Is there a possible way to parse this address - node.js

What's tha best way to parse addresses like these with Node:
Address: 'Yaseen Burlingame Center, 1722 Gilbreth Rd, Burlingame, CA 94010, USA'
Address: 'Hub 925, 5341 Owens Ct, Pleasanton, CA 94588, USA'
Address: 'Young Ave Parking, Young Ave, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019, USA'

Without knowing anything more about exactly what you need to parse out the string, and based purely on the format of it, split() would be a good place to start.
const parts = address.split(',');
parts[0] // Yaseen Burlingame Center
parts[1] // 1722 Gilbreth Rd
Note - you would have some extra whitespace in each part that you can remove via trim()


Does Beam supports custom delimiter when reading from text file

I have ldif file format and delimiter as empty line
dn: uid=12345,ab=users,xy=random
phone: 111
address: someaddress
email: true
dn: uid=12345,ab=users,xy=random
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: top
phone: 111
address: someaddress
email: true
I want to write something like
data = (p
| 'Read File From GCS' >>'gs://my-ldif.ldiff', delimiter='\r\n')
But looks like there is no option to specify delimiter in python. Quoting from official docs, but does not say how to mention delimiters.
Parses a text file as newline-delimited elements, by default assuming UTF-8 encoding. Supports newline delimiters \n and \r\n.
I see this is present in java and can any one say if python supports delimiter or not?
PAssert.that(p.apply( byte[] {'|', '*'})))
"To be, or not to be: that |is the question: To be, or not to be: "
+ "that *is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer ",
"The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,|");;
You are correct: it is not yet possible in Python.
I found this open feature request ticket: This would be a great starter task for someone interested in contributing to Beam!

How to resolve pandas length error for rows/columns

I have raised the SO Question here and blessed to have an answer from #Scott Boston.
However i am raising another question about an error ValueError: Columns must be same length as key as i am reading a text file and all the rows/columns are not of same length, i tried googling but did not get an answer as i don't want them to be skipped.
b'Skipping line 2: expected 13 fields, saw 14\nSkipping line 5: expected 13 fields, saw 14\nSkipping line 6: expected 13 fields, saw 16\nSkipping line 7: expected 13 fields, saw 14\nSkipping line 8: expected 13 fields, saw 15\nSkipping line 9: expected 13 fields, saw 14\nSkipping line 20: expected 13 fields, saw 19\nSkipping line 21: expected 13 fields, saw 16\nSkipping line 23: expected 13 fields, saw 14\nSkipping line 24: expected 13 fields, saw 16\nSkipping line 27: expected 13 fields, saw 14\n'
My pandas dataframe generator
import pandas as pd
cvc_file = pd.read_csv('kids_cvc',header=None,error_bad_lines=False)
cvc_file[['cols', 0]] = cvc_file[0].str.split(':', expand=True) #Split first column on ':'
df = cvc_file.set_index('cols').transpose() #set_index and transpose
$ ./
b'Skipping line 2: expected 13 fields, saw 14\nSkipping line 5: expected 13 fields, saw 14\nSkipping line 6: expected 13 fields, saw 16\nSkipping line 7: expected 13 fields, saw 14\nSkipping line 8: expected 13 fields, saw 15\nSkipping line 9: expected 13 fields, saw 14\nSkipping line 20: expected 13 fields, saw 19\nSkipping line 21: expected 13 fields, saw 16\nSkipping line 23: expected 13 fields, saw 14\nSkipping line 24: expected 13 fields, saw 16\nSkipping line 27: expected 13 fields, saw 14\n'
cols ab ad an ed eg et en eck ell it id ig im ish ob og ock ut ub ug um un ud uck ush
0 cab bad ban bed beg bet den beck bell bit bid big dim fish cob bog dock but cub bug bum bun bud buck gush
1 dab dad can fed keg get hen deck cell fit did dig him dish gob cog lock cut hub dug gum fun cud duck hush
2 gab had fan led leg jet men neck dell hit hid fig rim wish job dog rock gut nub hug hum gun dud luck lush
3 jab lad man red peg let pen peck jell kit kid gig brim swish lob fog sock hut rub jug mum nun mud muck mush
4 lab mad pan wed NaN met ten check sell lit lid jig grim NaN mob hog tock jut sub lug sum pun spud puck rush
5 nab pad ran bled NaN net then fleck tell pit rid pig skim NaN rob jog block nut tub mug chum run stud suck blush
File contents
$ cat kids_cvc
ab: cab, dab, gab, jab, lab, nab, tab, blab, crab, grab, scab, stab, slab
at: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, vat, brat, chat, flat, gnat, spat
ad: bad, dad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad, tad, glad
an: ban, can, fan, man, pan, ran, tan, van, clan, plan, scan, than
ag: bag, gag, hag, lag, nag, rag, sag, tag, wag, brag, drag, flag, snag, stag
ap: cap, gap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, tap, yap, zap, chap, clap, flap, slap, snap, trap
am: bam, dam, ham, jam, ram, yam, clam, cram, scam, slam, spam, swam, tram, wham
ack: back, hack, jack, lack, pack, rack, sack, tack, black, crack, shack, snack, stack, quack, track
ash: bash, cash, dash, gash, hash, lash, mash, rash, sash, clash, crash, flash, slash, smash
ed: bed, fed, led, red, wed, bled, bred, fled, pled, sled, shed
eg: beg, keg, leg, peg
et: bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, vet, wet, yet, fret
en: den, hen, men, pen, ten, then, when
eck: beck, deck, neck, peck, check, fleck, speck, wreck
ell: bell, cell, dell, jell, sell, tell, well, yell, dwell, shell, smell, spell, swell
it: bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, pit, sit, wit, knit, quit, slit, spit
id: bid, did, hid, kid, lid, rid, skid, slid
ig: big, dig, fig, gig, jig, pig, rig, wig, zig, twig
im: dim, him, rim, brim, grim, skim, slim, swim, trim, whim
ip: dip, hip, lip, nip, rip, sip, tip, zip, chip, clip, drip, flip, grip, ship, skip, slip, snip, trip, whip
ick: kick, lick, nick, pick, sick, tick, wick, brick, chick, click, flick, quick, slick, stick, thick, trick
ish: fish, dish, wish, swish
in: bin, din, fin, pin, sin, tin, win, chin, grin, shin, skin, spin, thin, twin
ot: cot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot, tot, blot, knot, plot, shot, slot, spot
ob: cob, gob, job, lob, mob, rob, sob, blob, glob, knob, slob, snob
og: bog, cog, dog, fog, hog, jog, log, blog, clog, frog
op: cop, hop, mop, pop, top, chop, crop, drop, flop, glop, plop, shop, slop, stop
ock: dock, lock, rock, sock, tock, block, clock, flock, rock, shock, smock, stock
ut: but, cut, gut, hut, jut, nut, rut, shut
ub: cub, hub, nub, rub, sub, tub, grub, snub, stub
ug: bug, dug, hug, jug, lug, mug, pug, rug, tug, drug, plug, slug, snug
um: bum, gum, hum, mum, sum, chum, drum, glum, plum, scum, slum
un: bun, fun, gun, nun, pun, run, sun, spun, stun
ud: bud, cud, dud, mud, spud, stud, thud
uck: buck, duck, luck, muck, puck, suck, tuck, yuck, chuck, cluck, pluck, stuck, truck
ush: gush, hush, lush, mush, rush, blush, brush, crush, flush, slush
It's making the first row/column as a master one which has 13 values and skipping all the columns which are more than 13 columns.
I couldn't figure out a pandas way to extend the columns, but converting the rows to a dictionary made things easier.
ss = '''
ab: cab, dab, gab, jab, lab, nab, tab, blab, crab, grab, scab, stab, slab
at: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, vat, brat, chat, flat, gnat, spat
ad: bad, dad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad, tad, glad
un: bun, fun, gun, nun, pun, run, sun, spun, stun
ud: bud, cud, dud, mud, spud, stud, thud
uck: buck, duck, luck, muck, puck, suck, tuck, yuck, chuck, cluck, pluck, stuck, truck
ush: gush, hush, lush, mush, rush, blush, brush, crush, flush, slush
with open ('kids.cvc','w') as f: f.write(ss) # write data file
import pandas as pd
dd = {}
with open('kids.cvc') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
line = line.strip() # remove \n
len1 = len(line) # words have leading space
line = line.replace(' ','')
cnt = len1 - len(line) # get word (space) count
if cnt > maxcnt: maxcnt = cnt # max word count
rec = line.split(':') # header : words
dd[rec[0]] = rec[1].split(',') # split words
for k in dd:
dd[k] = dd[k] + ['']*(maxcnt-len(dd[k])) # add extra values to match max column
df = pd.DataFrame(dd) # convert dictionary to dataframe
ab at ad an ag ap am ack ash ed eg et en eck ell it id ig im ip ick ish in ot ob og op ock ut ub ug um un ud uck ush
cab bat bad ban bag cap bam back bash bed beg bet den beck bell bit bid big dim dip kick fish bin cot cob bog cop dock but cub bug bum bun bud buck gush
dab cat dad can gag gap dam hack cash fed keg get hen deck cell fit did dig him hip lick dish din dot gob cog hop lock cut hub dug gum fun cud duck hush
gab fat had fan hag lap ham jack dash led leg jet men neck dell hit hid fig rim lip nick wish fin got job dog mop rock gut nub hug hum gun dud luck lush
jab hat lad man lag map jam lack gash red peg let pen peck jell kit kid gig brim nip pick swish pin hot lob fog pop sock hut rub jug mum nun mud muck mush
lab mat mad pan nag nap ram pack hash wed met ten check sell lit lid jig grim rip sick sin jot mob hog top tock jut sub lug sum pun spud puck rush
nab pat pad ran rag rap yam rack lash bled net then fleck tell pit rid pig skim sip tick tin lot rob jog chop block nut tub mug chum run stud suck blush
tab rat sad tan sag sap clam sack mash bred pet when speck well sit skid rig slim tip wick win not sob log crop clock rut grub pug drum sun thud tuck brush
blab sat tad van tag tap cram tack rash fled set wreck yell wit slid wig swim zip brick chin pot blob blog drop flock shut snub rug glum spun yuck crush
crab vat glad clan wag yap scam black sash pled vet dwell knit zig trim chip chick grin rot glob clog flop rock stub tug plum stun chuck flush
grab brat plan brag zap slam crack clash sled wet shell quit twig whim clip click shin tot knob frog glop shock drug scum cluck slush
scab chat scan drag chap spam shack crash shed yet smell slit drip flick skin blot slob plop smock plug slum pluck
stab flat than flag clap swam snack flash fret spell spit flip quick spin knot snob shop stock slug stuck
slab gnat snag flap tram stack slash swell grip slick thin plot slop snug truck
spat stag slap wham quack smash ship stick twin shot stop
snap track skip thick slot
trap slip trick spot

How to reconstruct original text from spaCy tokens, even in cases with complicated whitespacing and punctuation

' '.join(token_list) does not reconstruct the original text in cases with multiple whitespaces and punctuation in a row.
For example:
from spacy.tokenizer import Tokenizer
from spacy.lang.en import English
nlp = English()
# Create a blank Tokenizer with just the English vocab
tokenizerSpaCy = Tokenizer(nlp.vocab)
context_text = 'this is a test \n \n \t\t test for \n testing - ./l \t'
contextSpaCyToksSpaCyObj = tokenizerSpaCy(context_text)
spaCy_toks = [i.text for i in contextSpaCyToksSpaCyObj]
reconstruct = ' '.join(spaCy_toks)
reconstruct == context_text
Is there an established way of reconstructing original text from spaCy tokens?
Established answer should work with this edge case text (you can directly get the source from clicking the 'improve this question' button)
" UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05795279 Date: 01/07/2016\n\n\n RELEASE IN PART\n B5, B6\n\n\n\n\nFrom: H <>\nSent: Monday, July 23, 2012 7:26 AM\nTo: 'millscd'\nCc: '; ''\nSubject Re: S speech this morning\n\n\n\n Waiting to hear if Monica can come by and pick up at 8 to take to Josh. If I don't hear from her, can you send B5\nsomeone else?\n\n Original Message ----\nFrom: Mills, Cheryl D []\nSent: Monday, July 23, 2012 07:23 AM\nTo: H\nCc: Daniel, Joshua J <>\nSubject: FW: S speech this morning\n\nSee below\n\n B5\n\ncdm\n\n Original Message\nFrom: Shah, Rajiv (AID/A) B6\nSent: Monday, July 23, 2012 7:19 AM\nTo: Mills, Cheryl D\nCc: Daniel, Joshua.'\nSubject: S speech this morning\n\nHi cheryl,\n\nI look fwd to attending the speech this morning.\n\nI had one last minute request - I understand that in the final version there is no reference to the child survival call to\naction, but their is a reference to family planning efforts. Could you and josh try to make sure there is some specific\nreference to the call to action?\n\nAlso, in terms of acknowledgements it would be good to note torn friedan's leadership as everyone is sensitive to our ghi\ntransition and we want to continue to send the usaid-pepfar-cdc working together public message. I don't know if he is\nthere, but wanted to flag.\n\nLook forward to it.\n\nRaj\n\n\n\n\n UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05795279 Date: 01/07/2016\n\x0c"
You can very easily accomplish this by changing two lines in your code:
spaCy_toks = [i.text + i.whitespace_ for i in contextSpaCyToksSpaCyObj]
reconstruct = ''.join(spaCy_toks)
Basically, each token in spaCy knows whether it is followed by whitespace or not. So you call token.whitespace_ instead of joining them on space by default.

In a comma delimited String, keep all but second part

I have a bunch of addresses:
123 Main Street, PO Box 345, Chicago, IL 92921
1992 Super Way, Bakersfield, CA
234 Wonderland Lane, Attn: Daffy Duck, Orlando, FL 09922
How could I cut out the second string in there, when I do myStr.split(',') on each?
The idea is that I want to return:
123 Main Street, Chicago, IL 92921
1992 Super Way, CA
234 Wonderland Lane, Orlando, FL 09922
I could loop through each part, and build yet another string, skipping the second index, but was wondering if there's a better way to do so.
What I have now:
def filter_address(address):
print("Filtering address on",address)
updated_addr = ""
indx = 0
for section in address.split(","):
if indx != 1:
updated_addr = updated_addr + "," + section
indx += 1
updated_addr = updated_addr[1:] # This is to remove the leading `,`
new_address = filter_address("123 Main Street, Chicago, IL 92921")
You could use del in python and glue back the components of the string with ", " after splitting them.
For example:
address = "123 Main Street, PO Box 345, Chicago, IL 92921".split(",")
del address[1]
pretty_address = ", ".join(address)
print(pretty_address) # Gives 123 Main Street, Chicago, IL 92921

Reformat csv file using python?

I have this csv file with only two entries. Here it is:
Meat One,['Abattoirs', 'Exporters', 'Food Delivery', 'Butchers Retail', 'Meat Dealers-Retail', 'Meat Freezer', 'Meat Packers']
First one is title and second is a business headings.
Problem lies with entry two.
Here is my code:
import csv
with open('phonebookCOMPK-Directory.csv', "rt") as textfile:
reader = csv.reader(textfile)
for row in reader:
row5 = row[5].replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
listt = [(''.join(row5))]
print (listt[0])
it prints:
'Abattoirs', 'Exporters', 'Food Delivery', 'Butchers Retail', 'Meat Dealers-Retail', 'Meat Freezer', 'Meat Packers'
What i need to do is that i want to create a list containing these words and then print them like this using for loop to print every item separately:
Food Delivery
Butchers Retail
Meat Dealers-Retail
Meat Freezer
Meat Packers
Actually I am trying to reformat my current csv file and clean it so it can be more precise and understandable.
Complete 1st line of csv is this:
Meat One,+92-21-111163281,Al Shaheer Corporation,Retailers,2008,"['Abattoirs', 'Exporters', 'Food Delivery', 'Butchers Retail', 'Meat Dealers-Retail', 'Meat Freezer', 'Meat Packers']","[[' Outlets Address : Shop No. Z-10, Station Shopping Complex, MES Market, Malir-Cantt, Karachi. Landmarks : MES Market, Station Shopping Complex City : Karachi UAN : +92-21-111163281 '], [' Outlets Address : Shop 13, Ground Floor, Plot 14-D, Sky Garden, Main Tipu Sultan Road, KDA Scheme No.1, Karachi. Landmarks : Nadra Chowrangi, Sky Garden, Tipu Sultan Road City : Karachi UAN : +92-21-111163281 '], ["" Outlets Address : Near Jan's Broast, Boat Basin, Khayaban-e-Roomi, Block 5, Clifton, Karachi. Landmarks : Boat Basin, Jans Broast, Khayaban-e-Roomi City : Karachi UAN : +92-21-111163281 View Map ""], [' Outlets Address : Gulistan-e-Johar, Karachi. Landmarks : Perfume Chowk City : Karachi UAN : +92-21-111163281 '], [' Outlets Address : Tee Emm Mart, Creek Vista Appartments, Khayaban-e-Shaheen, Phase VIII, DHA, Karachi. Landmarks : Creek Vista Appartments, Nueplex Cinema, Tee Emm Mart, The Place City : Karachi Mobile : 0302-8333666 '], [' Outlets Address : Y-Block, DHA, Lahore. Landmarks : Y-Block City : Lahore UAN : +92-42-111163281 '], [' Outlets Address : Adj. PSO, Main Bhittai Road, Jinnah Supermarket, F-7 Markaz, Islamabad. Landmarks : Bhittai Road, Jinnah Super Market, PSO Petrol Pump City : Islamabad UAN : +92-51-111163281 ']]","Agriculture, fishing & Forestry > Farming equipment & services > Abattoirs in Pakistan"
First column is Name
Second column is Number
Third column is Owner
Forth column is Business type
Fifth column is Y.O.E
Sixth column is Business Headings
Seventh column is Outlets (List of lists containing every branch address)
Eighth column is classification
There is no restriction of using csv.reader, I am open to any technique available to clean my file.
Think of it in terms of two separate tasks:
Collect some data items from a ‘dirty’ source (this CSV file)
Store that data somewhere so that it’s easy to access and manipulate programmatically (according to what you want to do with it)
Processing dirty CSV
One way to do this is to have a function deserialize_business() to distill structured business information from each incoming line in your CSV. This function can be complex because that’s the nature of the task, but still it’s advisable to split it into self-containing smaller functions (such as get_outlets(), get_headings(), and so on). This function can return a dictionary but depending on what you want it can be a [named] tuple, a custom object, etc.
This function would be an ‘adapter’ for this particular CSV data source.
Example of deserialization function:
def deserialize_business(csv_line):
Distills structured business information from given raw CSV line.
Returns a dictionary like {name, phone, owner,
btype, yoe, headings[], outlets[], category}.
pieces = [piece.strip("[[\"\']] ") for piece in line.strip().split(',')]
name = pieces[0]
phone = pieces[1]
owner = pieces[2]
btype = pieces[3]
yoe = pieces[4]
# after yoe headings begin, until substring Outlets Address
headings = pieces[4:pieces.index("Outlets Address")]
# outlets go from substring Outlets Address until category
outlet_pieces = pieces[pieces.index("Outlets Address"):-1]
# combine each individual outlet information into a string
# and let ``deserialize_outlet()`` deal with that
raw_outlets = ', '.join(outlet_pieces).split("Outlets Address")
outlets = [deserialize_outlet(outlet) for outlet in raw_outlets]
# category is the last piece
category = pieces[-1]
return {
'name': name,
'phone': phone,
'owner': owner,
'btype': btype,
'yoe': yoe,
'headings': headings,
'outlets': outlets,
'category': category,
Example of calling it:
with open("phonebookCOMPK-Directory.csv") as f:
lineno = 0
for line in f:
lineno += 1
business = deserialize_business(line)
# Bad line formatting?
log.exception(u"Failed to deserialize line #%s!", lineno)
# All is well
Storing the data
You’ll have the store_business() function take your data structure and write it somewhere. Maybe it’ll be another CSV that’s better structured, maybe multiple CSVs, a JSON file, or you can make use of SQLite relational database facilities since Python has it built-in.
It all depends on what you want to do later.
Relational example
In this case your data would be split across multiple tables. (I’m using the word “table” but it can be a CSV file, although you can as well make use of an SQLite DB since Python has that built-in.)
Table identifying all possible business headings:
business heading ID, name
1, Abattoirs
2, Exporters
3, Food Delivery
4, Butchers Retail
5, Meat Dealers-Retail
6, Meat Freezer
7, Meat Packers
Table identifying all possible categories:
category ID, parent category, name
1, NULL, "Agriculture, fishing & Forestry"
2, 1, "Farming equipment & services"
3, 2, "Abattoirs in Pakistan"
Table identifying businesses:
business ID, name, phone, owner, type, yoe, category
1, Meat One, +92-21-111163281, Al Shaheer Corporation, Retailers, 2008, 3
Table describing their outlets:
business ID, city, address, landmarks, phone
1, Karachi UAN, "Shop 13, Ground Floor, Plot 14-D, Sky Garden, Main Tipu Sultan Road, KDA Scheme No.1, Karachi", "Nadra Chowrangi, Sky Garden, Tipu Sultan Road", +92-21-111163281
1, Karachi UAN, "Near Jan's Broast, Boat Basin, Khayaban-e-Roomi, Block 5, Clifton, Karachi", "Boat Basin, Jans Broast, Khayaban-e-Roomi", +92-21-111163281
Table describing their headings:
business ID, business heading ID
1, 1
1, 2
1, 3
Handling all this would require a complex store_business() function. It may be worth looking into SQLite and some ORM framework, if going with relational way of keeping the data.
You can just replace the line :
with :
print(*listt[0], sep='\n')
