How to get on_change value of select widget in bokeh? - python-3.x

I want to display selected value of select() bokeh widget in my browser.
This is my code, where I have data frame and values and that is how my widget gets populated !!!
multi_select = Select (title = "Select Quarters" , value = str1, options = df)
This is how it is calling using this function!!
def function_to_call(attrname, old, new):
This is my HTML template which will call select value .
text=("""<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
{{ bokeh_css }}
{{ bokeh_js }}
<style type="text/css">
{% include 'styles.css' %}
{{ plot_div|indent(8) }}
{{ plot_script|indent(8) }}
<h1 style="color:#8CC43F">{selectval}</h1>
Here {selectval} value is replacing my multi_select value from dropdown!!
m =multi_select.on_change('value',function_to_call)
text = text.format(selectval=m)
div = Div(text=text,width=200, height=100)
This is how i am calling the widget
After doing this, it is still not displaying the value of my selected option from the select list. For example, if I am selecting Quarter-4 then it should display as text Quarter-4 in my div or textbox on "my browser" screen.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance !!

In your function you can change the text of the div widget directly
def function_to_call(attrname, old, new):
div.text = new
Here attrname is 'value'
old is the value of the Select widget before it was changed
new is the new value of the Select widget


Creating nesting menus on Hugo theme?

I am trying to build a website with Hugo. I am having some trouble getting nested menus set up.
I am using the Tokiwa theme for this project.
here is a link to my repo.
On the main page of the site I am trying to create menus that slide down to show subfolders, here is an example from the imperial-library site to show what I mean. You can click on “game books” and then a list opens up that shows all of the available topics for that option. Ex (All, Arena, …) If you click on one of the topics it takes you to a page with a list of all of the entries and a short description of each one. You can then click on the entry to view that post.
In my project my directory is structured
content -> writing (Writing has subfolders poem and stories)
So on the home page I would like for someone to be able to click on “writing” then it would slide down to reveal “poems” and “stories”. You could then click on either one of those to view a list page formatted like
description of poem 1 - link to poem 1
description of poem 2 - link to poem 2
description of poem 3 - link to poem 3
I would also like to add this feature to other topics than only writing.
My config.toml file has the following
sectionPagesMenu = "main"
identifier = "writing"
name = "writing"
url = "/writing"
weight = 1
identifier = "post"
name = "post"
url = "/post"
weight = 2
identifier = "poems"
name = "poems"
url = "/category/poems"
parent = "writing"
weight = 1
identifier = "stories"
name = "stories"
url = "/category/stories"
parent = "writing"
weight = 2
in my layouts/index.html
{{ define "menu-item" }}
{{ $page := .page }}
{{ with .entry }}
{{ if .HasChildren }}
<li class="{{ if $page.HasMenuCurrent "main" . }}active{{ end }}">
{{ .Name }}
<ul class="sub-menu">
{{ range .Children }}
{{ template "menu-item" (dict "entry" . "page" $page) }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<li class="{{ if $page.IsMenuCurrent "main" . }}active{{ end }}">
{{ .Name }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $page := . }}
{{ range .Site.Menus.main }}
{{ template "menu-item" (dict "entry" . "page" $page) }}
{{ end }}
I also tried following this example from the hugo docs
Currently my site displays with the theme and when I click on a link the url seems correct ex writing/poems/poem1.
However, the folders are not displaying correctly.
I have posted this as well on the hugo forums and was unable to quite get my question answered. I browsed through many of the topics on "nesting menus" on the hugo forums and was still unable to exactly figure this out.
Thank you
I asked about this on the Tokiwa github.
The solution was to
Put custom.css and custom.js into static/lib/ folder, and add two lines in baseof.html:
<link rel="stylesheet" href='{{"lib/custom.css"|absURL}}' crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src='{{"lib/custom.js"|absURL}}' crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
Before </head> tag.

beautifulsoup get value of attribute using get_attr method

I'd like to print all items in the list, but not containing the style tag = the following value: "text-align: center"
test = soup.find_all("p")
for x in test:
if not x.has_attr('style'):
Essentially, return me all items in list where style is not equal to: "text-align: center". Probably just a small error here, but is it possible to define the value of style in has_attr?
Just check if the specific style is present in the Tag's style. Style is not considered a multi-valued attribute and the entire string inside quotes is the value of style attribute. Using x.get("style",'') instead of x['style'] also handles cases in which there is no style attribute and avoids KeyError.
for x in test:
if 'text-align: center' not in x.get("style",''):
You can also use list comprehension to skip a few lines.
test=[x for x in soup.find_all("p") if 'text-align: center' not in x.get("style",'')]
If you wanted to consider a different approach you could use the :not selector
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
html = '''
<title>Try jsoup</title>
<p style="color:green">This is the chosen paragraph.</p>
<p style="text-align: center">This is another paragraph.</p>
soup = bs(html, 'lxml')
items = [item.text for item in'p:not([style="text-align: center"])')]

add own text inside nested braces + exception

Original question locates here, current question is desire to avoid one problem.
I have this code which works perfect with html_1 data:
from pyparsing import nestedExpr, originalTextFor
html_1 = '''
<title><?php echo "title here"; ?></title>
<h1 <?php echo "class='big'" ?>>foo</h1>
html_2 = '''
<title><?php echo "title here"; ?></title>
<h1 <?php echo $tpl->showStyle(); ?>>foo</h1>
nested_angle_braces = nestedExpr('<', '>')
# for match in nested_angle_braces.searchString(html):
# print(match)
# nested_angle_braces_with_h1 = nested_angle_braces().addCondition(
# lambda tokens: tokens[0][0].lower() == 'h1')
nested_angle_braces_with_h1 = originalTextFor(
nested_angle_braces().addCondition(lambda tokens: tokens[0][0].lower() == 'h1')
nested_angle_braces_with_h1.addParseAction(lambda tokens: tokens[0] + 'MY_TEXT')
Result of html_1 variable is:
<title><?php echo "title here"; ?></title>
<h1 <?php echo "class='big'" ?>>MY_TEXTfoo</h1>
Here is all right, all placed as expected. MY_TEXT located in right region (inside h1 tag).
But let's see result for html_2:
<title><?php echo "title here"; ?></title>
<h1 <?php echo $tpl->showStyle(); ?>MY_TEXT>foo</h1>
Now we got error, MY_TEXT placed inside h1 property area because PHP contains brace inside "$tpl->".
How I can fix it? I need get this result in that region:
<h1 <?php echo $tpl->showStyle(); ?>>MY_TEXTfoo</h1>
The solution requires that we define a special expression for PHP tags, which our simple nestedExpr gets confused by.
# define an expression for a PHP tag
php_tag = Literal('<?') + 'php' + SkipTo('?>', include=True)
We'll need more than simple strings now for the opener and closer, including a negative lookahead when matching a '<' to make sure we aren't at the leading edge of a PHP tag:
# define expressions for opener and closer, such that we don't
# accidentally interpret a PHP tag as a nested expr
opener = ~php_tag + Literal("<")
closer = Literal(">")
If opener and closer aren't simple strings, then we need to give a content expression too. Our content will be very simple to define, just PHP tags or other Words of printables, excluding '<' and '>' (you'll end up wrapping this all back up in originalTextFor anyway):
# define nested_angle_braces to potentially contain PHP tag, or
# some other printable (not including '<' or '>' chars)
nested_angle_braces = nestedExpr(opener, closer,
content=php_tag | Word(printables, excludeChars="<>"))
Now if I use nested_angle_braces.searchString to scan html_2, I get:
for tag in originalTextFor(nested_angle_braces).searchString(html_2):
['<h1 <?php echo $tpl->showStyle(); ?>>']

Kentico text/xml transformation conditional statmement

I have a transformation, used with a repeater, for a slider. All is working well. I have a slide caption, that isn't required. What I'm struggling with is a conditional statement where the caption tag doesn't show.
Here's my transformation:
<section class="imageSlide">
<figure role="group">
<img src="{% SlideImage %}" alt="{% SlideAlt %}">
<figcaption><p>{% SlideCaption %}</p></figcaption>
What I'm hoping to do is not render the figcaption if there is no SlideCaption. SlideCaption isn't a required item. I had though if using jquery to change the display type of the <p></p> tags were empty, but want to avoid a lot of DOM manipulation.
I know that the syntax is something like this, but I haven't found a good example I can use as a base solution.
{% if(....) %}
Something like this should work. Didn't test it, so may need some tweaks.
{% IfEmpty(SlideCaption, "","<figcaption><p>" + SlideCaption + "</p></figcaption> ") %}
Another example for future reference if you dont want to be limited to using IfEmpty
{% if(SlideCaption != "" && SlideCaption != null) { return "<figcaption><p>" + SlideCaption + "</p></figcaption>" } %}

How to disable up/down pan in UIWebView?

I want to have my web view pannable left and right but not up and down.
Is that possible?
ok, well wrap your one line of html like this:
<meta name = "viewport" content = "height = device-height, user-scalable = no, width = WIDTH">
Replace width with the width of your content, and see how it works.
