Update object property value - twig

How to update the object property value
{set shopping.totalValue = shopping.totalValue + 0.10}
I'm getting an error. Please help.


Error: "Cannot find 'get' method for string class."

I'm coding with GUIDE. I want to get data input from handles.edit1,...handles.edit8 and save to variable handles.in(1,1),...handles.in(1,8). My code is below and I get an error:
Cannot find 'get' method for string class.
edit = ["handles.edit1","handles.edit2","handles.edit3","hanles.edit4","handles.edit5","handles.edit6","handles.edit7","handles.edit8"]
for i = 1:1:8
handles.in(1,i) = str2num(get(edit(1,i),'string'));
you should change
edit = ["handles.edit1","handles.edit2","handles.edit3","hanles.edit4","handles.edit5","handles.edit6","handles.edit7","handles.edit8"]
edit = [handles.edit1,handles.edit2,handles.edit3,hanles.edit4,handles.edit5,handles.edit6,handles.edit7,handles.edit8];

How to fix 'Runtime Error '438' Object does not support this property or method' while trying to push a class into a collection within another class [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
VB6 pass by value and pass by reference
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a class module called Holding. In it are several public variables. My code is this:
Dim holdings as Collection
Dim h as Holding
Set holdings = new Collection
For i = 1 to last
Set h = new Holding
h.x = y
'... etc
Next i
This gives me error "object doesnt support this property or method" on the holdings.Add(h) line, but everywhere I look, it gives this exact example of how to achieve this. What am I missing?
Remove the parentheses.
holdings.Add h
Otherwise you are trying to add to the collection the value of the default property of your Holding instance, and it doesn't have a default property.

Get/Update "REST Request Properties" value in SOAPUI is coming NULL

I am trying to get the Property value and Set it with different value in SoapUI's "REST Request Properties" (NOT the custom properties). It just gives me NULL value
Here is what I did:
1. Get test step object
2. get the property value with name of the property => It is giving me null value.
I know I am getting the correct object as I was able to rename the same Test Step name with following code
def restRequest = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("Test");
def a = restRequest.getPropertyValue("Method")
log.info(a) // this gives null
restRequest.setName("Test1") // This works
In the step object, there is another object called testRequest from which you can get all those required properties.
For example if you want to get all the properties
log.info step.testRequest.metaClass.methods*.name
For example if you want to know the get methods
log.info step.testRequest.metaClass.methods*.name.findAll {it.startsWith('get')}
Similarly you can get the methods to set the value as well.
For instance, you want to modify Pretty Print from true to false:
log.info step.testRequest.properties['prettyPrint']
Similarly, you can find the required property name, find the right method to modify the value as per your needs.

rapidjson : How to get value from reference document

I need to get value from the rapidjson document (reference).
Below is the code:
Document *jsonDocument;
Value& data = jsonDocument["data"];
Any help is appreciated.
The problem here is that jsonDocument is a pointer to Document. To call the operator[], you may:
Value& data = (*jsonDocument)["data"]

(SPFieldLookupValue) splistitem of Lookup type throws Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception

I have a sharepoint list which has some Lookup fields. When I iterate through the items in code, I get the following error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This error appears only on lookup fields when they are not filled in with any value. I tried to use SPFieldLookupValue to check for null values, but I still get the error.
This is how I check for null values:
SPFieldLookupValue value = new SPFieldLookupValue(listItem[columnDisplayName].ToString());
if (value.LookupValue != null)
Any help guys?
The reason why you get this exception lies here: listItem[columnDisplayName].ToString() because listItem[columnDisplayName] have no value and returns null you trying to call ToString() on null object so it throws "Object reference not set to an instance of an object exception".
If you simply want to check if item field is not null then do like that:
if (listItem[columnDisplayName]!=null)
//here you can access listItem[columnDisplayName] safely
