crontab does not execute python script - linux

I am facing an issue of crontab does not run the python script in Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 (stretch) installed on a Raspberry Pi3. I have done lots of research on this topic e.g. by following the troubleshooting guide in , but none of them solved my issue.
The python script that I want to run is located in
I have made sure that anyone can execute, read and change content to the above file.
I can run this file through terminal by writing
usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/Documents/
I know the file is running, because the is using selenium to open a web browser, and I see this web browser being opened. There is no error observed when running the file from terminal.
In terminal executed
crontab -e
Using nano as editor, I first verified that crontab acutally worked by
* * * * * env > /home/pi/Documents/env.output
After a minute there is a env.output file in Documents folder with below parameters.
I noticed that the path from crontab is different from the path when env is called from terminal as I will have the below path if I call env from terminal
So I know that crontab -e was working since I otherwise would not have got the env.output file created in Documents folder. I proceed by calling crontab -e from terminal and copied the path from env into the crontab like below
PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
* * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/Documents/
Saved the script and waited. Nothing happend.
To summerize I have:
Made sure that the is executable
Verified that crontab is working
Updated path from env into the crontab script
which are three largest cause of experiencing difficulties in making crontab to work according to this guide
Still it is not working. What have I missed? Is there a better practice to achieve what I want, namely to execute the python script once a minute without doing it directly from the python script itself such as a while loop with a time.sleep(60)
I even tried to expand the path in crontab script by
in an attempt to specify in which folder the python3 and is located. Still no luck.


Cronjob not working. Executable works, output is logged

I am running apython script in a shell script, but now fallen back to running the python script directly from the crontab. All commands I put in crontab work when run in the terminal.
Also made sure my daemon is running, that I can see my job in /var/spool/cron, that there is an empty /usr/lib/cron/cron.deny file and no cron.allow file.
The path used in crontab does contain the path to python3 (/usr/bin) and I have tried different ways of writing the fact that I want to run it every minute: *, */1.
Here's the cronjob:
*/1 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/me/Desktop/path/to/ >> ~/loggg
I scattered print statements in my python script and only a few surface in loggg, so im guessing it is something in the script, but I made sure that my home environment and python3 has all the right pip packages called. Actually I know the script goes through the import phases as I get a print statement after those.
One thing possibly is I used pip package wget within the script calling on an API. I know the call works when not a cronjob, but maybe that is what is messing up the job ?

How to use cron on a simple script

I want to use cron for execute a script periodically. I want to try a simple script first but it does not work.
This is my script ( which permission are 700:
echo "Hello!"
mkdir Hello
And this is the crontab file when I edit it with the command crontab -e:
* * * * * /home/padro/Documents/
I have that script on /home/padro/Documents folder. What I do after it is execute the command crontab -e for modify the cron file. In this file I put the shell that I want SHELL=/bin/sh and also the cron schedule expression * * * * * /home/padro/Documents/ This schedule teorically run the script every minute. Finally I save the file and when a minute passes I can't see the echo of the script on the terminal.
I have added mkdir hello, because I don't know if the echo of the script is shown on the terminal. But the hello directory is never created.
Any output generated by a program called from cron will by default be emailed to the user owning the crontab (assuming local delivery of mail messages is possible). So I'd suggest that you look in your inbox on the local machine.
To save the output into a file, use a redirection in the crontab, or arrange for the script to write its output to a file.
Jobs started by cron does not run with a terminal, so you should not expect to see your terminal being cleared every minute by running this script through cron.
The Hello folder should have been created in the working directory used by the script (possibly your home directory). To make absolutely sure you know where the script's working directory is, use cd in the script to move to the correct location.
I do not have enough reputation to add comment.
My humble comment would be.
Is the cron file you mentioned via root?
cos chmod 700 a file would be only be executed by owner.
If you are using redhat linux, the user account you use on the first log in is user rights NOT root.
Reference link to a cheat sheet.
su - root
system will prompt root password
crontab -e
* * * * * /home/padro/Documents/
You can even run a test script, which I did encounter the similar situation as you when I first learnt scripting into your crontab-
* * * * * date > export/home/padro/Documents/testing.txt
If you could, restart the server.
Check if your directory is correct using the command
pwd in linux/unix.
I hope my comment based on my recent learning have helped you.
Edit 1: Remove clear in your script. Thanks...
Edit 2: I believe your Hello folder is created at the core of the root folder try looking for it... or the home directory of the user...

Run a python script #reboot using crontab

I wan to run a python script every time my computer boots up. For this I have seen quiet some tutorials that suggest to do
crontab -e
#reboot python3 /home/user/Desktop/
It would be nice if I can also start is after lets say 30 seconds, so I do
#reboot sleep 30; python3 /home/user/Desktop/
I have tried it on my computer as well as on a Raspberry Pi, but it doesn't seem to work. To check I make the python script make a graph and save it on desktop, but it doesn't do so. However , it runs fine if I run it manually from terminal. Can someone help what I am missing here.
Can you try using /etc/rc.local file ?
Add the command inside the file with full path (example: /usr/bin/python ...) and mark the file executable.
chmod +x /etc/rc.local
Note: Make sure to use full path to the executables, else export PATH variable in the /etc/rc.local file.

Trouble with running a shell script via a Cronjob on an EC2 Instance

I am trying to to run a cronjob of a script on an EC2 Instance but it's simply not working
The way I am running it right now is
15 * * * * root /home/ec2-user TestBucket
I wrote this when I did crontab -e
Right now I am in this directory /home/ec2-user/ so I don't know if maybe that has something to do with why it's not running.
I just don't understand this whole cron thing and how permissions work.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You can't specify a username in a user's crontab, only in /etc/crontab.
You can't specify a directory in any form of crontab. To change directory, use cd.
The environment is not the same. If you e.g. set PATH in .bashrc, these will not be automatically included, so it's safest to use full paths.
As root (assuming you want to run this as root and not ec2-user or something), run crontab -e and add
15 * * * * cd /home/ec2-user && /full/path/to/ TestBucket
Make sure you can copy-paste the command in a root terminal and get it working, and read root's mail afterwards to see the command's output with possible error messages. If it still doesn't work, make sure you have these errors available.

script for cron.daily

I need to have my Java program run on a linux box once a day. So I created a simple file with just one line:
java -jar /opt/location/my_jar.jar
and put it in etc/cron.daily, assuming it would run once a day. But it doesn't run at all. I tried both to have the .sh extension, or simply the file name with no extension. Still, no luck.
I googled it and I'm getting quite a bit of conflicting info. Can someone please help?
I'm summarizing the place it is right now, based on the answers given by Satish and Mithrandir.
1.I created the run_conversions script using vi, to get over the problem with the end of line character on windows. Now the script is
/usr/bin/java -jar /opt/location/my_jar.jar
2.I put it in /etc/cron.hourly.
3.Checking the log at /var/log/cron I'm seeing the it's starting run_conversions and finishing run_conversions every hour. So far so good.
4.But it doesn't seem like my jar file is running. I know this because when it's running properly it should update a database -- and the database is not updating.
5.Here's the strange thing: when I'm running cron.hourly manually, but calling
run-parts /etc/cron.hourly
the jar file is hit propertly, and the database is updating.
To sum it up: when running it through run-parts, it works. When leaving it to run hourly by itself, it doesn't.
Any ideas?
Following advice from Satish, Mithrandir and vahid I changed my run_conversions_loc to look like this:
PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bexport SHELL=/bin/bash
/usr/bin/java -jar /opt/tf/conversions/aff_networks2.jar > /opt/tf/conversions/runconversions.txt
I removed the script from cron.hourly and added this line to crontab:
*/10 * * * * /opt/tf/conversions/run_conversions_loc
The script now runs every 10 minutes, and is registered in the cron log like this:
Feb 24 09:30:01 backsome CROND[7933]: (root) CMD (/opt/tf/conversions/run_conversions_loc)
So far it looks good. But the database -- which it should update -- isn't updated.
Looking deeper into it, the jar file, aff_networks2.jar is looking for an file in the local directory -- the same directory where it's at. The file exists in this directory. But it's not read properly. I know this because in the output file, runconversions.txt, the value that should be read from the properties file is null.
Two things to complete the picture:
Everything in the conversions directory has 777 permissions. I know it's not recommended to give such extended permissions but I wanted to make sure (at least try) it's not the issue.
When I run the script from the shell by calling ./run_conversions_loc it runs, finds the properties file, and updates the database. I am logged into the shell as root, and I also created all the relevant files as root, and installed as root the line for calling the script in crontab.
Any ideas why isn't cron reading the properties file?
its probably your environment variables
does it work as the current user logged in when executing the script ?
if so
env|egrep "(^PATH=|^SHELL=)"|awk '{print "export "$1}'
then take the output and put it on the top of your script and try another cron in 2 minutes from now to see if it worked
Updated answer in response to Eddy's Comment 24th Feb 2013.
I want to give you a crash course on crontab.
setting up crontab can be done via global /etc/crontab or under user as crontab -e (to edit specific user's cron) or crontab -l (lists - stored in /var/spool/cron for each user)
I see you are trying to attempt a run ever 10 minutes which is fine in /etc/crontab
The reason why I suggested giving the entire class path of your current shell is because most of the time the script is trying to use a unix command that is not available as part of the crontab's PATH (which resides right at the very top of /etc/crontab file itself)
To debug path issues its usually a good idea to watch the mailbox of the user that crontab is executing the task as :
so tail -100 /var/spool/mail/root and looking out for any messages related to that cron task as well as the cron logs itself as someone has suggested -
I do not think your problem is paths here though..
You are trying to run a java jar file and it may be that your jar file needs other files in that conversion folder and that when you are running it you are already in that folder....
so in your script you could run
cd /opt/tf/conversions/;
/usr/bin/java -jar aff_networks2.jar > /opt/tf/conversions/runconversions.txt
But since this is such a small script you could get away with placing the entire thing as a cron entry and bypassing a shell script altogether something like this
*/10 * * * * root cd /opt/tf/conversions/; /usr/bin/java -jar aff_networks2.jar > /opt/tf/conversions/runconversions.txt
Hope this helps solve this issue
Solution with example:
Run command manually on command line:
[root#04 cron.daily]# /usr/bin/java -jar /root/HelloWorld.jar
Hello World #1
Let create a script in /etc/cron.daily/ and give execute permission:
/usr/bin/java -jar /root/HelloWorld.jar
Notes: run dos2unix in case you have dos character issue or error /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
[root#04 cron.daily]# unix2dos
unix2dos: converting file to DOS format ...
Test it, voila!!
[root#04 cron.daily]# run-parts /etc/cron.daily
kcore: Value too large for defined data type
Hello World #1
Change your file to:
/usr/bin/java -jar /opt/location/my_jar.jar
Check if /usr/bin/java is actually where the command is istalled (which java).
Change the permissions of you file to be executable:
chmod +x /opt/location/my_jar.jar
