Makefile variable expansion syntax - linux

Please explain how does this TARGET get expanded?
For example, I have generated, and

This would get messy in the comments, reiterating the description from docs with this example. For:
Value of $(TARGET) would be As an empty string '' at the end of the word would gets replaced with .so. This "end of a word" is the difference from:
With PROJECT being helloworld, the resulting value would look the same, but call make PROJECT="hello world" and in case of the former you end up with and in TARGET, for the latter, it would be "hello". Or to quote the docs:
$(var:a=b)’ ... replace every a at the end of a word with b ... “at the end of a word”, we mean that a must appear either followed by whitespace or at the end of the value in order to be replaced


How would I do pattern matching on this string in lua?

I have a string which contains a path to a file:
Is there a way I can remove the word between the last backslash and the second last backslash (in this case it is directory), however I would like a way to do this several times:
First time I run the code the path should look like this:
If I run the code on the new string I just got from running the program the first time, the output should be like this:
Yes, this is very much possible. I propose the following pattern:
^(.+)\.-\(.-)$ - this will match the entire path, matching first the directories up to the parent directory and then the filename. Use it as follows:
local function strip_parent_dir(path)
local path_to_parent, filename = path:match[[^(.+)\.-\(.-)$]]
return path_to_parent .. "\\" .. filename
which can then be used as follows:
print(strip_parent_dir[[C:\Users\user\directory\build.bat]]) -- C:\Users\user\build.bat
print(strip_parent_dir(strip_parent_dir[[C:\Users\user\directory\build.bat]])) -- C:\Users\build.bat
another option would be to split the path by the path delimiter (backslash), inserting the parts into a table, then removing the penultimate entry, finally concatenating the parts; this is slightly longer but may be considered more readable (and it may have better asymptotic performance):
local function strip_parent_dir(path)
local parts = {}
for part in path:gmatch"[^\\]+" do
table.insert(parts, part)
table.remove(parts, #parts - 1)
return table.concat(parts, "\\")
the results are the same. Choose whatever you consider more readable.

How are the double-quotes managed when I put this code into a loop?

On SO, I was just given two answers that both work when called a single time. Now I want to put them in a loop and loop over several rows of data. However, I'm having a heck of time getting the code correct. I'm suspect it has to how I'm handling the double quotes.
The stand alone code lines are as follows.
Var = ActiveSheet.Evaluate("And(A1:F1)") and
Var = Application.WorksheetFunction.And(Range("A1:F1"))
for the first example I tried:
for i = 2 to 20
Var = ActiveSheet.Evaluate("And(A & i & :F & i)")
Next i
This produces "Error 2015"
for the second:
for i = 2 to 20
Var = Application.WorksheetFunction.And(Range("A" & i & ":F" & i))
Next i
This produces a line of red code
What am I doing wrong?
The Visual Basic Editor is making this harder than it should be, because its default syntax highlighting is making string literals the same color as identifiers:
You can change that under Tools/Options, and make Identifier Text a different color - here teal:
Now string literals are still black, but now identifiers look visually distinctive:
What you want to make sure, is that your variables are syntax-highlighted like identifiers - so they're teal, not black - like in your second example:
Contrast with your first attempt, where i doesn't get syntax-highlighted as the identifier it should be:
And since you know that i is a VBA variable and you want VBA to concatenate its value into this string, then i being syntax-highlighted as any other string literal (and not as an identifier) is your visual cue that something's off!
Compare to #JNevill's fixed version:
With Identifier Text having a different syntax highlighting than string literals in the editor, it becomes much easier to quickly locate a variable that's accidentally inside a string literal.
That first snippet isn't working, because ActiveSheet.Evaluate takes its parameter and gives it to Excel's expression evaluation engine, ...which has no idea what to do with this i. Variable i only exists in the execution context of the VBA code: only VBA code can evaluate its value.

How to repeat a string 'x' amount of times in Livecode

I have a program which sets a variable "x" to the length of a random dictionary word, and then should put "a" into a field x amount of times. However I am unsure whether my syntax is right or wrong. The variable randomword is already defined and works. My non-working code is as follows:
global x
on mouseUp
put length(randomword) into x
put repeatedString("a",x) into field "wordDisplay"
end mouseUp
However, when I look at wordDisplay after clicking my button, it is blank. An explanation of why, and code to fix this would be really beneficial.
You don't say if 'repeatedString' is a function you're calling from somewhere else, but if I understand what you're trying to do, you can try something like this, where you place 'a' into temporary variable:
put length(randomword) into x
repeat x
put "a" after temp
end repeat
set text of field "wordDisplay" to temp
Also, am guessing this is the case, but the only reason to use the global is if you plan to use the value of x across the scripts of multiple objects. If you're just using 'x' in this script, you don't need the variable declaration.
Page 227 of my book "Programming LiveCode for the Real Beginner" contains the following useful function, which does exactly what you want:
function repeatChar theChar,theAmount
local myLongString
set the itemDel to theChar
put theChar into item theAmount of myLongString
return myLongString
end repeatChar
Note that a repeat loop is not necessary.
Use the function in your script like this:
global randomWord
on mouseUp
local x
put length(randomWord) into x
put repeatChar("a",x) into field "wordDisplay"
end mouseUp

Optional lines in Ultisnips using parameters

I am trying to have some additional lines inserted in snippets based on a parameter. I am not sure how design such snippet.
snippet 'mysnip' 'snippets with optional lines'
This snippet line1 is inserted by default
<This line1a should be inserted if parameter1 is true>
This snippet line2 is inserted by default
<This line2a should be inserted if parameter1 is true>
It is not very clear to me how/where you want to enter your parameters.
One option is to define two snippets, one called mysnip and the other one mysnip1 - in this case you pass the parameter in the snippet name, and the definition of these two snippets should be straightforward.
Another option is to just define one snippet mysnip, and pass the parameter somewhere within this snippet. A working example could look like this:
snippet mysnip1
${1:Change this snippet line to have the text "True" (without quotes).}
This line is always present. `!p
if t[1]=="True":
snip += "A line displayed when $1 has the text True.
You can fake this using regular expression triggers. It only works if you do not want to have tabstops in your optional arguments though:
snippet /mysnip([a-z]*)/ "Optionals" r
this is always here!`!p
if "a" in
snip += "only when a"
if "b" in
snip += "only when b"`
If you type mysnip it will just be the first line, mysnipb the first and thirdm and mysnipab will be all of it.
Can't you put your optional lines in a variable that your snippet engine will expand?
In case it doesn't join automatically empty lines produced from a empty variable, you may have to have your variable contain a newline character and put it or the line before/after.

Reading from a string using sscanf in Matlab

I'm trying to read a string in a specific format
this is one example of string and what I want to extract is the name of the team.
I've tried something like this,
houseteam = sscanf(str, '%s');
but it does not work, why?
You can use regexprep like you did in your post above to do this for you. Even though your post says to use sscanf and from the comments in your post, you'd like to see this done using regexprep. You would have to do this using two nested regexprep calls, and you can retrieve the team name (i.e. RealSociedad) like so, given that str is in the format that you have provided:
str = 'RealSociedad';
houseteam = regexprep(regexprep(str, '^<a(.*)">', ''), '</a>$', '')
This looks very intimidating, but let's break this up. First, look at this statement:
regexprep(str, '^<a(.*)">', '')
How regexprep works is you specify the string you want to analyze, the pattern you are searching for, then what you want to replace this pattern with. The pattern we are looking for is:
This says you are looking for patterns where the beginning of the string starts with a a<. After this, the (.*)"> is performing a greedy evaluation. This is saying that we want to find the longest sequence of characters until we reach the characters of ">. As such, what the regular expression will match is the following string:
We then replace this with a blank string. As such, the output of the first regexprep call will be this:
We want to get rid of the </a> string, and so we would make another regexprep call where we look for the </a> at the end of the string, then replace this with the blank string yet again. The pattern you are looking for is thus:
The dollar sign ($) symbolizes that this pattern should appear at the end of the string. If we find such a pattern, we will replace it with the blank string. Therefore, what we get in the end is:
Found a solution. So, %s stops when it finds a space.
str = regexprep(str, '<', ' <');
str = regexprep(str, '>', '> ');
houseteam = sscanf(str, '%*s %s %*s');
This will create a space between my desired string.
