How does smart devices know which task to perform? - node.js

I have been trying to build an Alexa skill for the smart device but thing I don't understand if I send a request to the smart device using my Alexa then how does it know which task to perform.
I understand till Alexa made a call to the lambda function then it make an api call to the smart device server but what I don't understand how does the device know that it has to it has to turn itself off or change the color of the light etc. Do we have to write special programming for that?
Please, someone, explain how does it works as I am new here I am unable to understand it.
Thank you in advance.

You are right on the call being made to the smart device server. the activity details lies in the API that is requested.
Check the device URL (generally contains action name eg: Power) and body (contains action detail as Json like {"state":"on"})
So to write a smart device application you will need the API list for controlling the device

So Basically, Your echo device will give you the Event and Handler information when you speak to the Echo device.
Alexa.PowerController and Alexa.ColorController
These are the namespace by which you will have an idea to your programming which command you would like to use. for ex.
"directive": {
"header": {
"namespace": "Alexa.PowerController",
"name": "TurnOn",
"payloadVersion": "3",
"messageId": "1bd5d003-31b9-476f-ad03-71d471922820",
"correlationToken": "dFMb0z+PgpgdDmluhJ1LddFvSqZ/jCc8ptlAKulUj90jSqg=="
"endpoint": {
"scope": {
"type": "BearerToken",
"token": "access-token-from-skill"
"endpointId": "appliance-001",
"cookie": {}
"payload": {}
For more details in depth please visit powerControl and colorControl documentation. This is one more example.
Hope, this may help you.


Using different Custom payloads for Dialogflow messenger and Facebook messenger integration in Dialogflow CX

I guess this might be a stupid issue, solvable in a really easy way, but I'm really struggling.
I have the “old” chatbot, built in Dialogflow ES with 2 integrations (DF messenger, FB messenger). And because I set up 2 integrations I automatically have 2 tabs for responses available with every intent.
If I want to add a button, I need to use the Custom payload type of response. And since I have 2 different integrations which I need different code for, I need to set the custom payload for each of them (1 on every tab).
Custom payload for the DF messenger example:
"richContent": [
"icon": {
"color": "#F78A2D",
"type": "network_check"
"text": "Text on the button",
"type": "button",
"link": ""
Custom payload for the FB messenger example with the similar functionality:
"facebook": {
"attachment": {
"type": "template",
"payload": {
"template_type": "button",
"buttons": [
"title": "Text on the button",
"url": "",
"type": "web_url"
"text": "Required text"
Everything works as expected.
The issue
I want to achieve the same thing with Dialogflow CX.
I’ve set up same integrations (DF and FB messenger) and the first thing I noticed is that I don’t see any additional tab for FB messenger. Because I can’t find the separate FB tab I’ve been playing with the single Custom payload response and mixing both codes together (for DF messenger and FB messenger) with no success.
What I managed to do is:
If in this single Custom payload response I use just the code for DF messenger, it works with DF messenger as expected - the user gets the response with the button. The FB messenger just “ignores” the code and doesn’t show the button. The code:
"richContent": [
"icon": {
"color": "#F78A2D",
"type": "network_check"
"text": "Text on the button",
"type": "button",
"link": ""
If I use just the code for the FB messenger, it works as expected - the user gets the response with the quick replies. The DF messenger just “ignores” the code and doesn’t show quick replies/chips. The code (different than in Dialogflow ES, but let’s start simple, using just quick replies :D):
"text": "Pick a color:",
"payload":"Red color"
"payload":"Green color"
And now we come to the problem. Because there’s no extra tab for FB messenger (as stated before) I’m trying to male things work by mixing both codes together. So the mixed code looks like this:
"richContent": [
"icon": {
"color": "#F78A2D",
"type": "network_check"
"text": "Text on the button",
"type": "button",
"link": ""
"text": "Pick a color:",
As you’d assume by now, this code works with DF messenger integration (the user gets the button), but it doesn’t work with FB integration (user doesn’t get the quick replies).
So the real questions are:
How do I get this to work?
Am I somewhere missing a different tab for FB messenger responses (similar to DF ES)?
Or is there just a thing or two missing inside the code?
Should I maybe use the conditional response aka “IF FB messenger integration THEN use FB
code ELSE use DF code”? If so, how can I check what integration is
being used at the moment by user?
Oh, BTW, does anyone have any quick link about how to debug the FB messenger integration? I'm familiar with the GCP Logs explorer, but I can't seem to find any FB related issues in those logs - I'm assuming they could help since the FB integration is not working as expected.
The answer I got on Google forum and which best describes the solution and is up to date:
The engineers are working on implementing using custom payloads for different integrations in a single agent for Dialogflow CX (LINK). You can subscribe to get automatic updates on the progress made on this feature request by selecting the star listed at the left side of the thread title.
In the meantime, a possible workaround would be to use different agents for the integrations.
EDIT: Just thought of another solution which I believe could be more than just a workaround and might actually stick around (maybe that's even the way Google imagined it). We could use the versioning in the way that we have different versions for different integrations. The only drawback worth mentioning and which I can see here is that we need to use all bot flows in all versions and therefore in all integrations. Which could be an issue if we want to use totally different communication flow for different integrations. The issue is kind of solvable by emptying flows for specific integrations (or not using/linking them at all), but on the other hand the totally different communication flow could also just simply mean a new agent.
Feel free to comment on this solution. I'm courious if you agree.
I have been dealing with this same issue. The best workaround I have found so far is to create two custom payloads (one using the syntax that works for Facebook messenger and the other one using the syntax that works for Dialogflow messenger for exemple). Then once you do the integrations, Facebook will ignore the payload of the Dialogflow messenger, but the one designed for Facebook will work. Dialogflow messenger will also ignore the payload for Facebook messenger but the correct one designed for DialogFlow messenger will work. I hope this helps. Payload for Fb messenger and DF messenger on the same page

Update message card in Teams via webhook connector

I have a build machine from which I want to post updates in Microsoft Teams. I created a webhook connector for my channel in Teams and I can send a simple POST request to the webhook url to post a message card in Teams with this json payload:
"#type": "MessageCard",
"#context": "",
"summary": "Build Status",
"sections": [{
"facts": [{
"name": "Status",
"value": "<build status>"
Now I want to update the <build status> value as the build progresses and maybe add another fact with download link when the build is finished. Is it possible to update an existing card once it is posted? It seems like a common use case to me, but I was not able to find an answer to it. There are some blogs about updating card as a result of an action, but I don't have or want to have any actions. And obviously I don't want to keep adding cards for the same build process.
Currently update card via web-hook is supported in teams. Could you please Raise a user voice
Sorry, I jumped the gun on that. It appears it isn't supported from webhooks.

How can I request the user's location in

I'm creating an agent using and using a PHP script as a webhook. The documentation doesn't make it clear on how to do it, but I'm wanting to request permission to the user's coarse location so they won't have to provide their location for requests.
I've tried echo-ing the JSON they mention, and putting it in as a custom payload for the default welcome intent, but neither of those seem to prompt me for permission to use my location.
How do I ask a user for permission to get their location?
EDIT: If I set my PHP script to respond to intent.welcome with the following JSON:
"data": {
"google": {
"expectUserResponse": true,
"systemIntent": {
"intent": "actions.intent.PERMISSION",
"data": {
"#type": "",
"optContext": "To provide an accurate experience, ",
"permissions": ["DEVICE_PRECISE_LOCATION"]
The app asks me "To provide an accurate experience, , I'll just need to get your street address from Google. Is that ok?"
However if I say "yes", then the app keeps asking things like "Sorry, could you say that again?", so I can't actually get it to do anything.
You need to create a new Intent with the Event set to actions_intent_PERMISSION. (See image below.)
When this Event is triggered, your webhook will be called with the JSON field in the request body populated with the location information you've requested.

Requesting User Location from Google Actions with

Google Actions can provide you with the user's location, name, and few other details. How can this be done on without the nodejs SDK? All examples from Google are using the Nodejs sdk.
According to the Conversation Api it is just a matter of putting the correct json in the response, however it is unclear how to get to fill in this json.
I've read the docs here , but am still unclear.
Sample code, or more detailed documentations, would be great for the non nodejs developers. I'm working in Java, however a good explanation of how builts the response json for Google Actions would be helpful for developers of all languages.
You have to study the API.AI HTTP API here. As a reference, try to setup the node examples - this way you can see the JSON files in action.
For the permissions try the Name Psychic example.
Your outgoing JSON will be something like this:
"contextOut": [
"lifespan": 100,
"name": "_actions_on_google_",
"parameters": {}
"lifespan": 1,
"name": "requesting_permission",
"parameters": {}
"data": {
"google": {
"expect_user_response": true,
"is_ssml": false,
"no_input_prompts": [],
"permissions_request": {
"opt_context": "To send you something",
"permissions": [
There is now another option for Java programmers working with Actions on Google. There is an open source port of the official SDK to Java/Kotlin. API is very similar, so for location it would be something like:

Api version change but docs not updated?

I've been trying to do various things through your Mail REST API today and not having much success... My project (using the api) has been running for at least a month now, but requests to your api are failing.
For example:
GET (works)
GET (doesn't work)
Looking at the documentation, still says its available.
Trying to send an email using:
POST also just returns 400 (Bad Request)
Any info about this?
Also, the http status codes returned are not useful at all; almost all errors return as 400's. In one instance, I didn't provide auth creds, and a 400 was returned instead of the appropriate 401. The accompanying status code detail could also be more helpful.
Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the inconvenience. We are currently deploying some non-backwards compatible changes described here, and this is causing your issues. The current set of changes including versioning support, and deploying non-backwards compatible changes won't cause issues for your app in the future. For the queries, that don't work, please use the following:
Accessing Inbox:
Send email (new action called SendMail):
"Subject": "Test message",
"Content": "This is test message!"
{ "EmailAddress": { "Address": "", "Name": "John Doe" }},
{ "EmailAddress": { "Address": "", "Name": "Jane Smith" }}
"SaveToSentItems": true
Hope this helps. We are updating the documentation to reflect the changes, and it should be available shortly. Thanks for the feedback on the HTTP status codes, we will review the status codes returned currently and make any fixes required.
Conversation support is in our roadmap but we don't yet have a timeline to share. Currently, you can search using$filter=ConversationId%20eq%20%%27ConversationID%27 but this will only return messages within the specified folder belonging to that conversation.
Let me know if you have any questions or need more info.
