Spark Pooling Options - apache-spark

I am having trouble understanding how to use the settings for pooling options and being able to tell if they are working from this source:
Would the SparkSession val take into account the pooling options from the cluster?
My Scala Code:
package com.zeropoints.processing
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import com.datastax.spark.connector._
import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster
import com.datastax.driver.core.PoolingOptions
import com.datastax.driver.core.HostDistance
//This object provides the main entry point into spark processing
object main {
var appName = "Processing"
lazy val sparkconf:SparkConf = new SparkConf(true).setAppName(appName)
lazy val poolingOptions:PoolingOptions = new PoolingOptions()
lazy val cluster:Cluster = Cluster.builder().withPoolingOptions(poolingOptions).build()
lazy val spark:SparkSession = SparkSession.builder().config(sparkconf).getOrCreate
lazy val sc:SparkContext = spark.sparkContext
def main(args: Array[String]) {
//Set pooling stuff
poolingOptions.setConnectionsPerHost(HostDistance.LOCAL, 6, 60)
//DF and RDDs tasks...
spark.sql("select * from data.raw").groupBy("key1,key2").agg(sum("views")).
write.format("org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra").options(Map( "table" -> "summary", "keyspace" -> "data")).
//..more stuff

No, the Spark Connector won't take your pooling configuration into account - it works different way, especially if you think about execution of your code in the distributed environment - your setConnectionsPerHost is executed only in driver, and won't affect executors.
The correct way is to specify necessary settings via Spark configuration parameters. Documentation have a separate section on connection parameters, and connection.connections_per_executor_max could be what you need. You can also write your own class that implements trait CassandraConnectionFactory and provide implementation of the createCluster function. Then you can specify this class name as connection.factory configuration parameter.
But the main question is - do you really need to tune these options? Do you think that processing is slow? Java driver doc recommends to have 1 connection per host to avoid putting an additional load to Cassandra.


How to use foreachRDD in legacy Spark Streaming

I am getting exception while using foreachRDD for my CSV data processing. Here is my code
case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
val conf = new SparkConf()
conf.setAppName("CassandraExample").set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(10))
val smDstream=ssc.textFileStream("file:///home/sa/testFiles")
smDstream.foreachRDD((rdd,time) => {
val peopleDF =",")).map(attributes =>
Person(attributes(0), attributes(1).trim.toInt)).toDF()
val teenagersDF = spark.sql("insert into table devDB.stam SELECT name, age
FROM people WHERE age BETWEEN 13 AND 29")
i am getting following error DStream checkpointing has been enabled but the DStreams with their functions are not serializable
Serialization stack:
- object not serializable (class: org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext, value: org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext#1263422a)
- field (class: $iw, name: ssc, type: class org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext)
please help
The question does not really make sense anymore in that dStreams are being deprecated / abandoned.
There a few things to consider in the code, what the exact question is therefore hard to glean. That said, I had to ponder as well as I am not a Serialization expert.
You can find a few posts of some trying to write to Hive table directly as opposed to a path, in my answer I use an approach but you can use your approach of Spark SQL to write for a TempView, that is all possible.
I simulated input from a QueueStream, so I need no split to be applied. You can adapt this to your own situation if you follow the same "global" approach. I elected to write to a parquet file that gets created if needed. You can create your tempView and then use spark.sql as per your initial approach.
The Output Operations on DStreams are:
saveAsTextFiles(prefix, [suffix])
saveAsObjectFiles(prefix, [suffix])
saveAsHadoopFiles(prefix, [suffix])
The most generic output operator that applies a function, func, to
each RDD generated from the stream. This function should push the data
in each RDD to an external system, such as saving the RDD to files, or
writing it over the network to a database. Note that the function func
is executed in the driver process running the streaming application,
and will usually have RDD actions in it that will force the
computation of the streaming RDDs.
It states saving to files, but it can do what you want via foreachRDD, albeit I
assumed the idea was to external systems. Saving to files is quicker
in my view as opposed to going through steps to write a table
directly. You want to offload data asap with Streaming as volumes are typically high.
Two steps:
In a separate class to the Streaming Class - run under Spark 2.4:
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
Then the Streaming logic you need to apply - you may need some imports
that I have in my notebook otherwise as I ran this under DataBricks:
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext}
import scala.collection.mutable
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode
val spark = SparkSession
.config("spark.driver.cores", 2)
val sc = spark.sparkContext
val ssc = new StreamingContext(spark.sparkContext, Seconds(1))
val rddQueue = new mutable.Queue[RDD[List[(String, Int)]]]()
val QS = ssc.queueStream(rddQueue)
QS.foreachRDD(q => {
if(!q.isEmpty) {
val q_flatMap = q.flatMap{x=>x}
val q_withPerson = => Person(field._1, field._2))
val df = q_withPerson.toDF()
for (c <- List(List(("Fred",53), ("John",22), ("Mary",76)), List(("Bob",54), ("Johnny",92), ("Margaret",15)), List(("Alfred",21), ("Patsy",34), ("Sylvester",7)) )) {
rddQueue += ssc.sparkContext.parallelize(List(c))

I'm trying to read the data from the files in the directory as soon as a new file is created. Real time "File Streaming"

I'm currently learning spark-streaming. I'm trying to read the data from the files in the directory as soon as a new file is created. Real time "File Streaming". I'm getting the below error. Can anyone suggest me a solution?
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Seconds, StreamingContext}
object FileStreaming {
def main(args:Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[2]")
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(10))
val lines = ssc.textFileStream("C:\\Users\\PRAGI V\\Desktop\\data-
lines.flatMap(x => x.split(" ")).map(x => (x, 1)).print()
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.SparkException: An application
name must be set in your configuration
at org.apache.spark.SparkContext. <init>(SparkContext.scala:170)
at org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext$.createNewSparkContext(StreamingContext.scala:555)
at org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext.<init>
at FileStreaming$.main(FileStreaming.scala:15)
at FileStreaming.main(FileStreaming.scala)
The error message is very clear, you need to set app name in spark conf objet.
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[2]”)
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[2]”).setAppName(“MyApp")
Would suggest to read official Spark Programming Guide
The first thing a Spark program must do is to create a SparkContext object, which tells Spark how to access a cluster. Only one SparkContext may be active per JVM. You must stop() the active SparkContext before creating a new one.
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(appName).setMaster(master)
new SparkContext(conf)
The appName parameter is a name for your application to show on the
cluster UI. master is a Spark, Mesos or YARN cluster URL, or a special
“local” string to run in local mode.
Online documentation have lot of examples to get started.
Cheers !

How to Test Spark RDD

I am not sure whether we can Test RDD's in Spark.
I came across an article where it says Mocking a RDD is not a good idea. Is there any other way or any best practice for Testing RDD's
Thank you for putting this outstanding question out there. For some reason, when it comes to Spark, everyone gets so caught up in the analytics that they forget about the great software engineering practices that emerged the last 15 years or so. This is why we make it a point to discuss testing and continuous integration (among other things like DevOps) in our course.
A Quick Aside on Terminology
Before I go on, I have to express a minor disagreement with the KnolX presentation #himanshuIIITian cites. A true unit test means you have complete control over every component in the test. There can be no interaction with databases, REST calls, file systems, or even the system clock; everything has to be "doubled" (e.g. mocked, stubbed, etc) as Gerard Mezaros puts it in xUnit Test Patterns. I know this seems like semantics, but it really matters. Failing to understand this is one major reason why you see intermittent test failures in continuous integration.
We Can Still Unit Test
So given this understanding, unit testing an RDD is impossible. However, there is still a place for unit testing when developing analytics.
(Note: I will be using Scala for the examples, but the concepts transcend languages and frameworks.)
Consider a simple operation:
Here foo and bar are simple functions. Those can be unit tested in the normal way, and they should be with as many corner cases as you can muster. After all, why do they care where they are getting their inputs from whether it is a test fixture or an RDD?
Don't Forget the Spark Shell
This isn't testing per se, but in these early stages you also should be experimenting in the Spark shell to figure out your transformations and especially the consequences of your approach. For example, you can examine physical and logical query plans, partitioning strategy and preservation, and the state of your data with many different functions like toDebugString, explain, glom, show, printSchema, and so on. I will let you explore those.
You can also set your master to local[2] in the Spark shell and in your tests to identify any problems that may only arise once you start to distribute work.
Integration Testing with Spark
Now for the fun stuff.
In order to integration test Spark after you feel confident in the quality of your helper functions and RDD/DataFrame transformation logic, it is critical to do a few things (regardless of build tool and test framework):
Increase JVM memory.
Enable forking but disable parallel execution.
Use your test framework to accumulate your Spark integration tests into suites, and initialize the SparkContext before all tests and stop it after all tests.
There are several ways to do this last one. One is available from the spark-testing-base cited by both #Pushkr and the KnolX presentation linked by #himanshuIIITian.
The Loan Pattern
Another approach is to use the Loan Pattern.
For example (using ScalaTest):
class MySpec extends WordSpec with Matchers with SparkContextSetup {
"My analytics" should {
"calculate the right thing" in withSparkContext { (sparkContext) =>
val data = Seq(...)
val rdd = sparkContext.parallelize(data)
val total = + _)
total shouldBe 1000
trait SparkContextSetup {
def withSparkContext(testMethod: (SparkContext) => Any) {
val conf = new SparkConf()
.setAppName("Spark test")
val sparkContext = new SparkContext(conf)
try {
finally sparkContext.stop()
As you can see, the Loan Pattern makes use of higher-order functions to "loan" the SparkContext to the test and then to dispose of it after it's done.
Suffering-Oriented Programming (Thanks, Nathan)
It is totally a matter of preference, but I prefer to use the Loan Pattern and wire things up myself as long as I can before bringing in another framework. Aside from just trying to stay lightweight, frameworks sometimes add a lot of "magic" that makes debugging test failures hard to reason about. So I take a Suffering-Oriented Programming approach--where I avoid adding a new framework until the pain of not having it is too much to bear. But again, this is up to you.
Now one place where spark-testing-base really shines is with the Hadoop-based helpers like HDFSClusterLike and YARNClusterLike. Mixing those traits in can really save you a lot of setup pain. Another place where it shines is with the Scalacheck-like properties and generators. But again, I would personally hold off on using it until my analytics and my tests reach that level of sophistication.
Integration Testing with Spark Streaming
Finally, I would just like to present a snippet of what a SparkStreaming integration test setup with in-memory values would look like:
val sparkContext: SparkContext = ...
val data: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq(("a", "1"), ("b", "2"), ("c", "3"))
val rdd: RDD[(String, String)] = sparkContext.parallelize(data)
val strings: mutable.Queue[RDD[(String, String)]] = mutable.Queue.empty[RDD[(String, String)]]
val streamingContext = new StreamingContext(sparkContext, Seconds(1))
val dStream: InputDStream = streamingContext.queueStream(strings)
strings += rdd
This is simpler than it looks. It really just turns a sequence of data into a queue to feed to the DStream. Most of it is really just boilerplate setup that works with the Spark APIs.
This might be my longest post ever, so I will leave it here. I hope others chime in with other ideas to help improve the quality of our analytics with the same agile software engineering practices that have improved all other application development.
And with apologies for the shameless plug, you can check out our course Analytics with Apache Spark, where we address a lot of these ideas and more. We hope to have an online version soon.
There are 2 methods of testing Spark RDD/Applications. They are as follows:
For example:
Unit to Test:
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
class WordCount {
def get(url: String, sc: SparkContext): RDD[(String, Int)] = {
val lines = sc.textFile(url) lines.flatMap(_.split(" ")).map((_, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
Now Method 1 to Test it is as follows:
import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfterAll, FunSuite }
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
class WordCountTest extends FunSuite with BeforeAndAfterAll {
private var sparkConf: SparkConf = _
private var sc: SparkContext = _
override def beforeAll() {
sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("unit-testing").setMaster("local")
sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
private val wordCount = new WordCount
test("get word count rdd") {
val result = wordCount.get("file.txt", sc)
assert(result.take(10).length === 10)
override def afterAll() {
In Method 1 we are not mocking RDD. We are just checking the behavior of our WordCount class. But here we have to manage the creation and destruction of SparkContext on our own. So, if you do not want to write extra code for that, then you can use spark-testing-base, like this:
Method 2:
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.SharedSparkContext
class WordCountTest extends FunSuite with SharedSparkContext {
private val wordCount = new WordCount
test("get word count rdd") {
val result = wordCount.get("file.txt", sc)
assert(result.take(10).length === 10)
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.SharedSparkContext
import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.RDDComparisons
class WordCountTest extends FunSuite with SharedSparkContext with RDDComparisons {
private val wordCount = new WordCount
test("get word count rdd with comparison") {
val expected = sc.textFile("file.txt")
.flatMap(_.split(" "))
.map((_, 1))
.reduceByKey(_ + _)
val result = wordCount.get("file.txt", sc)
assert(compareRDD(expected, result).isEmpty)
For more details on Spark RDD Testing refer this - KnolX: Unit Testing of Spark Applications

Running threads in Spark DataFrame foreachPartition()

I use multiple threads inside foreachPartition(), which works great for me except for when the underlying iterator is TungstenAggregationIterator. Here is a minimal code snippet to reproduce:
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
object Reproduce extends App {
val sc = new SparkContext("local", "reproduce")
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(1)).toDF("number").groupBy("number").count()
df.foreachPartition { iterator =>
val f = Future(iterator.toVector)
Await.result(f, Duration.Inf)
When I run this, I get:
at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$
at scala.collection.Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator.scala:893)
at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1336)
I believe I actually understand why this happens - TungstenAggregationIterator uses a ThreadLocal variable that returns null when called from a thread other than the original thread that got the iterator from Spark. From examining the code, this does not appear to differ between recent Spark versions.
However, this limitation is specific to TungstenAggregationIterator, and not documented, as far as I'm aware.
Is there a way to work around this limitation of TungstenAggregationIterator? Any relevant documentation? I have a workaround for this, but it's quite hacky and unnecessarily reduces runtime performance.

Spark Avro write RDD to multiple directories by key

I need to split an RDD by first letters (A-Z) and write the files into directories respectively.
The simple solution is to filter the RDD for each letter, but this requires 26 passes.
There is a response to a similar question for writing to text files here, but I cannot figure out how to do this for Avro files.
Has anyone been able to do this?
You can use multipleoutputformat to do this
It is a two step task :-
First you need the multiple output format for avro. Below is the code for that:
package avro
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.MultipleOutputFormat
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable
import org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroOutputFormat
import org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroWrapper
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordWriter
class MultipleAvroFileOutputFormat[K] extends MultipleOutputFormat[AvroWrapper[K], NullWritable] {
val outputFormat = new AvroOutputFormat[K]
override def generateFileNameForKeyValue(key: AvroWrapper[K], value: NullWritable, name: String) = {
val name = key.datum().asInstanceOf[String].substring(0, 1)
name + "/" + name
override def getBaseRecordWriter(fs: FileSystem,
job: JobConf,
name: String,
arg3: Progressable) = {
outputFormat.getRecordWriter(fs, job, name, arg3).asInstanceOf[RecordWriter[AvroWrapper[K], NullWritable]]
In your driver code you have to mention that you want to use the Above given output format. You also need to mention the output schema for avro data. Below is sample driver code which stores a RDD of string in avro format with schema {"type":"string"}
package avro
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf
import org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroJob
import org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroWrapper
object AvroDemo {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val conf = new SparkConf
conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf);
val input = sc.parallelize(Seq("one", "two", "three", "four"), 1);
val pairRDD = => (new AvroWrapper(x), null));
val job = new JobConf(sc.hadoopConfiguration)
val schema = "{\"type\":\"string\"}"
job.set(AvroJob.OUTPUT_SCHEMA, schema) //set schema for avro output
pairRDD.partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(26)).saveAsHadoopFile(args(1), classOf[AvroWrapper[String]], classOf[NullWritable], classOf[MultipleAvroFileOutputFormat[String]], job, None);
I hope you get a better answer than mine...
I've been in a similar situation myself, except with "ORC" instead of Avro. I basically threw up my hands and ended up calling the ORC file classes directly to write the files myself.
In your case, my approach would entail partitioning the data via "partitionBy" into 26 partitions, one for each first letter A-Z. Then call "mapPartitionsWithIndex", passing a function that outputs the i-th partition to an Avro file at the appropriate path. Finally, to convince Spark to actually do something, have mapPartitionsWithIndex return, say, a List containing the single boolean value "true"; and then call "count" on the RDD returned by mapPartitionsWithIndex to get Spark to start the show.
I found an example of writing an Avro file here:
