Are sequences faster than vectors for searching in haskell? - haskell

I am kind of new using data structures in haskell besides of Lists. My goal is to chose one container among Data.Vector, Data.Sequence, Data.List, etc ... My problem is the following:
I have to create a sequence (mathematically speaking). The sequence starts at 0. In each iteration two new elements are generated but only one should be appended based in whether the first element is already in the sequence. So in each iteration there is a call to elem function (see the pseudo-code below).
appendNewItem :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
appendNewItem acc = let firstElem = someFunc
secondElem = someOtherFunc
newElem = if firstElem `elem` acc
then secondElem
else firstElem
in acc `append` newElem
sequenceUptoN :: Int -> [Integer]
sequenceUptoN n = (iterate appendNewItem [0]) !! n
Where append and iterate functions vary depending on which colection you use (I am using lists in the type signature for simplicity).
The question is: Which data structure should I use?. Is Data.Sequence faster for this task because of the Finger Tree inner structure?
Thanks a lot!!

No, sequences are not faster for searching. A Vector is just a flat chunk of memory, which gives generally the best lookup performance. If you want to optimise searching, use Data.Vector.Unboxed. (The normal, “boxed” variant is also pretty good, but it actually contains only references to the elements in the flat memory-chunk, so it's not quite as fast for lookups.)
However, because of the flat memory layout, Vectors are not good for (pure-functional) appending: basically, whenever you add a new element, the whole array must be copied so as to not invalidate the old one (which somebody else might still be using). If you need to append, Seq is a pretty good choice, although it's not as fast as destructive appending: for maximum peformance, you'll want to pre-allocate an uninitialized Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable.MVector of the required size, populate it using the ST monad, and freeze the result. But this is much more fiddly than purely-functional alternatives, so unless you need to squeeze out every bit of performance, Data.Sequence is the way to go. If you only want to append, but not look up elements, then a plain old list in reverse order would also do the trick.

I suggest using Data.Sequence in conjunction with Data.Set. The Sequence to hold the sequence of values and the Set to track the collection.
Sequence, List, and Vector are all structures for working with values where the position in the structure has primary importance when it comes to indexing. In lists we can manipulate elements at the front efficiently, in sequences we can manipulate elements based on the log of the distance the closest end, and in vectors we can access any element in constant time. Vectors however, are not that useful if the length keeps changing, so that rules out their use here.
However, you also need to lookup a certain value within the list, which these structures don't help with. You have to search the whole of a list/sequence/vector to be certain that a new value isn't present. Data.Map and Data.Set are two of the structures for which you define an index value based on Ord, and let you lookup/insert in log(n). So, at the cost of memory usage you can lookup the presence of firstElem in your Set in log(n) time and then add newElem to the end of the sequence in constant time. Just make sure to keep these two structures in synch when adding or taking new elements.


Do I need a HashSet or a Set?

I want to initialise a set of all Ints from 1 to n (n<20000). Then I want to remove them one by one and meanwhile check if certain elements are still in it until the set is empty.
Which data structure is suited best for this task?
If you want to stick to immutable data structures, I would recommend IntSet. It's carefully optimized for precisely this kind of thing. A Set Int is a balanced binary search tree of Ints, which takes a lot of space and a good bit of time. A HashSet Int is an array-mapped trie of Ints, which is likely faster and more compact, but still pretty mediocre. An IntSet is a PATRICIA tree whose leaves are bitsets. So it's pretty compact (a little over twice the size of an unboxed immutable array when full), but much more efficient to modify.
Initializing an IntSet with all Ints from 1 to n takes O(n) time. If you're only initializing once, or once in a while, and n < 20000, then that shouldn't cause any performance trouble. If, however, you need to initialize often (especially if you sometimes only remove a few elements before discarding the set), or n turns out to be much larger (e.g., hundreds of millions) and you want to cut down on initialization time, you can use IntSet to represent the complement of the set you want to store.
data CompSet = CompSet
{ initialMax :: !Int
, size :: !Int
, missingElements :: !IntSet
A CompSet stores the initial maximum (n), and an IntSet indicating which elements in [1..initialMax] are no longer in the set. The size of the CompSet is initialized to initialMax and lets you know in O(1) time whether the set is empty (i.e., when size missingElements = initialMax).
Use a bitset (a.k.a. Integer). A 1 bit represents a value still in the set; a 0 bit represents one that just ain't there. For example, the Integer that represents having all the numbers from 1 to n would be bit (n+1) - 2 (assuming you plan to use 0-indexing, as seems sensible to me); to check whether a number is in the set, use testBit; to remove a number, use clearBit.
An alternate implementation strategy for the same underlying idea would be to use an unboxed array of Bool, either mutable or immutable as needed. The unboxed versions do the appropriate bit-packing. The only downside would be possibly having to resize the array if you need to add numbers to the set later that are larger than you originally allocated space for.

Data.Map: how do I tell if I "need value-strict maps"?

When choosing between Data.Map.Lazy and Data.Map.Strict, the docs tell us for the former:
API of this module is strict in the keys, but lazy in the values. If you need value-strict maps, use Data.Map.Strict instead.
and for the latter likewise:
API of this module is strict in both the keys and the values. If you need value-lazy maps, use Data.Map.Lazy instead.
How do more seasoned Haskellers than me tend to intuit this "need"? Use-case in point, in a run-and-done (ie. not daemon-like/long-running) command-line tool: readFileing a simple lines-based custom config file where many (not all) lines define key:value pairs to be collected into a Map. Once done, we rewrite many values in it depending on other values in it that were read later (thanks to immutability, in this process we create a new Map and discard the initial incarnation).
(Although in practice this file likely won't often or ever reach even a 1000 lines, let's just assume for the sake of learning that for some users it will before long.)
Any given run of the tool will perhaps lookup some 20-100% of the (rewritten on load, although with lazy-eval I'm never quite sure "when really") key:value pairs, anywhere between once and dozens of times.
How do I reason about the differences between "value-strict" and "value-lazy" Data.Maps here? What happens "under the hood", in terms of mainstream computing if you will?
Fundamentally, such hash-maps are of course about "storing once, looking up many times" --- but then, what in computing isn't, "fundamentally". And furthermore the whole concept of lazy-eval's thunks seems to boil down to this very principle, so why not always stay value-lazy?
How do I reason about the differences between "value-strict" and "value-lazy" Data.Maps here?
Value lazy is the normal in Haskell. This means that not just values, but thunks (i.e. recipes of how to compute the value) are stored. For example, lets say you extract the value from a line like this:
tail (dropUntil (==':') line)
Then a value-strict map would actually extract the value upon insert, while a lazy one would happily just remember how to get it. This is then also what you would get on a lookup
Here are some pros and cons:
lazy values may need more memory, not only for the thunk itself, but also for the data that are referenced there (here line).
strict values may need more memory. In our case this could be so when the string gets interpreted to yield some memory hungry structure like lists, JSON or XML.
using lazy values may need less CPU if your code doesn't need every value.
too deep nesting of thunks may cause stack-overflows when the value is finally needed.
there is also a semantic difference: in lazy mode, you may get away when the code to extract the value would fail (like the above one that fails if there isnt a ':' on the line) if you just need to look whether the key is present. In strict mode, your program crashes upon insert.
As always, there are no fixed measures like: "If your evaluated value needs less than 20 bytes and takes less than 30µs to compute, use strict, else use lazy."
Normally, you just go with one and when you notice extreme runtimes/memory usage you try the other.
Here's a small experiment that shows a difference betwen Data.Map.Lazy and Data.Map.Strict. This code exhausts the heap:
import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as M
main :: IO ()
main = print $ foldl' (\kv i -> M.adjust (+i) 'a' kv)
(M.fromList [('a',0)])
(cycle [0])
(Better to compile with a small maximum heap, like ghc Main.hs -with-rtsopts="-M20m".)
The foldl' keeps the map in WHNF as we iterate over the infinite list of zeros. However, thunks accumulate in the modified value until the heap is exhausted.
The same code with Data.Map.Strict simply loops forever. In the strict variant, the values are in WHNF whenever the map is in WHNF.

How to delete elements by value in a map structure restricted with having one key

The main problem is that I'm working in a functional language with immutable types so thing like pointers and deletion are a bit harder. I would prefer if this was implementable primarily in Haskell.
Let's imagine we have a single dimensional field
So I have a map with keys being SIZES and values being ADDRESSES because each entry starts from a certain ADDRESS and has a certain SIZE.
I want to be able to add an element by SIZE to a map and then check if the entries are touching so that I can merge them.
Since my map is by SIZEs I have to iterate through the whole map to find the ones with the bordering ADDRESSes.
Do I really have to chose between implementing a 2 key map and O(n) for merger?
Welp, in essence, this looks like computer memory. Do you want it to be efficient? Because you know, "things like pointers" exist and work in Haskell perfectly well.
Since my map is by SIZEs I have to iterate through the whole map to find the ones with the bordering ADDRESSes.
No, if you store the ranges in a separate data structure. I think for such non-overlapping subsets, there was something called a spanning tree (or as suggested by #Daniel, IntervalMap), but I'm not exactly an expert on those. Otherwise, why don't you simply hold memory blocks like that?
data Block = Block { start :: Int, data :: [Byte] }
type Memory = [Block]
You could cache the block length or use a data structure where length is O(1), to make merges O(nBlocks).
Sure, that doesn't make it obvious at the type level that they won't ever overlap, but that's an invariant you can keep for yourself.

Looking for an efficient array-like structure that supports "replace-one-member" and "append"

As an exercise I wrote an implementation of the longest increasing subsequence algorithm, initially in Python but I would like to translate this to Haskell. In a nutshell, the algorithm involves a fold over a list of integers, where the result of each iteration is an array of integers that is the result of either changing one element of or appending one element to the previous result.
Of course in Python you can just change one element of the array. In Haskell, you could rebuild the array while replacing one element at each iteration - but that seems wasteful (copying most of the array at each iteration).
In summary what I'm looking for is an efficient Haskell data structure that is an ordered collection of 'n' objects and supports the operations: lookup i, replace i foo, and append foo (where i is in [0..n-1]). Suggestions?
Perhaps the standard Seq type from Data.Sequence. It's not quite O(1), but it's pretty good:
index (your lookup) and adjust (your replace) are O(log(min(index, length - index)))
(><) (your append) is O(log(min(length1, length2)))
It's based on a tree structure (specifically, a 2-3 finger tree), so it should have good sharing properties (meaning that it won't copy the entire sequence for incremental modifications, and will perform them faster too). Note that Seqs are strict, unlike lists.
I would try to just use mutable arrays in this case, preferably in the ST monad.
The main advantages would be making the translation more straightforward and making things simple and efficient.
The disadvantage, of course, is losing on purity and composability. However I think this should not be such a big deal since I don't think there are many cases where you would like to keep intermediate algorithm states around.

What's the most idiomatic approach to multi-index collections in Haskell?

In C++ and other languages, add-on libraries implement a multi-index container, e.g. Boost.Multiindex. That is, a collection that stores one type of value but maintains multiple different indices over those values. These indices provide for different access methods and sorting behaviors, e.g. map, multimap, set, multiset, array, etc. Run-time complexity of the multi-index container is generally the sum of the individual indices' complexities.
Is there an equivalent for Haskell or do people compose their own? Specifically, what is the most idiomatic way to implement a collection of type T with both a set-type of index (T is an instance of Ord) as well as a map-type of index (assume that a key value of type K could be provided for each T, either explicitly or via a function T -> K)?
I just uploaded IxSet to hackage this morning,
ixset provides sets which have multiple indexes.
ixset has been around for a long time as happstack-ixset. This version removes the dependencies on anything happstack specific, and is the new official version of IxSet.
Another option would be kdtree:
darcs get
kdtree aims to improve on IxSet by offering greater type-safety and better time and space usage. The current version seems to do well on all three of those aspects -- but it is not yet ready for prime time. Additional contributors would be highly welcomed.
In the trivial case where every element has a unique key that's always available, you can just use a Map and extract the key to look up an element. In the slightly less trivial case where each value merely has a key available, a simple solution it would be something like Map K (Set T). Looking up an element directly would then involve first extracting the key, indexing the Map to find the set of elements that share that key, then looking up the one you want.
For the most part, if something can be done straightforwardly in the above fashion (simple transformation and nesting), it probably makes sense to do it that way. However, none of this generalizes well to, e.g., multiple independent keys or keys that may not be available, for obvious reasons.
Beyond that, I'm not aware of any widely-used standard implementations. Some examples do exist, for example IxSet from happstack seems to roughly fit the bill. I suspect one-size-kinda-fits-most solutions here are liable to have a poor benefit/complexity ratio, so people tend to just roll their own to suit specific needs.
Intuitively, this seems like a problem that might work better not as a single implementation, but rather a collection of primitives that could be composed more flexibly than Data.Map allows, to create ad-hoc specialized structures. But that's not really helpful for short-term needs.
For this specific question, you can use a Bimap. In general, though, I'm not aware of any common class for multimaps or multiply-indexed containers.
I believe that the simplest way to do this is simply with Data.Map. Although it is designed to use single indices, when you insert the same element multiple times, most compilers (certainly GHC) will make the values place to the same place. A separate implementation of a multimap wouldn't be that efficient, as you want to find elements based on their index, so you cannot naively associate each element with multiple indices - say [([key], value)] - as this would be very inefficient.
However, I have not looked at the Boost implementations of Multimaps to see, definitively, if there is an optimized way of doing so.
Have I got the problem straight? Both T and K have an order. There is a function key :: T -> K but it is not order-preserving. It is desired to manage a collection of Ts, indexed (for rapid access) both by the T order and the K order. More generally, one might want a collection of T elements indexed by a bunch of orders key1 :: T -> K1, .. keyn :: T -> Kn, and it so happens that here key1 = id. Is that the picture?
I think I agree with gereeter's suggestion that the basis for a solution is just to maintiain in sync a bunch of (Map K1 T, .. Map Kn T). Inserting a key-value pair in a map duplicates neither the key nor the value, allocating only the extra heap required to make a new entry in the right place in the index. Inserting the same value, suitably keyed, in multiple indices should not break sharing (even if one of the keys is the value). It is worth wrapping the structure in an API which ensures that any subsequent modifications to the value are computed once and shared, rather than recomputed for each entry in an index.
Bottom line: it should be possible to maintain multiple maps, ensuring that the values are shared, even though the key-orders are separate.
