Excel TFS Add-In Crashes Connecting to TFS - excel

We frequently use Excel to perform bulk updates of data in TFS. Up until very recently, the Team Foundation Add-In has worked very well. However, it has started failing in several ways:
It will connect to the server, but attempting to connect to any
project causes Excel to crash, producing a Watson report in the
Windows Application Event Log.
If I restart Excel, it reports that it is running into problems with
both the shim and the add-in, and offers to disable it. If I do not
disable it, I still can't connect to a project.
Eventually, the add-in refuses to load at all, until I use the
Options dialog to manually add the COM add-in back into the
application. Doing so produces the same results (Excel crashes when
attempting to load a project).
I have taken the following steps in an attempt to resolve the issue:
Removed and completely reinstalled Office.
Re-registered the add-in component.
Uninstalled and reinstalled Team Foundation Office Integration.
None of these have produced a fix to the issue.
Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
P.S. If this is not the correct "stack" for this question, kindly point me to the correct one on the exchange. Thank you.

If you are reading the accepted answer and it still isn't working, here's an additional tip. I had the EXACT same problem and saw that same link to clear the cache from numerous sites, bit it didn't work.
Here's the thing. I don't think that article lists ALL of the places that cache can be hiding on your machine. I deleted the cache folder in two different places on my machine and had given up on that as a solution.
Then I searched my entire hard drive for any folder with "Team Foundation" in the name and found a couple more buried in other hierarchies. Deleting these FINALLY solved the problem.
Here are some folders to look for, but like I said, check the entire drive
c:\users\yourlogin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft shared\Team Foundation Server\
c:\users\yourlogin\AppData\Local\Temp\Microsoft\Team Foundation
The actual cache folder will be nested another level deep under a numbered folder named with something like "7.0" or "8.0" delete the cache folder from every one you find under every number.

In general cleaning the caches on your client machine will resolve such problems, including the TFS and VS caches...
To clean the caches, please see How to clear the TFS cache on client machines


Getting error when trying to create spreadsheets from a TFS query

I have used the TFS to Excel functionality for several years. Last Friday it suddenly stopped working. I get the error TF84021 Can't create the work item list. If I try again it will spin and then bring up the same error. This usually happens 2 or 3 times then Excel will open as a read-only which removes the link to TFS. I have tried to configure the server connection and get error TF400324. Services not available from server. The underlying connection was closed.
This is impacting a small group of people with the same job function (Scrum Masters and BAs). Management and developers can use it just fine.
My help desk remoted into my machine and tried it with his creds and it didn't work. We ran it through Fiddler and the log showed an error but it didn't have any information.
I am using TFS2017 Version 15.117.27414.0 which I believe is update 3, Visual Studio 2017 and Excel 2016. As well as ADO in the cloud (not on prem).
I have gone into Excel to verify the com add-in is present and checked. I have reinstalled the add-in just in case it was corrupted. I have tried to remove my TFS server and re-add although I knew that couldn't be the problem as it occurs on ADO as well.
I'm at a loss. Any thoughts as to what to try next?

Every Xpage app I open in designer spews 1000s of java errors

I just came back from MWLUG and started to open up some Xpages DBs to work on, when all of the sudden I am getting 1000s of errors like this:
I googled the issue and I believe it has something to do with the path of the org.eclipse.pde.core.requiredPlugins.
When I opened up the packages and looked at fixing an error I got this:
The problem is that I do not know what the correct setting for this should be, or how to fix it. The apps run fine, but obviously something is wrong.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I may know more about the problem. In designer when I go to File==>Application==Application Management this is what I see:
A different install has several components under it.
I updated my designer and client and admin to 9.0.1 FP4 last week. That is the last thing I remember doing before this messed up (along with installing the Debug Toolbar).
How can I fix my designer install?
Strange indeed, you should check your hard drive for bad sectors.
Looks like a broken DDE in general. The plugin XML file maybe broken so the app manager doesn't show you the plugins installed. Therefor I assume DDE starts very quickly, right? Because nothing is loaded.
I had this before and my "solution" was:
de-install DDE and Fixpacks
delete workspace folder
re-install DDE and Fixpacks
re-install plugins ad setup workig sets
This is a pity but at least you get a clean install. You don't have to delete everything (e.g. the DATA folder)

Disconnected TFS Server still lives on in VS 2012

When starting VS 2012, I'm getting this error in the Output window:
> TF205020: Could not connect to server ‘https://Xxxxxxxx. This server was used in your last session, but it might be offline or unreachable. Confirm that the server is available on the network. To attempt to connect again, or to a different server, click ‘Connect To Team Foundation Server’ in Team Explorer or the Team menu.
> The server returned the following error: TF400324: Team Foundation
> services are not available from server https://Xxxxxxx. Technical
> information (for administrator): The underlying connection was
> closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure
> channel.
(Xxxxx used for server name here).
This is a TFS server I used on a contract project a couple of months ago - I'm no longer working with them so I want it just gone. I removed the server in the Team / Connect to Team Foundation Server... dialog but this seems to live on in VS's memory somewhere.
Anyway to make it be gone/gone?
I (finally) was able to remove all my bindings and references to an old TFS server by doing the following:
Delete the contents of the folder, %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Cache.
As someone else suggested, search for all occurrences of LocalItemExclusions.config within %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\, and remove any/all "TeamProjectCollection" elements that reference the obsolete server in their uri="..." attribute.
Edit the file, %LocalAppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\TeamExplorer\TeamExplorer.Config. Remove all "Server" elements having a url attribute that references the obsolete server.
I did this for both VS 2010 and VS2012. It was not until I completed the third step that the error mentioned by the original poster went away, and Visual Studio started quickly, as it always used to.
I was unwilling to use the nuclear option as described in the first part of superlime's answer to this question--deleting the entire contents of "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\".
Instead I followed the second part of his answer--deleting the contents of "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\N.N\Cache", which I did for all versions (N.N) found.
That helped, but wasn't quite enough. I also had to do the following:
Search for all occurrences of a file called LocalItemExclusions.config within "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\" and its subfolders.
Remove from those files, in their entirety, any <TeamProjectCollection> elements that reference the obsolete server in their uri="..." attribute.
That was enough for me--however, I can imagine other references lurking, if you've been using TFS targeting that server for awhile. If the above steps are insufficient, you might simply try searching for additional references in all files (excluding logs) in that directory hierarchy, and surgically removing them.
I found that I needed to do both steps to remove this from VS 2012 :
Delete the content of the folder %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Cache
Delete the content of the folder %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\
Much thanks to both contributors for their help. Shame to Microsoft for not insuring that removing Team Foundation occurs cleanly.
Bit of a "nuke from orbit" option, but try deleting the contents of the TFS client cache. Should be located in this location:
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\
According to this blog post (which is for 2010, and a little stale on version info), you should just delete the contents of the cache folder, not the cache folder itself (or the parent dir).. So theoretically you'd just want to delete everything inside of:
%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache

TF400324 - "Page not found" in source control explorer

We use TFS2012 and VS2012 (some people use Update1 and some Update2). ). In some people's machines, we get:
TF400324: Team Foundation services are not available from server vstfps\Protection.
Technical information (for administrator):
Page not found.
This happens on any source control access, both in VS2012 and when running "tf.exe get". However, other TFS services work fine, for example work item queries.
I've uninstalled and re-installed VS (this time without Update2), and the problem persists.
I found a similar problem report, though it's somewhat different, and either way has no fix.
Debugging with Netmon, I noticed that affected machines use a different URI:
Good: /tfs/Protection/VersionControl/v4.0/repository.asmx
Bad: /tfs/Protection/VersionControl/v5.0/repository.asmx
What determines the URI the machine uses?
How can I change that?
Workaround: Close Visual Studio and related apps, then delete %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\4.0\Cache.
Reason: (reconstructed from reports from my sysadmin...)
My TFS2012 RTM server was cloned from an existing server, keeping the same collection GUID. Effects:
The old server had Update1 installed and uninstalled. TFS2012 RTM only supported v4.0 URI, while TFS2012 Update1 added v5.0. So sometimes, clients would get confused and go to the old server, get the v5.0 URI, and keep that cached in ...\Cache\<guid>\LocationServiceData.config.
We've had TFS builds fail with "Can't copy activity logs", since they tried to copy to the old server.
Fix: Change the collection GUID at the new server, by running:
tfsconfig ChangeServerID /sqlinstance:<SQLInstanceName> /databasename:tfs_configuration
afterwards, people need to clean the cache one last time and that's it.

How to add Tridion site in Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager?

I am working SDL TRIDION 2011 SP1 version. Suddenly I am unable to see the Trdion site in Internet Information Services(IIS) Manager. Please tell me the procedure how to get it back again.
Remove Tridion Completely (uninstall), then run the installer again.
You won't loose any data (it's all in the database), and you're likely to get your server up and running way faster than trying to fix by hand.
As #bart suggested, your best option to get the web application back (assuming it really has gone), is to run the repair option with the installer. There are a lot of folder specific settings which would be very hard to recreate manually.
