Haskell: foldl Function applied as infix Function? - haskell

Is the function I give to foldl applied in an infix way?
foldl (-) 0 [1,2,3]
= 0-1-2-3
= -6
so more generally:
foldl f x [a,b,c]
is applied as:
(((x `f` a) `f` b) `f` c)
I know it's recursive, but can I think about it that way?

The only difference between infix function application and prefix function application is syntax, so your question does not make very much sense. Outside of referring to the syntax of a particular expression, applying a function “in an infix way” doesn’t mean anything.
In Haskell, when you write x + y, it is precisely equivalent to writing (+) x y. Likewise, x `op` y is precisely equivalent to writing op x y. Put another way, application of an infix operator is still just plain old function application where the function is applied to two arguments.
If it helps you to visualize foldl via an expression like ((a `f` b) `f` c) `f` d instead of one like f (f (f a b) c) d, that’s certainly within your right, since the two expressions are equivalent. Indeed, the documentation for foldl uses infix notation to help explain the function’s behavior, since it is a useful representation that helps get the point across. But be careful not to confuse notation (aka syntax) with denotation (aka meaning). Many programs can be notationally distinct but denotationally equivalent.


Does Haskell "understand" curried function definitions?

In Haskell functions always take one parameter. Multiple parameters are implemented via Currying. That being the case, I can see how a function of two parameters would be defined as "func1" below. It's a function that returns a function (closure) that adds the outer function's single parameter to the returned function's single parameter.
However, although this is how curried functions work, that's not the regular Haskell syntax for defining a two-parameter function. Instead we're taught to define such a function like "func2".
I'd like to know how Haskell understands that func2 should behave the same way as func1. There's nothing about the definition of func2 that suggest to me that it is a function that returns a function. To the contrary it actually looks like a two-parameter function, something we're told doesn't exist!
What's the trick here? Is Haskell just born knowing that we can define multi-parameter functions in this textbook way, and that they work the way we expect anyhow? That is, is this a syntax convention that doesn't seem to be clearly documented (Haskell knows what you mean and will supply the missing function return for you), or is there some other magic at work or something I'm missing?
func1 :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
func1 x = (\y -> x + y)
func2 :: Int -> Int -> Int
func2 x y = x + y
main = do
print (func1 7 9)
print (func2 7 9)
In the language itself, writing a function definition of the form f x y z = _ is equivalent to f = \x y z -> _, which is equivalent to f = \x -> \y -> \z -> _. There's no theoretical reason for this; it's just that those nested lambda abstractions are a terrible eye-/finger-sore and everyone thought that it would be fine to sacrifice a bit of pedantry to make some syntax sugar for it. That's all there is on the surface and is probably all you need to know, for now.
In the implementation of the language, though, things get trickier. In GHC, which is the most common implementation, there actually is a difference between f x y = _ and f = \x -> \y -> _. When GHC compiles Haskell, it assigns arity to declarations. The former definition of f has arity 2, and the latter has arity 0. Take (.) from GHC.Base
(.) f g = \x -> f (g x)
(.) has arity 2, even though its type ((b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c) says that it can be applied up to thrice. This affects optimization: GHC will only inline a function that is saturated, or has at least as many arguments applied as its arity. In the call (maximum .), (.) will not inline, because it only has one argument (it is unsaturated). In the call (maximum . f), it will inline to \x -> maximum (f x), and in (maximum . f) 1, the (.) will inline first to a lambda abstraction (producing (\x -> maximum (f x)) 1), which will beta-reduce to maximum (f 1). If (.) were implemented
(.) f g x = f (g x)
(.) would have arity 3, which means it would inline less often (specifically the f . g case, which is a very common argument to higher order functions), likely reducing performance, which is exactly what the comment on it says:
Make sure it has TWO args only on the left, so that it inlines
when applied to two functions, even if there is no final argument
Final answer: the two forms should be equivalent, according to the language's semantics, but in GHC the two forms have different characteristics when it comes to optimization, even if they always give the same result.
When talking about type signatures, there is no such thing as a "multi-parameter function". All functions are single-parameter, period. Haskell doesn't need to somehow "translate" multi-parameter functions into single-parameter ones, because the former doesn't exist at all.
All function type signatures look like a -> b, where a is argument type and b is return type. Sometimes b may just happen to contain more arrows ->, in which case we, humans (but not the compiler), may say that the function has multiple parameters.
When talking about the syntax for implementations, i.e. f x y = z - that is merely syntactic sugar, which gets desugared (i.e. mechanically transformed) into f = \x -> \y -> z during compilation.

Is currying implemented using lambdas in haskell?

Is following code right way to think about currying in Haskell. Following is an example of addition in haskell
f = \x -> \y -> x + y
In general is currying realized using lamdbas in functional programming?
Currying is:
In mathematics and computer science, currying is the technique of translating the evaluation of a function that takes multiple arguments (or a tuple of arguments) into evaluating a sequence of functions, each with a single argument. It was introduced by Gottlob Frege, developed by Moses Schönfinkel, and further developed by Haskell Curry.
source Wikipedia
now you could argue that in Haskell there is never more than one argument to a function (you can of course have tuples - see below) - so in a sense all functions in Haskell are already curried (or can only be defined in such a way).
Of course there are curry and uncurry - but those act on tuples:
curry :: ((a, b) -> c) -> a -> b -> c
curry f x y = f (x, y)
and I could argue that a tuple is just one argument too ;)
On a conceptual level you are of course right as augustss pointed out!
But sadly there are some problems (see Monomorphism Restriction for example) where this equality does not hold (if you don't add a type signature):
add x y = x + y === add = \x -> \y -> x + y

Haskell application, or section?

I wanted to flip a list constructor usage, to have type:
[a] -> a -> [a]
(for use in a fold), so tried:
(flip :)
but it gives the type:
Prelude> :t (flip :)
(flip :) :: [(a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c] -> [(a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c]
This surprised me, but it appears that this was parsed as a left section of (:), instead of a partial application of flip. Rewriting it using flip as infix seems to overcome this,
Prelude> :t ((:) `flip`)
((:) `flip`) :: [a] -> a -> [a]
But I couldn't find the rule defining this behavior, and I thought that function application was the highest precedence, and was evaluated left->right, so I would have expected these two forms to be equivalent.
What you want to do is this:
λ> :t (flip (:))
(flip (:)) :: [a] -> a -> [a]
Operators in Haskell are infix. So when you do flip : it operates in an infix fashion i.e. flip is applied to : function. By putting parenthesis explicitly in flip (:), you tell that : should be applied to flip. You can also use the backtick operator in flip for making that infix which you have tried already.
It was putting : in parentheses that made your second example work, not using backticks around flip.
We often say that "function application has highest precedence" to emphasise that e.g. f x + 1 should be read as (f x) + 1, and not as f (x + 1). But this isn't really wholly accurate. If it was, and (flip :) parsed as you expected, then the highest precedence after (f x) + 1 would be the application of (f x) to +; the whole expression f x + 1 would end up being parsed as f applied to 3 arguments: x, +, and 1. But this would happen with all expressions involving infix operators! Even a simple 1 + 1 would be recognised as 1 applied to + and 1 (and then complain about the missing Num instance that would allow 1 to be a function).
Essentially this strict understanding of "function application has highest precedence" would mean that function application would be all that ever happens; infix operators would always end up as arguments to some function, never actually working as infix operators.
Actually precedence (and associativity) are mechanisms for resolving the ambiguity of expressions involving multiple infix operators. Function application is not an infix operator, and simply doesn't take part in the precedence/associativity system. Chains of terms that don't involve operators are resolved as function application before precedence is invoked to resolve the operator applications (hence "highest precedence"), but it's not really precedence that causes it.
Here's how it works. You start with a linear sequence of terms and operators; there's no structure, they were simply written next to each other.
What I'm calling a "term" here can be a non-operator identifier like flip; or a string, character, or numeric literal; or a list expression; or a parenthesised subexpression; etc. They're all opaque as far as this process is concerned; we only know (and only need to know) that they're not infix operators. We can always tell an operator because it will either be a "symbolic" identifier like ++!#>, or an alphanumeric identifier in backticks.
So, sequence of terms and operators. You find all chains of one or more terms in a row that contain no operators. Each such chain is a chain of function applications, and becomes a single term.1
Now if you have two operators directly next to each other you've got an error. If your sequence starts or ends in an operator, that's also an error (unless this is an operator section).
At this point you're guaranteed to have a strictly alternating sequence like term operator term operator term operator term, etc. So you pick the operator with the highest precedence together with the terms to its left and right, call that an operator application, and those three items become a single term. Associativity acts as a tie break when you have multiple operators with the same precedence. Rinse and repeat until the whole expression has become a single term (or associativity fails to break a tie, which is also an error). This means that in an expression involving operators, the "top level application" is always one of the operators, never ordinary function application.
A consequence of this is that there are no circumstances under which an operator can end up passed as the argument to a function. It's simply impossible. This is why we need the (:) syntax to disable the "operator-ness" of operators, and get at their identity as values.
For flip : the only chain of non-operator terms is just flip, so there's no ordinary function application to resolve "at highest precedence". : then goes looking for its left and right arguments (but this is a section, so there's no right argument), and finds flipon its left.
To make flip receive : as an argument instead of the other way around, you must write flip (:). (:) is not an operator (it's in parentheses, so it doesn't matter what's inside), and so we have a chain of two terms with no operators, so that gets resolved to a single expression by applying flip to (:).
1 The other way to look at this is that you identify all sequences of terms not otherwise separated by operators and insert the "function application operator" between them. This "operator" has higher precedence than it's possible to assign to other operators and is left-associative. Then the operator-resolution logic will automatically treat function application the way I've been describing.

Evaluation strategy

How should one reason about function evaluation in examples like the following in Haskell:
let f x = ...
x = ...
in map (g (f x)) xs
In GHC, sometimes (f x) is evaluated only once, and sometimes once for each element in xs, depending on what exactly f and g are. This can be important when f x is an expensive computation. It has just tripped a Haskell beginner I was helping and I didn't know what to tell him other than that it is up to the compiler. Is there a better story?
In the following example (f x) will be evaluated 4 times:
let f x = trace "!" $ zip x x
x = "abc"
in map (\i -> lookup i (f x)) "abcd"
With language extensions, we can create situations where f x must be evaluated repeatedly:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, Rank2Types #-}
module MultiEvG where
data BI where
B :: (Bounded b, Integral b) => b -> BI
foo :: [BI] -> [Integer]
foo xs = let f :: (Integral c, Bounded c) => c -> c
f x = maxBound - x
g :: (forall a. (Integral a, Bounded a) => a) -> BI -> Integer
g m (B y) = toInteger (m + y)
x :: (Integral i) => i
x = 3
in map (g (f x)) xs
The crux is to have f x polymorphic even as the argument of g, and we must create a situation where the type(s) at which it is needed can't be predicted (my first stab used an Either a b instead of BI, but when optimising, that of course led to only two evaluations of f x at most).
A polymorphic expression must be evaluated at least once for each type it is used at. That's one reason for the monomorphism restriction. However, when the range of types it can be needed at is restricted, it is possible to memoise the values at each type, and in some circumstances GHC does that (needs optimising, and I expect the number of types involved mustn't be too large). Here we confront it with what is basically an inhomogeneous list, so in each invocation of g (f x), it can be needed at an arbitrary type satisfying the constraints, so the computation cannot be lifted outside the map (technically, the compiler could still build a cache of the values at each used type, so it would be evaluated only once per type, but GHC doesn't, in all likelihood it wouldn't be worth the trouble).
Monomorphic expressions need only be evaluated once, they can be shared. Whether they are is up to the implementation; by purity, it doesn't change the semantics of the programme. If the expression is bound to a name, in practice you can rely on it being shared, since it's easy and obviously what the programmer wants. If it isn't bound to a name, it's a question of optimisation. With the bytecode generator or without optimisations, the expression will often be evaluated repeatedly, but with optimisations repeated evaluation would indicate a compiler bug.
Polymorphic expressions must be evaluated at least once for every type they're used at, but with optimisations, when GHC can see that it may be used multiple times at the same type, it will (usually) still be shared for that type during a larger computation.
Bottom line: Always compile with optimisations, help the compiler by binding expressions you want shared to a name, and give monomorphic type signatures where possible.
Your examples are indeed quite different.
In the first example, the argument to map is g (f x) and is passed once to map most likely as partially applied function.
Should g (f x), when applied to an argument within map evaluate its first argument, then this will be done only once and then the thunk (f x) will be updated with the result.
Hence, in your first example, f xwill be evaluated at most 1 time.
Your second example requires a deeper analysis before the compiler can arrive at the conclusion that (f x) is always constant in the lambda expression. Perhaps it will never optimize it at all, because it may have knowledge that trace is not quite kosher. So, this may evaluate 4 times when tracing, and 4 times or 1 time when not tracing.
This is really dependent on GHC's optimizations, as you've been able to tell.
The best thing to do is to study the GHC core that you get after optimizing the program. I would look at the generated Core and examine whether f x had its own let statement outside the map or not.
If you want to be sure, then you should factor f x out into its own variable assigned in a let, but there's not really a guaranteed way to figure it out other than reading through Core.
All that said, with the exception of things like trace that use unsafePerformIO, this will never change the semantics of your program: how it actually behaves.
In GHC without optimizations, the body of a function is evaluated every time the function is called. (A "call" means the function is applied to arguments and the result is evaluated.) In the following example, f x is inside a function, so it will execute each time the function is called.
(GHC may optimize this expression as discussed in the FAQ [1].)
let f x = trace "!" $ zip x x
x = "abc"
in map (\i -> lookup i (f x)) "abcd"
However, if we move f x out of the function, it will execute only once.
let f x = trace "!" $ zip x x
x = "abc"
in map ((\f_x i -> lookup i f_x) (f x)) "abcd"
This can be rewritten more readably as
let f x = trace "!" $ zip x x
x = "abc"
g f_x i = lookup i f_x
in map (g (f x)) "abcd"
The general rule is that, each time a function is applied to an argument, a new "copy" of the function body is created. Function application is the only thing that may cause an expression to re-execute. However, be warned that some functions and function calls do not look like functions syntactically.
[1] http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/GHC/FAQ#Subexpression_Elimination

Haskell composition (.) vs F#'s pipe forward operator (|>)

In F#, use of the the pipe-forward operator, |>, is pretty common. However, in Haskell I've only ever seen function composition, (.), being used. I understand that they are related, but is there a language reason that pipe-forward isn't used in Haskell or is it something else?
In F# (|>) is important because of the left-to-right typechecking. For example:
List.map (fun x -> x.Value) xs
generally won't typecheck, because even if the type of xs is known, the type of the argument x to the lambda isn't known at the time the typechecker sees it, so it doesn't know how to resolve x.Value.
In contrast
xs |> List.map (fun x -> x.Value)
will work fine, because the type of xs will lead to the type of x being known.
The left-to-right typechecking is required because of the name resolution involved in constructs like x.Value. Simon Peyton Jones has written a proposal for adding a similar kind of name resolution to Haskell, but he suggests using local constraints to track whether a type supports a particular operation or not, instead. So in the first sample the requirement that x needs a Value property would be carried forward until xs was seen and this requirement could be resolved. This does complicate the type system, though.
I am being a little speculative...
Culture: I think |> is an important operator in the F# "culture", and perhaps similarly with . for Haskell. F# has a function composition operator << but I think the F# community tends to use points-free style less than the Haskell community.
Language differences: I don't know enough about both languages to compare, but perhaps the rules for generalizing let-bindings are sufficiently different as to affect this. For example, I know in F# sometimes writing
let f = exp
will not compile, and you need explicit eta-conversion:
let f x = (exp) x // or x |> exp
to make it compile. This also steers people away from points-free/compositional style, and towards the pipelining style. Also, F# type inference sometimes demands pipelining, so that a known type appears on the left (see here).
(Personally, I find points-free style unreadable, but I suppose every new/different thing seems unreadable until you become accustomed to it.)
I think both are potentially viable in either language, and history/culture/accident may define why each community settled at a different "attractor".
More speculation, this time from the predominantly Haskell side...
($) is the flip of (|>), and its use is quite common when you can't write point-free code. So the main reason that (|>) not used in Haskell is that its place is already taken by ($).
Also, speaking from a bit of F# experience, I think (|>) is so popular in F# code because it resembles the Subject.Verb(Object) structure of OO. Since F# is aiming for a smooth functional/OO integration, Subject |> Verb Object is a pretty smooth transition for new functional programmers.
Personally, I like thinking left-to-right too, so I use (|>) in Haskell, but I don't think many other people do.
I think we're confusing things. Haskell's (.) is equivalent to F#'s (>>). Not to be confused with F#'s (|>) which is just inverted function application and is like Haskell's ($) - reversed:
let (>>) f g x = g (f x)
let (|>) x f = f x
I believe Haskell programmers do use $ often. Perhaps not as often as F# programmers tend to use |>. On the other hand, some F# guys use >> to a ridiculous degree: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ashleyf/archive/2011/04/21/programming-is-pointless.aspx
If you want to use F#'s |> in Haskell then in Data.Function is the & operator (since base
I have seen >>> being used for flip (.), and I often use that myself, especially for long chains that are best understood left-to-right.
>>> is actually from Control.Arrow, and works on more than just functions.
Left-to-right composition in Haskell
Some people use left-to-right (message-passing) style in Haskell too. See, for example, mps library on Hackage. An example:
euler_1 = ( [3,6..999] ++ [5,10..999] ).unique.sum
I think this style looks nice in some situations, but it's harder to read (one needs to know the library and all its operators, the redefined (.) is disturbing too).
There are also left-to-right as well as right-to-left composition operators in Control.Category, part of the base package. Compare >>> and <<< respectively:
ghci> :m + Control.Category
ghci> let f = (+2) ; g = (*3) in map ($1) [f >>> g, f <<< g]
There is a good reason to prefer left-to-right composition sometimes: evaluation order follows reading order.
I think
F#'s pipe forward operator (|>) should vs (&) in haskell.
// pipe operator example in haskell
factorial :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> a
factorial x =
case x of
1 -> 1
_ -> x * factorial (x-1)
// terminal
ghic >> 5 & factorial & show
If you dont like (&) operator, you can custom it like F# or Elixir :
(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(|>) x f = f x
infixl 1 |>
ghci>> 5 |> factorial |> show
Why infixl 1 |>? See the doc in Data-Function (&)
infixl = infix + left associativity
infixr = infix + right associativity
(.) means function composition. It means (f.g)(x) = f(g(x)) in Math.
foo = negate . (*3)
// ouput -3
ghci>> foo 1
// ouput -15
ghci>> foo 5
it equals
// (1)
foo x = negate (x * 3)
// (2)
foo x = negate $ x * 3
($) operator is also defind in Data-Function ($).
(.) is used for create Hight Order Function or closure in js. See example:
// (1) use lamda expression to create a Hight Order Function
ghci> map (\x -> negate (abs x)) [5,-3,-6,7,-3,2,-19,24]
// (2) use . operator to create a Hight Order Function
ghci> map (negate . abs) [5,-3,-6,7,-3,2,-19,24]
Wow, Less (code) is better.
Compare |> and .
ghci> 5 |> factorial |> show
// equals
ghci> (show . factorial) 5
// equals
ghci> show . factorial $ 5
It is the different between left —> right and right —> left. ⊙﹏⊙|||
|> and & is better than .
ghci> sum (replicate 5 (max 6.7 8.9))
// equals
ghci> 8.9 & max 6.7 & replicate 5 & sum
// equals
ghci> 8.9 |> max 6.7 |> replicate 5 |> sum
// equals
ghci> (sum . replicate 5 . max 6.7) 8.9
// equals
ghci> sum . replicate 5 . max 6.7 $ 8.9
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Aside from style and culture, this boils down to optimizing the language design for either pure or impure code.
The |> operator is common in F# largely because it helps to hide two limitations that appear with predominantly-impure code:
Left-to-right type inference without structural subtypes.
The value restriction.
Note that the former limitation does not exist in OCaml because subtyping is structural instead of nominal, so the structural type is easily refined via unification as type inference progresses.
Haskell takes a different trade-off, choosing to focus on predominantly-pure code where these limitations can be lifted.
This is my first day to try Haskell (after Rust and F#), and I was able to define F#'s |> operator:
(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(|>) x f = f x
infixl 0 |>
and it seems to work:
factorial x =
case x of
1 -> 1
_ -> x * factorial (x-1)
main =
5 |> factorial |> print
I bet a Haskell expert can give you an even better solution.
