jhipster project is broken after upgrade - jhipster

My jhipster project was working fine before. Past two days it is acting funny. There is some version changes causing these issues.
Initially I got the following error in console, when I tried navigating to different page :
NavigationError(id: 2, url: '/ext-task-group-list', error:
InvalidCharacterError: String contains an invalid character)
In an effort to try to fix this problem, I ran
jphister upgrade
the upgrade is successful. However, mvnw command is not starting the server. Instead it is compiling the project and comes out successfully.
Couldnt find any resource in the net.
Anyone have fix for these two issues, pls share.

Start by doing a mvnw -X to see all the debug errors. That will give you more detail that you can go by


An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'match')

I just started mobile automation testing and I'm trying to write tests for android on Android Studio with Appium, however I think I just did something wrong in configuration process. I was getting some other errors and these are the things I've done so far.
set JAVA_HOME path
updated node version
After doing these I've started appium server and tried again. I was able to communicate with the emulator but something is still off.
run command
appium-doctor and flutter doctor seems fine though.
flutter doctor
And this is the exact error message I get.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I solved the case a while ago, thought could help someone. The problem was the first config I copied from another how-to source. It was trying to use appium-flutter-driver and I assume therefore there was a code snippet like this:
'appium:automationName': 'Flutter'
Which wasn't working because I was trying to run it with appium-flutter-finder. I don't exactly know what happened there but when I looket it up from appium's guide and did the default config they gave there the problem is gone. Which is:
'appium:automationName': 'Appium'

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined at registerNgModuleType

I have a problem that when I clone my repository of the app in angular, after installing the node_module and executing the ng serve it throws me this error and I have already looked for a thousand and one answers but none are correct, the app is from angular 8.1 and my angular global is 11 I do not know if it can influence, but it is with the only angular project that happens to me, at times the ng serve lifts the project and it can be seen but I barely make a modification and I give it save this error appears, I need help that advice me give?
enter image description here
I had the same problem.
I solved the problem by disabled the Angular Language Service for that workspace.
I hope this solves your problem
I could find the error, it turns out that VS code as editor every time I ran the npm install and then the ng serve ran perfect, one time I make a modification and give it ctrl + s it bugea my project and when I run the ng serve me again I get the error, so I had to clone my repository again and work with sublime text and it did not give me the error. It must have been some vscode plugin that makes this happen but it is with very few projects.

Error: Cannot find module './dist-tools/transform.js' from '/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/aws-sdk'

Hi so we have something interesting happening in our builds.
Nothing regarding the gulp build script changed from our side for one of our projects. But suddenly today when we try to do a pipeline build on one of our repositories we get the following stacktrace error:
Error: Cannot find module './dist-tools/transform.js' from '/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/aws-sdk'
at /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:128:35
at load (/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:147:43)
at onex (/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:172:17)
at /opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/node_modules/resolve/lib/async.js:13:69
at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:152:21)
Has anyone come accross this before? (we are using node 10.17 for our builds)
We tested the same code from our local builds and get the exact same issue. It seems that something in the aws-sdk package changed?
Since this error suddenly appeared this morning, we looked at our aws-sdk package and updated it to the latest version (2.643.0), but we still get the same error. No code that uses the aws-sdk package has changed.
Also seeing this as of this morning. I find this somewhat sus (adding dist-tools to npmignore).
I wonder if pulling the package directly from GH would resolve.
I've got a convo going on over here about this https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-js/issues/3159
We downgraded to the previous version and our issue went away.

Error: There are multiple entries in the deeplink config with the name of Page

I recently moved some files from one project to another and everything was working fine before. Now I am getting this error when I try ionic serve.
It states error AddChemicalPage, but that is the first page in the pages directory. It has to be ionic-app-script, but not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Help is Appreciated!
So I overlooked the Cordova CLI : not installed and I'm assuming that was causing the issues. npm install -g cordova and everything workd fine after that.

Heroku commands throwing this error on mac: !error getting commands pid 29989 SIGSEGV (signal 11)

This just started happening out of no-where. Did this happen to anybody else? I ran heroku create app and got this error ! error getting commands pid 29989 SIGSEGV (signal 11). This error provides absolutely no information. I use heroku all the time and could not figure why this error started happening. I ran which heroku and it showed heroku files where in /usr/local/heroku/bin/heroku. Basically, I had to uninstall heroku and update node.js to get it working again. Steps I took to get heroku commands to work again.
I updated node.js to version 8.11.1
I unistalled heroku sudo rm -rf /usr/local/heroku
I removed the heroku cache rm -rf ~/.local/share/heroku ~/Library/Caches/heroku
And then installed heroku using the heroku desktop install download.
Even after all that the commands were not working properly, but I started to get a new error of /usr/local/bin/heroku not found. It seems I had to make one more removal to make the commands work again gem uninstall heroku --all and then magically it all started working again.
From what I gathered is my old heroku path was /usr/local/heroku/bin/heroku and the new heroku path is /usr/local/bin/heroku. Perhaps heroku made an update that couldn't find my old path anymore. Best guess.
It sure was a lot to go through to get heroku working again so I thought I should share this for anyone else stuck. And hope if this happens again there could be a better easier solution for this. If there is one please reply.
I used this reference to help walk me through a clean uninstall for mac https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-cli#uninstalling-the-heroku-cli
A bit late to this party, but answering in case anyone else encounters the same error. This error is caused by running an outdated distribution of the Heroku CLI (formerly known as the Toolbelt). Uninstalling your current version and re-installing the appropriate distribution from here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-command-line will do the trick.
