How many rows & how large table can Sybase ASE can handle - sap-ase

I am evaluating if we need to partition a table or not for ASE.
We would need to do some typical DB opertions like CRUD, but no complex queries.
Do you know normally, how large a table ASE can handle with decent performance?
Like how many rows and how large the total size ?

The table size is only restricted by database size (docs).
The maximum database size is 64TB for a server with 16k page (docs).
And what about decent performance? It depends on the database schema and available RAM (amount of memory for cache) and what you define as decent performance.


Azure Cosmos Db Indexes

I am unable to find any documentation mentioning how are cosmos db indexes organized per the number of physical partitions. If i have my logical partition split into multiple physical partitions and assuming i am not including a partition key in the filter and have created an index on the field i am querying with.
What would the behavior be in terms of index. Does cosmos create an individual index per physical partition or a centrally maintained global index?
Can someone please explain what the behavior could be in such a case or point to some documentation in azure which explains how this would work.
A physical partition is simply a compute and storage node on which your data resides. A partition key within your WHERE clause routes the query to the partition where that data resides. Indexes reside within each partition and index the data for that partition only. Partitions are share nothing. In addition to routing, partition keys must also be included in your index policy when used in queries.
A query without a partition key in the filter will fan out to every partition within a container. At small scales (< 10K RU/s or < 50GB) this isn't much of an issue because the data is all located on a single physical partition. However, as the amount of storage and throughput grows, this query will likely become increasingly more expensive with greater latency. In short, the query will not scale. This is because as the size grows, so does the number of physical partitions that must be contacted to serve the same query.
More information here, Tuning query performance with Azure Cosmos DB and here, Indexing Overview
Perhaps this ms learn article provides the information you are looking for or this one for more details.
A Logical partition is mapped to only one physical partition;
Physical partitions are an internal implementation of the system and they are entirely managed by Azure Cosmos DB.
Azure Cosmos DB will automatically create new physical partitions by splitting existing ones
Kind regards

Provisioned write capacity in Cassandra

I need to capture time-series sensor data in Cassandra. The best practices for handling time-series data in DynamoDB is as follow:
Create one table per time period, provisioned with write capacity less than 1,000 write capacity units (WCUs).
Before the end of each time period, prebuild the table for the next period.
As soon as a table is no longer being written to, reduce its provisioned write capacity. Also reduce the provisioned read capacity of earlier tables as they age, and archive or delete the ones whose contents will rarely or never be needed.
Now I am wondering how I can implement the same concept in Cassandra! Is there any way to manually configure write/read capacity in Cassandra as well?
This really depends on your own requirements that you need to discuss with development, etc.
There are several ways to handle time-series data in Cassandra:
Have one table for everything. As Chris mentioned, just include the time component into partition key, like a day, and store data per sensor/day. If the data won't be updated, and you know in advance how long they will be kept, so you can set TTL to data, then you can use TimeWindowCompactionStrategy. Advantage of this approach is that you have only one table and don't need to maintain multiple tables - that's make easier for development and maintenance.
The same approach as you described - create a separate table for period of time, like a month, and write data into them. In this case you can effectively drop the whole table when data "expires". Using this approach you can update data if necessary, and don't require to set TTL on data. But this requires more work for development and ops teams as you need to reach multiple tables. Also, take into account that there are some limits on the number of tables in the cluster - it's recommended not to have more than 200 tables as every table requires a memory to keep metadata, etc. Although, some things, like, a bloom filter, could be tuned to occupy less memory for tables that are rarely read.
For cassandra just make a single table but include some time period in the partition key (so the partitions do not grow indefinitely and get too large). No table maintenance and read/write capacity is really more dependent on workload and schema, size of cluster etc but shouldn't really need to be worried about except for sizing the cluster.

Azure Cosmos DB - Understanding Partition Key

I'm setting up our first Azure Cosmos DB - I will be importing into the first collection, the data from a table in one of our SQL Server databases. In setting up the collection, I'm having trouble understanding the meaning and the requirements around the partition key, which I specifically have to name while setting up this initial collection.
I've read the documentation here: ( and still am unsure how to proceed with the naming convention of this partition key.
Can someone help me understand how I should be thinking in naming this partition key? See the screenshot below for the field I'm trying to fill in.
In case it helps, the table I'm importing consists of 7 columns, including a unique primary key, a column of unstructured text, a column of URL's and several other secondary identifiers for that record's URL. Not sure if any of that information has any bearing on how I should name my Partition Key.
EDIT: I've added a screenshot of several records from the table from which I'm importing, per request from #Porschiey.
Honestly the video here* was a MAJOR help to understanding partitioning in CosmosDb.
But, in a nutshell:
The PartitionKey is a property that will exist on every single object that is best used to group similar objects together.
Good examples include Location (like City), Customer Id, Team, and more. Naturally, it wildly depends on your solution; so perhaps if you were to post what your object looks like we could recommend a good partition key.
EDIT: Should be noted that PartitionKey isn't required for collections under 10GB. (thanks David Makogon)
* The video used to live on this MS docs page entitled, "Partitioning and horizontal scaling in Azure Cosmos DB", but has since been removed. A direct link has been provided, above.
Partition key acts as a logical partition.
Now, what is a logical partition, you may ask? A logical partition may vary upon your requirements; suppose you have data that can be categorized on the basis of your customers, for this customer "Id" will act as a logical partition and info for the users will be placed according to their customer Id.
What effect does this have on the query?
While querying you would put your partition key as feed options and won't include it in your filter.
e.g: If your query was
SELECT * FROM T WHERE T.CustomerId= 'CustomerId';
It will be Now
var options = new FeedOptions{ PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(CustomerId)};
var query = _client.CreateDocumentQuery(CollectionUri,$"SELECT * FROM T",options).AsDocumentQuery();
I've put together a detailed article here Azure Cosmos DB. Partitioning.
What's logical partition?
Cosmos DB designed to scale horizontally based on the distribution of data between Physical Partitions (PP) (think of it as separately deployable underlaying self-sufficient node) and logical partition - bucket of documents with same characteristic (partition key) which is supposed to be stored fully on the same PP. So LP can't have part of the data on PP1 and another on PP2.
There are two main limitation on Physical Partitions:
Max throughput: 10k RUs
Max data size (sum of sizes of all LPs stored in this PP): 50GB
Logical partition has one - 20GB limit in size.
NOTE: Since initial releases of Cosmos DB size limits grown and I won't be surprised that soon size limitations might increase.
How to select right partition key for my container?
Based on the Microsoft recommendation for maintainable data growth you should select partition key with highest cardinality (like Id of the document or a composite field). For the main reason:
Spread request unit (RU) consumption and data storage evenly across all logical partitions. This ensures even RU consumption and storage distribution across your physical partitions.
It is critical to analyze application data consumption pattern when considering right partition key. In a very rare scenarios larger partitions might work though in the same time such solutions should implement data archiving to maintain DB size from a get-go (see example below explaining why). Otherwise you should be ready to increasing operational costs just to maintain same DB performance and potential PP data skew, unexpected "splits" and "hot" partitions.
Having very granular and small partitioning strategy will lead to an RU overhead (definitely not multiplication of RUs but rather couple additional RUs per request) in consumption of data distributed between number of physical partitions (PPs) but it will be neglectable comparing to issues occurring when data starts growing beyond 50-, 100-, 150GB.
Why large partitions are a terrible choice in most cases even though documentation says "select whatever works best for you"
Main reason is that Cosmos DB is designed to scale horizontally and provisioned throughput per PP is limited to the [total provisioned per container (or DB)] / [number of PP].
Once PP split occurs due to exceeding 50GB size your max throughput for existing PPs as well as two newly created PPs will be lower then it was before split.
So imagine following scenario (consider days as a measure of time between actions):
You've created container with provisioned 10k RUs and CustomerId partition key (which will generate one underlying PP1). Maximum throughput per PP is 10k/1 = 10k RUs
Gradually adding data to container you end-up with 3 big customers with C1[10GB], C2[20GB] and C3[10GB] of invoices
When another customer was onboarded to the system with C4[15GB] of data Cosmos DB will have to split PP1 data into two newly created PP2 (30GB) and PP3 (25GB). Maximum throughput per PP is 10k/2 = 5k RUs
Two more customers C5[10GB] C6[15GB] were added to the system and both ended-up in PP2 which lead to another split -> PP4 (20GB) and PP5 (35GB). Maximum throughput per PP is now 10k/3 = 3.333k RUs
IMPORTANT: As a result on [Day 2] C1 data was queried with up to 10k RUs
but on [Day 4] with only max to 3.333k RUs which directly impacts execution time of your query
This is a main thing to remember when designing partition keys in current version of Cosmos DB (12.03.21).
CosmosDB can be used to store any limit of data. How it does in the back end is using partition key. Is it the same as Primary key? - NO
Primary Key: Uniquely identifies the data
Partition key helps in sharding of data(For example one partition for city New York when city is a partition key).
Partitions have a limit of 10GB and the better we spread the data across partitions, the more we can use it. Though it will eventually need more connections to get data from all partitions. Example: Getting data from same partition in a query will be always faster then getting data from multiple partitions.
Partition Key is used for sharding, it acts as a logical partition for your data, and provides Cosmos DB with a natural boundary for distributing data across partitions.
You can read more about it here:
Each partition on a table can store up to 10GB (and a single table can store as many document schema types as you like). You have to choose your partition key though such that all the documents that get stored against that key (so fall into that partition) are under that 10GB limit.
I'm thinking about this too right now - so should the partition key be a date range of some type? In that case, it would really depend on how much data is getting stored in a period of time.
You are defining a logical partition.
Underneath, physically the data is split into physical partitions by Azure.
Ideally a partitionKey should be a primary Key, or a field with high cardinality to ensure proper distribution, with the self generated id field within that partition also set to the primary key, that will help with documentFetchById much faster.
You cannot change a partitionKey once container is created.
Looking at the dataset, captureId is a good candidate for partitionKey, with id set manually to this field, and not an auto generated cosmos one.
There is documentation available from Microsoft about partition keys. According to me you need to check the queries or operations that you plan to perform with cosmos DB. Are they read-heavy or write-heavy? if read heavy it is ideal to choose a partition key in the where clause that will be used in the query, if it is a write heavy operation then look for a key which has high cardinality
Always point reads /writes are better since it consumes way less RU's than running other queries

One bigger partition or few smaller but more distributed partitions for Range Queries in Cassandra?

We have a table that stores our data partitioned by files. One file is 200MB to 8GB in json - but theres a lot of overhead obviously. Compacting the raw data will lower this drastically. I ingested about 35 GB of json data and only one node got slightly more than 800 MB data. This is possibly due to "write hotspots" -- but we only write once and read only. We do not update data. Currently, we have one partition per file.
By using secondary indexes, we search for partitions in the database that contain a specific geolocation (= first query) and then take the result of this query to range query a time range of the found partitions (= second query). This might even be the whole file if needed but in 95% of the queries only chunks of a partition are queried.
We have a replication factor of 2 on a 6 node cluster. Data is fairly even distributed, every node owns 31,9% to 35,7% (effective) data according to nodetool status *tablename*.
Good read performance is key for us.
My questions:
How big is too big for a partition in terms of volume or row size? Is there a rule of thumb for this?
For Range Query performance: Is it better to split up our "big" partitions to have more smaller partitions? We built our schema with "big" partitions because we thought that when we do range queries on a partition, it would be good to have it all on one node so data can be fetched easily. Note that the data is also available on one replica due to RF 2.
C* supports very huge rows, but it doesn't mean it is a good idea to go to that level. The right limit depends on specific use cases, but a good ballpark value could be between 10k and 50k. Of course, everything is a compromise, so if you have "huge" (in terms of bytes) rows then heavily limit the numbers of rows in each partition. If you have "small" (in terms of bytes) rows them you can relax that limit a bit. This is because one partition means one node only due to your RF=1, so all your query for a specific partition will hit only one node.
Range queries should ideally go to one partition only. A range query means a sequential scan on your partition on the node getting the query. However, you will limit yourself to the throughput of that node. If you split your range queries between more nodes (that is you change the way you partition your data by adding something like a bucket) you need to get data from different nodes as well performing parallel queries, directly increasing the total throughput. Of course you'd lose the order of your records within different buckets, so if the order in your partition matters, then that could not be feasible.

What is the maximum number of keyspaces in Cassandra?

What is the maximum number of keyspaces allowed in a Cassandra cluster? The wiki page on limitations doesn't mention one. Is there such a limit?
A keyspace is basically just a Map entry to Cassandra... you can have as many as you have memory for. Millions, easily.
ColumnFamilies are more expensive, since Cassandra will reserve a minimum of 1MB for each CF's memtable:
You should have a look to :
We recommend a maximum of 200 tables total per cluster across all
keyspaces (regardless of the number of keyspaces). Each table uses 1MB
of memory to hold metadata about the tables so in your case where 1GB
is allocated to the heap, 500-600MB is used just for table metadata
with hardly any heap space left for other operations.
It is a recommendation and there is no hard-limit on the number of tables you can create in a cluster. You can create thousands if you were so inclined.
More importantly, applications take a long time to startup since the
drivers request the cluster metadata (including the schema) during the
initialisation/discovery phase. Retrieving the schema for 200 tables
is significantly less than it would take to load 500, 1000 or 3000.
This may not be important to you but there are lots of use cases where
short startup times are crucial, most notably for short-lived
serverless functions where execution time costs money and reducing
execution where possible results in thousands of dollars in savings.
