Pulling image from ECR via docker-py - python-3.x

I have a script that retrieves a login for ECR, authenticates a DockerClient instance with the login credentials (reauth set to True), and then attempts to pull a nominated container image.
The code seems to work perfectly when running on my local machine interacting with docker daemon on an EC2 instance, but when running from the EC2 instance I am constantly getting
404 Client Error: Not Found ("repository XXXXXXXX.dkr.ecr.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/autohld-runner not found: does not exist or no pull access")
The same repo is being used for both executing the code locally and remotely on the EC2 instance. I have tried setting the access to the image within ECR to allow pull for both everyone and my AWS ID. I have granted the role assigned to the EC2 instance Full Admin access also. All with no joy.
If I perform the same tasks on the EC2 instance via command line with the exact same repo URI (copied from the error), it works with no issue.
Is there something I am missing within docker-py ?
url = "tcp://"
dockerd = docker.DockerClient(base_url=url, version='auto')
dockerd.login(username=ecr.username, password=ecr.password, email='none', registry=ecr.registry, reauth=True)
dockerd.images.pull(ecr.get_repo(instance.tags['Container']), tag='latest')
get_repo returns the full URI as reported in the error message, the Container element is the name 'autohld-runner'

It seems that if the registry has been accessed via the cli then an auth token or something is set and docker remembers this allowing subsequent calls to work. However in this case the instance is starting up completely fresh and using the login method within docker-py.
This doesn't seem to pass the credentials on to the pull, I have found that using the auth_config named argument and passing in a dictionary of auth parameters works.
auth_creds = {'username': ecr.username, 'password': ecr.password}
dockerd.images.pull(ecr.get_repo(instance.tags['Container']), tag='latest', auth_config=auth_creds)


AWS-CDK: Using InitFile to create a file in EC2 instance

I'm trying to create a file in my EC2 instance using the InitFile construct in CDK. Below is the code i'm using to create my EC2 instance into which i'm trying to create a file textfile.txt which would contain a text 'welcome' going by https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/v1/python/aws_cdk.aws_ec2/InitFile.html reference
during cdk initialisation,
init_data = ec2.CloudFormationInit.from_elements(
ec2.InitFile.from_string("/home/ubuntu/textfile.txt", "welcome")
self.ec2_instance = ec2.Instance(self,
instance_type=ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.BURSTABLE2, ec2.InstanceSize.NANO),
{'us-east-1': 'ami-083654bd07b5da81d'}
From the EC2 configuration it is evident that the machine image here is Ubuntu. Getting this error: Failed to receive 1 resource signal(s) within the specified duration.
Am I missing something? Any inputs?
UPDATE: This same code works with EC2 machine image as Amazon_linux but not for Ubuntu. Am I doing something wrong ?
CloudFormation init requires the presence of cfn-init helper script on the instance. Ubuntu does not come with it, so you have to set it up yourself.
Here's the AWS guide that contains links to the installation scripts for Ubuntu 16.04/18.04/20.04. You need to add these to the user_data prop of your instance. Then cloudformation-init will work.
If you just want to create a file when the instance starts, though, you don't have to use cfn-init at all - you could just supply the command that creates your file to the user_data prop directly:
self.ec2_instance.user_data.add_commands("echo welcome > /home/ubuntu/textfile.txt")

Wrong connection port despite Kubernetes deployments/services ports specified

It might take a while to explain what I'm trying to do but bear with me please.
I have the following infrastructure specified:
I have a job called questo-server-deployment (I know, confusing but this was the only way to access the deployment without using ingress on minikube)
This is how the parts should talk to one another:
And here you can find the entire Kubernetes/Terraform config file for the above setup
I have 2 endpoints exposed from the node.js app (questo-server-deployment)
I'm making the requests using which is the questo-server-service external IP address (as you can see in the first picture)
So I have 2 endpoints:
health - which simply returns 200 OK from the node.js app - and this part is fine confirming the node app is working as expected.
dynamodb - which should be able to send a request to the questo-dynamodb-deployment (pod) and get a response back, but it can't.
When I print env vars I'm getting the following:
➜ kubectl -n minikube-local-ns exec questo-server-deployment--1-7ptnz -- printenv
so it looks like the configuration is aware of the dynamodb address and port:
You'll also notice in the above env variables that I specified:
Which is supposed to be the questo-dynamodb-service url:port which I'm assigning to the config here (in the configmap) which is then used here in the questo-server-deployment (job)
Also, when I log:
kubectl logs -f questo-server-deployment--1-7ptnz -n minikube-local-ns
I'm getting the following results:
Which indicates that the app (node.js) tried to connect to the db (dynamodb) but on the wrong port 443 instead of 8000?
The DB_DOCKER_URL should contain the full address (with port) to the questo-dynamodb-service
What am I doing wrong here?
Edit ----
I've explicitly assigned the port 8000 to the DB_DOCKER_URL as suggested in the answer but now I'm getting the following error:
Seems to me there is some kind of default behaviour in Kubernetes and it tries to communicate between pods using https ?
Any ideas what needs to be done here?
How about specify the port in the ConfigMap:
data = {
DB_DOCKER_URL = ${kubernetes_service.questo_dynamodb_service.metadata.0.name}:8000
Otherwise it may default to 443.
Answering my own question in case anyone have an equally brilliant idea of running local dybamodb in a minikube cluster.
The issue was not only with the port, but also with the protocol, so the final answer to the question is to modify the ConfigMap as follows:
data = {
DB_DOCKER_URL = "http://${kubernetes_service.questo_dynamodb_service.metadata.0.name}:8000"
As a side note:
Also, when you are running various scripts to create a dynamodb table in your amazon/dynamodb-local container, make sure you use the same region for both creating the table like so:
aws dynamodb create-table \
--cli-input-json file://questo_db_definition.json \
--endpoint-url http://questo-dynamodb-service:8000 \
--region local
And the same region when querying the data.
Even though this is just a local copy, where you can type anything you want as a value of your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and actually in the AWS_REGION as well, the region have to match.
If you query the db with a different region it was created with, you get the Cannot do operations on a non-existent table error.

Lambda function gets stuck when calling RDS via SQLalchemy URI

I have a fast API application. Initially, I was passing my DB URI via ngrok tunnel like this in my SAM template. In this setup Lambda will be using my local machine's PSQL DB.
Type: String
Default: postgresql://<uname>:<pwd>#x.tcp.ngrok.io:PORT/DB
This is how I read the URI in my Python code
# config.py
DATABASE_URL = os.environ.get('DB_URI')
db_engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL)
db_session = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False,bind=db_engine)
print(f"Configs initialized for {API_V1_STR}")
# app.py
# 3rd party
from fastapi import FastAPI
# Custom
from config.app_config import PROJECT_NAME, db_engine
from models.db_models import Base
print("Creating all database")
app = FastAPI(title=PROJECT_NAME)
print("APP created")
In this setup, everything seems to work as expected.
But whenever I replace the DB URL with RDS DB, suddenly the call gets stuck at create all database step as shown in the image below. when this happens the lambda always times out and throws exceptions.
If I run the code locally using uvicorn this error doesn't occur.
Everything works as expected.
When I use sam local invoke even with RDS URL, the API call works without any issues.
This problem occurs only while deployed in AWS Lambda.
I notice that configs are initialized twice in this setup, Once before START request ID and once after.
I have tried reading up on it but not clear what could I do to fix this. Any help would be much appreciated.
It was my bad!. I didn't pay attention to security groups. It was a connection timeout all along. Once I fixed the port access in Security groups, lambda started working as expected.

AWS Request Expired Error

I'm trying to execute a script in which an AWS security group is created using NodeJS. When I try and run the script I get an error saying:
Error { RequestExpired: Request has expired.
Has anyone seen this? What does it mean? I thought the time between my local machine and the AWS Host might be off so I set a new timezone in my script to make up for the difference but still same error.

Link server with PG RDS from AWS

I am trying to get the React-fullstack seed running on my local machine, the first things I want to do is connect the server with a database. in the config.js file there exists this line:
export const databaseUrl = process.env.DATABASE_URL || 'postgresql://demo:Lqk62xgfsdm5UhfR#demo.ctbl5itzitm4.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com:5432/membership01';
I do not believe I have access to the account created in the seed so I am trying to create my own AWS PG RDS. I have the following information and can access more:
endpoint: my110.cqw0hciryhbq.us-west-2.rds.amazonaws.com:5432
group-ID: sg-1422f322
VPC-ID: vpc-ec22d922
masterusername: my-username
password: password444
according the the PG documentation I should be looking for something like this:
var conString = "postgres://username:password#localhost/database";
I currently have:
What do I put in for 'database'?
Can someone share a method to ping the DB from the seed on my local machine to see if they are connected and working properly?
I can't really speak to anything specific to the React package, however generally when connecting to a Postgres server (whether RDS or your own install), you connect with the name of the database at the end of the connection string, hence:
So, when you created the RDS database (I assume you already spun up RDS??), you had to tell RDS what you wanted to call the database. If you spun up RDS already, login to AWS console, go to RDS, go to your RDS instances and then select the correct instance, click "Instance Actions" and then "See Details". That page will show you a bunch of details for your RDS instance, one of which is "DB Name". That's the name you put in the connection string.
If you have not already spun up your own RDS instance, then go ahead and do so and you will see where it asks for a database name that you specify.
Hope that helps, let me know if it doesn't.
