Equidistant Grid on Map Projection - python-3.x

I was hoping to create an equidistant grid over Manhattan map (say 200m by 200m) projection using latitudes and longitudes not degrees. I was using basemap but couldn't figure out a way to proceed with the task. This the projection code.
m = Basemap(projection='mill',
llcrnrlat= 40.6968,
llcrnrlon= -74.0224,
urcrnrlat= 40.8964,
urcrnrlon= -73.8927,
What will be the best way to do the above, I also need to store lat,long values of each grid vertex points.

From the basemap documentation:
In order to plot data on a map, the coordinates of the data must be
given in map projection coordinates. Calling a Basemap class instance
with the arguments lon, lat will convert lon/lat (in degrees) to x/y
map projection coordinates (in meters). The inverse transformation is
done if the optional keyword inverse is set to True.
There is also an example in the documentation page. To adept this example to your use case, I converted the lower left corners into meters, produced a regular grid with 2000 m spacing (200 m was a bit too dense) and converted the grid back into lon/lat coordinates, which can then be used by drawparallels() and drawmeridians.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import numpy as np
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
lon0 = -74.0224
lat0 = 40.6968
m = Basemap(
llcrnrlat= 40.6968,
llcrnrlon= -74.0224,
urcrnrlat= 40.8964,
urcrnrlon= -73.8927,
ax = ax,
x0, y0 = m(lon0, lat0)
x = np.arange(20)*2000+x0
y = np.arange(20)*2000+y0
lons, lats = m(x,y,inverse=True)
The result looks like this:
Hope this helps.


What kind of plot from matplotlib should I use?

I am programming in Python 3 and I have data structured like this:
coordinates = [(0.15,0.25),(0.35,0.25),(0.55,0.45),(0.65,0.10),(0.15,0.25)]
These are coordinates. Within each pair, the first number is the x coordinate and the second one the y coordinate. Some of the coordinates repeat themselves. I want to plot these data like this:
The coordinates that are most frequently found should appear either as higher intensity (i.e., brighter) points or as points with a different color (for example, red for very frequent coordinates and blue for very infrequent coordinates). Don't worry about the circle and semicircle. That's irrelevant. Is there a matplotlib plot that can do this? Scatter plots do not work because they do not report on the frequency with which each coordinate is found. They just create a cloud.
The answer is:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import kde
import numpy as np
xvalues = np.random.normal(loc=0.5,scale=0.01,size=50000)
yvalues = np.random.normal(loc=0.25,scale=0.1,size=50000)
k = kde.gaussian_kde([xvalues,yvalues])
xi, yi = np.mgrid[0:1:nbins*1j,0:1:nbins*1j]
zi = k(np.vstack([xi.flatten(),yi.flatten()]))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.pcolormesh(xi, yi, zi.reshape(xi.shape), shading='auto', cmap=plt.cm.hot)
x = np.arange(0.0,1.01,0.01,dtype=np.float64)
y = np.sqrt((0.5*0.5)-((x-0.5)*(x-0.5)))
ax.set_ylabel('S', fontsize=16)
ax.set_xlabel('G', fontsize=16)
ax.tick_params(labelsize=12, width=3)

cartopy rotate winds incorrectly?

I am trying to plot some wind vectors on maps using cartopy. However, the winds look strange so I did a simple tests using wind vectors at a ring of points at 75N. The wind vectors should points 45 degree away from both lat/lon grids because u-winds and v-winds are of the same magnitude under the stereographic projection, which should preserve the angle.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
pcproj = ccrs.PlateCarree()
lon0 = -150
mapproj = ccrs.Stereographic(
XLIM = 300e3; YLIM=300e3
dm =5; dp=1
fig = plt.figure(0,(7,7))
ax = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.85,0.9],projection=mapproj)
lon_grid = np.arange(-180,181,dm)
lat_grid = np.arange(-80,86,dp)
gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True,
# --- draw 45 degree winds at 75N
lon = np.linspace(0,360,73)
lat = np.ones(len(lon))*75
uu = np.ones(len(lon))*10
vv = uu*1.
pts = mapproj.transform_points(pcproj,lon,lat)
xx = pts[...,0]; yy = pts[...,1]
ux,vx = mapproj.transform_vectors(pcproj,lon,lat,uu,vv)
It is clear that the wind vectors does not point 45 degrees from lat/lon grids.
I check the ux, vx at 150W and 75N, the center of the projection. The wind here should be the same as in lat/lon grid but it is (3.54,13.7) rather than (10,10).
The wind vectors looks the same as using this line
This may not be a surprise because I think quiver uses transform_vector and transform_points under the hood.
I tried winds along lat/lon grid directions, they are transformed correctly.
Is this a bug in transform_vectors or am I using it incorrectly?
As suggested by #swatchai, right now, u-wind should be divided by cos(lat) before being fed in to transform_vectors. I doubt this is the intended behavior but this normalization should be used until a future cartopy update changed the behavior. They may choose just to update the docstring. Still, something to be caution about in future cartopy updates.
When (lat, long) in degrees are used, a small angular distance ds on spherical surface has 2 components:
`R*dlat` in NS direction
`R*dlon*cos(lat)` in EW direction
where R is the earth radius,
the second component varies with latitude of the location considered,
with this in mind, the computation of ux, vx at latitude 75 degrees should be
rho = np.pi/180.
ux,vx = mapproj.transform_vectors(pcproj,lon,lat, uu/np.cos(75*rho), vv)

Unable to plot circles on a map projection in basemap using Python

I'm trying to plot circles on a miller projection map using a center latitude, longitude and radius. I can't get the circles to show up on the map projection. I've tried plotting them using different techniques as shown in the links.
How to plot a circle in basemap or add artiste
How to make smooth circles on basemap projections
Here is my code:
def plot_notams(dict_of_filtered_notams):
''' Create a map of the US and plot all NOTAMS from a given time period.'''
'''Create the map'''
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6), dpi=200)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
m = Basemap(projection='mill',llcrnrlat=20, urcrnrlat=55, llcrnrlon=-135, urcrnrlon=-60, resolution='h')
m.fillcontinents(color='coral', lake_color='aqua')
m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-130, -65, 10), labels=[1,0,0,1], textcolor='black')
m.drawparallels(np.arange(20, 60, 5), labels=[1,0,0,1], textcolor='black')
''' Now add the NOTAMS to the map '''
notam_data = dict_of_filtered_notams['final_notam_list']
for line in notam_data:
notam_lat = float(line.split()[0])
notam_lon = float(line.split()[1])
coords = convert_coords(notam_lon, notam_lat)
notam_lon, notam_lat = coords[0], coords[1]
FL400_radius = np.radians(float(line.split()[2]))
x,y = m(notam_lon, notam_lat)
print("notam_lon = ",notam_lon, "notam_lat = ", notam_lat,"\n")
print("x,y values = ",'%.3f'%x,",",'%.3f'%y,"\n")
print("FL400_radius = ",('% 3.2f' % FL400_radius))
cir = plt.Circle((x,y), FL400_radius, color="white", fill=False)
(The convert_coords function is simply formatting the notam_lon/notam_lat values into a usable format as shown in the data below.)
Here is what my data looks like (you can see where it's being printed in the code above):
notam_lon = -117.7839 notam_lat = 39.6431
x,y values = 1914342.075 , 2398770.441
FL400_radius = 6.98
Here's an image of what my code above produces:
I also tried using the map.plot() function (specifically, m.plot(x,y, "o")) in place of "ax.add_patch(cir)." That worked but plotted points or "o's," of course. Here's the image produced by replacing "ax.add_patch(cir)" with "m.plot(x,y, "o")."
And as a final note, I'm using basemap 1.2.0-1 and matplotlib 3.0.3. I haven't found any indication that these versions are incompatible. Also, this inability to plot a circle wasn't an issue 2 months ago when I did this last. I'm at a loss here. I appreciate any feedback. Thank you.
To plot circles on a map, you need appropriate locations (x,y) and radius. Here is a working code and resulting plot.
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# make up 10 data points for location of circles
notam_lon = np.linspace(-117.7839, -100, 10)
notam_lat = np.linspace(39.6431, 52, 10)
# original radius of circle is too small
FL400_radius = 6.98 # what unit?
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
m = Basemap(projection='mill', llcrnrlat=20, urcrnrlat=55, llcrnrlon=-135, urcrnrlon=-60, resolution='l')
# radiusm = (m.ymax-m.ymin)/10. is good for check plot
radiusm = FL400_radius*10000 # meters, you adjust as needed here
for xi,yi in zip(notam_lon, notam_lat):
# xy=m(xi,yi): conversion (long,lat) to (x,y) on map
circle1 = plt.Circle(xy=m(xi,yi), radius=radiusm, \
edgecolor="blue", facecolor="yellow", zorder=10)
#ax.add_patch(circle1) # deprecated
ax.add_artist(circle1) # use this instead
m.fillcontinents(color='coral', lake_color='aqua')
# m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua') <-- causes deprecation warnings
# use this instead:
rect = plt.Rectangle((m.xmin,m.ymin), m.xmax-m.xmin, m.ymax-m.ymin, facecolor="aqua", zorder=-10)
m.drawmeridians(np.arange(-130, -65, 10), labels=[1,0,0,1], textcolor='black')
m.drawparallels(np.arange(20, 60, 5), labels=[1,0,0,1], textcolor='black')
The output map:
Hope this is useful.

I want to generate a mesh from a point cloud in Python

I have a point cloud from different parts of the human body, like an eye and I want to do a mesh. I tried to use Mayavi and Delaunay but I don't get a good mesh. The points of the cloud are in total disorder.
I have my point cloud in .npz file
Using Mayavi
Then I want to save my model in an obj or stl file, but first I want to generate the mesh.
What do you recommend me to use, do I need a special library?
You can use pyvista to do the 3D interpolation. You need however to manually play with the alpha parameter that controls the distance under which two points are linked.
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
# points is a 3D numpy array (n_points, 3) coordinates of a sphere
cloud = pv.PolyData(points)
volume = cloud.delaunay_3d(alpha=2.)
shell = volume.extract_geometry()
Let's use the capitals of Europe. We read them in from Excel with Pandas:
import pandas as pd
dg0 = pd.read_excel('psc_StaedteEuropa_coord.xlsx') # ,header=None
City Inhabit xK yK
0 Andorra 24574.0 42.506939 1.521247
1 Athen 664046.0 37.984149 23.727984
2 Belgrad 1373651.0 44.817813 20.456897
3 Berlin 3538652.0 52.517037 13.388860
4 Bern 122658.0 46.948271 7.451451
Grid by triangulation
We use Scipy for that. For a 3-dim example see HERE and HERE or here (CGAL has a Python wrapper)
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
yk, xk, city = np.array(dg0['xK']), np.array(dg0['yK']), np.array(dg0['City'])
X1 = np.vstack((xk,yk)).T
tri = Delaunay(X1)
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#--- grafics -------
figX = 25; figY = 18
fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(figX, figY), facecolor='white')
myProjection = ccrs.PlateCarree()
ax = plt.axes(projection=myProjection)
ax.set_extent([-25, 40, 35, 65], crs=myProjection)
plt.triplot(X1[:,0], X1[:,1], tri.simplices.copy(), color='r', linestyle='-',lw=2)
plt.plot(X1[:,0], X1[:,1], 's', color='w')
for i, txt in enumerate(city):
ax.annotate(txt, (X1[i,0], X1[i,1]), color='k', fontweight='bold')
If your points are "are in total disorder", and if you want to generate a mesh, then you need some interpolation from the cloud of points to the somehow structured grid points of the mesh..
In the 2-dimensional case matplotlib's triangulation can be a help:
matplotlib's triangulation 2dim.
In the 3-dimensional case there are 2 options. Depending on the data, you might want to interpolate them to a 3-dimensional surface. Then matplotlib's trisurf3d can be a help.
If you need a 3-dimensional volume grid then you have probably to look for a FEM (finite element) grid, e.g. FEnics
An example of interpolating a 3-dimensional field with scipy for contouring can be found here
Have you tried this example? https://docs.enthought.com/mayavi/mayavi/auto/example_surface_from_irregular_data.html
The relevant part is here
# Visualize the points
pts = mlab.points3d(x, y, z, z, scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.2)
# Create and visualize the mesh
mesh = mlab.pipeline.delaunay2d(pts)
surf = mlab.pipeline.surface(mesh)

Issue with drawparallels argument in Basemap

This seems like it should be an easy fix but I can't get it to work. I would like 40°N to display in the attached plot, but setting the labels argument in drawparallels to [1,0,1,1] isn't doing the trick. That should plot the parallels lables where they intersect the left, top and bottom of the plot according to the documentation. I would also like for 0° to once again show up in the bottom right corner. Any idea of how I can fix those 2 issues?
from netCDF4 import Dataset as NetCDFFile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import addcyclic
nc = NetCDFFile('C:/myfile.nc')
lat = nc.variables['lat'][:]
lon = nc.variables['lon'][:]
time = nc.variables['time'][:]
olr = nc.variables['olr'][:]
olr,lon = addcyclic(olr,lon)
map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=0.,llcrnrlat=-40.,urcrnrlon=360.,urcrnrlat=40.,resolution='l')
lons,lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat)
x,y = map(lons,lats)
levels = np.arange(-19.5,20.0,0.5)
levels = levels[levels!=0]
ticks = np.arange(-20.0,20.0,4.0)
cs = map.contourf(x,y,olr[0],levels, cmap='bwr')
cbar = plt.colorbar(cs, orientation='horizontal', cmap='bwr', spacing='proportional', ticks=ticks)
cbar.set_label('Outgoing Longwave Radiation Anomalies $\mathregular{(W/m^2)}$')
map.drawparallels(np.arange(-40,40,20),labels=[1,0,1,1], linewidth=0.5, fontsize=7)
map.drawmeridians(np.arange(0,360,40),labels=[1,1,0,1], linewidth=0.5, fontsize=7)
The first part of the question is easy. In order for the label to show up, you have to actually draw the parallel, but np.arange(-40,40,20) does not include 40. So, if you change that statement to np.arange(-40,41,20) your 40N label will show up.
The second part should in principle be solvable in the same way, but Basemap apparently uses the modulo of the longitudes to compute the position of the labels, so just using np.arange(0,361,40) when drawing the meridians will result in two 0 labels on top of each other. However, we can capture the labels that drawmeridians generates and manually change the position of the second 0 label. The labels are stored in a dictionary, so they are easy to deal with. To compute the x position of the last label, I compute the difference in x-position between the first and the second label, multiply that with the amount of meridians to be drawn (360/40) and add the x-position of the first label.
Here the complete example:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=0.,llcrnrlat=-40.,urcrnrlon=360.,urcrnrlat=40.,resolution='l')
yticks = map.drawparallels(
np.arange(-40,41,20),labels=[1,0,1,1], linewidth=0.5, fontsize=7
xticks = map.drawmeridians(
np.arange(0,361,40),labels=[1,1,0,1], linewidth=0.5, fontsize=7
first_pos = xticks[0][1][0].get_position()
second_pos = xticks[40][1][0].get_position()
last_x = first_pos[0]+(second_pos[0]-first_pos[0])*360/40
Here the resulting plot:
Hope this helps.
