I'm trying to return a specific node with the id (using neo4j-driver package within my nodejs server). I have the id of the node I'm searching for. So I used the parameters in the run method as showed bellow but I'm not getting any nodes.
session.run('MATCH (n:User)-[:OWN]->(a) WHERE id(n) = $id RETURN a',{id: idUser})
I checked and idUser-value is 128 and when i'm running this command, I get the right node.
session.run('MATCH (n:User)-[:OWN]->(a) WHERE id(n) = 128 RETURN a',{id: idUser})
Is there any one to make the first command working so I can get the node of the given id ?
As it is written in the driver documentation:
Number written directly e.g. session.run("CREATE (n:Node {age:
{age}})", {age: 22}) will be of type Float in Neo4j. To write the age
as an integer the neo4j.int method should be used...
So when you pass the identifier from the node.js, you need to convert it:
.run('MATCH (n:User)-[:OWN]->(a) WHERE id(n) = $id RETURN a', {
id: neo4j.int(idUser)
.run('MATCH (n:User)-[:OWN]->(a) WHERE id(n) = toInteger($id) RETURN a', {
id: idUser
I have this really simple querybuilder in TypeOrm, working on a NodeJs with typescript backend and a MariaDB database
const queryBuilder = this.createQueryBuilder('cities')
return queryBuilder.where('cities.id = :q', { q }).take(limit).skip(offset).getMany()
and it is not passing the q parameter right, it outputs the following:
query: SELECT `cities`.`id` AS `cities_id`, `cities`.`state_id`
AS `cities_state_id`, `cities`.`name` AS `cities_name`, `cities`.`created_at` AS `cities_created_at`, `cities`.`updated_at`
AS `cities_updated_at` FROM `cities` `cities`
WHERE `cities`.`id` = ? LIMIT 8 -- PARAMETERS: ["2"]
I already tried passing just the q variable, it says that i have to pass an object literal so i pass the q parameter inside an object, i tried using the set parameter method as follows
return queryBuilder
.where('cities.id = :q', { q })
.setParameter('q', q)
and its giving me the same output.
I am trying to pass a graph ql arguments array in cypher query. I am having difficulty making query work. I can see the parameter passed correctly while doing console log. However, when I try to utilize with node js. Neo4j driver is not doing anything. I think I am doing something wrong. Could anyone please guide me.
using neo4j 3.5.12
const query = `UNWIND $list as batch
match ((u:user { ohrid: ${ctx.ohrid}})-[:FILE_SHARED_WITH| FILE_SHARED_WITH_GROUP| MEMBER_OF_GROUP*..2]-(f:file)) where f.uuid = batch.uuid
SET f.documentStatus = batch.documentStatus
return f as files`;
const queryParams = { list: args.documents }; // args.document is arguments from gql mutation
const result = await session.run(query, queryParams);
if I use the same query in neo4j browser it works fine
UNWIND [{id: 2, documentStatus: "unpublished"}, { id: 32, documentStatus: "unpublished"}] as batch
match ((u:user { ohrid: 850046714})-[:FILE_SHARED_WITH| FILE_SHARED_WITH_GROUP| MEMBER_OF_GROUP*..2]-(f:file)) where ID(f) = batch.id and any(x in batch.documentStatus where x in ['published', 'unpublished'])
SET f.documentStatus = batch.documentStatus
return f
~ Meet
I'm having trouble finding a way to iterate subnodes of a given node in puppeteer. I do not know the html structure beforehand, just the id of the parent element.
var elemId = "myelemid";
const doc = await page._client.send('DOM.getDocument');
const node = await page._client.send('DOM.querySelector', {
nodeId: doc.root.nodeId,
selector: '#' + elemId
//node.children empty
//node['object'].children empty
//try requesting childnodes
var id = node.nodeId;
var childNodes = await page._client.send('DOM.requestChildNodes', {
nodeId: id
//childNodes empty
//try requesting by resolveNode?
var aNode = await page._client.send('DOM.resolveNode', {
nodeId: id
//aNode.children is empty
Is there a way to get the children of a node if you don't know the html structure in puppeteer?
What I would do here is to use the evaluate method of Puppeteer to return the children elements of your node to your script as follows:
const nodeChildren = await page.$eval(cssSelector, (uiElement) => {
return uiElement.children;
console.log(nodeChildren); // Outputs the array of the nodes children
Hope this helps!
I ended up using page.evaluate to run some js that adds unique classnames to every element and subelement I want analyzed and then pass that back as JSON string since page.evaluate only returns a string. Then I just call DOM.querySelector on each of those unique selectors and loop through them that way.
Returning children from page.$eval doesn't give me protocol nodes that I can run more dev protocol functions on, and xpath doesn't solve my real problem because it can't recursively loop through all sub-children, then the sub-children of those children.
I'm closing the issue since labeling using unique classnames solves my problem.
asset Route identified by route_id {
o String route_id
o String rider_id
o String parcel_id
transaction assignParcelToRider {
o String rider_id
o String parcel_id
var assetRegistry;
var id = assignValue.rider_id;
return getAssetRegistry('org.rytle.Route').then(function(ar) {
assetRegistry = ar;
return assetRegistry.get(id);
}).then(function(asset) {
asset.parcel_id = assignValue.parcel_id;
return assetRegistry.update(asset);
Here I want to find the rider_id and update parcel_id there. But here its not finding the rider_id.
The main thing is you need to get the asset, by the asset identifier when using .get() and rider_id is not that, in your model.
Also - may need more info - but it all rests on id getting a value from assignValue.rider_id and I can't tell how that was defined / asserted and whether it is within scope. I can see that id however, should be in scope for your function below - but using the correct identifier for an asset, this should work (as an example):
return getAssetRegistry('org.rytle.Route').then(function(ar) {
return ar.get(route_id) // or whatever you've assigned it to or txnobject.route.getIdentifier()); // ie you must get the asset by identifier
}).then(function(asset) {
asset.parcel_id = id;
return ar.update(asset);
and so on;
ps you can check out sample-networks for some examples (eg under 'test' directory) - note these now use async / await functions (instead of 'promises' shown above) which came in with Node 8 (and is far easier to write than using promises FYI)
I'm using the Neo4jphp REST API and I'm having a problem of relating a node iv created in my code to a node im retrieving from the neo4j database.
I'm retrieving the node as follows
$querystring="MATCH(n)"."WHERE has (n.name) and n.name='Interests'"."RETURN n";
$query=new Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query($client,$querystring);
im creating another node in my code using createNode()
I used relateTo() to relate them
$m->relateTo($friend,$movi)->save();//$movi is a common movie name
but getting this error
PHP Catchable fatal error: Object of class Everyman\\Neo4j\\Query\\ResultSet could not be converted to string in /var/www/vendor/everyman/neo4jphp/lib/Everyman/Neo4j/Cache/EntityCache.php
would really appreciate any input
A neo4jphp query returns a row object (even if theres only one responce) so
won't work
try this instead
$querystring="MATCH(n) WHERE has (n.name) and n.name='Interests' RETURN n";
$query=new Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query($client,$querystring);
foreach($result as $resultItem)
$resultArray[] = $resultItem['x'];
//$resultItem['x'] is the node object, now $result array is an array of node objects
$friend= $client->makeNode()->setProperty('name',$fname)->save();
this code will also work with this query (easier to read)
$querystring="MATCH (n {name:"Interests"}) RETURN n";
I would do it this way:
$queryString = "MATCH(n) WHERE has (n.name) and n.name= {name} RETURN ID(n)";
$query = new Everyman\Neo4j\Cypher\Query($client,$queryString,array('name'=>'Interests'));
$result = $query->getResultSet();
foreach($result as $row)
$friend = $client->getNode($resultArray[0]);