If the date is falling on weekend or not in maximo - maximo

I want to create a condition such that it checks if the date entered in the date-field is falling on weekend or not. Is it possible in MAXIMO7.6?


Excel formula to determine shipping date

Due to production and shipping issues my job has created a report that has the customer's need by date and if a product has been completed or not. If an order is complete we need to determine when it will ship out and arrive to the customer. We have a set shipping schedule and orders get shipped on the truck right before the need by date. For example our truck leaves on Monday and Friday every week so if an order is complete and the need by date is on a Wednesday it will ship on Monday so any order with a need by date from Tuesday to Friday gets shipped the Monday before and any need by date from Saturday to Monday gets shipped on Friday. Now my questions is, is there a way to have a date range yield it's shipping date? Example when I'm writing this it's 5/11/2022 so if I have completed orders with need by dates of 5/12 and 5/15 all of which should be on the 5/13 truck could I use a formula to fill in the shipping date for those need by dates? We've been doing it manually and although determining the dates isn't difficult it's time consuming when each report has over 3000 lines and there is a report for each customer. If it's not possible then we won't have a choice but I would like to hope so. Please help.
The third column is just to show that the ship dates are on the correct day. It looks different because the dates are Australian (DD/MM/YYYY) rather than American (MM/DD/YYYY), but that shouldn't matter for the function to work.
The function in the Ship Date column:
Need By Date (including header) = A7:A20
Ship Date (including header) = B7:B20
TEXT(value, format_text): this is used to convert the date (DD/MM/YYYY) to the long day (e.g. Monday)
IF the day is Tues, Wed, Thurs, or Fri
THEN return the date of that weeks Monday
ELSE return the date of that weeks Friday

how calculate from endate amount of days excluding holidays

Hi does anybody has good idea about how calculating backwards day from end date with respect to workdays?
Lets say we know Deadline 30thNovember activity to be done. We know that we need 20 working days for activity to be performed. So how can we calculate latest start date for activity in respect to saturdays/sundays, if not Vacationdates or holidays?
I.e. Backwards logic of =WORKDAY(A2,B2)
Screenshot/here refer:
Falls down if holiday coincides with new end date or start date

excel validation custom function

This is my first post so hopefully it will be within regulations etc.
I am trying to write a data validation using the custom option.
The validation needs to check a date against potentially 3 other dates. I say potentially as one might not be filled in.
The the first two are boundary dates CalSD and CalED (Calendar Start Date and Calendar End Date)
The check dates are start and finish dates within a scope.
The ScopeStart Date needs to be:
less than ScopeEnd Date
less than CalED
greater than or equal to CalSD
both a number and a date
i have tried using:
However it appears to not like the OR section. if the date in E13 is missing then D13 is not < E13 and so the validation no longer works if the date d13>CalED for instance.
when there are two dates the validation works fine, or if I remove that section it works fine. but then there is nothing to check that the start is before the end scope date.
Hope all that makes sense?

Excel - Bi-Weekly Tasks - Fill Calendar

I have a Task month calendar. when i change the month of the calendar it shows me what I have to do which day of the month.
I basically have a list of task, when i change the month the tasks date automatically change accordingly a series of rules and that list will populate the calendar.
But I have some tasks that are bi-weekly, and I dont have a specific week to be done, they have to be done in the fortnight after the last time.
so I have the first week (day) that the task was done and i have the first day of the month i am... and with that i would wanted to know which days of the month i have to do that specific task.
Can you help me?
use the last reference point as the basis for creating the next due date. this would be the date the task was last performed. If it is due a fortnight from that last date then add 14 days. You may want to record the date that task was performed each time so that your formula is based on the date it was last completed each time it is calculated.
If you are wanting to plan ahead then make an assumption that it will be done in consistent 14 day iterations then build your formula to consider the actual date it was completed to readjust the plan going forward. So it will assume this will be done consistently until advised otherwise with an actual date it was last completed.
The trick is to get the first date in the month that matches the weekday of the last date and then you can easily add 14 days. Much like finding the first Monday/Sunday in a month to build a calendar.
A1 contains the last time the task was performed
C1 contains the 1st of the month
will return the next weekday that matches the weekday the task was last performed.
returns the number of days since
returns the number of days divided by 2. If this result is not a whole number (#.5) then it's not in the bi-weekly cycle and we need to add another 7 days to get the correct start date. If it is a whole number then it is our start date. We can use the mod function to find out if there is a decimal value.
Below or next to this cell you can simply reference the cell and add 14 =D1+14 and then add as many as you want to display.

Update a date with the current month and year, but always keep the same day

In Excel I have:
(H10) Constant -----------17/04/2015 --------Been updating the month manually.
(H11) Day Counter -------28 -----------------=DAY(TODAY())
(H13) Last Update -------17/04/2015 ------=IF(H11=17, EDATE(H13,1), H10)
I can get the H13 to update to the new month by adding 1 to the month but once the counter moves off 17 it reverts back to the old date H10.
Is there any way in Excel to keep the 17th constant and update only the month and year every 17th?
If you just want a cell to automatically always show the next 17th of the month (i.e. the next one after today) then you can use this stand alone formula
format with required date format
That will display 17-May-2015 until we reach 17th May, at which point it will change to 17-June-2015, and it will keep updating every month
