Web site host with url in iis - iis

I'm going to host a web site in one of my computers toaccess it from the another computer. (Same local network) This what I have done so far.
Step 1 : Host the web site in IIS.
Step 2 : Using "Edit bindings" I changed the host name.
Step 3 : Then I changed the host file located at "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc" mylocalhost.com
Step 4 : Turn off both private and public windows firewalls. (I know this is bad. But for now its fine. I can add inbound rules after resolving this issue)
I try to access to the url http://mylocalhost.com:8082 using hosted environment. It is success, but when I try to access that url from the other computer(in the same local network) it cannot be access. Without the above binding name (mylocalhost.com), I can access to the web site using
I want to access to the website using a url with any computer/mobile device connected to the local network. Can anyone show me a direction to resolve my issue?
Environment Information
Windows 10
IIS (version 10)

Your problem is step 3 - your assumption that the host file on a single client computer will apply to all computers on your network. You need a server of some description for the behaviour you describe.
A hosts file is only used by that single computer to resolve or override dns. Each computer has it's own file and there is no default way of sharing this file with other computers on the network. Your choices are:
Add the host file entry to each device.
Setup a DNS server. your router might support this, and is likely providing the DNS server to your clients via DHCP so no additional config would be nessersary. Just login to its web interface and configure the dns name. If your router cant do it for you you would need a DNS service running on one of your computers and then configure either your routers dhcp/dns to use this new DNS service, or manually configure all clients to use the new DNS for their DNS resolution.
Setup an active directory server and join all your pcs to the domain (setting up AD includes a DNS server).
Some Public DNS providers allow you to specify a private ip in public dns. So assuming you owned the domain example.com you might be able to create an A record my.example.com for your ip address. This would be public, but only devices on your private network would actually be able to connect to your server (ie different physical computers/networks that happen to use the same internal ip).


Hostname not resolving to IP addresses for Linux computers in an AD Domain

I am joining Linux and Windows instances to an AD domain (). The machines are joining fine to the domain and I can use ssh/RDP using the AD credentials to login to the machines post domain join.
I can also get all the computer objects (host names) by running Get-ADComputer -Filter * on a windows server and providing the domain credentials. The issue is that, the host names for Linux based computers are not resolving to an IP address. Whereas all Windows hosts are resolving fine.
nslookup <windows-host> is returning host's FQDN and the IP address.
nslookup <linux-host> is returning Non-existent domain.
P.S: All these resources (windows and Linux hosts) are in the same network, using same DHCP/DNS server and can communicate to each other with no issues. Also I can resolve and connect to the AD domain from all these hosts
Any idea why this could be happening and how to resolve this ?
My use case is to get the IPs of all the computer objects in my AD domain.
Normally when using DHCP Windows will attempt to register its own A and possibly PTR records in the configured DNS, not sure about Linux. You may configure your DHCP server to update DNS for the clients (instead of leaving it to the clients themselves), i.e.:
To configure a DHCP server to register and to update client information with its configured DNS servers, follow these steps:
Open the DHCP properties for the server
Click DNS, click Properties, click to select the Enable DNS dynamic updates according to the settings below check box, and then click Always dynamically update DNS A and PTR records.
Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/networking/configure-dns-dynamic-updates-windows-server-2003

Website in IIS locally and Domain Name bought from GoDaddy - What Next

I have been at this since last couple of weeks. After tiring efforts leading to nowhere, I am posting here.
I have a Website built and hosted in IIS locally. I just bought domain name from GoDaddy. I have my computer's public IP where the website in IIS is present. What are my next steps so that I can keep my computer as server and link with domain name? So that website is accessible publicly through domain name.
I saw a lot of posts with Web Hosting in Azure or other places, do I HAVE TO buy and host to make my site public?
I am a novice website builder and have very limited knowledge about this.
first you need make sure your sever is secured, only open necessary ports
go to another computer, in browser input public ip to see if you can open your webpage
then in Godaddy you can add A record for your domain, to point your domain to your public IP, refer to this GoDaddy document: https://ca.godaddy.com/help/add-an-a-record-19238
If you are not comfortable or don't resource to do these, I suggest you host on Azure or other cloud providers
You could host your application in either Azure VM or your local machine. After all, Could VM should be more convenient because you don't need spend a lot of time to handle network issue and you don't need physical space.
When you decide to host your application locally, you have to ensure your are using windows server OS, otherwise, you have 10 concurrent request limit.
Access the application via domain is quite simple.
You need to enable port like 80 in windows firewall.Promise your server are in DMZ and can be accessed externally
Create IIS binding header with null domain and your public address
Try to access your website via your public IP address
Point godday domain to your public IP address
Add your domain to your Site's binding host header->host name field
If you decide to host your application in IAAS like Azure VM, then you have to create inbound rule for your port number and allow port in windows firewall. You also have to point your godday domain to your cloud VM's public IP address and create IIS binding with your domain. Finally, you should be able to access your website.

How to make a hostname resolvable within a network without the need to add in hosts file for each computer

I have setup GitHub enterprise in a server for on-premise usage. There it is having a private IP and has to be configured a hostname. It is showing
"Ensure this domain is routable on your network."
If I map the hostname with IP address and add to my windows hosts file, then it's fine.
But I want a solution so that any people connecting to the office network has it resolved automatically without a manual entry in their host file.
If you have enough users of your GitHub Enterprise Server that maintaining the hosts files is a pain, I'd suggest this happens when you have more than 10 users, then you will need to look at a DNS server for your Office Network. If you do not already have one then there are many options open to you depending on what your network looks like.

Azure Dns Zone not Resolving on Virtual Machine

On Azure (through portal)
Created Virtual Machine with a Static IP, data disk, and opened ports
Then remote desktop - Install IIS and FTP, ports opened in firewall
(can successfully connect via ftp client)
Created a Public Load Balancer with a Static IP with Probes and Rules
(can connect with ftp client through load balancer ip address fine)
(if I enter ip address of load balancer in browser I can view the default iis website fine) (at moment there is only one vm in virtual machine set)
Added a couple of websites in IIS, one a .net app, and the other with just some hello world .html files to test connectivity via domain name. I set bindings to host name for websites with and without www. and IP address set to all (*). restarted websites.
Created a couple of Azure DNZ Zones with A Records pointing to the Load Balancer IP address. Changed name servers on domain register to point to the azure dns servers.
However, this is where it stops. A browser cannot get to either website and I get a '500' error. dns propogation check tools verify that the nameservers are reaching azure for domain names.
There must be something really basic I am missing (???) It is as if DNS resolution is stopping at the virtual machines. Any suggestions.
If you are Configuring multiple websites in a IIS of VM and also you want to map them for different domain name, then you need to Configure Host Header for all websites in IIS (Please find below links for this) and also need to update same A Record for all your websites at you Domain provider setting.
This will work if you have separate Domain Names registered else it will not work.
Without domain name you can deploy websites on different ports in IIS and then configure custom domain in Azure Load Balancer NAT rules.
Links for Host Header config in IIS
This was my fault in some missing hyphens in the zone record. The other .net website was throwing 500 errors sometimes instead of error-name-not_resolved from incomplete nameserver propogation and incomplete .net configuration for the website on VM
The host headers were set correctly including www.xxx.com and .xxx.com variants for both port 80 and port 443, and I did have the 'A' records with both # and www variants in the zone set to the IP of the load balancer correctly.
For anyone else with these issues, when checking for localhost connectivity test on your virtual machine (assuming you are hosting multiple sites), remember to add a virtual directory in IIS manager pointing to the file location along with an alias.
While a learning curve, the whole infrastructure of Azure is quite amazing! Impressed.

DNS not resolving outside intranet

We are installing a security camera system in our company which comes with a DVR that hosts a website on which you can view the cameras via the web.
I have setup the DVR with a static IP of on our network and can view the website while on our network (either when at work or logged in via VPN). The camera DVR uses port 80 for viewing the webpage and port 9000 for Media Port.
We use GoDaddy to host our DNS info and I have added an Host(A) record of 'cameras' that points to the address of our server. I have also added a forward lookup Host(A) to our domain's DNS manager of 'cameras' that points to When I use the address 'cameras.mysite.com' within our domain the website displays properly, but when I try the same address from outside our domain (ie, at home) it displays the default IIS 7 page (from our domain server).
Two questions about this setup:
Why does the forward lookup work when inside our domain but not outside (why does it go to the IIS default page when outside the network)?
How do I get this to forward correctly if not via the forward lookup host?
Because internally you're looking it up on your internal DNS server and you get the right 192.168.x.x machine. When you look it up externally GoDaddy is giving you back the 192.168.x.x, but that's not a publicly routable IP, so doesn't go anywhere. If you really want to be able to connect to your security cameras from outside your facility then I suggest setting up a VPN for security reasons. But if you want GoDaddy to directly route to your internal machine from the public internet then you'll have to give it a publicly routable IP.
As a further note on that - 10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x and 172.16-31.255.255 are not publicly routable. They're called private IP blocks.
