POSTing to Zendesk Api receiving 403 - zendesk-api

I'm trying to load a ticket into a currently logged in users browser as shown here,
I've tried POSTing using both Postman & cURL but receive 403 Forbidden. I've tried authenticating with my known Zendesk user&password combo.
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -u -X POST
Does anyone know what I could need to do extra?

Do you have Talk Partner Edition enabled on your account? This error is common if you don't have a subscription for that specific product. Please contact the support team if you are not sure.


Why Can't I See My Connected Accounts in my Stripe Connect Section

So I have created a link for my partners to connect their accounts to my Stripe. This will allow me to do payouts, as I am doing an automation service, and my mission is to:
Take payments on behalf of my partners
keep a processing fee
Send the remainder to the partners acccount
I cant seem to see any of the people I am using as a test to sign up as connected accounts. They have went to the url, filled out the info, but they wont pop up in my account?
I believe my issue is the last step of authentication, where Stripe says in Stripe Express Docs section "The last step is to use the provided authorization code to make a POST request to Stripe’s token endpoint to complete the connection and fetch the user’s account ID:"
How do I implement this so i can proceed with my system? and if i need to code this into something how is this supposed to get accomplished? I just need the accounts to be connected into my account.
When the user has finished signing up, they get redirected to a URL you provide in redirect_url. In that URL's parameters is the authorization code:{CODE_GOES_HERE}
To complete the flow, you then need to make a request to the Stripe oauth end point to confirm the user. Make sure that this request is made server side as the response you get contains sensitive information for your new connected account. The docs show a curl request but you could do this with any request API you have at your disposal:
curl \
-d client_secret=sk_123 \
-d grant_type=authorization_code
Where the AUTHORIZATION_CODE is the code found in the URL your users got redirected to.
Once the request completes, you should get a response with the new connected account details, provided everything went well:
"access_token": "{ACCESS_TOKEN}",
"livemode": false,
"refresh_token": "{REFRESH_TOKEN}",
"token_type": "bearer",
"stripe_publishable_key": "{PUBLISHABLE_KEY}",
"stripe_user_id": "{ACCOUNT_ID}",
"scope": "express"
You should save the account unique values (e.g. access_token) in your own database so you can easily retrieve it later rather than fetch it from the Stripe API every time.
Just came across this answer after having a similar issue due to missing out the second step of the authorisation process. Incase anyone else is still having issues I thought I would share another tip:
You can also manually create a link for testing or incase of a low volume of new connections. This does not require making a request to the Stripe oauth end point so less coding - this option is in de stripe dashboard under Connected Accounts > Create
screenshot of 'create' option

Azure Bot Framework bot does not reply often in Microsoft Teams

I created Azure Bot Framework bot using REST API.
Bot replies in Web Chat all the time but the bot does not reply in Teams often. (Bot reply in Teams sometimes but very unstable)
When bot does not reply in Teams, it seems no messaging endpoint access in server log. Might it be a channel problem?
I added channel of Microsot Teams and I also tried adding channel of Skype before adding channel fo Teams like the article below but I got same problem still.
Tested like this
curl -X POST {serviceUrl}v3/conversations/{conversationId}/activities/{activityId} -H 'Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"type":"message","from":{"id":"...","name":"..."},"conversation":{"conversationType":"personal","id":"..."},"recipient":{"id":"...","name":"...","aadObjectId":"..."},"replyToId":"...","text":"Hello"}'
After I upgraded to MS Teams paid service, then this issue was solved. This was only issue when I use MS Teams free service.

Not receiving Square Connect Webhook for INVENTORY_UPDATED events

I have followed the instructions for setting up Square Connect web hooks.
I entered my Notification URL in the developer portal and enabled web hooks. I then sent a test notification. I verified that is working correctly.
I subscribed to "INVENTORY_UPDATED" with the Update Webhooks endpoint.
I verified that worked by calling /v1/{{location_id}}/webhooks. The response is
So I know that my location is properly subscribed to INVENTORY_UPDATED notifications.
But when I sign into the dashboard and create new items or update the inventory
count on those items, I don't receive any notifications.
I'm stumped.
Do inventory updates in the dashboard trigger INVENTORY_UPDATED webhook events? If so, did I miss a step?
Any suggestions of how to troubleshoot this?
You need to subscribe to the webhook notification by:
open your terminal or cmd (on your PC).
Run (curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "[\"INVENTORY_UPDATED\"]"
NOTE: Your Access token and Location are found on the dashboard of your square account.

Grafana webhooks - failed to send

I'm trying to set up Grafana to send webhooks to Microsoft Teams. I'm able to curl via terminal to the address but it's not possible via Grafanas interface.
I add the URL to Grafanas "webhook" and when I click "Test" it only shows me an error. Anyone know the solution?
I have not entered username/password since i don't know what to supply.
I tried this also.
With a variety of settings (post, put, slack, webhook)
Long story short, Grafana doesn't support the team webhook format.
I Can curl the webhook and get the hello world example to work (without credentials so it isn't the username and password).
Error grafana gives is:
Webhook response status 400 Bad Request
Getting started with connectors
Action reference

Envelope Sender View

I would like to use the REST API to get a URL to open the sender view:
curl --request POST '' --data '{}' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Authorization: bearer xxxxxxx=' -H 'Content-Length: 2' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
Response from DocuSign:
"url": ""
In our application, I would like to create an envelope in the "created" status with default values and then open the sender view so that the user can complete the envelope and send it.
The end user is not supposed to know the credentials for the authenticating user that I am using to create the envelope and to open the sender view: the url returned by the API contains a token that should work for some minutes.
I have implemented this solution and everything works, but there is something that I was not expecting. I thought that the url returned could be used only to execute a single operation (to send the envelope), but it seems that the user has complete access to the account as if he/she has executed a login.
Is there a way to limit the access just to the sender view for the given envelope?
Thank you,
Using the embedded Sender view (or the embedded Correct view) will always grant the user (sender) the same access to that DocuSign account as they would have if they logged into the console directly with the credentials supplied in the API request header. i.e., even though they are initially taken directly into the Envelope that the API request specifies, there's nothing to prevent them from navigating outside of that Envelope to other areas of the DocuSign console, where they'll have full access to the account to view/send/delete Envelopes, etc.
I had a similar requirement while using the embedded sending and signing using Docusign APIs. If you want to customize the sender view and restrict him to access the other docusign features of his account, you can look into branding. As an admin user you can edit the branding details of a docusign account to enable and disable certain options like "Go Back" to dashboard options.
Refer to below link for more details,
