GitLab - CI/CD : external public ressources issue - gitlab

I've build a test scenario for gitlab (.gitlab-ci.yml) but I've issue for some tests as they need to have an access on public ressources (provided by internet without limitation but specific url + port).
A simple test has validated the access blocked by the gitlab docker during the validation phase:
$ wget http://url:port
--2018-07-03 13:42:06-- http://url:port/
Connecting to url:port... failed: Connection refused.
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
ls of course validated on another server/pc/...
Someone has an idea on the 'howto' proceed to open this network flow?
Thanks for help and have a nice day ;-) !


Puppet Local Compile failure due to requesting accessing to Puppet Master

I want to perform puppet(version 6.16) local compile for testing purpose by using following cmd.
puppet catalog compile --environmentpath="xxx" --environment="ccc" --modulepath="ttt" --manifest="hhh" --vardir="eee"
It went well until I hit one custom module which is calling following puppet function:
Puppet::FileServing::Content.indirection.find(file, :environment => compiler.environment)
The error is as per below :
Error: Request to failed after 0.002 seconds: The private key is missing from '/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/'
which I think it tries to connect to Puppet Master to query the file.
The thing is I only want to perform a local compile which NOT really want to talking to Puppet Master for any information.
So any workaround that I can do to ask it only looking at local environment not checking with Puppet Master?
BTW following method seems ok which is checking local environment not check Master side.
Puppet::Parser::Files.find_file(file, compiler.environment)
I'm relatively new in Puppet, Thanks in advance.
I expect I can run puppet catalog compile cmd purely locally without talking to Puppet Master to perform a sanity check only to see whether we are missing anything during compile phase before we push anything to production branch.

How to solve 'GitRepository not found' error in FluxCD?

I am trying to use Azure kuberenetes cluster and FluxCD to connect to a repository named realtimeapp-infra in Gitlab. I created the source and kustomization .yaml files in another repo training-setup, but getting the following error when I use flux get kustomizations in cmd. I was getting the same error with GitHub also. (I am new to both FluxCD and Kubernetes.)
EDIT: The problem was solved. It was due to no master branch in the repository, and I did not have access to create the master branch. After the owner created it, the issue was resolved.
Did you connected to repository realtimeapp-infra as a GitRepository inside flux with username & credentials? This is a own CRD type coming with flux = kubectl get gitrepository -A

Error on running integration tests while building hono from source - certificate expired

I followed the steps for building hono from source from this page
The build completes without errors, but when running the integration tests, I receive lots of errors related to timeouts and expired certificates. Here's an excerpt of the log:
HTTP11:59:07.040 [main] INFO o.e.h.adapter.http.impl.Application - The following profiles are active: prod
ARTEMIS2020-10-29 11:59:09,455 ERROR [org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server] AMQ224088: Timeout (10 seconds) while handshaking with / has occurred.
QPID2020-10-29 11:59:09.827479 +0000 SERVER (info) [C4] Connection to hono-artemis.hono:5671 failed: amqp:connection:framing-error SSL Failure: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
Is it possible to update the certificates or is this not the main problem?
Here's the link to the complete log file
You are probably building sources from one of the previously released tags, i.e. not from the master branch, right?
If so, the demo certificates included in the source code may have expired in the meantime since the time of release. You can re-create the certificates by running the demo-certs/ script. Note that this needs to be done once only, i.e. it is not necessary to do this before each build.

Issue on Connection with Cordapp to Springboot

I am new to Springboot. Currently, I am working on Corda Blockchain, I am facing some issues in connecting my cordapp through spring-boot.
enter image description here
enter image description here
If anyone have any reference or solution,kindly share it help me to solve this problem
You don't set the values inside NodeRPCConnection; see example here:
They are injected when you run one of the runPartyServer gradle tasks:
For example to start PartyA webserver, all you have to do is type: ./gradlew runPartyAServer.
Obviously, you must first start your node then run the webserver.

mesos-slave can not connect No credentials provided error

I am new to mesos.
After starting mesos-master, I tried to connect mesos-slave with the following command
/usr/sbin/mesos-slave --ip= --master= --work_dir=/tmp/mesos/work/int --no-systemd_enable_support
It is not connecting to master. It is throwing the following error
No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
Thank you in advance.
No credentials provided meaning you are trying to load a slave which is on a different network which is not configured in mesos config files.
once you register it then you can add it.
for the example sake try
for master
./bin/ –ip= –work_dir=/var/lib/mesos
for slave
./bin/ –master= –work_dir=/tmp/mesos –no-systemd_enable_support
open browser
if all the steps are followed properly you should find a Mesos dashboard more details
