Api Apps Vs Api Management - azure

I am looking for scalable hosting for an API but I am getting a little confused with Azure. Ideally I want something that means I don't have to manage OS updates and security, just deploy my API code.
Is this possible with Azure? What do I need to sign up for?

In general, you are looking for the Platform as a service offer. Check What is PaaS?. For the API deployment you should check the Azure App Services. Azure API Management is for advanced API management or when you want to expose multiple APIs using a single gateway.


How do I apply a policy from Azure API Management Service to Azure App Service route?

So, I was following this tutorial and successfully published the web API to both Azure App Service and Azure API Management. Then (going beyond tutorial) I added a rate-limit policy to the API in API Management service.
I tested it successfully on API management Test tab. However, if I access the App Service route URL (https://***.azurewebsites.net/) it will not throttle.
What am I missing here?
How do I make the policy active for the App Service URL?
Markus Meyer did a good job explaining how it's supposed to be used.
I think that you might benefit from this diagram showing the differences between calling your service through APIM or directly.
"What am I missing here?"
I think you're missing that API Management is a service, totally separate from you App Service. You do not "extend" the features of the App Service with APIM, you instead put APIM infront of your App Service and call your API through APIM to gain the benefits (of rate limiting in this example).
Requests to https://***.azurewebsites.net/ belong to Azure App Service.
If you want to do requests to API Management, the default hostname is azure-api.net:
If you want to use throttling from API Management, you have to the API Management URL like you did in the test tab:

How to build a Rest API on Azure for a Documentdb database with Node.js

I have already created a Documentdb database and now i should build a REST API on Azure with Node.js. I have read the documentation, but i did't understand it good enough.
Cloud services could be a good solution, but if i didn't misunderstand, it is Python and .NET based.
If i want to build a REST API and an user interface voor the REST API, which services should i better use? Web apps? API apps? Or any another product?
Per Azure's documentation,
An API app can take advantage of features offered by Web Apps and Mobile Apps. The reverse is also true: if you use a web app or mobile app to host an API, it can take advantage of API Apps features such as Swagger metadata for client code generation and CORS for cross-domain browser access. The only difference between the three app types (API, web, mobile) is the name and icon used for them in the Azure portal.
An API app and a Web app will equally work for you. Currently, all of Web, Mobile and API Apps are collectively called App Services. For most scenarios, Web Apps is the best choice.
More on this:
Azure Web API vs Web App
Differences between Azure App Services and Cloud Services

Node.js proxy service for DocumentDB

We want to work with Azure DocumentDB from AngularJS SPA. I understand that it's best to have node.js proxy service as a middle tier in between them. I'm a .NET developer and having trouble creating it. Can you point me to any code samples for such proxy?
Azure provides the DocumentDB SDK for C#, you can refer to https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/documentdb-get-started/ for how to handle DocumentDB operations in C#.
And then, you can leverage the API Apps in .Net implementing with the DocumentDB SDK for C#, to expose the APIs for your Angularjs SPA.
You can also use APIM (Azure API Management/Gateway) as a proxy or middle tier in between your SPA and DocDB. This way you don't have to code your middle tier but use APIM which is a PaaS service and also provides rich set of functionalities.

Azure Mobile Services - custom authentication provider for all our apps

We plan to use Windows Azure Mobile Services for several of our commercial apps and would like to create a single data store for users instead of creating it for every mobile service. We don't want to use Microsoft or Facebook... providers due to this issue Multiple apps using a single Azure Mobile Service for Live Authentication?
This way, the user data for all our apps is stored in single separate Custom_Auth database and the users won't need to Register again for our other apps. Should we create a separate mobile service that basically enables custom authentication and acts as a provider for other apps?
Do you see any pitfalls with this approach and what steps would I need to take for creating this custom provider as a separate mobile service?
Basically, we want to create our own provider so that user of one our apps can login to the other apps using the same credentials.
I have read through the following links. Posting them here as they may be useful for others starting out with Authentication and Azure Mobile Services.
Thanks in advance
Hope this helps you
Someone created a custom authentication API using AZURE
with Parse.com, you are limited to their backend and unfortunately it doesn't have all the nice features as Azure
MS really messed us around with this

Windows Azure Mobile Services management API

Is there any management API in Windows Azure Mobile Services?
For example: methods to create mobile services or data tables.
There's a Mobile Service Management API however it is not publicly available yet. One thing you could do is take a look at the source code for Windows Azure CLI tools and figure out how this API has been implemented. You can view the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/WindowsAzure/azure-sdk-tools-xplat.
