ServiceStack.OrmLite: Slow write/reads? - servicestack

UPDATE June 30
This question made a more clean benchmarking, and Mythz found an issue and resolved it:
ServiceStack benchmark continued: why does persisting a simple (complex) to JSON slow down SELECTs?
Im my trials with OrmLite, I am going to test to convert all our current data/objects from our own implementation for saving to database, and switch over to OrmLite.
However, I did a simple benchmark/speedtest, where I compared our current serialization and write to db as well as read from db and deserialize.
What I found was that ServiceStack is much slower than how we currently do it (we currently just serialize the object using FastSerializer, and write the byte[] data to a BLOB field, so its fast to write and read, but of course obvious drawbacks).
The test I did was using the Customer class, that has a bunch of properties (used in our products, so its a class that is used every day in our current versions).
If I create 10 000 such objects, then measure how long it takes to persist those to a MySql database (serialization + write to db), the results are:
As the "current implementation" is cheating (its just BLOBing a byte[] to database), I implemented a simple RelationDbHandler that persists the 10 000 objects in the normal way, with a simple SQL query. Results are added below.
WRITE 10 000 objects:
Current implementation: 33 seconds
OrmLite (using .Save): 94 seconds
Relational approach: 24.7 seconds
READ 10 000 objects:
Current implementation: 1.5 seconds
OrmLite (using Select<>): 28 seconds
Relational approach: 16 seconds
I am running it locally, on a SSD disk, with no other load on CPU or disk.
I expected our current implementation to be faster, but not that much faster.
I read some benchmark-stuff on ServiceStack webpage (, but most of the links area dead. Some plain that reading 25 000 rows takes 245 ms, but i have no idea what a row looks like.
Question 1: Are there any benchmarks I can read more about?
Question 2: The Customer object is specified below. Does mythz think the write/read times above is reasonable?
This is the Customer objects as it looks in the database after OrmLite created the table. I only populate 5 properties, one is "complex" (so only one field has a JSON serialization represenation in the row), but since all fields are written, I dont think that matters much?
Code to save using OrmLite:
public void MyTestMethod<T>(T coreObject) where T : CoreObject
long id = 0;
using (var _db = _dbFactory.Open())
id = _db.Insert<T>(coreObject, selectIdentity: true);
Code to read all from table:
internal List<T> FetchAll<T>()
using (var _db = _dbFactory.Open())
List<T> list = _db.Select<T>();
return list;

Use Insert() for inserting rows. Save() will check if the existing record exist and update it if it does, it also populates Auto Increment primary keys, if any were created.
There's also InsertAsync() APIs available but Oracle's official MySql.Data NuGet package didn't have a proper async implementation in which case using can yield better results by installing the
ServiceStack.OrmLite.MySqlConnector NuGet package and using its MySqlConnectorDialect.Provider.
You'll also get better performance using .NET Core which will use the latest 8.x MySql.Data NuGet package.
Note: The results in are not comparable, which is essentially comparing using MySql as a NoSQL blob storage vs a quasi relational model in OrmLite with multiple complex type blobbed fields.
In my tests I've also noticed several serializaation exceptions being swallowed which will negative impact performance, you can have Exceptions bubbled by configuring on Startup:
OrmLiteConfig.ThrowOnError = JsConfig.ThrowOnError = true;


Slow bulk insert to Azure database

We are running an elastic pool in Azure running multiple databases, when running 1 of our larger imports this seems to take longer than we are used to. During these imports we ran at 6 cores as a test. All databases are allowed to use all cores.
On our local enviroment, it inserts about 100k records per second, however, the same dataset on Azure does about 1k per second (our vm) to 4k per second (dev laptop).
During this insert, the database only uses 14% log IO, 5% CPU and 0% DataIO.
When setting up a new database using DTU model in P2 we are noticing the same experience. So we are not even hitting the limits of the database
The table contains about 36 columns which are all required.
We have tried this using BulkInsert in the following way using different batchsizes
BulkConfig b = new BulkConfig();
b.BatchSize = 100000;
await dbcontext.BulkInsertAsync(entities, b);
As well as using standard EntityFramework addranges using smaller batches. We even went as far as using the manually written SqlBulkCopy methods, however all with no dice.
Now the question is mainly, is this a software issue? Are we running into issues in our AzureDB? Do we need to change the way we do Bulk imports?
Attempted to run the import using the TempDB Setting in BulkInsert, however this also does not increase performance. LogIO is still at 14%.
Iterate through the dataset on the application layer, invoking a
stored procedure for each row that will perform an INSERT/UPDATE
action based on the existence of a record with a certain key. If the
number of records to upsert is limited, this strategy may work well;
otherwise, roundtrips and log writes will have a major influence on
To minimise roundtrips and log writes and increase throughput, use
bulk insert approaches like the SqlBulkCopy class in ADO.NET to
upload the full dataset to Azure SQL Database and then execute all
the INSERT/UPDATE (or MERGE) operations in a single batch. Overall
execution times may be reduced from hours to minutes/seconds using
this method.
Here, is a discussion related to same scenario: Optimize Azure SQL Database Bulk Upsert scenarios - link.

Caching relational data using redis

I'm building a small social network (users have posts and posts have comments - very basic), using clustered nodejs server and redis as a distributed cache.
My approach to cache users posts is to have a sorted set that contains all the user's posts ids ordered by rate(which should be updated every time someone add a like or comment), and actual objects sorted as hash objects.
So the get user's posts flow should look like this:
1. using zrange to get a range of ids from the sorted set.
2. using multi/exec and hgetall to fetch all the objects at once.
I have a couple of questions:
1. in regards of performance issues, will my approach scale when the cache size getting bigger, or maybe I should use lua or something?
1. in case if I want to continue with current approach, where I should save the sorted set in case of redis crash, if I use the redis persistence this will affect the overall performance, I thought about using a dedicated redis server for the sets (I searched If it is possible to backup only part of the redis data but didn't found anything about it.
My approach => getTopObjects({userID}, 0, 20) :
self.zrange = function(setID, start, stop, multi)
return execute(this, "zrange", [setID, start, stop], multi);
self.getObject = function(key, multi)
return execute(this, "hgetall", key, multi);
self.getObjects = function(keys)
let multi = thisArg.client.multi();
let promiseArray = [];
for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++)
promiseArray.push(this.getObject(keys[i], multi));
return execute(this, "exec", [], multi).then(function(results)
//TODO: do something with the result.
return Promise.all(promiseArray);
self.getTopObjects = function(setID, start, stop)
//TODO: validate the range
let thisArg = this;
return this.zrevrange(setID, start, stop).then(function(keys)
return thisArg.getObjects(keys);
It's an interesting intellectual exercise, but in my opinion this is classic premature optimization.
1) It's probably way too early to have even introduced redis, let alone be thinking about whether redis is fast enough. Your social network is almost certainly just fine up to about 1,000 users running off raw SQL queries against Mysql / Postgres / Random RDS. If it starts to slow down, get data on slow running queries and fix them with query optimizations and appropriate indexes. That'll get you past 10,000 users.
2) Now you can start introducing redis. In general, I'd encourage you to think about your redis as purely caching and not permanent storage; it shouldn't matter if it gets blown away, it just means your site is slower for the next few seconds because your users are getting their page loads from SQL queries instead of redis hits (each query re-populating that user's sorted list of posts in redis, of course).
Your strategy and example code for using redis seem fine to me, but until you have actual data on how users use your site (which may be drastically different than your current expectations), it's simply impossible to know what types of SQL indexes you will need, what keys and lists are ideal for caching in redis, etc.
I faced similar issues, I needed a way to query the data more efficiently. Can't say for sure but I heard Redis being single threaded blocks the main thread when running lua scripts, i'm sure that's not good for a social networking site. I heard about Tarantool and it looks promising, currently trying to wrap my head around it.
If you are concerned about your cache size growing bigger, I think most social networks keep two weeks worth of data in the users cache, anything older than two weeks gets deleted and you simply implement a scrolling feature that works with pagination, once the user scrolls down, fetch the next two weeks worth of data and add it back to memory only for that specific user (don't forget to specify the new ttl for the newly added data). This helps keep your cache size lean.
What happens when redis or any in memory data tool you are using crashes, you simply reload data back into the memory. They all have features where you save data to files as backup. I'm thinking of implementing another database layer don't know lets say Cassandra or Mongodb that holds the timelines of each user since inception. Sure this creates another overhead cause you have to keep three data layers (e.g mysql, redis and mongodb) in sync!
If this looks like a lot of work, feel free to use a 3rd party service to host your in memory data, at least you can sleep easy, but it's gonna cost you.
That said, this is highly opinionated. Got tired of people telling me to wait until my site explodes with users or the so called premature optimization reply you got :)

Azure function slow executing a stored procedure

I'm using an Azure function like a scheduled job, using the cron timer. At a specific time each morning it calls a stored procedure.
The function is now taking 4 mins to run a stored procedure that takes a few seconds to run in SSMS. This time is increasing despite efforts to successfully improve the speed of the stored procedure.
The function is not doing anything intensive.
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(str))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand("Stored Proc Here", conn) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure, CommandTimeout = 600})
cmd.Parameters.Add("#Param1", SqlDbType.DateTime2).Value = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-30);
cmd.Parameters.Add("#Param2", SqlDbType.DateTime2).Value = DateTime.Today;
var result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
I've checked and the database is not under load with another process when the stored procedure is running.
Is there anything I can do to speed up the Azure function? Or any approaches to finding out why it's so slow?
I don't believe Azure functions is at fault, the issue seems to be with SQL Server.
I eventually ran the production SP and had a look at the execution plan. I noticed that the statistic were way out, for example a join expected the number of returned rows to be 20, but actual figure was closer to 800k.
The solution for my issue was to update the statistic on a specific table each week.
Regarding why that stats were out so much, well the client does a batch update each night and inserts several hundred thousand rows. I can only assume this affected the stats and it's cumulative, so it seems to get worse with time.
Please be careful adding with recompile hints. Often compilation is far more expensive than execution for a given simple query, meaning that you may not get decent perf for all apps with this approach.
There are different possible reasons for your experience. One common reason for this kind of scenario is that you got different query plans in the app vs ssms paths. This can happen for various reasons (I will summarize below). You can determine if you are getting different plans by using the query store (which records summary data about queries, plans, and runtime stats). Please review a summary of it here:
You need a recent ssms to get the ui, though you can use direct queries from any tds client.
Now for a summary of some possible reasons:
One possible reason for plan differences is set options. These are different environment variables for a query such as enabling ansi nulls on or off. Each different setting could change the plan choice and thus perf. Unfortunately the defaults for different language drivers differ (historical artifacts from when each was built - hard to change now without breaking apps). You can review the query store to see if there are different “context settings” (each unique combination of set options is a unique context settings in query store). Each different set implies different possible plans and thus potential perf changes.
The second major reason for plan changes like you explain in your post is parameter sniffing. Depending on the scope of compilation (example: inside a sproc vs as hoc query text) sql will sometimes look at the current parameter value during compilation to infer the frequency of the common value in future executions. Instead of ignoring the value and just using a default frequency, using a specific value can generate a plan that is optimal for a single value (or set of values) but potentially slower for values outside that set. You can see this in the query plan choice in the query store as well btw.
There are other possible reasons for performance differences beyond what I mentioned. Sometimes there are perf differences when running in mars mode vs not in the client. There may be differences in how you call the client drivers that impact perf beyond this.
I hope this gives you a few tools to debug possible reasons for the difference. Good luck!
For a project I worked on we ran into the same thing. Its not a function issue but a sql server issue. For us we were updating sprocs during development and it turns out that per execution plan, sql server will cache certain routes/indexes (layman explanation) and that gets out of sync for the new sproc.
We resolved it by specifying WITH (RECOMPILE) at the end of the sproc and the API call and SSMS had the same timings.
Once the system is settled, that statement can and should be removed.
Search on slow sproc fast ssms etc to find others who have run into this situation.

Cloud Functions Http Request return cached Firebase database

I'm new in Node.js and Cloud Functions for Firebase, I'll try to be specific for my question.
I have a firebase-database with objects including a "score" field. I want the data to be retrieved based on that, and that can be done easily in client side.
The issue is that, if the database gets to grow big, I'm worried that either it will take too long to return and/or will consume a lot of resources. That's why I was thinking of a http service using Cloud Functions to store a cache with the top N objects that will be updating itself when the score of any objects change with a listener.
Then, client side just has to call something like https://myexampleprojectroute/givemethetoplevels to receive a Json with the top N levels.
Is it reasonable? If so, how can I approach that? Which structures do I need to use this cache, and how to return them in json format via http?
At the moment I'll keep doing it client side but I'd really like to have that both for performance and learning purpose.
Thanks in advance.
In the end I did not implement the optimization. The reason why is, first, that the firebase database does not contain a "child count" so I didn't find a way with my newbie javascript knowledge to implement that. Second, and most important, is that I'm pretty sure it won't scale up to millions, having at most 10K entries, and firebase has rules for sorted reading optimization. For more information please check out this link.
Also, I'll post a simple code snippet to retrieve data from your database via http request using cloud-functions in case someone is looking for it. Hope this helps!
// Simple Test function to retrieve a json object from the DB
// Warning: No security methods are being used such authentication, request methods, etc
exports.request_all_levels = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const ref = admin.database().ref('CustomLevels');
ref.once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
You're duplicating data upon writes, to gain better read performance. That's a completely reasonable approach. In fact, it is so common in NoSQL databases to keep such derived data structures that it even has a name: denormalization.
A few things to keep in mind:
While Cloud Functions run in a more predictable environment than the average client, the resources are still limited. So reading a huge list of items to determine the latest 10 items, is still a suboptimal approach. For simple operations, you'll want to keep the derived data structure up to date for every write operation.
So if you have a "latest 10" and a new item comes in, you remove the oldest item and add the new one. With this approach you have at most 11 items to consider, compared to having your Cloud Function query the list of items for the latest 10 upon every write, which is a O(something-with-n) operation.
Same for an averaging operation: you'll find a moving average to be most performant, because it doesn't require any of the previous data.

How to implement custom pagination with LINQ2Entities using 1 call to the database

I am working on ASP.NET Web Forms project and I use jquery datatable to visualize data fetched from SQL server. I need to pass the results for the current page and the total number of results for which by far I have this code :
var queryResult = query.Select(p => new[] { p.Id.ToString(),
p.Address })
and the result that I get when I return the result to the view like :
iTotalRecords = queryResult.Count(),
is the number of records that the user has chosen to see per page. Logical, but I haven't thought about it while building my Method chaining. Now I think about the optimal way to implement this. Since it's likely to use with relatively big amounts of data (10,000 rows, maybe more) I would like leave as much work as I can to the SQL server. However I found several questions asked about this, and the impression that I get is that I have to make two queries to the database, or manipulate the total result in my code. But I think this will won't be efficient when you have to work with many records.
So what can I do here to get best performance?
In regards to what you’re looking for I don’t think there is a simple answer.
I believe the only way you can currently do this is by running more than one query like you have already suggested, whether this would be encapsulated inside a stored procedure (SPROC) call or generated by EF.
However, I believe you can make optimsations to make your query run quicker.
First of all, every query execution MAY result in the query being recached as you are chaining your methods together, this means that the actual query being executed will need to be recompiled and cached by SQL Server (if that is your chosen technology) before being executed. This normally only takes a few milliseconds, but if the query being executed only takes a few milliseconds then this is relatively expensive.
Entity framework will translate this Linq query and execute it using derived tables. With a small result set of approx. 1k records to be paged your current solution maybe best suited. This would also depend upon on how complex your SQL filtering is as generated by your method chaining.
If your result set to be paged grows up towards 15k, I would suggest writing a SPROC to get the best performance and scalability which would insert the records into a temp table and run two queries against it, firstly to get the paged records, and secondly to get the total results.
alter proc dbo.usp_GetPagedResults
#Skip int = 10,
#Take int = 10
row_number() over (order by id) [RowNumber],
dbo.MyTable t
declare #To int = #Skip+#Take-1
select * from #results where RowNumber between #Skip and #To
select max(RowNumber) from #results
You can use the EF to map a SPROC call to entity types or create a new custom type containing the results and the number of results.
Stored Procedures with Multiple Results
I found that the cost of running the above SPROC was approximately a third of running the query which EF generated to get the same result based upon the result set size of 15k records. It was however three times slower than the EF query if only a 1K record result set due to the temp table creation.
Encapsulating this logic inside a SPROC allows the query to be refactored and optimised as your result set grows without having to change any application based code.
The suggested solution doesn’t use the derived table queries as created by the Entity Framework inside a SPROC as I found there was a marginal performance difference between running the SPROC and the query directly.
