Remove public web access to Azure Web App - azure

I have an existing on-premises web app that I'd like to migrate to Azure, just a basic migration to start with.
The current app is made up of two websites, a publicly facing front end web site and a private SOAP API site that is accessibly only via a VPN connection.
I can happily place the front end in a standard web app, but can't see a cheap way of hosting the SOAP API. I have used Azure Service Environments in the past, but this approach is expensive and a bit much for the early stages of this migration.
Ideally I would just host the SOAP API in an Azure Web Site and put a Gateway infront of it to manage VPN access. But I'm struggling to see if that is supported.
Is there anything else I can do here?

On the App Service hosting the API, have you looked into using the "Networking" blade to configure an IP restriction? This way you could limit access from only the IP address of your front-end.
Additional considerations:
There is no guarantee on a static IP for your front-end so you may need to consider range(s) based on what's in the DC you're app is hosted in (the IP doesn't change often but understand it's allocated from a pool that MS maintains). For this solution, you'd also need to include the IP of any client needing access for development/debug since it wouldn't use a VPN
You could also use a VNet to isolate services on the network and have more control over the configuration. Unfortunately you'd also need to deploy the app into an ASE which will add further costs. As a bonus, this would allow you to use a VPN as explained here:
Good luck!

For example, you can create a P2S VPN from the web to Vnet, create another S2S or P2S VPN from on-premise to Vnet. And there can be an NSG associated to the Vnet, so you can manage the VPN access. I think the document Integrate your app with an Azure Virtual Network
could give you an idea. Unfortunately, you'd also need to deploy a VPN.


Azure: Only allow access to Web App from On-premises using VPN

I have a scenario regarding web apps on Azure that I can't wrap my head around.
I have a Web App (not ASE) that is connected to a VNET/Subnet and I have setup access restrictions on the Web App so that only traffic from that specific VNET/Subnet is allowed. This works as expected and a 403 is thrown when trying to access the web app from the internet.
My problem is that the Web App is no longer accessible from the on-premises setup anymore either, and I am unsure how to facilitate that. I don't like to use IP whitelisting to enable access, but I don't know the alternatives.
Anybody with experience on how to access a restricted Web App from an on-premises system? All the examples I could find are about accessing on-premise data from a VNET, not the other way around.
Illustration of setup:
On-premises server --> VPN Gateway in Azure --> VNET --> Web App in VNET -x-> Internet
Private Endpoints are your friends :)
I see you wanna set a S2S connection using vpn to allow access to your on-premises networks(subnets)
You should create a local network gateway representing your on-promises and also you should verify your firewall devices is supported by azure to make sure that the configuration works. Supported Vpn Devices by Azure

Connect to Azure App Service from Azure VM

I am planning on using an outsourcing team for data processing and want to avoid them downloading or storing client data on their local machines. To facilitate this, I want to create an Azure VM in which they can do all their work (msoft office, etc.) and access an ASP MVC app hosted as an app service in Azure. The MVC app is integrated with the corporate AD and for the outsourcing logins I want to see if the request is coming from my VM or the internet (the latter gets denied). So far I have:
Created a ASP MVC5 app and an Azure VM
Connected the two via VPN (point to site)
When I attempt to go to the public URL for the website on the VM, I get the "this page can't be displayed" thing, which leads me to believe I'm on the right track (now I have to update the hostfile of the machine to the private IP of the mvc app service app?). How do I do the following:
Connect to the app service via web browser (this needs to be over the vnet so that I can pick and choose in the app code who can login outside the network)
Get the network ip of the app service so I can update the VM hostfile
Am I on the right track here? Thanks in advance!
Your understanding of Azure App service is not accurate. Azure App service cannot be accessed via a private IP. They already sit inside a private vnet. They can be only accessed via public hostname with a common DNS name (
Your scenario requires the Azure Web app and the VM to reside in the same VNET, which is not possible. There is another offering called ILB ASE, which allows you to do this. But it's a more elaborate setup. See this for more information: Using ILB with AN ASE
In your scenario you can restrict access to the web app via IP Restrictions module. See this article: IP & Domain Restrictions in Azure App Service
I understand this not the solution u wanted. What you want can be achieved via ILB ASE, but that is an expensive and elaborate set-up.
you may want to try using cloud service, though MS recommends App Service, you requirement doesn't fit into App service..
Official documentation from MS:
Block a specific IP address
You can restrict an Azure web role access to a set of specified IP addresses by modifying your IIS web.config file. You also need to use a command file which unlocks the ipSecurity section of the ApplicationHost.config file.

Secure communication between existing Azure App Service and Azure VM cluster

We have an application running in Azure that consists of the following:
A Web App front end, which talks to…
A WebApi running as a Web App as well, which can (as well as a couple other services) talk to…
A Cloud Service load balanced set of VMs which Are hosting an Elasticsearch cluster.
Additionally we have the scenario were dev’s whitelist their IPs so that their localhost version of the API can hit the VMs as well.
We have locked down our Elasticsearch VM’s by adding ACLs to the exposed end point. I whitelisted the outbound IPs that were listed on my App Services. I was under the mistaken impression that these were unique to my Api. It turns out that these are shared across the scale unit in Azure. Other services running in the same scale unit, could, if they knew the endpoint, access the data exposed on the endpoint in my cluster. I need to lock this down, and I am trying to find the easiest way. These are the things I am looking at, and I would appreciate advice and/or redirection.
Elastic Shield: Not being considered. This is a product by Elastic
that is designed to secure ES. This is ideal, but at the moment it
is out of scope (due to the cost and overhead)
List item
Elastic plugins: Not being considered. The main plugins (such as
Jetty) appear to be abandoned.
Azure VPN. I originally tried to set this up, but ran into too many
difficulties. The ACLs seemed to give me what I need without much
difficulty. I am not sure if I can set this up now. The things I
don’t know are:
I don’t think I can move existing VMs into a new VPN.
I think you have to recreate the VMs in that VPN from the get go
Could I move my Web App into the VPN? How does that work?
This would prob break my developer scenario as the localhost API
would not be able to access the VPN, right?
Add a certificate to requests: It would be ideal if I could have
requests require a cert or a header token. I assume to do this I
would need to create a proxy that would run on the VMs and do the
validation before forwarding the request on to my Elasticsearch.
Anything else? Is there another option I have not thought of?
You can create a VPN point-to-site connecting your Web App with your IaaS VMs. This is the best solution because you will be able to use just internal IPs on your IaaS.
The easiest way to do that using Azure Portal is create a Web App and, create a new VPN and VNet using "setup" option at "Your Web App" -> Settings -> Networking -> VNET Integration -> Setup -> Create New Virtual Network.
After that, create your IaaS inside this new VNet.
You also can create a ARM template to create Web App, IaaS, VPN and everything that you need. Take a look at my ARM template to create PHP+MySQL using Web App and MariaDB Cluster connected by VPN:

How to restrict FTP access to certian IPs while the web app is accessible over Internet in Azure

We are having multiple web apps running on Azure using PaaS offering.
The requirement is, though all the hosted applications(web apps) are accessible all over the internet, still only a specific number of users (say IPs) will only be allowed to do FTP on the Azure cloud environment.
I need some advise on how to achieve that.
Azure offers NSG for complete isolation and full control over managing inbound / outbound traffic to the Web apps but we believe to implement NSG, we need to implement Virtual Network and ASE before that.
but then, if all the web apps resides under the VNET, then whoever will access the applications will be needing to have VNET client in their local machines.
Kindly guide me on this.

Windows Azure - Communicate between web site and VM without enabling external/remote access

I'm new to Azure and have set up an Asure web site which will connect to a SOLR instance on an Azure VM. The web site cannot communicate with SOLR (port 8080) unless I create an endpoint. In order to create an endpoint I need to provide an internal and external port, however I do not want to allow external/remote access to SOLR, other than from the web site itself. Can anyone tell me how I should allow the web site to communicate with my VM, without making the VM publicly accessible?
Thank you,
As #hhaggan stated, you cannot create a virtual network connection, or secure an endpoint, from Web Sites to a Virtual Machine. One option to consider is the use of SSL+certificate to secure the endpoint.
If you instead deploy your web application to a web role (in a cloud service) or a virtual machine, you can then take advantage of a brand new feature called Endpoint ACL. In essence, you can whitelist / blacklist a set of IP address ranges that may access your SOLR external endpoint. You can read about ACL'd endpoints, and how to configure them, here.
Now: You might be asking yourself why this doesn't work with Web Sites. That's because Web Sites runs on a server farm, and sites don't get unique IP addresses (unlike Cloud Services).
if you are talking about Windows Azure Websites, I am not sure if this can be done but if you are talking about Web roles in Windows Azure Cloud service, here is something that I hope it can be beneficial.
Connect ASP.NET application to SQL Server in Windows Azure via Virtual Network
you might also would like to have a look on this I don't think you will need it but I am just sharing it with you, it is for WIndows Azure Virtual Network.
let me know if this solved your problems or if you need anything else.
