Mentioning orderer name while using kafka configuration - hyperledger-fabric

I am using orderer in kafka mode. Now while invoking chaincode, I need to supply orderer name. But then whats the use of kafka to select orderer if I need to supply the orderer name by my own.

I'll note that the client can initialize a channel in memory that has record of multiple orderers, and the SDK should provide the option of sending your transaction via a random orderer. While one organization's client may communicate with one orderer, another organization might prefer to have its client set up to use a different orderer (or group of orderers, and perhaps these are running on the organizations own servers).
Where kafka comes in is that it's a way to provide crash-fault tolerance to channels with high throughput and a set up of multiple orderers by helping keep track of transactions and thus allowing proper sequencing of blocks. Specifically, when the client sends the transaction to an orderer, the orderer then relays to a partition that the kafka cluster maintains, and then orderers then consume/read from this partition to package transactions into blocks (orderers are both producers and consumers in this set up). kafka keeps all the orderers in sync by maintaining a stream of transactions that's used by all of them.
The full technical solution is outlined in, the below image is from page 11.
From the readthedocs page (
Each channel maps to a separate single-partition topic in Kafka. When an OSN receives transactions via the Broadcast RPC, it checks to make sure that the broadcasting client has permissions to write on the channel, then relays (i.e. produces) those transactions to the appropriate partition in Kafka. This partition is also consumed by the OSN which groups the received transactions into blocks locally, persists them in its local ledger, and serves them to receiving clients via the Deliver RPC. For low-level details, refer to the document that describes how we came to this design — Figure 8 is a schematic representation of the process described above.


Hyperledger Fabric with Raft Protocol: How are transactions packaged into Blocks?

So I do understand the concept of the Raft Protocol.
But I struggle with it in the use case of a Hyperledger Fabric Ordering Service.
What I understand so far:
When a transaction is proposed and endorsed by peers the application forwards it to the ordering service.
The Raft Leader-Node receives this transaction and writes it to his Log then sends it to his Follower-Nodes that also update their Logs.
What I don't understand:
Where and how are the blocks created?
Do all Nodes create a Block and check if a majority has the same?
I read somewhere that a Blockcutter-method is invoked by the Leader and the resulting Block is then proposed to the local Raft Finite State Machine (what is this?).
It's too wasteful to do a consensus round for each transaction. Instead, the Raft leader aggregates several transactions into a batch, and then creates a block from that batch, using a block cutter object.
Then, the Raft leader initiates a consensus round to make the block be replicated to all followers via the Raft protocol.

Expected behavior of peer in case of all orderers down

In Hyperledger Fabric, what is the expected behavior of peer when all orderer nodes are down.
Should peer also down, or stop serving request from client, or continue to serve query request?
In our test, after orderers are stopped, the peer keeps writing "failed to create connection to orderer" log. When we query a key by calling chaincode the value is returned.
Can you help clarify if this is expected behavior. Thank you.
I am working on a distributed hyperledger fabric network. I would recommend the Orderer Raft Consensus
I have solved this in such a way that in my case I have three orderers that run independently on different environments.
If I crash all these orderers, the peer containers will continue to run on the other participants of the network. As you said, they cannot make any transactions.
If one of my orderers crashes it is not so bad after the raft consensus, the containers keep running. If another one fails, no transactions can be made. In this case I let the peers continue and check if the orderers are available again.
The behaviour you described I would put down to the fact that the peer requests the value from his ledger, he doesn't need an orderer for that.
Have a read of this: This is the best documentation for how the system works I've found and there's more in the docs directory on the repo for orderers, etc.
My understanding is: The peers are there to sign (endorse) transaction proposals. The orderer exists to order, validate, package and distribute transactions to peers. The peers can also distribute their knowledge of validated transactions via the gossip channel.
If all orderers go down, the transactions will not be validated/packaged/distributed so the blockchain will be out of action until the orderers are restored.
When we query a key by calling chaincode the value is returned.
Peers will still remain up and ready to sign/endorse transaction proposals, and querying the blockchain held at the peers will still work. Chaincodes are hosted by the peers. Orderers do not host chaincode.
Also see here for the various modes the orderer can be run in: Raft mode, Kafka ordering, Solo ordering.
I think the current observerd behavour is expected and in my view it is just fine.
Let's check the purpose of orderer?
Order the transactions
Cut the block and distribute the block amongst the orgs when the criteria is met ( min txn/size or time).
This also means, orderer is needed when your Fabric network is processing those transactions which intend to write data into the ledger, isnt it? And Query is not a transaction which writes into the ledger. So it doesn't need the orderer. For query, it will pick up the data from the peer's local database.
So I think what could be done is, to send out an alert to the production support when your application detect orderer node down ( with some health check ? ). And your application displays a dimnished capacity/limited operations message while work on bringing up the orderer network, the system can still serve the search queries.
From my view, its just fantastic. But its finally upto you. Cheers!!

What happens when 2 servers disconnect from each other and then reconnect?

We have 2 servers with a peer, orderer and kafka each. They are connected in the same channel, both have a chaincode installed and instantiated and the policy is one organization or the other.
Imagine that the internet goes down and they disconnect:
Would both work individually?
Can the write new transactions to the ledger?
What would happen with the new submited blocks in the ledger when the internet goes up and running? How do this new blocks synchronize?
See image for clarification:
How would the network syncrhonize If during the disconnection both write to the ledger, how are those new generated blocks react? One gets invalidated? Or both are valid?
The peers once disconnected won't receive keep alive from the channel peers and will keep throwing the same if you have debug logging enabled.
The peer won't lose any config even though it got disconnected from network. The discovery service in fabric takes care of finding the peers configured in the channel. So, Once the connection resumes it will automatically re-synchronize with the peers with gossip messages.
The peers can then write and read from ledger as usual.
There are multiple things to consider here:
1) When you use a Kafka-based orderer, you will have to cluster the Kafka brokers if you expect them to be part of the same ordering service. Kafka is used to distribute the messages to the ordering nodes. If your Kafka brokers are not in a cluster, then you will have separate ordering services. Recall that Kafka also requires Zookeeper as well. Zookeeper has a 2f+1 fault tolerance model, so if you want to tolerate failure of a single node (failure includes communication issues), you will need at least 3 Zookeeper nodes and they should be deployed on separate hosts. For Kafka, you will want at least 2 brokers and would need to set the minimum ISRs (in sync replicas) to 2. Ideally you'd have 4 Kafka brokers.
2) In order for transactions to be processed, enough peers to satisfy the endorsement policy as well as the ordering service must be available / accessible. Peers which cannot connect to the ordering service will catch up once they can reestablish connectivity.

How hyperledger fabric kafka consensus works

How kafka consensus works in hyperledger fabric.?
If i have three orderers which one will create block.?
How messages will be delivered to all the peers.? are they fetched from kafka or orderer is responsible for delivering them.?
Consensus in blockchain involves nodes agreeing on the same order of transactions.
Ordering nodes send to Kafka transactions, and receive from Kafka transactions in the same order, since Kafka presents an abstraction of a shared queue.
All orderers create blocks when they read enough messages or enough data from kafka. Also - if a transaction was sent but no block was created, and enough time (timeout) passed - the orderer node would send a special message to Kafka that would signal all ordering nodes to cut a block. This ensures that all orderers cut blocks based on timeout, but also that they cut the same blocks.
Each leader peer connects to a random orderer and then sends a request, saying from what block index it wants to receive blocks. Then - the orderer reads the blocks from its file system and sends them to the peer. When the peer receives the blocks, it also sends them to other peers via the gossip component inside the peer, which ensures peers stay in sync.

Adding new nodes to Orderer Service Network (OSN)

My question is simple - once the Orderer Service Network is created and is up and running, is it possible to extend it with new nodes acting as Orderers, Kafkas and Zookeepers?
The scenario I am thinking is when each participant in the network owns a stake at both peer and OSN layer. Therefore, a new participant should join the network with both peer(s), orderer(s), kafka node(s) and zookeeper node(s).
I am aware of recommended limits related to the size of Kafka/Zookeeper cluster; however, I am curious about technical possibility of successfully executing the above scenario.
Yes it's possible:
If you add an orderer node you need it to wait to synchronize via fetching the transactions from kafka.
If you add a zookeeper node, well - consult the zookeeper manual, but - it's possible.
I haven't tried but i guess it should be the same for kafka too.
