Cannot make post request containing an array in node - node.js

I am a beginner who have been banging my head for days with this problem I got really really stuck with.
Basically I just want to make a post request using node and express. The object will be created dynamically, but this is my hard coded example. myObj contain an array because I want to do one insert to the database for each item later on server side.
let myObj = {
id: 50,
damage_type: ["missing", "broken", "light"]
// Parse myObj to JSON string to be sent
let myjsonObj = JSON.stringify(myObj);
console.log(myjsonObj );
// {"poi":50,"damage_type":["missing","broken","light"]}
postDamage(myjsonObj )
function postDamage(damage) {
type: 'POST',
url: '/damage',
data: damage
done(function (damage) {
// Do things
}'/damage', (req, res) =>
let data = req.body;
// This is what I get in the node terminal which is nonsense, I cannot work with
{ '{"id":50,"damage_type":["missing","broken","light"]}': '' }
I expect it to look like {"id":50,"damage_type":["missing","broken","light"]}
So I can loop through the damage_type creating new objects with this structure
createSQLfunction({id:50, damage_type:"missing"})
If I dont stringify my myObj the node terminal is printing
{poi:'50', 'damage_type[]: [ 'missing','broken','light']} Where does the extra [] come from?!
What am I doing wrong not to be able to send an array inside an object to the server side?

From the jquery website:
Type: PlainObject or String or Array
Data to be sent to the
server. It is converted to a query string, if not already a string.
It's appended to the url for GET-requests. See processData option to
prevent this automatic processing. Object must be Key/Value pairs. If
value is an Array, jQuery serializes multiple values with same key
based on the value of the traditional setting (described below).
The traditional setting appears to be whether it url-encodes as key[]=val1&key[]=val2 or just key=val1&key=val2. You can give it a try, YMMV.
Or you could make your life a lot easier and just serialize the json yourself, instead of messing with jquery's url-encoding.
*Edit: In answer to your question about best practices: Back before JavaScript form submissions became popular, the two standard ways of submitting a form were application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data. The latter was mostly used if you had file(s) you were submitting with a form.
However with the advent of JavaScript XHR (ajax) form submissions, it has become much more common/popular to use JSON instead of either of these formats. So there is absolutely nothing at all wrong with doing something like data: JSON.stringify(object) when you submit your data, and then just instruct your server to read the JSON.
In fact it's probably both easier and faster. And it is a very popular method, so no worries about going against modern best practices.


What happens if I do not use body parser or express.json()?

I am new to the whole backend stuff I understood that both bodyparser and express.json() will parse the incoming request(body from the client) into the request object.
But what happens if I do not parse the incoming request from the client ?
without middleware parsing your requests, your req.body will not be populated. You will then need to manually go research on the req variable and find out how to get the values you want.
Your bodyParser acts as an interpreter, transforming http request, in to an easily accessible format base on your needs.
You may read more on HTTP request here ( You can even write your own http server )
You will just lose the data, and request.body field will be empty.
Though the data is still sent to you, so it is transferred to the server, but you have not processed it so you won't have access to the data.
You can parse it yourself, by the way. The request is a Readable stream, so you can listen data and end events to collect and then parse the data.
You shall receive what you asked for in scenarios where you do not convert the data you get the raw data that looks somewhat like this username=scott&password=secret&, Now this ain't that bad but you will manually have to filter out which is params, what is a query and inside of those 2 where is the data..
unless it is a project requirement all that heavy lifting is taken care of by express and you get a nicely formatted object looking like this
username: 'scott',
password: 'secret',
website: ''
For Situation where you DO need to use the raw data express gives you a convenient way of accessing that as well all you need to do is use this line of code
express.raw( [options] ) along with express.json( [options] )

Good practice to handle useless response in express js/nodejs?

Am using express js on node for my api service ! In which am using sequelize for query handling purposes !
So in some usecase like creating record, or updating record its simply returning "1" or sometimes nothing !
In this case , am just using
or sometimes
Is there any better way or this is the correct way to handle ? Or should in need .end() in order to end the process ??
which is a good way to handle these kind of useless responses which we dont need to send back ?
This is where Status 204 comes in to play:
It states: everything is OK (like in 200), but there is simple no need to send a body.
Using express, it's just as simple as: res.sendStatus(204)
Usually a json is send back to the client with different information in it that lets the client-side know that the operation that they request through the api is successfull or failed. for e.g. here, you can define a standard json response like this
//in case of success of the request
requestStatus: 1,
...other data if you want to like new Id of the created data/updated data or info about it if you want or depending upon use case
// in case of failure of the request
requestStatus: 0,
...other data if you want to like reason for failure, error message or depending upon your use case
Just add this line of code, should be fine:
//For all bad endpoints
app.use('*', (req, res) => {
res.status(404).json({ msg: 'Not a good endpoint, why are you here? Go play FIFA.'})
If you want you can generate an error HTML file, but since it's back-end, JSON format is strongly suggested. You can also add success: false for more clarity.

Would the values inside request be mixed up in callback?

I am new to Node.js, and I have been reading questions and answers related with this issue, but still not very sure if I fully understand the concept in my case.
Suggested Code'/test123', function(req, res) {
someAsyncFunction1(parameter1, function(result1) {
someAsyncFunction2(parameter2, function(result2) {
someAsyncFunction3(parameter3, function(result3) {
var theVariable1 = req.body.something1;
var theVariable2 = req.body.something2;
I assume there will be multiple (can be 10+, 100+, or whatever) requests to one certain place (for example, ajax request to /test123, as shown above) at the same time with some variables (something1 and something2). According to this, it would be impossible that one user's theVariable1 and theVariable2 are mixed up with (i.e, overwritten by) the other user's req.body.something1 and req.body.something2. I am wondering if this is true when there are multiple callbacks (three like the above, or ten, just in case).
And, I also consider using res.locals to save some data from callbacks (instead of using theVariable1 and theVariable2, but is it good idea to do so given that the data will not be overwritten due to multiple simultaneous requests from clients?
Each request an Node.js/Express server gets generated a new req object.
So in the line'/test123', function(req, res), the req object that's being passed in as an argument is unique to that HTTP connection.
You don't have to worry about multiple functions or callbacks. In a traditional application, if I have two objects cat and dog that I can pass to the listen function, I would get back meow and bark. Even though there's only one listen function. That's sort of how you can view an Express app. Even though you have all these get and post functions, every user's request is passed to them as a unique entity.

Best practices form processing with Express

I'm writing a website which implements a usermanagement system and I wonder what best practices regarding form processing I have to consider.
Especially performance, security, SEO and user experience are important to me. When I was working on it I came across a couple questions and I didn't find an complete node/express code snippet where I could figure out all of my below questions.
Use case: Someone is going to update the birthday of his profile. Right now I am doing a POST request to the same URL to process the form on that page and the POST request will respond with a 302 redirect to the same URL.
General questions about form processing:
Should I do a POST request + 302 redirect for form processing or rather something else like an AJAX request?
How should I handle invalid FORM requests (for example invalid login, or email address is already in use during signup)?
Express specific questions about form processing:
I assume before inserting anything into my DB I need to sanitize and validate all form fields on the server side. How would you do that?
I read some things about CSRF but I have never implemented a CSRF protection. I'd be happy to see that in the code snippet too
Do I need to take care of any other possible vulnerabilities when processing forms with Express?
Example HTML/Pug:
form#profile(method='POST', action='/settings/profile')
input#profile-real-name.validate(type='text', name='profileRealName',
label(for='profile-real-name') Name
textarea#profile-bio.materialize-textarea(placeholder='Tell a little about yourself', name='profileBio')
| #{}
label(for='profile-bio') About
input#profile-url.validate(type='url', name='profileUrl',
label(for='profile-url') URL
input#profile-location.validate(type='text', name='profileLocation', value=profile.location)
label(for='profile-location') Location
a.btn.grey(href='' onclick='resetForm()') Reset
Example Route Handlers:
router.get('/settings/profile', isLoggedIn, profile)'/settings/profile', isLoggedIn, updateProfile)
function profile(req, res) {
res.render('user/profile', { title: 'Profile', profile: req.user.profile })
function updateProfile(req, res) {
var userId = req.user._id
var form = req.body
var profile = {
name: form.profileRealName,
bio: form.profileBio,
url: form.profileUrl,
location: form.profileLocation
// Insert into DB
Note: A complete code snippet which takes care of all form processing best practices adapted to the given example is highly appreciated. I'm fine with using any publicly available express middleware.
Should I do a POST request + 302 redirect for form processing or rather something else like an AJAX request?
No, best practice for a good user experience since 2004 or so (basically since gmail launched) has been form submission via AJAX and not web 1.0 full-page load form POSTs. In particular, error handling via AJAX is less likely to leave your user at a dead end browser error page and then hit issues with the back button. The AJAX in this case should send an HTTP PATCH request to be most semantically correct but POST or PUT will also get the job done.
How should I handle invalid FORM requests (for example invalid login, or email address is already in use during signup)?
Invalid user input should result in an HTTP 400 Bad Request status code response, with details about the specific error(s) in a JSON response body (the format varies per application but either a general message or field-by-field errors are common themes)
For email already in use I use the HTTP 409 Conflict status code as a more particular flavor of general bad request payload.
I assume before inserting anything into my DB I need to sanitize and validate all form fields on the server side. How would you do that?
Absolutely. There are many tools. I generally define a schema for a valid request in JSON Schema and use a library from npm to validate that such as is-my-json-valid or ajv. In particular, I recommend being as strict as possible: reject incorrect types, or coerce types if you must, remove unexpected properties, use small but reasonable string length limits and strict regular expression patterns for strings when you can, and of course make sure your DB library property prevents injection attacks.
I read some things about CSRF but I have never implemented a CSRF protection.
The OWSAP Node Goat Project CSRF Exercise is a good place to start with a vulnerable app, understand and exploit the vulnerability, then implement the fix (in this case with a straightforward integration of the express.csrf() middleware.
Do I need to take care of any other possible vulnerabilities when processing forms with Express?
Yes generally application developers must understand and actively code securely. There's a lot of material out there on this but particular care must be taken when user input gets involved in database queries, subprocess spawning, or being written back out to HTML. Solid query libraries and template engines will handle most of the work here, you just need to be aware of the mechanics and potential places malicious user input could sneak in (like image filenames, etc).
I am certainly no Express expert but I think I can answer at least #1:
You should follow the Post/Redirect/Get web development pattern in order to prevent duplicate form submissions. I've heard a 303-redirect is the proper http statuscode for redirecting form submissions.
I do process forms using the POST route and once I'm done I trigger a 302-redirect.
As of #3 I recommend looking into express-validator, which is well introduce here: . It's a middleware which allows you to validate and sanitize like this:
req.checkBody('name', 'Invalid name').isAlpha();
req.checkBody('age', 'Invalid age').notEmpty().isInt();
I wasn't able to comment hence the answer even though it's not a complete answer. Just thought it might help you.
If user experience is something you're thinking about, a page redirection is a strong no. Providing a smooth flow for the people visiting your website is important to prevent drops, and since forms are already not such a pleasure to fill, easing their usage is primary. You don't want to reload their page that might have already took some time to load just to display an error message. Once the form is valid and you created the user cookie, a redirection is fine though, even if you could do things on the client app to prevent it, but that's out-of-scope.
As stated by Levent, you should checkout express-validator, which is the more established solution for this kind of purpose.
req.check('profileRealName', 'Bad name provided').notEmpty().isAlpha()
req.check('profileLocation', 'Invalid location').optional().isAlpha();
req.getValidationResult().then(function (result) {
if (result.isEmpty()) { return null }
var errors = result.array()
// [
// { param: "profileRealName", msg: "Bad name provided", value: ".." },
// { param: "profileLocation", msg: "Invalid location", value: ".." }
// ]
.then(function () {
// everything is fine! insert into the DB and respond..
From what it looks like, I can assume you are using MongoDB. Given that, I would recommend using an ODM, like Mongoose. It will allow you to define models for your schemas and put restrictions directly on it, letting the model handles these kind of redundant validations for you.
For example, a model for your user could be
var User = new Schema({
name: { type: String, required: [true, 'Name required'] },
bio: { type: String, match: /[a-z]/ },
age: { type: Number, min: 18 }, // I don't know the kind of site you run ;)
Using this schema on your route would be looking like
var user = new User({
name: form.profileRealName,
bio: form.profileBio,
url: form.profileUrl,
location: form.profileLocation
}) (err) {
// and you could grab the error here if it exists, and react accordingly
As you can see it provides a pretty cool api, which you should read about in their docs if you want to know more.
About CRSF, you should install csurf, which has pretty good instructions and example usages on their readme.
After that you're pretty much good to go, there is not much more I can think about apart making sure you stay up to date with your critical dependencies, in case a 0-day occurs, for example the one that happened in 2015 with JWTs, but that's still kinda rare.

Is it ok to work directly on the data in req.body?

I'm working on an app in Node/Express/Jade.
I have a GET route which render a form. When the user submit this, a POST route is handling the request. I use bodyParser, which populate the req.body.
I then sanitize, validate and generate new data directly in the req.body:
// Shorthand variable
var doc = req.body;
// Sanitise and transform user input = sanitize( ).trim();
doc.contact_person = sanitize( doc.contact_person ).trim();
// Validate user input
validator.check(, 'Some error message' ).notEmpty();
validator.check( doc.contact_person, 'Another error message' ).notEmpty();
// Generate new object data
doc.slug = sanitize( ).toSlug();
Question: is if there are any special reason for me not to edit the data directly in the req.body? Should I instead making a new "doc" object from the data in req.body, and in that new object sanitize, validate and add the new generated data.
It's fine to edit data in req.body. The only thing you should be aware of is that the next route or middleware will get a modified version of req.body.
So, you may create a single route/middleware to sanitize and transform your req.body and then use transformed results in multiple routes.
You can definitely modify it. For example, the express.json middleware parses raw body data into JSON for the rest of the middleware chain.
It's best to use a copy if your intention isn't to alter data for the rest of the chain, even if it won't interfere with correct operation. It prevents sometimes hard-to-debug errors that might crop up in later development.
