Unable to log into Hyperledger cello operator dashboard - hyperledger-fabric

I just installed hyperledger cello following the instructions here The operator dashboard opens up at port 8080 but when I try logging in with the credentials admin:pass as suggested by tutorials like these, a spinner appears on the login button for a while and then the button becomes active again.
Are there any other credentials one can use to log into the operator dashboard? I can't log into the operator dashboard and I can't access the user dashboard. The user dashboard container is not running and there's nothing running on my port 8081 where the user dashboard should be. Please help.

I think maybe you are running the service under dev mode, and if you run dev mode, must compile js files for operator dashboard, if not operator dashboard can't find any js files needed, so after you login the page is empty. In the latest code, will compile js files if you run it in dev mode, such as:
MODE=dev make start
So please try again after you clone the latest code, and if you also have any problem, can comment more here.
And We have released v0.9.0-alpha version, and in the newest version have some new feature, include:
Support kubernetes agent.
Can apply fabric 1.2 chain in user dashboard, and use it.
And this is the new tutorial, in this tutorial include:
How to setup master service.
How to setup k8s, docker worker node.
How to create host for k8s, docker type in operator dashboard.
How to create chain in operator dashboard.
Apply & Use fabric chain in user dashboard, include fabric v1.0 & v1.2.


Why is my code not updating on App Engine?

I have an App Engine Service, running on Google Cloud Platform.
I run an old version of my NodeJS application on it.
After having updated my code, I have run the following command: gcloud app deploy, in my GCP console, directly. It shows no error.
It says 'X files updated' and after that, I go on my application and the code is actually not updated.
I expect my code to be deployed and therefore, updated, after I run this command.
Why is this expectation not met?
Are you sure you are deploying to the same version? If you're deploying a different version, did you migrate traffic to this new version? To check this, login to console.cloud.google.com > App Engine > Versions
This will show you all the versions you currently have deployed and you can confirm which one(s) are serving traffic
You should also confirm that you actually have the 'updated' source code deployed. Following the link in bullet 1 above, you should see a column that says 'Diagnose' with 'TOOLS' under it. Click on the drop down and select 'source'. This will show you your source code. Confirm you have your updated code
If your files are static, they could be cached. You can try using cache bursting techniques (search Stackoverflow for this), or wait for some time and try again.

Using GitLab + Read the Docs for documentation on a Private VM: RTD build fails

I am a technical writer trying to use Read the Docs to generate documentation for one of our product. As we have a non-disclosure agreement for any publication, I have to host the documentation on a virtual machine for customers with intranet access to read.
My VM is a CentOS 8. I installed GitLab Community Edition through Docker. I created a repository for my Markdown source code under the root account, the address of the repo being http://${vm_address}/root/${repo_name}. The GitLab container runs on Port 20 of my VM.
Read the Docs
As RTD does not officially support On-premise deployment, I pulled an unofficial image from Docker. See vassilvk/readthedocs. This RTD container runs on Port 8000 of my VM. I use username "admin" to log into RTD.
Procedure I Took to Integrate GitLab and RTD
To import the source code in my GitLab, I did the following:
On the Project page, click Import a Project.
Click Import Manually on the left panel.
In the Project Details page, fill in the fields as follows:
Project name: ${my_project_name}
Repository URL: ${Clone_With_HTTP_Address} I copied the URL from the "Clone with HTTP" field under the Clone button dropdown in GitLab
Repository Type: Git
In the Advanced Project Options, I set Documentation Type to Sphinx HTML.
Click Finish.
The build fails with error code 1.
Where did I do wrong with the RTD project settings?
Is something wrong going on with my RTD or GitLab container settings?
Do I still need to install Sphinx on the VM?
As we have a non-disclosure agreement for any publication, I have to host the documentation
This does not follow at all. You must be looking at the wrong ReadTheDocs. There are two sites:
ReadTheDocs.org - that one is the free, publicly visible hosting.
ReadTheDocs.com - that's the one you want, it hosts private repositories for businesses exactly like yours.
Unless you're in a well managed, secure IT environment, running random Docker images on your own VM will almost certainly lead to inadvertent disclosure. Are you in hosting business? No. Don't play a hosting business when all you want is to write some private documentation. There are products for that.

Deploying Strapi to Azure

I want to deploy Strapi to my Azure. Anyone here who has an experience doing such and making it up and running completely? Somehow I couldn't find any detailed instructions how to do that in Azure.. I'm looking for something that is as easy as deploying it to Heroku - but it's fine though if it'll require more steps as long as I can make it to work completely.
This is the complete instruction I have also created in the README of the repository.
Strapi-Azure 3.1.3
This is a working repository of Strapi 3.1.3 which you can already deploy as an Azure Web App. This requres a paid subscription, minimum of B1 plan (32 USD estimated), so we can enable the 64-bit platform configuration and the Always On feature.
To get started, let us first create and configure our Azure Web App:
Create an instance:
Name: The name of your choice that is still available
Publish: Code
Runtime staci: Node 12 LTS
Operating System: Windows
Region: select near you
Sku and Size: select B1 (minimum)
Configure the Environment variables:
Add the following key-value pairs:
For the HOST make a ping to your .azurewebsites.net instance and get the IP
Configure the Platform Settings
In the General Settings tab (beside the Application Settings), change the Platform from 32 Bit to 64 Bit
To confirm if you are indeed now on 64 Bit mode, go to Console and run node -p "process.arch"
Install yarn:
Go again to Console and run: npm install -g yarn
Deploy from your github account a copy of strapi-azure repo
In the Deployment Center tab, connect your GitHub account and browse your copy of strapi-azure
Select App Service build service as your build provider
Select repository and branch
Build your Admin UI using Kudu service
Go to Advance Tools -> Go -> expand Debug console from the toolbar -> CMD
Inside the wwwroot directory (site/wwwroot/), execute yarn build
See it in action 😊
It should not be any different than installing Strapi on any VM (Azure, AWS, GCP or even local VM).
Quick start guide should help you setup things and run Strapi server --> https://strapi.io/documentation/3.x.x/getting-started/quick-start.html
Primarily: Install nodejs, npm and strapi (via npm). Execute strapi new cms --quickstart and you should be good to go (with default configuration).
Assuming you have it within a GIT repository, I may have some useful insights.
When I set mine up, I created an app service hosted on windows - for some reason I found the Linux ones very unstable. I then used the Deployment Center to then setup the connection between my repository hosted on Azure Devops onto my App Service. When it deploys IISNode will automatically be setup with an appropriate web.config file for getting a NodeJS server up and running.
You may need to ensure you are running in production (assuming this is what you want), you can set this up by going to the App Service - Configuration - Application Settings (tab) - set up new variable called
"NODE_ENV" and set this "PRODUCTION".
I also found it useful to set
"WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION" and specify the version - in my case it was "10.15.2".
For the database I used a ComosDB with the Mongo API, this was hosted on azure and it worked OK - the main problem I found was that I was getting charged a lot for the usage of it, not quite sure at this stage how to get around it.
One thing that did catch me out was setting the "port" variable within the config/environments/production/server.json - I was hard coding a port which doesn't work within IISNode - this needs to be set to something like
"host": "your.domain.com"
"port": "${process.env.PORT || 1280}"
You will also need to setup your database settings in config/environments/production/database.json file.
Happy to work through any further points, let me know

Build Error while deploying to App Engine using custom containers

I am using a nodejs based custom deployment on App Engine using google/nodejs-runtime docker image.
I built my code on the localhost via
gcloud preview app run .
and it runs fine. But when i deploy it to my App Engine using
gcloud preview app deploy .
it give this error (along with whole stacktrace):
Build Error: Get https://index.docker.io/v1/repositories/google/nodejs-runtime/images: dial tcp: lookup index.docker.io on no answer from server.
This seems to be error while fetching the repository from the internal google repos. Is it?
If yes, why is this and how can i make sure that this doesn't happen
If no, then what is it and how do i solve it?
So this is what happens while deploying to the app engine:
Docker check for Google's repo for the image, as the image file i am using (google/nodejs-runtime) is by google and hosted on Google as well (i guess).
Check for any updates to the docker image and update the image file, this is necessary to always push updated versions to the deployment.
Pull changes and push the image to App Engine server and check if the app is serving.
While my assumption was that the issue was in docker registry on Google's end, it was not so.
So there were actually two issues which were causing the issue:
Primary issue (as mentioned in question's comments by #John-Lowry):
It was of the error was DNS name resolution to connect to the docker servers. This was due to my ISP's DNS issue which was blocking access to the servers. Resolved when changed ISP and also resolved after some time on the ISP #1.
Secondary issue (Not sure if exactly related):
Once i switched ISP the following error occurred
google.appengine.tools.docker.containers.ImageError: Image with tag google/docker-registry was not found
This was resolved once i updated the image from the server. Similar Question And finally the updated app was pushed to the servers.
I am not sure why the error occurred, but this is what i assessed:
The docker registry image (google/docker-registry) was updated at some point before the deployment. While deployment, the checks were performed for the image in use (google/nodejs-runtime) but since nodejs-runtime is dependent on docker-registry (i am guessing for maintaining various access policies), it was necessary to update to the newer image.
Please suggest edits.

Where do you deploy your jive addons in node.js?

I am new to Jive development using Node.js and I see that any addons that you create must be running and reachable via a specific address and port that you define in your jiveclientconfiguration.json file. I tried to deploy a tile addon to Azure websites hoping that would work but there is no way to define what port number Azure uses.
Where do you deploy your production Jive addons at and how do you set your configuration file?
Some of Jive documentation could be a bit confusing.
here the main steps I followed:
Sign up for a free account at Nitrous.IO.
Create a new Node.js workspace.
Install the Node SDK within the Nitrous workspace (npm install jive-sdk -g).
Create a new tile, app, or whatever you want to create (e.g. jive-sdk create tile-list).
Update dependencies (npm update).
Get the URI for your new workspace. (You can use the "Preview" menu to get this... e.g. http://fierce-meteor-71-123263.usw1-1.nitrousbox.com/) Update jiveclientconfiguration.json with this URL.
Start your service (node app.js).
Download extension.zip from Nitrous.
AND THEN... upload that extension.zip to the Sandbox and follow the other directions.
I tried this scenario earlier in the week and it worked for me. Let me know if this helps.
