While setting up google assistant from dialog flow, It allows to have one invocation name to be used to invoke my agent. Is there any possibility that I can have multiple invocation name to trigger my agent. For eg, "Talk to my app" , "Talk to special app" and "Talk to my own app"
At overview page of Actions on Google, go to "get ready for deployment" section and select "Enter information required for listing your Action in the Actions directory" there in "sample invocations" part you can add multiple invokation examples, see if it helps!
In the Actions Console, I click on the Add Action Button and the browser sends me to the Dialog Flow Essentials page. There, I've created an agent what works. However, in the Actions Console, no action seems to be created.
How can I use my google home device to interact with the DialogFlow agent? Am I missing some step in the Actions Console UI?
On the integrations window in dialog flow, click on the google assistant integration
You will receive the above pop-up window where you can configure the action that will be triggered and if you want to make some changes to the integration you will need to click the manage assistant app option and the follow window will open.
Here, you can specify how the action will work and when you are done configuring it. You will be able to deploy it . You will need to introduce a few more things, so with this, your action will be totally personalizable.
I am developing a new google home app. The google action is written in Dialogflow. The web hook is written in node js using JOVO framework. The action requires account linking with OAUTH.
I am trying to simulate and test "first time user" or "new user". In JOVO this is handled with a handler called NEW_USER.
I am looking to create the correct testing conditions so NEW_USER is triggered, unable to do so. Tried the following
1) https://support.google.com/googlehome/answer/7126338?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en - this contains a section in Step 2 to unlink the app. This does not work as described , as my action is yet unpublished I do not see it in the section as described, so I cannot unlink it.
2) I go to dialog flow and force a change in some intent - this seams to unlink my account. So now when I open my action "ok google , talk to XYZ" it asks for account linking - however, after account linking it does not go to NEW_USER handler, it seams to remember that I am not a new user.
3) Go to my OAUTH server and logout the user - google assistant still remembers that user is not new user
4) Create a new OAUTH user from google home app while doing account linking - even then NEW_USER is not triggered. The google assistant still remembers and does not treat me as new user.
Is there a way to create conditions to test a new user on google home?
Just a side note, this is easy on Alexa. In Alexa app, if you disable your skill and re-enable it, all previous history is lost and NEW_USER is triggered. So I am able to test "first time user" condition for developing Alexa.
We had success using the account linking URL provided in the Google Assistant Simulator and clicking on "unlink my accounts": https://gala-demo.appspot.com/
Is it possible to have a separate URI for each step of the MFA in B2C? Right now as a work around, we are keying off the ajax Success return to provide a unique user experience for each step but it might be cleaner if we don't have to rely on this.
According to the documentation, we should be able to extend the phonefactor technical profiles, but there aren't any details about this specifically.
Let's assume I have zzz.com/A for a page containing the options: "call me" and "send code."
Let's say I select "send code", can I then specify zzz.com/B for a page containing, the "Enter your verification code below," input?
Or perhaps if I select "Call Me" can I send that to zzz.com/C to display another user experience there?
The MFA behaviour (for a custom policy, this is implemented by the PhoneFactorProtocolProvider provider) is built to be self-contained that means the call/text interaction can't be separated from the verify interaction.
I am following "https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/api-management-howto-cache#a-nametest-operation-acall-an-operation-and-test-the-caching" for Azure API Management.
I am unable to see the "Open Console" Button as referred.
You need to go to the "Developer Portal" (make sure you are signed in)
Go to APIS, Open your API, there is a button called "Try it", which is the right button. The documentation needs to be updated.
In the new Azure Portal for API management (preview at the moment), you can also test the API's, there is a seperate "Test" tab available when you edit an API.
Currently my service sends users an email with two links (action "A" and action "B"). Clicking on the link opens a new tab with action confirmation.
There was a desire to allow the user to select the action without opening a new tab, directly from the GMail.
To do this, I wanted to use the Email Markup, but it turned out that it only supports a single action. (I found it not in Email Markup docs, but on Stackoverflow, here)
As an alternative, I would like to use contextual gadgets, but the documentation says:
There are two development and deployment models:
Develop a Gmail contextual gadget for use within a single organization's Google Apps domains (an in-house application).
List the gadget for sale on the Google Apps Marketplace.
i.e. use gadgets for this purpose will not work.
Is there some other opportunity to allow users to select the action directly in the GMail?