How to declare variables in voltDB stored procedure - voltdb

How to declare variable in stored procedure. I tried with the following code as in MS Sql Server.
But I am getting an error "DDL and DML can't be applied together"

Variables can only be declared in Java stored procedures. In VoltDB, all complex stored procedures, like the one you are showing here, must be done in Java.
An example of what you want could be something like this:
public class TN extends VoltProcedure {
int kkk = 5;
public final SQLStmt sql1 = new SQLStmt(
public final SQLStmt sql2 = new SQLStmt(
public VoltTable[] run(int kkk) throws VoltAbortException {
if (kkk < 10) {
voltQueueSQL( sql1 );
return voltExecuteSQL();
} else {
voltQueueSQL( sql2 );
return voltExecuteSQL();
See the Stored Procedures part of the docs for more information:
Full disclosure: I work at VoltDB.


SQL Parser Visitor + Metabase + Presto

I'm facing what seems to be a quite easy problem, but I'm not able to put my head around the problem to find a suitable solution.
I need to append the schema into my SQL statement, in a "weird"(with schema in double quotes) way.
FROM "SCHEMA".tableB tableB
LEFT JOIN "SCHEMA".tableC tableC
Basically, we are hosting and exposing a Metabase tool that will connect and perform query on our Hive database using Presto SQL.
Metabase allow the customer to write SQL statements and some customers, they just don't type the schema on statements. Today we are throwing and error for those queries, but I could easily retrieve the schema value from the Authorization header, since in our multi-tenant product the schema is the tenant id where this user is logged, and with that information in hands, I could append to the customer SQL statement and avoid the error.
Imagine that the customer typed the follow statement:
SELECT tableA.*
, (tableA.valorfaturado + tableA.valorcortado) valorpedido
FROM (SELECT from_unixtime(tableB.datacorte / 1000) datacorte
, COALESCE((tableB.quantidadecortada * tableC.preco), 0) valorcortado
, COALESCE((tableB.quantidade * tableC.preco), 0) valorfaturado
, tableB.quantidadecortada
FROM tableB tableB
LEFT JOIN tableC tableC
ON tableC.numeropedido = tableB.numeropedido
AND tableC.codigoproduto = tableB.codigoproduto
AND tableC.codigofilial = tableB.codigofilial
LEFT JOIN tableD tableD
ON tableD.numero = tableB.numeropedido
WHEN COALESCE(tableB.codigofilial, '') = '' THEN
END) = '10'
AND from_unixtime(tableB.datacorte / 1000) BETWEEN from_iso8601_timestamp('2020-07-01T03:00:00.000Z') AND from_iso8601_timestamp('2020-08-01T02:59:59.999Z')) tableA
ORDER BY datacorte
I should convert this into (adding the "SCHEMA"):
SELECT tableA.*
, (tableA.valorfaturado + tableA.valorcortado) valorpedido
FROM (SELECT from_unixtime(tableB.datacorte / 1000) datacorte
, COALESCE((tableB.quantidadecortada * tableC.preco), 0) valorcortado
, COALESCE((tableB.quantidade * tableC.preco), 0) valorfaturado
, tableB.quantidadecortada
FROM "SCHEMA".tableB tableB
LEFT JOIN "SCHEMA".tableC tableC
ON tableC.numeropedido = tableB.numeropedido
AND tableC.codigoproduto = tableB.codigoproduto
AND tableC.codigofilial = tableB.codigofilial
LEFT JOIN "SCHEMA".tableD tableD
ON tableD.numero = tableB.numeropedido
WHEN COALESCE(tableB.codigofilial, '') = '' THEN
END) = '10'
AND from_unixtime(tableB.datacorte / 1000) BETWEEN from_iso8601_timestamp('2020-07-01T03:00:00.000Z') AND from_iso8601_timestamp('2020-08-01T02:59:59.999Z')) tableA
ORDER BY datacorte
Still trying to find a solution that uses only presto-parser and Visitor + Instrumentation solution.
Also, I know about JSQLParser and I tried, but I alway come back to try to find a "plain" solution scared that JSQLParser will not be able to support all the Presto/Hive queries, that are a little bit different than standard SQL;
I create a little project on GitHub with test case to validate..
But for those that don't want to clone a repository, here are the classes and dependencies:
import java.util.Optional;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.SqlFormatter;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.parser.ParsingOptions;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.parser.SqlParser;
public class SchemaAwareQueryAdapter {
// Inspired from
private static final SqlParser SQL_PARSER = new SqlParser();
public String rewriteSql(String sqlStatement, String schemaId) {
com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.Statement statement = SQL_PARSER.createStatement(sqlStatement, ParsingOptions.builder().build());
SchemaAwareQueryVisitor visitor = new SchemaAwareQueryVisitor(schemaId);
statement.accept(visitor, null);
return SqlFormatter.formatSql(statement, Optional.empty());
public class SchemaAwareQueryVisitor extends DefaultTraversalVisitor<Void, Void> {
private String schemaId;
public SchemaAwareQueryVisitor(String schemaId) {
this.schemaId = schemaId;
* The customer can type:
* [table name]
* [schema].[table name]
* [catalog].[schema].[table name]
protected Void visitTable(Table node, Void context) {
List<String> parts = node.getName().getParts();
// [table name] -> is the only one we need to modify, so let's check by parts.size() ==1
if (parts.size() == 1) {
try {
Field privateStringField = Table.class.getDeclaredField("name");
QualifiedName qualifiedName = QualifiedName.of("\""+schemaId+"\"",node.getName().getParts().get(0));
privateStringField.set(node, qualifiedName);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Unable to execute query");
return null;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.gherrera.prestosqlparser.SchemaAwareQueryAdapter;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class SchemaAwareTest {
private static final String schemaId = "SCHEMA";
private SchemaAwareQueryAdapter adapter = new SchemaAwareQueryAdapter();
public void testAppendSchemaA() {
String sql = "select * from tableA";
String bound = adapter.rewriteSql(sql, schemaId);
"select * from \"SCHEMA\".tableA");
private void assertEqualsFormattingStripped(String sql1, String sql2) {
assertEquals(sql1.replace("\n", " ").toLowerCase().replace("\r", " ").replaceAll(" +", " ").trim(),
sql2.replace("\n", " ").toLowerCase().replace("\r", " ").replaceAll(" +", " ").trim());
PS: I was able to add the schema without the doubles quotes, but them I got into identifiers must not start with a digit; surround the identifier with double quotes error. Basically this error comes from SqlParser$PostProcessor.exitDigitIdentifier(...) method..
I was able to find a solution for my case, either way will share on Presto Slack my finding to see if that is expected behavior.
So, if you want to append with double quote your schema, you will need to create your own Vistor class and you'll need to override the method visitTable and when you Qualify the name of your table with schema, (here's the tick), pass the schema as UPPERCASE, so it will not match the regex pattern on class SqlFormatter on method formatName and it will add the double-quote..
public class SchemaAwareQueryVisitor extends DefaultTraversalVisitor<Void, Void> {
private String schemaId;
public SchemaAwareQueryVisitor(String schemaId) {
this.schemaId = schemaId;
protected Void visitTable(Table node, Void context) {
try {
Field privateStringField = Table.class.getDeclaredField("name");
QualifiedName qualifiedName = QualifiedName.of(schemaId, node.getName().getParts().get(0));
privateStringField.set(node, qualifiedName);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException
| SecurityException
| IllegalArgumentException
| IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new SecurityException("Unable to execute query");
return null;

Programmatically create a new Person having an Internal Login

I am trying to programmatically create Users with Internal Accounts as part of a testing system. The following code can not create an InternalLogin because there is not password hash set at object creation time.
Can a person + internal account be created using metadata_* functions ?
data _null_;
length uri_Person uri_PW uri_IL $256;
call missing (of uri:);
rc = metadata_getnobj ("Person?#Name='testbot02'", 1, uri_Person); msg=sysmsg();
put 'NOTE: Get Person, ' rc= uri_Person= / msg;
if rc = -4 then do;
rc = metadata_newobj ('Person', uri_Person, 'testbot02'); msg=sysmsg();
put 'NOTE: New Person, ' rc= uri_Person= / msg;
rc = metadata_setattr (uri_Person, 'DisplayName', 'Test Bot #2'); msg=sysmsg();
put 'NOTE: SetAttr, ' rc= / msg;
rc = metadata_newobj ('InternalLogin', uri_IL, 'autobot - IL', 'Foundation', uri_Person, 'InternalLoginInfo'); msg=sysmsg();
put 'NOTE: New InternalLogin, ' rc= / msg;
NOTE: Get Person, rc=-4 uri_Person=
NOTE: New Person, rc=0 uri_Person=OMSOBJ:Person\A5OJU4RB.AP0000SX
NOTE: SetAttr, rc=0
NOTE: New InternalLogin, rc=-2
ERROR: AddMetadata of InternalLogin is missing required property PasswordHash.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.02 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
The management console and metabrowse were used to find what objects might need to be created.
I ended up using Java to create new users.
A ISecurity_1_1 instance from MakeISecurityConnection() on the metadata connection was used to SetInternalPassword
Java ended up being a lot more clear coding wise.
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import java.util.List;
* #author Richard
public class Main {
public static final String TESTGROUPNAME = "Automated Test Users";
* #param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
String metaserver="################";
String metaport="8561";
String omrUser="sasadm#saspw";
String omrPass="##########";
MdFactoryImpl metadata = new MdFactoryImpl(false);
MdOMIUtil util = metadata.getOMIUtil();
ISecurity_1_1 security = metadata.getConnection().MakeISecurityConnection();
MdObjectStore workunit = metadata.createObjectStore();
String foundationID = util.getFoundationReposID();
String foundationShortID = foundationID.substring(foundationID.indexOf(".") + 1);
// Create group for test bot accounts
List identityGroups = util.getMetadataObjects(foundationID, MetadataObjects.IDENTITYGROUP, MdOMIUtil.OMI_XMLSELECT,
String.format("<XMLSelect search=\"IdentityGroup[#Name='%s']\"/>", TESTGROUPNAME));
IdentityGroup identityGroup;
if (identityGroups.isEmpty()) {
identityGroup = (IdentityGroup) metadata.createComplexMetadataObject (workunit, TESTGROUPNAME, MetadataObjects.IDENTITYGROUP, foundationShortID);
identityGroup.setDesc("Group for Automated Test Users performing concurrent Stored Process execution");
identityGroups = util.getMetadataObjectsSubset(workunit, foundationID, MetadataObjects.IDENTITYGROUP, MdOMIUtil.OMI_XMLSELECT,
String.format("<XMLSelect search=\"IdentityGroup[#Name='%s']\"/>", TESTGROUPNAME));
identityGroup = (IdentityGroup) identityGroups.get(0);
// Create (or Update) test bot accounts
for (int index = 1; index <= 25; index++)
String token = String.format("%02d", index);
String personName = String.format("testbot%s", token);
String password = String.format("testbot%s%s", token, token); * simple dynamically generated password for user (for testing scripts only);
String criteria = String.format("Person[#Name='%s']", personName);
String xmlSelect = String.format("<XMLSelect search=\"%s\"/>", criteria);
List persons = util.getMetadataObjectsSubset(workunit, foundationID, MetadataObjects.PERSON, MdOMIUtil.OMI_XMLSELECT | MdOMIUtil.OMI_GET_METADATA | MdOMIUtil.OMI_ALL_SIMPLE, xmlSelect);
Person person;
if (persons.size() == 1)
person = (Person) persons.get(0);
System.out.println(String.format("Have %s %s", person.getName(), person.getDisplayName()));
person = (Person) metadata.createComplexMetadataObject (workunit, personName, MetadataObjects.PERSON, foundationShortID);
person.setDisplayName(String.format("Test Bot #%s", token));
person.setDesc("Internal account for testing purposes");
System.out.println(String.format("Make %s, %s (%s)", person.getName(), person.getDisplayName(), person.getDesc()));
security.SetInternalPassword(personName, password);
AssociationList personGroups = person.getIdentityGroups();
catch (GenericError | MdException | RemoteException e)

ServiceStack.OrmLite Select<> throws npgsql syntax error when using WITH CTE

From the error I thought this was an issue with Npgsql (see closed issue), however the error is with OrmLite Select<> as it's changing the executed sql.
Other than not using the WITH CTE is there another way around this error in OrmLite?
Is db.Select<> the wrong command to be using?
Note: WITH CTE works with OrmLite.Scalar
Postgres WITH CTE:
UPDATE: Issue seems to be with OrmLite preparing the SQL statement and it not starting with "SELECT" causes OrmLite to treat the SQL as a "WHERE" param.
public void with_cte_ormlite_obj()
using (var db = DbConnection)
var sql = "WITH w_cnt AS (SELECT 5 AS cnt, 'me' AS name) SELECT cnt, name FROM w_cnt";
// An exception of type 'Npgsql.NpgsqlException' occurred in Npgsql.dll
// ERROR: 42601: syntax error at or near "WITH w_cnt"
// Actual Exec Sql:
// SELECT "cnt", "name" FROM "my_with_cte_obj" WHERE WITH w_cnt AS (SELECT 5 AS cnt, 'me' AS name) SELECT cnt, name FROM w_cnt
var cnt = db.Select<MyWithCteObj>(sql);
var first = cnt.First();
Assert.AreEqual(5, first.Cnt);
Assert.AreEqual("me", first.Name);
public class MyWithCteObj
public int Cnt { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
The db.Select<T>() API should only by used for SQL SELECT statements.
The db.SqlList<T>() API should be used for non-SELECT queries, e.g:
using (var db = DbConnection)
var cnt = db.SqlList<MyWithCteObj>(
"WITH w_cnt AS (SELECT 5 AS cnt, 'me' AS name) SELECT cnt, name FROM w_cnt");
See the docs for more custom SQL APIs examples.

EntityDataReader to ToList()

my code :
public List<Book> GetBook(string Field, object Value)
using (EntityConnection conn = new EntityConnection("name=Entities"))
// Create an EntityCommand.
using (EntityCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = "Select VALUE b FROM Entities.Book as b where Cast(b." + Field + " as Edm.String) like '%" + Value.ToString() + "%'";
// Execute the command.
using (EntityDataReader rdr =
var s = from d in rdr.OfType<Book>().AsEnumerable()
select d;
return (s.ToList());
return (null);
why The result is always empty???
What is the correct code?
Why are you closing connection before you started to read from the reader? Reader is like cursor - it doesn't buffer all results to memory when you open it but it loads them incrementally so you could easily terminate connection (and reading functionality as well) before you read any result. You don't have to close the connection explicitly - that is responsibility of using block.
You can also use SQL profiler to validate the it really builds the query you expect.
using (EntityConnection conn = new EntityConnection("name=Entities"))
// Create an EntityCommand.
using (EntityCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())
cmd.CommandText = "Select VALUE b FROM Entities.Book as b where Cast(b." + Field + " as Edm.String) like '%" + Value.ToString() + "%'";
// Execute the command.
using (EntityDataReader rdr =
var s = from d in rdr.OfType<Book>().AsEnumerable()
select d;
return (s.ToList());
s.ToList().Count returns 0 because rdr.OfType<Book> is always empty collection. EntitDataReader doesn't materialize entities - it is just wrapper about database related DataReader and it works in the same way. You must read columns and fill them to properties of your entity.
If you don't want to do it you can use objectContext.Translate method but once you start to work with ObjectContext you don't need EntityCommand and EntityDataReader at all.

how to run stored procedure from groovy that returns multiple resultsets

I couldnt find any good example of doing this online.
Can someone please show how to run a stored procedure (that returns multiple resultsets) from groovy?
Basically I am just trying to determine how many resultsets the stored procedure returns..
I have written a helper which allows me to work with stored procedures that return a single ResultSet in a way that is similar to working with queries with groovy.sql.Sql. This could easily be adapted to process multiple ResultSets (I assume each would need it's own closure).
Sql sql = Sql.newInstance(dataSource)
SqlHelper helper = new SqlHelper(sql);
helper.eachSprocRow('EXEC sp_my_sproc ?, ?, ?', ['a', 'b', 'c']) { row ->
println "foo=${}, bar=${}, baz=${row.baz}"
class SqlHelper {
private Sql sql;
SqlHelper(Sql sql) {
this.sql = sql;
public void eachSprocRow(String query, List parameters, Closure closure) {
sql.cacheConnection { Connection con ->
CallableStatement proc = con.prepareCall(query)
try {
parameters.eachWithIndex { param, i ->
proc.setObject(i+1, param)
boolean result = proc.execute()
boolean found = false
while (!found) {
if (result) {
ResultSet rs = proc.getResultSet()
ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData()
int columnCount = md.getColumnCount()
while ( {
// use case insensitive map
Map row = new TreeMap(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER)
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; ++ i) {
row[md.getColumnName(i+1)] = rs.getObject(i+1)
found = true;
} else if (proc.getUpdateCount() < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Sproc ${query} did not return a result set")
result = proc.getMoreResults()
} finally {
All Java classes are usable from Groovy. If Groovy does not give you a way to do it, then you can do it Java-way using JDBC callable statements.
I just stumbled across what could possibly be a solution to your problem, if an example was what you were after, have a look at the reply to this thread
