CQL table design for temporal data - cassandra

As a Cassandra novice, I have a CQL design question. I want to re-use a concept which I've build before using RDBMS systems, to create history for customerData. The customer himself will only see the latest version, so that should be the fastest, but queries on whole history can be performed.
My suggested entity properties:
customerId text,
validFromDate date,
validUntilDate date,
customerData text
First save of customerData just INSERTs customerData with validFromDate=NOW and validUntilDate=31-12-9999
Subsequent saves of customerData changes the last record - setting validUntilDate=NOW - and INSERT new customerData with validFromDate=NOW and validUntilDate=31-12-9999
This way a query of (customerId, validUntilDate)=(id,31-12-9999) will give last saved version.
Query on (customerId) will give all history.
To query customerData at certain time t just use query with validFromDate < t < validUntilDate
My guess is PARTITION_KEY = customerId and CLUSTER_KEY can be validFromDate. Or use PRIMARY KEY = customerId. Or I could create two tables, one for fast querying of lastest version (has no history), and another for historical analyses.
How do you design this in CQL-way? I think I'm thinking too much RDBMish.

Use change timestamp as CLUSTERING KEY with DESC order, e.g
CREATE TABLE customer_data_versions (
id text,
change_time timestamp,
name text,
PRIMARY KEY (id, change_time)
It will allow you to store data versions per customer id in descending order.
Insert two versions for the same id:
INSERT INTO customer_data_versions (id, change_time, name) VALUES ('id1', totimestamp(now()),'John');
INSERT INTO customer_data_versions (id, change_time, name) VALUES ('id1', totimestamp(now()),'John Doe');
Get last saved version:
SELECT * FROM customer_data_versions WHERE id='id1' LIMIT 1;
Get all versions for the id:
SELECT * FROM customer_data_versions WHERE id='id1';
Get versions between dates:
SELECT * FROM customer_data_versions WHERE id='id1' AND change_time <= before_date AND change_time >= after_date;
Please note, there are some limits for partition size (how much versions you will be able to store per customer id):
Cells in a partition: ~2 billion (231); single column value size: 2 GB ( 1 MB is recommended)


Data model in Cassandra and proper deletion Strategy

I have following table in cassandra:
CREATE TABLE article (
id text,
price int,
validFrom timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (id, validFrom)
With articles and historical price information (validFrom is a timestamp of new price). Article price changes often. I want to query for
Historic price for a particular article.
Last price for an article.
From my understanding, I can solve both problems with following query:
select id, price from article where id = X validFrom < Y limit 1;
This query uses article id as restriction, query uses the partition key. Since the clustering order is based on the validFrom timestamp in reversed order, cassandra can efficient perform this query.
Am I getting this right?
What is the best approach to delete old data (house-keeping). Let's assume, I want delete all articles with validFrom > 20150101 and validFrom < 20151231. Since I don't have a primary key, this would be inefficient, even if I use an index on validFrom, right? How can I achieve this?
You can use external tools for that:
Spark with Spark Cassandra Connector (even in the local mode). Code could look as following (note that I'm using validfrom as name, not validFrom, as it's not escaped in your schema):
import com.datastax.spark.connector._
val data = sc.cassandraTable("test", "article")
.where("validfrom >= '2020-07-28T11:50:00Z' AND validfrom < '2020-07-28T12:50:00Z'")
.select("id", "validfrom")
data.deleteFromCassandra("test", "article", keyColumns=SomeColumns("id", "validfrom"))
use DSBulk to do find the matching entries and output them into the file (output.csv in my case), and then perform their deletion:
bin/dsbulk unload -url output.csv \
-query "SELECT id, validfrom FROM test.article WHERE token(id) > :start AND token(id) <= :end AND validFrom >= '2020-07-28T11:50:00Z' AND validFrom < '2020-07-28T12:50:00Z' ALLOW FILTERING"
bin/dsbulk load -query "DELETE from test.article WHERE id = :id and validfrom = :validfrom" \
-url output.csv
To add to Alex Ott's answer, this comment of yours is incorrect:
This query uses article id as restriction, query uses the partition key. Since the clustering order is based on price, cassandra can efficient perform this query.
The rows are not ordered by price. They are ordered by validFrom in reverse-chronological order. Cheers!

How to avoid Cassandra ALLOW FILTERING?

I have Following Data Model :-
campaigns {
scheduletime text,
SchduleStartdate text,
SchduleEndDate text,
enable boolean,
actionFlag boolean,
.... etc
Here i need to fetch the data basing on start date and end data with out ALLOW FILTERING .
I got more suggestions to re-design schema to full fill the requirement But i cannot filter the data basing on id since i need the data in b/w the dates .
Some one give me a good suggestion to full fill this scenario to execute Following Query :-
select * from campaings WHERE startdate='XXX' AND endDate='XXX' ; // With out Allow Filtering thing
CREATE TABLE campaigns (
SchduleStartdate text,
SchduleEndDate text,
id int,
scheduletime text,
enable boolean,
PRIMARY KEY ((SchduleStartdate, SchduleEndDate),id));
You can make the below queries to the table,
slect * from campaigns where SchduleStartdate = 'xxx' and SchduleEndDate = 'xx'; -- to get the answer to above question.
slect * from campaigns where SchduleStartdate = 'xxx' and SchduleEndDate = 'xx' and id = 1; -- if you want to filter the data again for specific ids
Here the SchduleStartdate and SchduleEndDate is used as the Partition Key and the ID is used as the Clustering key to make sure the entries are unique.
By this way, you can filter based on start, end and then id if needed.
One downside with this will be if you only need to filter by id that wont be possible as you need to first restrict the partition keys.

Cassandra Modelling for Date Range

Cassandra Newbie here. Cassandra v 3.9.
I'm modelling the Travellers Flight Checkin Data.
My Main Query Criteria is Search for travellers with a date range (max of 7 day window).
Here is what I've come up with with my limited exposure to Cassandra.
create table IF NOT EXISTS travellers_checkin (checkinDay text, checkinTimestamp bigint, travellerName text, travellerPassportNo text, flightNumber text, from text, to text, bookingClass text, PRIMARY KEY (checkinDay, checkinTimestamp)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (checkinTimestamp DESC)
Per day, I'm expecting upto a million records - resulting in the partition to have a million records.
Now my users want search in which the date window is mandatory (max a week window). In this case should I use a IN clause that spans across multiple partitions? Is this the correct way or should I think of re-modelling the data? Alternatively, I'm also wondering if issuing 7 queries (per day) and merging the responses would be efficient.
Your Data Model Seems Good.But If you could add more field to the partition key it will scale well. And you should use Separate Query with executeAsync
If you are using in clause, this means that you’re waiting on this single coordinator node to give you a response, it’s keeping all those queries and their responses in the heap, and if one of those queries fails, or the coordinator fails, you have to retry the whole thing
Source : https://lostechies.com/ryansvihla/2014/09/22/cassandra-query-patterns-not-using-the-in-query-for-multiple-partitions/
Instead of using IN clause, use separate query of each day and execute it with executeAsync.
Java Example :
PreparedStatement statement = session.prepare("SELECT * FROM travellers_checkin where checkinDay = ? and checkinTimestamp >= ? and checkinTimestamp <= ?");
List<ResultSetFuture> futures = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
ResultSetFuture resultSetFuture = session.executeAsync(statement.bind(i, i));
for (ResultSetFuture future : futures){
ResultSet rows = future.getUninterruptibly();
//You get the result set of each query, merge them here

Cassandra Schema for retrieving date-ordered records

I would like to solve the following with one table in Cassandra. Said service tracks when users open an asset. On subsequent events to the same asset, we simply over-write the accessDate.
example record:
{ userId: "string", assetId: "string", accessDate: unixTimestamp }
With this said, we need to fulfill the following access requirements (each requirement has its own bulletpoint for readability):
Be able to return all assets a user has opened, and at what time.
This is easy to achieve, table could look like:
CREATE TABLE user_assets_tracker (
userId uuid,
accessDate timestamp,
assetId uuid,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, accessDate, assetId)
This allows us to query for all assets, and when each was last accessed.
FROM user_assets_tracker
WHERE userId = 522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89
ORDER BY accessDate DESC;
Dandy. Now the harder bits, which I am unsure about, was hoping you folks could chime in:
Show me all the assets user added in the past 30 days.
Naturally the LIMIT here is not what we need. Also, we may need to have 2 tables to achieve this.
FROM user_assets_tracker
WHERE userid = 522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89
ORDER BY accessDate DESC;
LIMIT 10; ?????
Show me the last accessed item for the user. I think this one is easier, the LIMIT 1 solves that.
This is probably straight forward, with this schema:
CREATE TABLE user_assets_tracker (
userId uuid,
accessDate timestamp,
assetId uuid,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, accessDate, assetId)
FROM user_assets_tracker
WHERE userid = 522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89
ORDER BY accessDate DESC;
Retrieve the full record for a particular userId + assetId
Since accessDate comes before assetId in our schema, I am not sure how to do this as well. Another table?
PS It seems that SASI Index could be the solution
Though you are always selecting assetid orderby accessDate desc.
Define your schema with order by accessDate desc
CREATE TABLE user_assets_tracker (
userid uuid,
accessdate timestamp,
assetid uuid,
PRIMARY KEY (userid, accessdate, assetid)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (accessdate DESC, assetid ASC);
Now you don't need to specify order by accessDate desc every time. it will by default order your data by accessDate desc
Show me all the assets user added in the past 30 days.
First get timestamp of 30 day ago.
Let's current timestamp of 30 day ago is : 2017-02-05 12:00:00+0000
Now you can query :
SELECT * FROM user_assets_tracker WHERE userid = 522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89 AND accessdate >= '2017-02-05 12:00:00+0000'
Retrieve the full record for a particular userId + assetId
If you are using Cassandra 3.0 or above you can use Materialized Views
CREATE a Materialized View :
FROM user_assets_tracker
PRIMARY KEY (userid, assetid, accessdate);
Now if you want to get all data with userid and assetid, here is the query
SELECT * FROM user_assets WHERE userid = 522b1fe2-2e36-4cef-a667-cd4237d08b89 AND assetid = 1d45e6c2-02a1-11e7-aac5-b9ab92bee74c;
Here is another thing, if huge data is inserted into a single user, you should add time bucket with userid as partition key.For more check the answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/41857183/2320144

Data Versioning in Cassandra with CQL3

I am quite a n00b in Cassandra (I'm mainly from an RDBMS background with some NoSQL here and there, like Google's BigTable and MongoDB) and I'm struggling with the data modelling for the use cases I'm trying to satisfy. I looked at this and this and even this but they're not exactly what I needed.
I have this basic table:
CREATE TABLE documents (
itemid_version text,
xml_payload text,
insert_time timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (itemid_version)
itemid is actually a UUID (and unique for all documents), and version is an int (version 0 is the "first" version). xml_payload is the full XML doc, and can get quite big. Yes, I'm essentially creating a versioned document store.
As you can see, I concatenated the two to create a primary key and I'll get to why I did this later as I explain the requirements and/or use cases:
user needs to get the single (1) doc he wants, he knows the item id and version (not necessarily the latest)
user needs to get the single (1) doc he wants, he knows the item id but does not know the latest version
user needs the version history of a single (1) doc.
user needs to get the list (1 or more) of docs he wants, he knows the item id AND version (not necessarily the latest)
I will be writing the client code that will perform the use cases, please excuse the syntax as I'm trying to be language-agnostic
first one's straightforward:
$itemid_version = concat($itemid, $version)
$doc = csql("select * from documents where itemid_version = {0};"
-f $itemid_version)
now to satisfy the 2nd and 3rd use cases, I am adding the following table:
CREATE TABLE document_versions (
itemid uuid,
version int,
PRIMARY KEY (itemid, version)
) WITH clustering order by (version DESC);
new records will be added as new docs and new versions of existing docs are created
now we have this (use case #2):
$latest_itemid, $latest_version = csql("select itemid,
version from document_versions where item_id = {0}
order by version DESC limit 1;" -f $itemid)
$itemid_version = concat($latest_itemid, $latest_version)
$doc = csql("select * from documents where itemid_version = {0};"
-f $itemid_version)
and this (use case #3):
$versions = csql("select version from document_versions where item_id = {0}"
-f $itemid)
for the 3rd requirement, I am adding yet another table:
CREATE TABLE latest_documents (
itemid uuid,
version int,
PRIMARY KEY (itemid, version)
records are inserted for new docs, records are updated for existing docs
and now we have this:
$latest_itemids, $latest_versions = csql("select itemid, version
from latest_documents where item_id in ({0})" -f $itemid_list.toCSV())
foreach ($one_itemid in $latest_itemids, $one_version in $latest_versions)
$itemid_version = concat($latest_itemid, $latest_version)
cql("select * from documents where itemid_version = {0};"
-f $itemid_version))
Now I hope it's clear why I concatenated itemid and version to create an index for documents as opposed to creating a compound key: I cannot have OR in the WHERE clause in SELECT
You can assume that only one process will do the inserts/updates so you don't need to worry about consistency or isolation issues.
Am I on the right track here? there are quite a number of things that doesn't sit well with me...but mainly because I don't understand Cassandra yet:
I feel that the primary key for documents should be a composite of (itemid, version) but I can't satisfy use case #4 (return a list from a query)...I can't possibly use a separate SELECT statement for each document due to the performance hit (network overhead)...or can (should) I?
2 trips to get a document if the version is not known beforehand. probably a compromise I have to live with, or maybe there's a better way.
How would this work Dexter?
It is actually very similar to your solution actually except you can store all versions and be able to fetch the 'latest' version just from one table (document_versions).
In most cases I think you can get what you want in a single SELECT except use case #2 where fetching the most recent version of a document where a pre SELECT is needed on document_versions first.
(I removed the code from the first attempt, apologies to anyone who was following in the comments).
CREATE TABLE documents (
itemid_version text,
xml_payload text,
insert_time timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY (itemid_version)
CREATE TABLE document_versions (
itemid text,
version int,
PRIMARY KEY (itemid, version)
INSERT INTO documents (itemid_version, xml_payload, insert_time) VALUES ('doc1-1', '<?xml>1st</xml>', '2014-05-21 18:00:00');
INSERT INTO documents (itemid_version, xml_payload, insert_time) VALUES ('doc1-2', '<?xml>2nd</xml>', '2014-05-21 18:00:00');
INSERT INTO documents (itemid_version, xml_payload, insert_time) VALUES ('doc2-1', '<?xml>1st</xml>', '2014-05-21 18:00:00');
INSERT INTO documents (itemid_version, xml_payload, insert_time) VALUES ('doc2-2', '<?xml>2nd</xml>', '2014-05-21 18:00:00');
INSERT INTO document_versions (itemid, version) VALUES ('doc1', 1);
INSERT INTO document_versions (itemid, version) VALUES ('doc1', 2);
INSERT INTO document_versions (itemid, version) VALUES ('doc2', 1);
INSERT INTO document_versions (itemid, version) VALUES ('doc2', 2);
user needs to get the single (1) doc he wants, he knows the item id and version (not necessarily the latest)
SELECT * FROM documents WHERE itemid_version = 'doc1-2';
user needs to get the single (1) doc he wants, he knows the item id but does not know the latest version
(You would feed concatenated itemid + version in result of first query into second query)
SELECT * FROM document_versions WHERE itemid = 'doc2' LIMIT 1;
SELECT * FROM documents WHERE itemid_version = 'doc2-2';
user needs the version history of a single (1) doc.
SELECT * FROM document_versions WHERE itemid = 'doc2';
user needs to get the list (1 or more) of docs he wants, he knows the item id AND version (not necessarily the latest)
SELECT * FROM documents WHERE itemid_version IN ('doc1-2', 'doc2-1');
Lets see if we can come up with a model in a top down fashion starting from your queries:
CREATE TABLE document_versions (
itemid uuid,
name text STATIC,
vewrsion int,
xml_payload text,
insert_time timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((itemid), version)
Use case 1: user needs to get the single (1) doc he wants, he knows the item id and version (not necessarily the latest)
SELECT * FROM document_versions
WHERE itemid = ? and version = ?;
Use case 2: user needs to get the single (1) doc he wants, he knows the item id but does not know the latest version
SELECT * FROM document_versions
WHERE itemid = ? limit 1;
Use case 3: user needs the version history of a single (1) doc.
SELECT * FROM document_versions
WHERE itemid = ?
Use case 4: user needs to get the list (1 or more) of docs he wants, he knows the item id AND version (not necessarily the latest)
SELECT * FROM documents
WHERE itemid = 'doc1' and version IN ('1', '2');
One table for all these queries is the correct approach. I would suggest taking the Datastax free online course: DS220 Data Modeling
