Script to paste a specific string into a text field with a hotkey - linux

I am trying to find a way to paste a predefined string upon entering a specific keyboard sequence, on any app.
For example if I have to paste an url or a password into a field, I can have said password in a hidden script and when I press, say, [ctrl] + [5], it would write "example123" on the text field where my cursor is.
Ideally without copying to the clipboard (I'd prefer keeping what I have on my clipboard and also avoiding to paste a password or such by mistake elsewhere).
I have tried every solution I've found so far that include xclip, xdotool and xvkdb. All of them either do not work or are really inconsistent: They only paste the string sometimes, and when they do, it's usually only part of the string ("ample123" instead of "example123").
I thought of using compose key, which I heavily use anyway to write in french on an us keyboard, but it seems it only supports 1 character sequences, as nothing is printed when I modify my .XCompose to include custom output sequences of len > 1.
I am using Ubuntu 18.04 with Gnome as a DE. Ideally something that also works when logging back (like compose keys).

You need to walk the Document Object Model for either Gnome or your web-page. My concern is that with a desktop script you wont be able to access the web page because you will need to be able to establish a target to send string to. I see in your question that you tried using using "x{tool-name}" to grab the text field element. Delivering the sting really isn't the problem. The problem is getting the GUI element of text box pragmatically. The easiest way to get access to this in a user loaded web-page is with WebExtensions API which is how to make extensions for most modern browsers. Otherwise, if you can get away with only having access to Gnome's GUI I would try LDTP, it's a library used for testing, but it looks like it can be used for automation too.
For keyboard shortcuts:
It really shouldn't matter what the script is doing to how you want to activate it. I would just go to Gnome/Settings/Keyboard and set the path to where I saved the script to be the Command. If you go the WebExtension route, you will want to build the shortcut into your extension.


How to change the Sublime Text 3 StatusBar message in a command or macro (no plugin)?

addressing Sublime Text 3 users here.
I wrote a couple of macros to enable spell-check and load a specific dictionary, as I constantly swap between French and English and I wanted a simple shortcut for this (instead of browsing the menu or two successive commands in the command pallet).
My macros work as expected (french-spellcheck.sublime-macro, english-spellcheck.sublime-macro).
But I would like to display a message in the Status Bar, for instance "Switched to French" or "Switched to English" (for some time, let say 5 sec).
I looked everywhere I know and I tried for some time, but apparently there is no way to do this in a command (that could be added at the end of the macro), as the set_status internal ST3's Python API command (from Window package) is only available for plugins...
Does any one has an idea of how to display a message to the SublimeText3 StatusBar in a command/macro and not with a plugin? Thanks!
There is no built in command that invokes the API methods for doing this (at least not a documented one), so there's no way to go about this without a plugin of some sort.
That said, in order to do what you want, the following is all you would need to save into a file named e.g. in your Packages/User folder (alongside your macros). This provides a set_status command that takes a value named value for the text to display, as mentioned in the commented out portion of your macro file.
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class SetStatusCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, value="set_status: use arg 'value' to set text"):
self.view.window ().status_message (value)
This uses a different API than the one you mention in your macro file comments; status_message does the work of displaying a message in the status bar, waiting a few seconds, and then removing it, which makes the command simple to implement.
If you wanted more control (i.e. to change the duration) you would need to modify this to invoke the API commands your macro files already mention: view.set_status() and sublime.set_timeout().

How to add comments to folder in linux and view them with mouse cursor

I run simulations for various choices of parameters. For each choice I store the resulting data in a folder, like
...and so forth.
would like to write a little text file AAA.txt which contains not just the C parameter but all the others too. Then when viewing this folder which contains the data I want to hold my cursor on the little file symbol and have a little box appear. This box should show just the content of AAA.txt, so I can quickly check which set of parameters was used in this particular run.
Anyone know how to do this? I use Ubuntu 14.04
I am not aware of ways to give you a custom "tooltip". As an alternative, you could look into creating custom thumbnails of your .dat files.
See here for how to do that with nautilus; the default file browser for Ubuntu.
Alternatively, you might look into what Gloobus can do for you.

Prevent text-copying, even through element inspection

I need to know if it's possible to not only prevent webusers copying a body of text (I know this already), but also how to prevent them from just pulling it from the element inspection tool?
Not Possible, since all website file will be downloaded to user's computer
they can read + copy whatever they want

Getting data from a browser by screen-scraping

I have gone thru several relevant looking questions but they did not contain the answer I am looking for. So, here is my question:
I have several web applications at my workplace, which are written using different frameworks and the authors are long gone to ask for feature updates. Hence I have to go thru the same grueling sequence of actions to get, which amounts to a file size of few kilobytes, everyday.
I tried parsing the page source but the programming technique of the authors were all over the place. Some even intentionally obscure the code to not let the data show as text, and there is no reason for this as the code they wrote is company asset. Long story short, I realized if I can copy and paste the textual content of these pages, I can process that data much easily than parsing the page source to get the text (which is sometimes totally impossible)
So, I am now looking for a browser plug-in (in windows or linux environments) or equivalent text based tools on windows or linux, which will load these pages and save the text on the screen to file(s) when invoked.
Despite how hard I tried, I am coming up empty handed.
I do not want to utilize the services of a third party screen-scraping web site, as the data is company confidential and not accessible by outside parties. Everything has to happen on the client end as I do not have access to the servers these apps are running on (mostly IIS on windows front end and a oracle db at the back end. The middle tier, as I have explained before is anyone's wild guess, ranging from native oracle apps to weblogic to tomcat and to some in house developed java/javascript stuff.
Thanks for all the help in advance
After searching for an answer for well over a year, I came to realize, as long as I use windows, a modern version of it that is, autohotkey is my savior.
I open the web page, maximize it, place my cursor (mousemove, x, y) then left click (mouseclick, L) then send ctrl-A followed by ctrl-C.
Voila ! everything is in the clipboard. Then I activate my unix session (winactivate PuTTY) and send appropriate key press commands to launch the editor of my choice (which is vi) and finally send a shift-Insert to paste the clipboard into my document. Then save and exit of course.
As an added bonus, right after my document is saved, I can invoke the script of my choice to parse this file and give me back the portion(s) I am interested in.
I know it is not bullet proof, but for my purpose, it helps to a great extent. As a matter of fact, I can do whatever I want with this method.
What about something like this:
Freeware that converts an HTML page to text
Any of links, lynx or w3m will do what you want, they are text browsers and you can dump text from a webpage with, for example:
w3m -dump > g.txt

how can I extract text contents from GUI apps in linux?

I want to extract text contents from GUI apps,here are 2 examples::
example 1:
Suppose I opened firefox, and input url :
how can I extract the string "" from firefox using my own app ?
example 2:
open calculator(using gcalctool),then input 1+1
How can I extract the string "1+1" of calculator from my own program?
in brief ,what I want is to find out whether there is a way to extract the text contents from any widget of an GUI application
I don't think there's a generic way to do this, at least not a very elegant one.
Some inelegant ideas:
You might be able to modify the X window system or even some toolkit framework to extract what is being displayed in specific window elements as text.
You could take a screenshot and use an OCR library to convert the pixels back into text for the interesting areas.
You could recompile the apps of interest to add some kind of mechanism for asking them questions.
You could use something like xtest to inject events highlighting the region of interest and copying it to the clipboard.
I believe firefox and gcalctool are for examples only and you just want to know in general how to pass output of one application to other application.
There are many ways to do that on Linux, like:
application1 | application2
btw here is the Firefox command line manual if you want to start firefox on Ubuntu with a URL. eg:
firefox "$url"
where $url is a variable whose value can be
That sounds difficult. Supposing you're running X11, you can very easily grab a window picture ( see "man xwd"); however there is no easy way to get to the text unless it's selected and therefore copied to the clipboard.
Alternatively, if you only want to capture user input, this is quite easy to do, too, by activation the X11 record extension: put this in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
Section "Module"
Load "record"
#Load other modules you need ...
though it may prove difficult to use too, see example code for Xorg/X11 record extension fails
