itext7 how to consider rotation angle in TextPlusYExtractionStrategy - text

The text positioning (y) is determined by the TextPlusYExtractionStrategy perfectly when the rotation angle is 0 (portrait). In case of rotation angle is 90 degree (landscape) the position y provided from left to right instead of top to bottom. How to consider the rotation to get the text position y in when the page is 90 degree.

The below code helped me to resolve my issue.
if(rotation == 90){
chunkY = chunk.getLocation().getStartLocation().get(Vector.I1);
Constructor of TextPlusYExtractionStrategy can take the rotation angle, and use the Vector.I1 which is x co-ordinate of the chunk.
The issue will solve only the landscape (rotation=90) issue to find the Y coordinate of the search text.


How do I rotate a point on the surface of a sphere given 3 degrees of rotation?

I have a point on a sphere that needs to be rotated. I have 3 different degrees of rotation (roll, pitch, yaw). Are there any formulas I could use to calculate where the point would end up after applying each rotation? For simplicity sake, the sphere can be centered on the origin if that helps.
I've tried looking at different ways of rotation, but nothing quite matches what I am looking for. If I needed to just rotate the sphere, I could do that, but I need to know the position of a point based on the rotation of the sphere.
Using Unity for an example, this is outside of unity in a separate project so using their library is not possible:
If the original point is at (1, 0, 0)
And the sphere then gets rotated by [45, 30, 15]:
What is the new (x, y, z) of the point?
If you have a given rotation as a Quaternion q, then you can rotate your point (Vector3) p like this:
Vector3 pRotated = q * p;
And if you have your rotation in Euler Angles then you can always convert it to a Quaternion like this (where x, y and z are the rotations in degrees around those axes):
Quaternion q = Quaternion.Euler(x,y,z);
Note that Unity's euler angles are defined so that first the object is rotated around the z axis, then around the x axis and finally around the y axis - and that these axes are all the in the space of the parent transform, if any (not the object's local axes, which will move with each rotation).
So I suppose that the z-axis would be roll, the x-axis would be pitch and the y axis would be yaw.You might have to switch the signs on some axes to match the expected result - for example, a positive x rotation will tilt the object downwards (assuming that the object's notion of forward is in its positive z direction and that up is in its positive y direction).

Having the coordinates of the two triangles of a twisted triangle prism, how can I know if a point is inside it?

Here some examples of twisted triangle prisms.
I want to know if a moving triangle will hit a certain point. That's why I need to solve this problem.
The idea is that a triangle with random coordinates becomes the other random triangle whose vertices all move between then
related: How to determine point/time of intersection for ray hitting a moving triangle?
One of my students made this little animation in Mathematica.
It shows the twisting of a prism to the Schönhardt polyhedron.
See the Wikipedia page for its significance.
It would be easy to determine if a particular point is inside the polyhedron.
But whether it is inside a particular smooth twisting, as in your image, depends on the details (the rate) of the twisting.
Let's bottom triangle lies in plane z=0, it has rotation angle 0, top triangle has rotation angle Fi. Height of twisted prism is Hgt.
Rotation angle linearly depends on height, so layer at height h has rotation angle
a(h) = Fi * h / Hgt
If point coordinates are (x,y,z), then shift point to z=0 and rotate (x,y) coordinates about rotation axis (rx, ry) by -a(z) angle
t = -a(z) = - Fi * z / Hgt
xn = rx + (x-rx) * Cos(t) - (y-ry) * Sin(t)
yn = ry + (x-rx) * Sin(t) - (y-ry) * Cos(t)
Then check whether (xn, yn) lies inside bottom triangle

Why does the projection of an image over 3d points show this distortion?

I have a question regarding the projection of an image over a set of 3D points. The image is given to me as a JPG, together with position and attitude information of the camera relative to a cartesian coordinate system (Xc,Yc,Zc and yaw, pitch, roll), as well as the horizontal and vertical field of view (in degrees).
Points are given using solely their 3d position in the same coordinate system (Xp,Yp,Zp).
In my coordinate system, Z is up. To project the image onto the points, I
compute the vector from camera to each point
Vector3 c2p = (Xp,Yp,Zp)-(Xc,Yc,Zc);
rotate c2p according to my camera's attitude (quaternion):
Vector3 c2pCamFrame = getCamQuaternion().conjugate().rotate(c2p);
compute azimuth and elevation from the camera's "center ray" to the point:
float azimuth = atan2(c2pCamFrame.x(),c2pCamFrame.y()));
float elevation = atan2(c2pCamFrame.z(),sqrt(pow(c2pCamFrame.x(),2)+pow(c2pCamFrame.y(),2)));
if azimuth and elevation are within the field of view, I assign the color of the corresponding pixel to the point.
This works almost perfectly, and the "almost" motivates my question. Let me show you:
I cannot figure out why the elevation of the projection is distorted. In the bottom right of the image, you can see that points outside the frustum (exceeding the elevation) actually become colored - and this distortion is null at an azimuth of 0 degrees and peaks at the left and right edges of the image, creating the pillow distortion.
Why does this distortion appear? I'd love to understand this problem both in geometrical as well as mathematical terms. Thank you!
The field of view angles are only valid on the principal axes. But you can do it the other way around. I.e. calculate the x/y bounds from the angles:
maxX = tan(horizontal_fov / 2)
maxY = tan(vertical_fov / 2)
And check
if(abs(c2pCamFrame.x() / c2pCamFrame.z()) <= maxX
&& abs(c2pCamFrame.y() / c2pCamFrame.z()) <= maxY)
Additionally, you might want to check if the points are in front of the camera:
... && c2pCamFrame.z() > 0
This assumes a left-handed coordinate system.

Determine if tap is within circular area

In my app I am currently able to work out whether the user's tap is within a rectangular area simply by checking all of the following conditions are true:
Finger X > rectangle X
Finger Y > rectangle Y
Finger X < rectangle X + rectangle Width
Finger Y < rectangle Y + rectangle Height
However, I now have to determine if the user taps within a circular area. Currently I have a circular shape on screen and have resorted to just checking it's bounding rectangle, which works but obviously isn't great.
Any help would be appreciated.
The distance between two points in two dimensions is defined as
dist = sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)
To check if your tap point is inside a circle, take the centre of your circle as (x1,y1), and the 'tap location' as (x2,y2), and check if
sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2) < R
With R being the radius of your circle.
As John mentioned, from a computational point of view it is more interesting to compare vs R^2, to avoid the sqrt for every tap. So the condition becomes:
(x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2 < R^2

Simple Trigonometry?

EDIT - Thanks for all the answers everyone. I think I accidentally led you slightly wrong as the square in the picture below should be a rectangle (I see most of you are referencing squares which seems like it would make my life a lot easier). Also, the x/y lines could go in any direction, so the red dot won't always be at the top y boundary. I was originally going for a y = mx + b solution, but then I got stuck trying to figure out how I know whether to plug in the x or the y (one of them has to be known, obviously).
I have a very simple question (I think) that I'm currently struggling with for some reason. I'm trying to have a type of minimap in my game which shows symbols around the perimeter of the view, pointing towards objectives off-screen.
Anyway, I'm trying to find the value of the red point (while the black borders and everything in green is known):
It seems like simple trigonometry, but for some reason I can't wrap my head around it. I just need to find the "new" x value from the green point to the red point, then I can utilize basic math to get the red point, but how I go about finding that new x is puzzling me.
Thanks in advance!
scale = max(abs(x), abs(y))
x = x / scale
y = y / scale
This is the simple case, for a square from (-1, -1) to (1, 1). If you want a different sized square, multiply the coordinates by sidelen / 2.
If you want a rectangle instead of a square, use the following formula. (This is another solution to the arbitrarily-sized square version)
scale = max(abs(x) / (width / 2), abs(y) / (height / 2))
x = x / scale
y = y / scale
Let's call the length of one side of the square l. The slope of the line is -y/x. That means, if you move along the line and rise a distance y toward the top of the square, then you'll move a distance x to the left. But since the green point is at the center of the square, you can rise only l/2. You can express this as a ratio:
-y -l/2
——— = ———
x d
Where d is the distance you'll move to the left. Solving for d, we have
d = xl/2y
So if the green dot is at (0, 0), the red dot is at (-l/2, xl/2y).
All you need is the angle and the width of the square w.
If the green dot is at (0,0), then the angle is a = atan(y/x), the y-coordinate of the dot is w/2, and therefore the x-coordinate of the dot is tan(1/a) * (w/2). Note that tan(1/a) == pi/2 - tan(a), or in other words the angle you really want to plug into tan is the one outside the box.
Edit: yes, this can be done without trig, too. All you need is to interpolate the x-coordinate of the dot on the line. So you know the y-coordinate is w/2, then the x-coordinate is (w/2) * x/y. But, be careful which quadrant of the square you're working with. That formula is only valid for -y<x<y, otherwise you want to reverse x and y.
