Can I consume a Nuget package within a Node project? - node.js

I am working with Visual Studio 2017. I started from; Basic Node.js Express 4 Application.
I have a private Nuget in VSTS which has a .Net tool I would now like to use in the Node.js project (to perform some domain specific build-like tasks).
Is it possible to add a Nuget reference into a Node.js project (just to download the tool)?
I've seen that VSTS provides npm, but this would seem to be incompatible with my existing Nuget packages.

Is it possible to add a Nuget reference into a Node.js project (just to download the tool)?
I am afraid you can not do that at this moment.
Because Nuget does not currently support the node.js project even if you just download the tool. When you use nuget on the node.js project, we always get the error 'Project "Default" is not found.'. npm is the right solution for package management for node.js project.
See similar issues on GitHub for some more details:
Cannot install packages in Node.js project - Project "Default" is not found
Nuget package manager cannot 'see' Node.JS projects
Hope this helps.


Azure Mobile Services - System.PlatformNotSupportedException

i'm working on a xamarin forms app with azure however when I load my initial page it crashes on the line:
public static MobileServiceClient MobileService =
new MobileServiceClient(
with exception:
System.PlatformNotSupportedException "The empty PCL implementation for
Microsoft Azure Mobile Services was loaded. Ensure you have added
nuget package to each of your platform projects."
How do I fix this?
It might mean that the NuGet packages did not install correctly in one of your platforms. I would suggest doing a force-reinstall of all NuGet packages using the Package Manager Console (Tools/NuGet Package Manager/Package Manager Console).
Update-Package -reinstall
Do this for all projects in your solution. Once done, close and reopen Visual Studio, open your solution and click Build in the top menu and do Clean Solution.
Now look into each of your platform projects in turn to see if you have a Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client reference there:
If it is not there, install the Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client package again in that given project.
Then you should proceed as described in any tutorial on Azure Mobile Services. Even if you use the Shared Project strategy in you Xamarin.Forms app, it should work as expected once the platform project has Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client installed.
If it does not help, as the last resort I would suggest trying to update all NuGet packages to their last version (right-click solution, Manage NuGet Packages for Solution...)
Make sure that you add the initialization code in the respective AppDelegate/MainActivity
And that in the iOS, Android and PCL projects there is the reference to the Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Client package.
It instantiates the MobileServiceClient in the TodoItemManager class.

Microsoft.SqlServer.Types: Are native libries for SQL Server preinstalled on Azure?

I just upgraded my app to use the latest Microsoft.SqlServer.Types package v14 from v13. This resulted in an well-documented runtime error. The reason here would be missing native libraries:
Spatial types and functions are not available for this provider because the assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Types' version 10 or higher could not be found
The Nuget package also contains the native DLLs that were missing, so I could theoretically copy them to my bin folder and load them through my code, but:
I didn't have to do that with my v13 binaries
When I deployed the updated project to Azure, it ran just fine.
My current assumption would be that I got the v13 binaries with my local SQL install, and on Azure, those binaries (both v13 / v14) are preinstalled.
However, when googling a bit about the issue, most developers have the opposite problem of things not working on Azure due to the missing libs, so I wonder whether not going the manual route might be dangerous with regards to Azure deployments. If anybody had some insight here, that would be awesome!
As far as I know, the azure web service install the SQL server SDK version is 9.0 - 13.0. So you need install 14.0 by yourself.
You could find the dll in the kudu console in your web service.
D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\SDK\Assemblies>
To open the kudu you could refer to below steps:
1.Find the Advanced Tools in DEVELOPMENT TOOLS click go.
2.Click dubug console's cmd.
3.Find the path.
Notice: You need firstly type cd.. to locate the root path.
You could find the Microsoft.SqlServer file as below:

Build multiple independent projects in the same solution in TeamCity

I have an MVC app in VS2013, and it has several related web/service projects, and one console app that is used for running SQL scripts against the database (it uses DbUP, to integrate with Octopus Deploy).
How can I generate NuGet Packages for both the web app and the console app?
I have created a separate Visual Studio (sln) step to build this project, but I get a missing reference error for the DbUp NuGet package. If I add a project reference to the web app, then the build is successful, but no artifact is generated. I would like to generate the NuGet package without adding the reference.
Well, this is embarrassing. Adding OctoPack NuGet package to my console app solved my problems.

ServiceStack set up packages

I'm trying on ServiceStack but getting stuck in the installation. Can I ask what's the correct packages to install? For a very simple tutorial on Pluralsight.
It doesn't seem to allow me to enable using ServiceStack.Interfaces or using ServiceStack.ServiceInterface in my application. Even though those are right there in the References.
I have installed ServiceStrack, ServiceStack.Host.MVC, ServiceStack.Host.AspNet and more.
Assuming you want to build just minimal web-service, you do not need to install Host.MVC or Host.AspNet, just install the minimal package using NuGet Package Manager like this:
Install-Package ServiceStack
After that you can use this guide to configure your newly ServiceStack Web-Service.
The easiest way to install ServiceStack is with ServiceStackVS VS.NET Extension which will download the right packages for each project type. See this guide on Creating your first project with ServiceStackVS.
If you want to add packages manually to a normal ASP.NET Web Application please see Creating a Service from Scratch.

create azure package with build

I was just upgrading my project from sdk 1.3 to 1.7 and I noticed that now when I build the application the package(cspkg) is not created with the build. I have go click on publish to create a package. Is there a way to tell VS to create a package everytime a build is triggered.
Also using msbuild is there a way to do the same thing. I have multiple projects under a solution, Most of which are just libraries and then there is this azure app. Is there a way to specify a single msbuild statement with params to tell the azure app to create the package as well as build the other projects. Also when I specify debug the debug package should be created and when I specify release switch the release package should be created.
How could I do the same thing on my build server as well where I have a .proj file which specifies the sln to build. How could I mention a switch to build the package there.
You can configure CSPACK command (Be sure to have CSPACK.exe launched from SDK 1.7 Path otherwise you will get some schema related errors with SDK 1.6 project) as Post Build event in your Windows Azure Application Build settings. This way when you will build, after successful build CSPACK command will run and package your application. Same way you can configure your MSBuild configuration. I just tested and it worked for me.
Visit this MSDN article on packaging a cloud service to learn more.
You can do this using msbuild as well. See the Resolution section of this question.
