its benchmarks have incompatible dependency constraints with the snapsnot.
Of course the preferred way to go is to not need to make such exceptions, and we encourage all maintainers to keep all of their build targets up to date.
Finally, allow me to note that this question would probably be more well suited for the stackage mailing list, which is admittedly not well publicied or utilized.
Yes, for every package in a given Stackage snapshot, all of its transitive dependencies are also in the snapshot. Also, packages are only included if the package's maintainer agrees to keep it up to date with respect to its dependencies. There are more details about this in the README on github. An excerpt:
All packages are buildable and testable from Hackage. We recommend the Stack Travis script, which ensures a package is not accidentally incomplete.
All packages are compatible with the newest versions of all dependencies (You can find restrictive upper bounds by visiting
All packages in a snapshot are compatible with the versions of libraries that ship with the GHC used in the snapshot (more information on lenient lower bounds).

Should I keep all sub-packages on a single version in package.json?

There is a 3rd-party library my project uses that has split its functionality into multiple imported packages so that a project can install just what it needs. In package.json, several entries are present for the different sub-packages, like...
"dependencies": {
"#lib/dogs": "^1.0.3",
"#lib/cats": "^1.0.3",
"#lib/iguanas": "^1.0.3"
...lots more of the same...
I don't want to spend time thinking about compatibility issues if one of the sub-packages installs a different version# than the others through semver-range-picking or another developer fixing a problem by incrementing the version on just one sub-package. I suspect there is some risk of bugs if the sub-package versions get out of sync, even if the intent of the package maintainers is to respect the meaning of breaking changes in their versioning. It seems simpler to just have all the sub-packages on the same version by default.
Should I try to enforce (or at least promote) that the sub-packages have the same version?
Promote, but don't enforce.
Your current set-up, which uses Caret Ranges is the default used when installing with the --save flag for a reason: it's the most flexible and robust range to use for dependencies that correctly follow the semver conventions. This means that whenever someone update's your module as a dependency to theirs, it will automatically bump their sub-dependencies to the latest version that is backwards-compatible with the one explicitly specified after the ^.
Because of this, and the fact that scoped packages don't have interdependencies since they behave identically to normal dependencies, leaving identical caret ranges for each of them should already be sufficient enough to avoid compatibility issues by default.
Don't protect developers from themselves
A good methodology to follow when considering how to deal with compatibility issues is to avoid the antipattern of "protecting developers from themselves." In this situation, you propose to put a lock in place that prevents 3rd parties from editing the relative versions of your dependencies, to avoid compatibility issues. This is a very vague goal since you haven't actually run into any problems yet, as you've pointed out.
Sometimes, yes, developers might not know what they're doing, in which case they'll probably avoid tampering with your default dependency versions, but sometimes they do know, and it can be frustrating when a developer knows they can resolve a bug and are unnecessarily prevented from doing so. So hold their hand, don't cuff them.
npm already chose to avoid this antipattern, you should too.
If a 3rd-party developer chooses to use your module as a dependency, they should have the default amount of freedom available to manage their sub-dependencies through npm by using features like package-lock.json, which unlocks a very clean pattern for precisely managing sub-dependency versions without editing the source code of their dependencies.
In conclusion, what you have now is a very clean and flexible approach, following common conventions and not going out of the way to constrain 3rd-party developers.

NPM Versions update major number on every breaking change?

Let's say my npm package of 1.0.0 publicly exposes a function called foo for users to use among many other functions and features.
I then remove the foo function which will break for all the users who are using this function.
NPM says:
Changes which break backwards compatibility: Major release, increment the first number, e.g. 2.0.0
I'm quite confused exactly what this means.
Should the major number be updated always if we break a change for users even if it's just a small change such as removing a function?
At the moment I update the major number whenever I possibly break a publicly exposed feature. I see npm packages with small major versions and thinking that I am incorrect in doing this as I am updating my own packages major number very fast.
Each API change (e.g. removing endpoint, function from lib, or changing behavior of endpoint/function) which may impact clients should update MAJOR number. MINOR and PATCH tells client that library/API is stable for one MAJOR version.
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
You can
