Comparing spaces in python - string

I am creating a cipher script in python without any modules but I have come accross a problem that i cant solve. When I am comparing msg[3] which has the value (space) it should be equal to bet[26] which is also a space. If i compare msg[3] with bet[26] in the shell...
>>>msg[3] == bet[26]
The output is True. However when i run the program and output the value of enmsg there is no value 26 where the value 26 should be.
enmsg = []
msg = "try harder"
bet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "
for x in range(0, len(msg)):
for i in range(0, 26):
if msg[x] == bet[i]:

You should get out of the habit of iterating over a range of indices and then looking up the value at the index. Instead iterate directly over your iterables, using enumerate when necessary.
enmsg = []
msg = "try harder"
bet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "
for msg_char in msg:
for index, bet_char in enumerate(bet):
if msg_char == bet_char:

Your second loop iterations are too short so it is not reaching the space symbol.
Try with this:
enmsg = []
msg = "try harder"
bet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz "
for x in range(0, len(msg)):
for i in range(len(bet)):
if msg[x] == bet[i]:

The upper bound of range is not inclusive; you'll need to extend this by one to actually check the 26th index of the string. Better yet, iterate up through len(bet) as you did for len(msg) for the outer loop.


Replace string only if all characters match (Thai)

The problem is that มาก technically is in มาก็. Because มาก็ is มาก + ็.
So when I do
"แชมพูมาก็เยอะ".replace("มาก", " X ")
I end up with
แชมพู X ็เยอะ
And what I want
แชมพู X เยอะ
What I really want is to force the last character ก็ to count as a single character, so that มาก no longer matches มาก็.
While I haven't found a proper solution, I was able to find a solution. I split each string into separate (combined) characters via regex. Then I compare those lists to each other.
# Check is list is inside other list
def is_slice_in_list(s,l):
len_s = len(s) #so we don't recompute length of s on every iteration
return any(s == l[i:len_s+i] for i in range(len(l) - len_s+1))
def is_word_in_string(w, s):
a = regex.findall(u'\X', w)
b = regex.findall(u'\X', s)
return is_slice_in_list(a, b)
assert is_word_in_string("มาก็", "พูมาก็เยอะ") == True
assert is_word_in_string("มาก", "พูมาก็เยอะ") == False
The regex will split like this:
พู ม า ก็ เ ย อ ะ
ม า ก
And as it compares ก็ to ก the function figures the words are not the same.
I will mark as answered but if there is a nice or "proper" solution I will chose that one.

How do I achieve this following function only using while loop?

I'm currently working on this problem that ask me to generate an arrow pattern using loops function that looks something like this:
"How many columns? 3"
I know I can do this with for loop(probably more efficient too), but that is not what I aimed for. I wanted to achieve this only using while loop.
I have some ideas:
1. I set up a control variable and an accumulator to control the loop
2. I then write 2 separate loops to generate the upper and lower part of the pattern. I was thinking about inserting the space before the asterisks using method like this:
(accumulator - (accumulator - integer)) * spaces.
#Ask the user how many column and direction of column
#they want to generate
Keep_going = True
Go = 0
while keep_going:
Column_num = int(input("How many columns? "))
if Column_num <= 0:
print("Invalid entry, try again!")
Go = 1
#Upper part
while Keep_going == True and Go == 1:
print(""*(Column_num - (Column_num - 1) + "*")
...but I soon realized it wouldn't work because I don't know the user input and thus cannot manually calculate how many spaces to insert before asterisks. Now everything on the internet tells me to use for loop and range function, I could do that, but I think that is not helpful for me to learn python since I couldn't utilize loops very well yet and brute force it with some other method just not going to improve my skills.
I assume this is achievable only using while loop.
#Take your input in MyNumber
MyNumber = 5
i = 1
MyText = '\t*'
while i <=MyNumber:
i = i+1
i = i-1
while i >=1:
i = i-1
Python - While Loop
Well first you have to understand that a while loop loops until a requirement is met.
And looking at your situation, to determine the number of spaces before the * you should have an ongoing counter, a variable that counts how many spaces are needed before you continue. For example:
###Getting the number of columns###
while True:
number=int(input('Enter number of rows: '))
if number<=0:
###Ending the loop###
#This will determine the number of spaces before a '*'
#Loops until counter equals number
while counter!=number:
print(" "*counter + "*")
#Each time it loops the counter variable increases by 1
#Getting the second half of the arrow done
while counter!=0:
print(" "*counter + "*")
Please reply if this did not help you so that i can give a more detailed response

Python lists and ranges

I'm trying to practice my python so I can improve. I'm kinda stuck and not sure how to proceed. I get an error saying "can only concatenate list(not 'int') to list." I'll leave my code and what I'm trying to do below.
Input a word string (word)
find the string length of word
use range() to iterate through each letter in word (can use to range loops)
Save odd and even letters from the word as lists
odd_letters: starting at index 0,2,...
even_letters: starting at index 1,3,...
print odd and even lists
word = input("Type: ")
word = list(word)
odd_letters = []
even_letters = []
length = int(len(word))
for i in range(length):
if i/2 == 0:
even_letters = even_letters + i
elif i/2 != 0:
odd_letters = odd_letters + i
I wrote this... Let me know what you think...
word = input("Choose a word to test: ")
word_len = len(word)
print(word," contains ",word_len," letters")
odd_letters = []
even_letters = []
for i in range(1,len(word),2):
for i in range(0,word_len,2):
print("Odd letters are: ",odd_letters)
print("Even letters are: ",even_letters)
Your code is good, but i decided to find a quicker solution for the program you want. This is my code:
word = str(input("Enter word:"))
store_1 = [x for x in word]
store_2 = []
for idx, val in enumerate(store_1):
even_numbers = [y for y in store_2 if y%2 == 0]
odd_numbers = [z for z in store_2 if z%2 == 1]
print("List of Even numbers:",even_numbers)
print("List of Odd numbers:",odd_numbers)
The variable 'word' takes in the word from the user. The list 'store_1' uses list comprehension to separate the letters the in the word and store it. Next, i enumerate through 'store_1' and use the variable 'store_2' to only store the indexes of 'store_1'.
Next, I declare another variable 'even_numbers' that uses list comprehension to iterate through 'store_2' and find the even numbers. The next variable 'odd_numbers' also uses list comprehension to find the odd numbers in 'store_2'.
Then, it just prints the even and odd lists to the user. Hope this helps :)
You cannot add an integer to a list, as you have attempted to do here:
even_letters = even_letters + i
You can instead do this (which is now adding a list to a list, which is valid):
even_letters = even_letters + [i]
Or, use append to alter the list in-place, adding the new element to the end:
Few things:
You cannot "add" an integer directly to a list using '+'. Using append() would be best.
str and str types can be concatenated using '+' so you could change odd_letters and even_letters to str as shown below.
also, by adding 'i' to even and odd, you are adding the iteration variable value.
Since you want the letter to be appended, you need to refer the list index i.e word[i]
and the first letter of what is entered will be at an odd position :)
word = input("Type: ")
word = list(word)
odd_letters = ''
even_letters = ''
length = int(len(word))
for i in range(1,length+1):
if i%2 == 0:
even_letters = even_letters + word[i-1]
odd_letters = odd_letters + word[i-1]
for letters in range(0,word_num,2):
for letters in range(1,word_num,2):
This is the answer it works with every word, and follows all the requirements.

Implement a while loop in my hangman type/puzzle game

I'm new to python programming. I would like to display a win message after every correct letter input and no message if an incorrect letter is input.
I've written my code such that it will only accept one letter at a time and reduce an attempt by 1, regardless of if it is wrong or right.
How would I be able to implement a while loop into this so that I don't keep getting this error:
builtins.TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment
word_list= set(word_list)
count = 4
win=False # boolean so we do not use an identifier in our if statements
user_guess=window.input_string("Guess a letter: ", x, y)
y = y + font_height
while count > 0:
# Removes guesses if they are not in the word so that the blanks do not fill in with incorrect letters
for letter in guess:
if letter not in word_list:
# Replaces blanks in empty list with the letter guess
for place,letter in enumerate(list(word)):
for i in range(len(guess)):
if letter == guess[i]:
answer=" ".join(answer)
update_message = 'The answer so far is: '
window.draw_string(update_message + answer,x,y)
y = y + font_height
#End Game
win_message = 'Good job! You got the word.'
lose_message = 'Not quite, the correct word was: '+word +' Better luck next time'
if win:
y = y + font_height
count -=1
y = y + font_height
count -=1
Please notice this assignment: answer=" ".join(answer). Before the assignment, answer is a list of string. After the assignment, answer becomes a string.
So, in the next iteration of the while loop, answer[place]=guess[i] turns invalid, because python does not allow modifying a string by assigning a "character" to some place of the string.
It really takes some time to find the fault. You'd better provide the information, like, "which line in the program targeted the error message", when asking questions in future.

IndexError: string index out of range, can't figure out why

I want in this part of my code, to cut out any non alphabetical symbol in the words I get from a read file.
I get that there is probably an empty string being tested on, that the error is happening,
but I can't figure out why after numerous different codes I tried.
Here's what I have now for it:
for i in given_file:
cut_it_out = True
while cut_it_out:
if len(i) == 0:
cut_it_out = False
while (len(i) != 0) and cut_it_out:
if i.lower()[0].isalpha() and i.lower()[len(i) - 1].isalpha():
cut_it_out = False
if (not i.lower()[len(i) - 1].isalpha()):
i = i[:len(i) - 2]
if (not i.lower()[0].isalpha()):
i = i[1:]
Can anyone help me figure this out?
Thanks for the interesting answers :), I want it to be even more precise, but there is an endless loop problem on I can't seem to get rid of.
Can anyone help me figure it out?
all_words = {} # New empty dictionary
for i in given_file:
if "--" in i:
split_point = i.index("--")
part_1 = i[:split_point]
part_2 = i[split_point + 2:]
combined_parts = [part_1, part_2]
given_file.insert(given_file.index(i)+2, str(part_1))
given_file.insert(given_file.index(part_1)+1, str(part_2))
elif len(i) > 0:
if i.find('0') == -1 and i.find('1') == -1 and i.find('2') == -1 and i.find('3') == -1 and i.find('4') == -1\
and i.find('5') == -1 and i.find('6') == -1 and i.find('7') == -1 and i.find('8') == -1 and i.find('9') == -1:
while not i[:1].isalpha():
i = i[1:]
while not i[-1:].isalpha():
i = i[:-1]
if i.lower() not in all_words:
all_words[i.lower()] = 1
elif i.lower() in all_words:
all_words[i.lower()] += 1
I think your problem is a consequence of an over complicated solution.
The error was pointed by #tobias_k. And anyway your code can be very inefficient.
Try to simplify, for example try: (I have not tested yet)
for i in given_file:
while beg<=end and not i[beg].isalpha():
while beg<=end and not i[end].isalpha():
if beg<=end:
There are a few problems with your code:
The immediate problem is that the second if can strip away the last character in a string of all non-alpha characters, and then the third if will produce an exception.
If the last character is non-alpha, you strip away the last two characters.
There is no need for those two nested loops, and you can use break instead of that boolean variable
if i.lower()[x] is non-alpha, so is i[x]; also, better use i[-1] for the last index
After fixing those issues, but keeping the general idea the same, your code becomes
while len(i) > 0:
if i[0].isalpha() and i[-1].isalpha():
if not i[-1].isalpha():
i = i[:-1]
elif not i[0].isalpha(): # actually, just 'else' would be enough, too
i = i[1:]
But that's still a bit hard to follow. I suggest using two loops for the two ends of the string:
while i and not i[:1].isalpha():
i = i[1:]
while i and not i[-1:].isalpha():
i = i[:-1]
Or you could just use a regular expression, somethink like this:
i = re.sub(r"^[^a-zA-Z]+|[^a-zA-Z]+$", "", i)
This reads: Replace all (+) characters that are not ([^...]) in the group a-zA-Z that are directly after the start of the string (^) or (|) before the string's end ($) with "".
