How to assign individual attributes to Any Logic Agents - attributes

I would like to solve the following issue:
agent based model with a population of 500 agents
each agent gets assigned with an ID number using a variable called v_agentID using the order v_agentID++; after being created
The agent should then be further processed based on a condition monitoring the individual waiting time
How can I assign individual attributes like waiting times (as a result of the calculation waitingTime=waitingTimeEnd-waitingTimeStart)to each individual agent?
Thanks a lot for your help.

Many ways:
1) create a cyclical event on the individual agent that calculates waitingTime with the formula you provided
2) create a dynamic variable for each agent and make it equal to waitingTimeEnd-waitingTimeStart
3) create the variable whenever you want and change it in all the agents:
for(Agent a : agents){
4) Find the agent with the id you want and assign the variable to it
Agent theAgent=findFirst(agents,a->;
5) If you know the index of the agent just do


How to stuff a result of a query into a variable and use it another query in a logic app

I haven't used logic apps a lot, my boss is having trouble stuffing the results of one query into a variable and then using that variable in another query.
Basically, all he wants to do is get a list of of Id's returned from the first query and use that list in the second.
Here is a picture of what his logic app looks like:
You can see at the end of the second query he wants to check if the id is in the list or not. He's out for the day and I'm not sure if that variable is even receiving the list of id's successfully, but is there anything from the picture that you can tell that needs to be corrected? Or any suggestions that he could try, to achieve what he's trying to achieve?
According to the image, no data is getting stored into the variable AppId. While in the query you can just directly use c.EntityId. Below query to check if is present in c.EntityId.
SELECT c.Vechicle.GrossVechicleWeight as GVW, c.EntityId as ApplicationId FROM c where c.RiskTypeId = 1 and c.Discriminator = 'RiskEntity' and c.EntityTypeId = 4500 and in (c.EntityId)
Consider if you are trying to store c.Entity into AppId variable then you can Query SELECT c.EntityId FROM c and then store the result into the variable using Append to array variable action by extracting only c.EntityId using Parse JSON.
Here is my logic app

Multiple values within multiplier in azure pipeline task

Here is my case :
enter image description here
I'm trying to deploy parallely two applications within one stage inside of azure release pipeline with help of multi-configuration parallelization. To do that I need 2 sets of values to fill required parameters let's say (x1,y1,z1) and (x2,y2,z2) . When I create 3 multipliers for that (x,y,z) it goes with each combination of them (x1,y1,z2) for example - is there a way to nest values inside of multipliers ?
Let's say declare one multiplier variable - "application" with values presenting this way :

Update a parameter value in Brightway

It seems to be a simple question but I have a hard time to find an answer to it. I already have a project with several parameters (project and database parameters). I would like to obtain the LCA results for several scenarios with my parameters having different values each time. I was thinking of the following simple procedure:
change the parameters' value,
update the exchanges in my project,
calculate the LCA results.
I know that the answer should be in the documentation somewhere, but I have a hard time to understand how I should apply it to my ProjectParameters, DatabaseParameters and ActivityParameters.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Thanks to #Nabla, I was able to come up with this:
For ProjectParameter
for pjparam in
pjparam.amount = 3
For DatabaseParameter
for dbparam in
dbparam.amount = 3
For ActivityParameter
for param in
param.amount = 3
You could import DatabaseParameter and ActivityParameter iterate until you find the parameter you want to change, update the value, save it and recalculate the exchanges. I think you need to do it in tiers. First you update the project parameters (if any) then the database parameters that may depend on project parameters and then the activity parameters that depend on them.
A simplified case without project parameters:
from bw2data.parameters import ActivityParameter,DatabaseParameter
# find the database parameter to be updated
for dbparam in
if (dbparam.database == and ('foo'):
dbparam.amount = 3
#there is also this method if foruma depend on something else
# here updating the exchanges of a particular activity (act)
for param in
if == ":".join(act.key):
you may want to update all the activities in the project instead of a single one like in the example. you just need to change the condition when looping through the activity parameters.

Group together celery results

I want to lable results in the backend.
I have a flask/celery project and I'm new to celery.
A user sends in a batch of tasks for celery to work on.
Celery saves the results to a backend SQL database (table automatically created by Celery, named celery_taskmeta).
I want to let the user see the status of his batch, and request the results from the backend.
My problem is that all the results are in one table. What are my options to lable this batch, so the user can differentiate the batches?
My ideas:
Can I add a lable to each task, e.g. "Bob's batch no. 12" and then query celery_taskmeta for that?
Can I put each batch in named backend tables, so ask Celery to save results to a table named task_12?
Trying with groups
I've tried the following code to group the results
job_group = group(api_get.delay(url) for url in urllist)
But I don't see any way to identify the group in the backend/results DB
Trying with task name
In the backend I see an empty column header 'name' so I thought I could add an arbitrary string there:
#app.task(name="an amazing vegetable")
def api_get(url: str) -> tuple:
But then the celery worker throws an error when I run the task:
KeyError: 'an amazing vegetable'
[2020-12-18 12:07:22,713: ERROR/MainProcess] Received unregistered task of type 'an amazing vegetable'.
Probably the simplest solution is to use Group and use the Group Result to periodically poll for group state.
A1: As for the label question - yes, you can "label" your task by using the custom state feature.
A2: you can hack around to put each batch of tasks inside backend table, but I strongly advise not to mess with it. If you really want to go this route, make a separate database for this particular use.

How to Use a Key Vault Secret in a Task Group Without Creating a Task Group Parameter

I have a task group in Azure DevOps that does the following tasks (among other tasks):
1 - Read secrets from a Key Vault
2 - Set/Update an application's setting to a secret from the key vault
"name": "Foo",
"value": "$(FooKeyVaultKey)",
"slotSetting": false
The only parameter I want in the task group given the above tasks is the name of the key vault where it takes the secrets from. The probem is, since the second task uses a variable (which is set by task 1), the task group creates a new parameter called "FooKeyVaultKey".
I tried accessing the variables in different ways, but only using parentheses works.
$(FooKeyVaultKey) - works, but creates parameter
${{FooKeyVaultKey}} - doesn't work
${FooKeyVaultKey} - doesn't work
$[FooKeyVaultKey] - doesn't work
Simple trick is to use a blank expression (microsoft calls it a macro syntax) nested in the variable expression:
This way a parameter isn't created for the task group.
I noticed some inconsistent behavior where at times the app configuration would be set to literally $($()foo).
This is not possible what you are trying achieve. This is written in the documentation
All the '$(vars)' from the underlying tasks, excluding the predefined variables, will surface as the mandatory parameters for the newly created task group.
For example, let's say you have a task input $(foobar), which you don't intend to parameterize. However, when you create a task group, the task input is converted into task group parameter 'foobar'. Now, you can provide the default value for the task group parameter 'foobar' as $(foobar). This ensures that at runtime, the expanded task gets the same input it's intended to.
