OAuth authentication authorization - security

i am totally confused about the usage of OAuth and i am not sure how to use oauth for my szenario. At the moment i use a "pure" JWT approach which looks like that:
Client (JavaScript Application) send login and password to my Rest-Endpoint (Server (Java)).
Server validate user informationen, read / generate some user roles and wrap it in a JWT Token (with a secret)
Server send JWT Token back to client
Client will perform additional Rest-Calls with Authorizationen Header
Server validates Token with private secret and grand access based on roles/user
Now i think about the usage of OAuth but i am confused how to use it to realize the szenario.
I registered an application at "auth0".
I use a JS library to redirect to the login process of auth0, login via auth0 account and consume the id_token and access_token
= i can send the id_token (JWT with RSA256) to my rest api, validate it with the public certificate and can extract some user information
a) i have read that i should not use the id_token to access my api. Instead i should use the access_token (which is not in JWT format and will not give me any information about the user) and use the access_token to query for the user information? That whould be the case for every request?!
b) i don't see the point where the user roles come into play. When i have some operations (rest endpoints) which are only allowed for "admins" or "customers". I don't see any possibility to define them.
You see i am a little bit confused, i hope somebody can clarify all the things.
Thanks a lot

a) Both tokens you use should be in JWT format and you should use access_token for authenticated queries. The access_token not necessarily contains information about the user, so on server side you usually can decide only that the token is emitted by the token service and is valid. If all these checks are passed, you should accept it as an authenticated user.
b) User roles can be placed into the access_token's payload section as an additive claim (e.g. role=admin,datawriter or role=customer,listreader) like many other things.
I hope it helps.

a) Sounds like you are getting an opaque access_token back and not a JWT. You'll need to create an API in Auth0 (similar to the application/client you already created). Then you pass that identifier in the audience parameter when you authenticate. Then you should get a JWT back, and that will have a sub parameter which is the Auth0 ID of the user, which can help you identify who the user is. I believe you could also use Auth0 rules if you need to put more identification info into the token. See here for a full explanation of the opaque vs. JWT access token: https://auth0.com/docs/tokens/access-token
b) Roles are tricky. I believe Auth0 would suggest that you create scopes on your API, and then request the scopes needed during login. Auth0 Rules would then be used as a sort of "glue", to adjust scopes that were requested but not permitted for the authenticated user. They also have an Authorization Extension you can use to help facilitate some of this. Another option could be storing role info in the user metadata, and using rules to put that info into the token. Finally, the option we chose was to not use Auth0 to define our roles. We let Auth0 authenticate, and once authenticated we check access in our system for the authorization side of things. Lots of options.


OAuth clarification

I've followed a training in Go as an introduction to microservices architecture a while ago. Getting back to this project I realise that I need more context as we've been quickly digging into the details of the implementations at the time...
I've drawn a simplified sequence diagram of 2 simple use cases:
The user logs in
The user is already logged in and make a purchase
(you can comment / modify the diagram at your convenience)
Here are the questions I have:
Here we're dealing with user authentication but what about client authentication? In the case of a web front end client, can I imagine storing an api_key and an api_secret in the env variables for the server that will be hosting this client? Because there use cases where the user is not logged but some services still needs to be available, but at the same time I only want my known clients (the web front and the mobile app) to be able to access those services (putting aside API Gateway solutions, and maybe other API Shields which would probably add another security layer against DOS etc.)
If the client logs in using Google/Facebook, the front app will receive an id_token that needs to be passed to the backend which would then verify the token ( https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth ). In this particular case my OAuth API would not be used. Could please you confirm that it's the way it should be handled?
Many thanks.
EDIT 02/05/2022
Intro / Context
First thing first, Authorization is not Authentication.
Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is,
while authorization is the process of verifying what they have access to.
And like #Max said, OAuth is designed to manage Authorization and Open ID Connect (OIDC) is an extension of OAuth to manage Authentication on top of it.
The diagram I've exposed in my question is known in the OAuth world as the password grant, and, from the official documentation :
Because the client application has to collect the user's password and
send it to the authorization server, it is not recommended that this
grant be used at all anymore.
Authorization of my App (to get access to my APIs)
From the API perspective, we just want to ensure that the incoming requests are coming from the server that is hosting the App. So, in my case, it's simple machine-2-machine communication from backend server to backend server and there's no action required from the user. So, I must implement the Client Credentials Flow
...which would lead me to this flow:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qE9JpWRSRPa8z5iNxm7ocGkeT0E149Sv/view?usp=sharing (Feel free to comment / rectify )
Authentication of a user
Because OAuth knows nothing about authentication, I need an OIDC flow. The easiest one is based on the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE from OAuth below (only about authorization) ...
... but the difference is that we're passing an additional scope named openid in the authentication request (step 3), when the app performs the 2nd request to the token endpoint (step 7), the auth server returns an ID Token (which is a JWT containing user info in the payload -> authentication) in addition to the access_token (which do not contain user info but just "random string"). There's other OIDC flows with their pros & cons depending on the situation but it's another topic on its own (https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html)
User already identified by Google/Facebook
In case the client logs in using Google, the front app will receive an id_token. This token could be sent to the app server which would then make a request to the API Gateway, which then call the Auth api which would be in charge of verifying the token by calling the 3rd party auth server ( https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/backend-auth ).
In case of Facebook, we get back an access token, so I don't know how to deal with it ...
Using Firebase, there's an onAuthStateChanged callback, so from the App perspective it will prevent request without the user being logged in, but from the API perspective, it doesn't guaranty that a request is coming from a logged in user...
Warning: the answer below is not complete, it only serves to give a rough idea
OAuth2 is a protocol for authorization.
Grant Types
Over the OAuth2 protocol, you can use one of the "grant types" or "flow", one of these flows is illustrated in the picture you post and named password grant.
Each of these flows is realized for different scenarios, you rightly point the attention to how securely store the password on a web app.
For example for a front-end authentication (javascript / wasm) you can use a PKCE Flow where the secret_id is not used.
On OAuth2 there are two primary enpoints
Authorize endpoint - where you obtain the authorization code
Token endpoint - where you exchange the authorization code for the token(s)
There are two types of tokens on OAuth2
Access Token
Refresh Token
The definition of token on OAuth2 is "an opaque string", you don't need to read it.
The access token is used against the API, this token has an expiration date, when it is expired the system use the refresh token to get another access_token whitout user interaction, when the refresh_token expire the user must re-authenticate again.
You can read the content of the access_token (which is a JWT token) from the JWT.io
The Access token has, on its body, the scopes (i.e. Read email, read name, etc).
Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account.
On top of the OAuth2 are build other protocols OIDC aka IdToken aka Open Id Connect is one of them, in other terms OIDC protocol use the OAuth2 for establish an Authentication.
With the OIDC there is another token the id_token, this token came with the user's info and is NOT used has Authorizization in front the API.
There are also OIDC flows you can use to get the id_token and/or the access_token.
I suggest you read about OAuth2 from the references below and try different flows using the playground
Which oauth2 flow should I use
PKCE in more depth
My advice is to start with the data, which is the deeper area of OAuth.
This will enable you to keep your code simple. It will also handle Google / Facebook and many other forms of authentication for you, with zero impact on your code. The Curity Community Edition is a free and developer friendly option, though there are others. eg Keycloak, Ory Hydra.
OAuth primarily gives you modern ways to protect data. Use scopes and claims to protect data across multiple microservices in a zero trust manner while securely maintaining user context. You will also need to manage joining identity and business data.
Mobile apps use the AppAuth pattern. The current best practice for browser based apps is a Backend for Frontend approach. Both of these are tricky.
All of the above Curity resources are based on OAuth related standards. If followed your apps will stay simple, with portable code, that can also work with other providers.
OAuth is very architectural though, and the best designs take time to learn, but you can learn the intricacies gradually. Our IAM Primer is a good starting point.

Revoke Keycloak access token

I am using Keycloak to secure my react front-end and node.js back-end. These clients are protected using role based authorization.
My front-end application registered in Keycloak as a public client and back-end registered as bearer only client. When a user logging in to the front-end, i am taking the access token for that particular user and i am using that access token to call back-end api layer.
When user logout from the front-end i am clearing the front-end client session of that particular user from Keycloak by using keycloak object logout method. That is working fine and user is logging out and redirected to the Keycloak login page.
But the issue is i can still use the access token of that logged out user to call back-end api. The access token is still valid even though the user logged out.
I tried this end point to revoke the user access token. But didn't work
Is there a way to revoke the access token of a particular user in Keycloak ?
I think you can only revoke sessions but not issued access tokens. So the only solution for this is to choose a very short access token life span in combination with silent refresh, so the usability is still good and the maximum access time after session revocation is equal or less than token life span.
EDIT: There is an official guide about how to handle compromised tokens. They do not mention how to revoke an individual access token, so there is no documented way to do so. However, you can revoke all issued access keys by the described "not_before" way.
It's possible at least on KC 17.0 via /protocol/openid-connect/revoke but since it's auth endpoint, you have to provide both the token and client_id, because the server must validate if the token belongs to that specific client that's calling.
This means that along with client_id, you may also need to send a client_secret or whatever other accepted of authenticating the client app to the server -- much like it was done earlier while obtaining the token on /protocol/openid-connect/token.
Also worth noting that the token must be passed as POST form param or GET query param of that name: token, and not as a bearer header/etc.
BTW. Refresh tokens can be revoked with the same /openid-connect/revoke endpoint in the same way as access tokens, while the older, easier to find /openid-connect/logout still only handles id tokens and refresh tokens (POST a client_id, client_secret etc, and also either refresh_token or id_token_hint to be killed) and still rejects any attempts with access token. At least on KC 17.0
BTW. I have no idea if /revoke can handle id tokens. I doubt it, but RFCs seem to allow that as custom extenstion. I have not tried with KeyCloak 17.0
You could call the following endpoint to revoke an access token using a post

Should my app issue it's own access tokens, when using external oauth2 provider (facebook)?

I would like to give the users a possibility to login with some external oauth2 provider (facebook) in my app. The client's part is running on mobile device in a native app.
I am not sure which of the approaches below should I prefer ?
Should the client send the user's access token by facebook with each request ? At each request backend asks facebook to validate the access token. Based on the validation's result, backend performs authorization and return corresponding result to the client.
Should the backend ask facebook to validate the access token only at user logon, then issue its own access token, return the access token back to the client and client will use this access token at making requests to the server to avoid contacting facebook at each request ?
I have read some questions about how to implement the auth with facebook and most of the devs are using B, but I haven't seen any explanation why is it good/bad to use A ?
What I see as benefits of the solutions:
backend doesn't need to care about issuing, refreshing, validating access tokens since this is done only by facebook's authorization servers.
this solution seems to be more effective, since it does not require to connect to facebook at each request.
Security tokens issued by Facebook are signed with a digital signature. The API server only needs access to the public key to validate the signature. There's no need at all to contact Facebook after the user authenticates.
A reason to issue your own tokens after the user signed in with Facebook could be to add claims to the token. But obviously having your own authorization server comes at a cost. It's up to you to weigh the pros and cons.
If you do decide to have your own authorization server, make sure not to write your own! There are open source options like Thinktecture IdentityServer.
I will vote for option B and here is my explanation,
Your API must authorise the request every time with some auth token , which cannot be external provider token, in such case anyone with an access token (eg: other developers) of other provider can access your api, basically there is no auth here.
When your sever issue access token, it's easy to validate and when needed could be revoked easily (eg: on password reset)
While authenticating , your server has fully control over issuing access token , so the validation is made only once and doesn't have to do every time while calling the API.

JWT Token strategy for frontend and backend

I'm writing an application with a front end in emberjs and backend/server-side in a nodejs server. I have emberjs configured so that a user can login/signup with an 3rd party Oauth (google, twitter, Facebook). I have a backend written in express nodejs server that hosts the RESTful APIs.
I do not have DB connected to emberjs and I don't think I should anyways since it's strictly client side code. I'm planning on using JWT for communicating between client side and server side. When a user logins with their oauth cred, I get a JSON object back from the provider with uid, name, login, access_token and other details.
I'm struggling with picking a strategy on how to handle user signup. There is no signup process since it's OAuth. So the flow is if the user is not in my db, create it. I do not support email/password authentication. What would be the flow when a user signs in with an OAuth provider for the first time? Should emberjs send all the details to the backend on every sign in so that backend can add new users to the db?
What should be part of my JWT body? I was thinking uid and provider supplied access token. One issue I can think of here is that provider specific access token can change. User can revoke the token from provider's site and signs up again with emberjs.
I'm open to writing the front-end in any other javascript client side framework if it makes it easier.
If we're talking about not only working but also secure stateless authentication you will need to consider proper strategy with both access and refresh tokens.
Access token is a token which provides an access to a protected resource.
Expiration here might be installed approximately in ~1 hour (depends on your considerations).
Refresh token is a special token which should be used to generate additional access token in case it was expired or user session has been updated. Obviously you need to make it long lived (in comparison with access token) and secure as much as possible.
Expiration here might be installed approximately in ~10 days or even more (also depends on your considerations).
FYI: Since refresh tokens are long lived, to make them really secure you might want to store them in your database (refresh token requests are performed rarely). In this way, let's say, even if your refresh token was hacked somehow and someone regenerated access/refresh tokens, of course you will loose permissions, but then you still can login to the system, since you know login/pass (in case you will use them later) or just by signing in via any social network.
Where to store these tokens?
There are basically 2 common places:
HTML5 Web Storage (localStorage/sessionStorage)
Good to go, but in the same time risky enough. Storage is accessible via javascript code on the same domain. That means in case you've got XSS, your tokens might be hacked. So by choosing this method you must take care and encode/escape all untrusted data. And even if you did it, I'm pretty sure you use some bunch of 3rd-party client-side modules and there is no guarantee any of them has some malicious code.
Also Web Storage does not enforce any secure standards during transfer. So you need to be sure JWT is sent over HTTPS and never HTTP.
With specific HttpOnly option cookies are not accessible via javascript and are immune to XSS. You can also set the Secure cookie flag to guarantee the cookie is only sent over HTTPS.
However, cookies are vulnerable to a different type of attack: cross-site request forgery (CSRF).
In this case CSRF could be prevented by using some kind of synchronized token patterns. There is good implementation in AngularJS, in Security Considerations section.
An article you might want to follow.
To illustrate how it works in general:
Few words about JWT itself:
To make it clear there is really cool JWT Debugger from Auth0 guys.
There are 2 (sometimes 3) common claims types: public, private (and reserved).
An example of JWT body (payload, can be whatever you want):
name: "Dave Doe",
isAdmin: true,
providerToken: '...' // should be verified then separately
More information about JWT structure you will find here.
To answer the two specific questions that you posed:
What would be the flow when a user signs in with an OAuth provider for
the first time? Should emberjs send all the details to the backend on
every sign in so that backend can add new users to the db?
Whenever a user either signs up or logs in via oauth and your client receives a new access token back, I would upsert (update or insert) it into your users table (or collection) along with any new or updated information that you retrieved about the user from the oauth provider API. I suggest storing it directly on each users record to ensure the access token and associated profile information changes atomically. In general, I'd usually compose this into some sort of middleware that automatically performs these steps when a new token is present.
What should be part of my JWT body? I was thinking uid and provider
supplied access token. One issue I can think of here is that provider
specific access token can change. User can revoke the token from
provider's site and signs up again with emberjs.
The JWT body generally consists of the users claims. I personally see little benefit to storing the provider access token in the body of a JWT token since it would have few benefits to your client app (unless you are doing a lot of direct API calls from your client to their API, I prefer to do those calls server-side and send my app client back a normalized set of claims that adhere to my own interface). By writing your own claims interface, you will not have to work around the various differences present from multiple providers from your client app. An example of this would be coalescing Twitter and Facebook specific fields that are named differently in their APIs to common fields that you store on your user profile table, then embedding your local profile fields as claims in your JWT body to be interpreted by your client app. There is an added benefit to this that you will not be persisting any data that could leak in the future in an unencrypted JWT token.
Whether or not you are storing the oauth provider supplied access token within the JWT token body, you will need to grant a new JWT token every time the profile data changes (you can put in a mechanism to bypass issuing new JWT tokens if no profile updates occurred and the previous token is still good).
In addition to whatever profile fields you store as claims in the JWT token body, I would always define the standard JWT token body fields of:
iss: "https://YOUR_NAMESPACE",
sub: "{connection}|{user_id}",
exp: 1372674336,
iat: 1372638336
For any OAuth workflow you should definitely use the passportjs library. You should also read the full documentation. It is easy to understand but I made the mistake of not reading the the whole thing the first time and struggled. It contains OAuth Authentication with over 300 Providers and Issuing Tokens.
Nevertheless, if you want to do it manually or want a basic understanding, here is the flow that I'd use:
Frontend has a login page listing Sign-in with Google/Facebook etc where OAuth is implemented.
Successful OAuth results in a uid, login, access_token etc. (JSON object)
You POST the JSON object to your /login/ route in your Node.js application. (Yes, you send the whole response regardless if it's a new or existing user. Sending extra data here is better than doing two requests)
The backend application reads the uid and the access_token. Ensure that the access_token is valid by following (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow#checktoken) or asking for user data from the provider using the access token. (This will fail for invalid access token since OAuth access tokens are generated on a per app/developer basis) Now, search your backend DB.
If the uid exists in the database, you update the user's access_token and expiresIn in the DB. (The access_token allows you to get more information from Facebook for that particular user and it provides access for a few hours usually.)
Else, you create a new user with uid, login etc info.
After updating the access_token or creating a new user, you send JWT token containing the uid. (Encode the jwt with a secret, this would ensure that it was sent by you and have not been tampered with. Checkout https://github.com/auth0/express-jwt)
On the frontend after the user has received the jwt from /login, save it to sessionStorage by sessionStorage.setItem('jwt', token);
On the frontend, also add the following:
if ($window.sessionStorage.token) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", $window.sessionStorage.token);
This would ensure that if there is a jwt token, it is sent with every request.
On your Node.js app.js file, add
app.use(jwt({ secret: 'shhhhhhared-secret'}).unless({path: ['/login']}));
This would validate that jwt for anything in your path, ensuring that the user is logged-in, otherwise not allow access and redirect to the login page. The exception case here is /login since that's where you give both your new or unauthenticated users a JWT.
You can find more information on the Github URL on how to get the token and to find out which user's request you are currently serving.

How to create JWT when a Client needs token for accessing multiple Audience?

I have created AuthorizationServer using OWIN/Katana OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server. It is configured to use JWT as the AccessTokenFormat. The SigningCredentials here are derived from Audience Secret that is unique to each Audience.
I want to build a Client that uses this AuthorizationServer to get a token for using an couple of API's I've built (resource / audience).
I see in OAuth there is no concept of Audience (JWT concept), the only thing closest to this is a Scope. I can pass multiple scopes (audience) from Client but I don't understand how can I create a JWT in this case since multiple Audience are required to be able to validate the resulting token.
Any help or guidance appreciated.
You should be careful not to confuse two different concepts. The Audience claim indicates for who the access token is intended. You can only use it for services that have that value configured in the allowed audiences.
Scopes limit what the client can do with the token on the service. For example, one scope may allow the client to post to your feed, while another scope gives it access to your list of followers.
So you would typically need two different tokens to access two different APIs. That does not mean the user needs to authenticate twice though.
The authentication happens on the authorization server and while the user is still logged in to that server, he/she won't be prompted for credentials again. The user will be prompted for consent the first time they try to access a new API.
