Can sparksql or hiveserver2 connect to 2 different metastores simultaneously? - apache-spark

Use case is:
Datastax DSE Cluster running Cassandra, HiveMetastore(Cassandra based) and SparkSQL holds the DDL of External tables pointing to DSEFS
EC2 Cluster running HiveMetastore(MySQL based), HiveServer2 and SparkSQL. This metastore holds the DDL of External tables pointing to S3
Is it possible to have a single SparkSQL connection that can read data from both metastores (ie the DSEFS tables from HMS(Cassandra) and the S3 tables from HMS(MySQL))? From what I've seen a single HMS does not handle both S3 and DSEFS external tables.


Spark-SQL plug in on HIVE

HIVE has a metastore and HIVESERVER2 listens for SQL requests; with the help of metastore, the query is executed and the result is passed back.
The Thrift framework is actually customised as HIVESERVER2. In this way, HIVE is acting as a service. Via programming language, we can use HIVE as a database.
The relationship between Spark-SQL and HIVE is that:
Spark-SQL just utilises the HIVE setup (HDFS file system, HIVE Metastore, Hiveserver2). When we invoke /sbin/ (present in spark installation), we are supposed to give hiveserver2 port number, and the hostname. Then via spark's beeline, we can actually create, drop and manipulate tables in HIVE. The API can be either Spark-SQL or HIVE QL.
If we create a table / drop a table, it will be clearly visible if we login into HIVE and check(say via HIVE beeline or HIVE CLI). To put in other words, changes made via Spark can be seen in HIVE tables.
My understanding is that Spark does not have its own meta store setup like HIVE. Spark just utilises the HIVE setup and simply the SQL execution happens via Spark SQL API.
Is my understanding correct here?
Then I am little confused about the usage of bin/ (which is also present in Spark installation). Documentation says that via this SQL shell, we can create tables like we do above (via Thrift Server/Beeline). Now my question is: How the metadata information is maintained by spark then?
Or like the first approach, can we make spark-sql CLI to communicate to HIVE (to be specific: hiveserver2 of HIVE) ?
If yes, how can we do that ?
Thanks in advance!
My understanding is that Spark does not have its own meta store setup like HIVE
Spark will start a Derby server on its own, if a Hive metastore is not provided
can we make spark-sql CLI to communicate to HIVE
Start an external metastore process, add a hive-site.xml file to $SPARK_CONF_DIR with hive.metastore.uris, or use SET SQL statements for the same.
Then spark-sql CLI should be able to query Hive tables. From code, you need to use enableHiveSupport() method on the SparkSession.

How to set up metadata database for Spark SQL?

Hive can have its metadata and stores the tables,columns,partitions information over there.
If I do not want to use the hive.Can we create a metadata for spark same as hive.
I want to query spark SQL (not using dataframe) like Hive (select, from and where) Can we do that? if yes, which relational DB can we use for metadata storage?
Can we create a metadata for spark same as hive.
Spark does this for you and you don't have to use a separate installation of Hive or even just part of it (e.g. a Hive metastore).
Regardless of the installation of Apache Spark you use, Spark SQL uses a Hive metastore internally for the same purpose as Hive does (but the metastore is now part of Spark SQL).
if yes which relational DB can we use for metadata storage?
Anything that Hive supports, e.g. Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL. The configuration is pretty much as you would do with a separate Hive installation (which is usually the case in such enterprisey installations).
You may want to read Hive Metastore.
Spark is essentially a distributed computation system instead of a distributed storage. Therefore, we mostly use Spark to do the computation work, which needs the metadata from different storage.
However, Spark internally provides an InMemoryCatalog to store the metadata if it's not configured with Hive.
You can take a look at this for more information.

Where is Spark table created if Hive support is not enabled?

Where is table created when I use SQL syntax for create table in Spark 2.*?
Does spark store it internally somewhere of there has to always be Impala or Hive support for Spark tables to work?
By default (when no connection specified e.g. in hive-site.xml). Spark will save it in the local metastore that is on Derby db.
And it should be stored in spark-warehouse directory in your Spark directory or whatever is defined in spark.sql.warehouse.dir prop.

Presto can search data from multiple hadoop cluster once time?

I want to deploy multiple hadoop cluster,and the different of them just data.
Presto can search data from them once time?
Assuming you mean that you have multiple Hive installations (HDFS + Hive Metastore), yes you can access all of them from a single Presto query. Simply, add a hive catalog file (with a different name) for each cluster. See for more information on setting up connections to hive.

Use JDBC (eg Squirrel SQL) to query Cassandra with Spark SQL

I have a Cassandra cluster with a co-located Spark cluster, and I can run the usual Spark jobs by compiling them, copying them over, and using the ./spark-submit script. I wrote a small job that accepts SQL as a command-line argument, submits it to Spark as Spark SQL, Spark runs that SQL against Cassandra and writes the output to a csv file.
Now I feel like I'm going round in circles trying to figure out if it's possible to query Cassandra via Spark SQL directly in a JDBC connection (eg from Squirrel SQL). The Spark SQL documentation says
Connect through JDBC or ODBC.
A server mode provides industry standard JDBC and ODBC connectivity for
business intelligence tools.
The Spark SQL Programming Guide says
Spark SQL can also act as a distributed query engine using its JDBC/ODBC or
command-line interface. In this mode, end-users or applications can interact
with Spark SQL directly to run SQL queries, without the need to write any
So I can run the Thrift Server, and submit SQL to it. But what I can't figure out, is how do I get the Thrift Server to connect to Cassandra? Do I simply pop the Datastax Cassandra Connector on the Thrift Server classpath? How do I tell the Thrift Server the IP and Port of my Cassandra cluster? Has anyone done this already and can give me some pointers?
Configure those properties in spark-default.conf file,,
# if you configured security in you cassandra cluster
spark.cassandra.auth.username smb
spark.cassandra.auth.password bigdata#123
Start your thrift server with spark-cassandra-connector dependencies and mysql-connector dependencies with some port that you will connect via JDBC or Squirrel.
sbin/ --hiveconf --hiveconf hive.server2.thrift.port 10003 --jars <shade-jar>-0.0.1.jar --driver-class-path <shade-jar>-0.0.1.jar
For getting cassandra table run Spark-SQL queries like
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE mytable USING org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra OPTIONS (cluster 'BDI Cassandra', keyspace 'testks', table 'testtable');
why don`t you use the spark-cassandra-connector and cassandra-driver-core? Just add the dependencies, specify the host address/login in your spark context and then you can read/write to cassandra using sql.
