Argument not optional when calling sub-procedure that passes dict as a value - excel

My question is a little different here because I am trying to call a sub-procedure that has passed a dictionary as a parameter and it keeps returning the error 'Argument not optional'. Please help!
Sub Code1()
Call sub_input
End Sub
Sub sub_input (dicDat as Dictionary)
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws =ActiveSheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim vTemp As Variant
vTemp =Range(Range("rInputStart").Offset(1),_
Dim price as Long
Dim currency As String: currency = vbNullString
Dim exchangeRate as String: exchangeRate = vbNullString
Dim remark as String: remark = vbNullString
For j =1 To 10
price = price & dicDat ("price" & CStr (j))&"|"
price = price ("rPriceManual").value
currency = currency & dicDat("dl_currency"&CStr(j))&"|"
exchangeRate =(exchangeRate & _
Remark= remark & dicDat("remarks"&CStr(j))&"|"
For i =LBound(vTemp,1)ToUBound(vTemp,1)
If vTemp(i,1)="currency"And dicDat(dl_currency)<> vbNullString _
vTemp(i,3)= currency
If vTemp(i,2)="remark"Then
If vTemp(i,2)="exchangeRate"Then
vTemp(i,3)= exchangeRate
Next i
Next j
End Sub

Try creating a scripting.dictionary object to pass over to the sub.
Option Explicit
Sub Code1()
Dim dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
dict.Item(10) = "abc"
dict.Item(11) = "bcd"
dict.Item(12) = "cde"
sub_input dict
End Sub
Sub sub_input(dicDat As Scripting.Dictionary)
Dim k As Variant
For Each k In dicDat.keys
Debug.Print k & " - " & dicDat.Item(k)
Next k
End Sub
If you prefer late-binding, use dim dict as object then set dict = createobject("scripting.dictionary").
To use this code, go into the VBE's Tools, References then locate Microsoft Scripting Runtime and put a check beside it to include this library in your project. Library references like this are on a project-to-project basis, not a computer-to-computer basis. If you run your workbook on another computer, it will be carried across.

You have called the sub sub_input but you are calling sub_book also sub_input requires a parameter sub_input(dicDat as Dictionary) but you are not adding a parameter to your call code.
For example:
if you called a sub sub Test but then add (name as string) next to it to make Sub Test(Name as string) you are making a variable that is necessary to run the sub. If you wanted to call this sub you would need to call it with a value to give the Name variable as it is a string you would need to surround that with "". as an example one way you could call this is call Test("Geoff") "Geoff" being the name string
The error you are getting is because you have not called your sub with nol value to the dicDat parameter. your code should look like: `call sub_input(TestValue) then that gives your 'dicDat' a value
For a more detailed explanation of argument not optional errors see here.
My suggestion is at the top of every module/class/sheet where you are going to add code type option explicit at the top and then you will find any typos on names or subs
Hope this helps


How can one disable autoformatting in Excel's VBA editor?

The single most annoying feature in Excel's built-in VBA editor is—in my opinion—the aggressive autoformatting of the code, which insists on rewriting what I have typed as soon as the cursor leaves the line. It is particularly distressing that the editor collapses all whitespace, thus preventing any meaningful code alignment. For example, if I try to align a sequence of assignments by the equals sign with values aligned by the decimal separator:
price = 10.01
quantity = 3.2
vat = 0.11
the editor inevitably scrambles it by collapsing all spaces:
price = 10.01
quantity = 3.2
vat = 0.11
Is there any way to avoid this kind unwelcome autoformatting?
Assignment cosmetics :-)
There's neither a special VBE property to change the VBE (autoformatting) options directly nor a way to do it programatically. - So afaik VBE irrevocably forces autoformatting upon the user by partial workarounds.
a) Class method
For the sake of the art and just for fun an actually (very) basic class approach to give you a starting idea; assignment arguments are passed as strings allowing any optical formatting - if that's what you really want:
Example call in current module
Sub ExampleCall()
Dim x As New cVars
x.Add "price = 11.11" ' wrong assignment
x.Add "price = 10.01" ' later correction
x.Add "quantity = 1241.01"
x.Add "vat = 0.11"
Debug.Print "The price is $ " & x.Value("price")
End Sub
Class module cVars
Option Explicit
Private dict As Object
Sub Add(ByVal NewValue As Variant)
'split string tokens via equal sign
Dim tmp
tmp = Split(Replace(Replace(NewValue, vbTab, ""), " ", "") & "=", "=")
'Identify key and value item
Dim myKey As String, myVal
myKey = tmp(0)
myVal = tmp(1): If IsNumeric(myVal) Then myVal = Val(myVal)
'Add to dictionary
If dict.exists(myKey) Then
dict(myKey) = myVal
dict.Add myKey, myVal
End If
'Debug.Print "dict(" & myKey & ") =" & dict(myKey)
End Sub
Public Property Get Value(ByVal myVarName As String) As Variant
'get variable value
Value = dict(myVarName)
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
'set (late bound) dict to memory
If dict Is Nothing Then Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set dict = Nothing
End Sub
Edit #1 as of 3/3 2021
b) Rem Evaluation method
Once again only for the sake of the art a way to read assignments entered into outcommented code lines via, yes via Rem (heaving a deep sigh for this archaic use originating from former Basic times) as it allows to format data with any wanted spaces or tabs and won't be mixed up hopefully with current outcommentings via apostrophe '.
This Test procedure only needs the usual declarations plus some assignment calls as well as the mentioned Rem part. Two simple help procedures get code lines, analyze them via a dictionary class cVars and eventually assign them.
Note that the following example
needs a library reference to Microsoft Visual Basic Extensibility 5.3 and
uses the unchanged class cVars of section a) simply to avoid rewriting it.
Option Explicit
Private Const THISMODULE As String = "Module1" ' << change to current code module name
Sub Test() ' procedure name of example call
'Declare vars
Dim price As Double: Assign "price", price
Dim quantity As Double: Assign "quantity", quantity
Dim vat As Double: Assign "vat", vat
'Enter assignments via Rem(ark)
'(allowing any user defined formatting therein)
Rem price = 10.01
Rem quantity = 1241.01
Rem vat = 0.11
Debug.Print quantity & " à $" & price & " = " & Format(quantity * price, "$#,##0.00")
End Sub
Help procedure Assign evaluating Rem codelines in procedure Test
Sub Assign(ByVal myVarName As String, ByRef myvar)
Const MyProc As String = "Test"
Dim codelines
getCodelines codelines, THISMODULE, ProcedureName:=MyProc
'Debug.Print Join(codelines, vbNewLine)
Dim x As New cVars ' set class instance to memory
Dim line As Variant, curAssignment
For Each line In codelines
curAssignment = Split(line, "Rem ")(1) ' remove Rem prefix from codelines
If curAssignment Like myVarName & "*" Then
x.Add curAssignment
myvar = x.Value(myVarName)
End If
End Sub
Help procedure getCodelines
Called by above proc Assign. Returns the relevant Rem Codelines from the calling procedure Test. - Of course it would have been possible to filter only one codeline.
Sub getCodelines(ByRef arr, ByVal ModuleName As String, ByVal ProcedureName As String)
Const SEARCH As String = "Rem "
'a) set project
Dim VBProj As Object
Set VBProj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject
If VBProj.Protection = vbext_pp_locked Then Exit Sub ' escape locked projects
'b) set component
Dim VBComp As Object
Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents(ModuleName)
Dim pk As vbext_ProcKind
'd) get relevant code lines
With VBComp.CodeModule
'count procedure header lines
Dim HeaderCount As Long: HeaderCount = .ProcBodyLine(ProcedureName, pk) - .ProcStartLine(ProcedureName, pk)
'get procedure code
Dim codelines
codelines = Split(.lines(.ProcBodyLine(ProcedureName, pk), .ProcCountLines(ProcedureName, pk) - HeaderCount), vbNewLine)
'filter code lines containing "Rem" entries
codelines = Filter(codelines, SEARCH, True)
End With
'return elements
arr = codelines
End Sub
Don't forget to integrate the class module CVars from section a)!

Index match in VBA referencing a table

I want to update a line in my table based on a cell in another sheet, and to that end I intend to use the index match function. When I run the code below I get the error that it cannot get the property of the match function class.
What is the correct syntax in this regard?
Sub Update_Customer()
' Declarations
Dim rng as listobject
Dim wf as application.worksheetfunction
Dim cs_sht as string
Set rng = Sheets(1).ListObjects("Table_Customer")
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
cs_sht = ws.Name
wf.Index(rng.ListColumns("Firstname"), wf.Match(cs_sht, rng.ListColumns("Customer ID"), 0)) = ws.Range("C_Firstname").Value
End Sub
Excel functions need to be nested, because a cell's value needs to be parsed as a single step.
VBA code doesn't need to do that. VBA instructions work best and are easier to debug when you split them and make them do as little work as possible.
So instead of this:
wf.Index(rng.ListColumns("Firstname"), wf.Match(cs_sht, rng.ListColumns("Customer ID"), 0))
Split it up:
Dim matchResult As Long
matchResult = WorksheetFunction.Match(cs_sht, rng.ListColumns("Customer ID").DataBodyRange, 0)
Dim indexResult As Variant
indexResult = WorksheetFunction.Index(rng.ListColumns("FirstName").DataBodyRange, matchResult)
Note that you'll get a run-time error if either function fails to find what it's looking for. Use On Error to handle that case:
On Error GoTo CleanFail
Dim matchResult As Long
matchResult = WorksheetFunction.Match(...)
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Could not find record for '" & cs_sht & "'." & vbNewLine & Err.Description
End Sub
Get rid of wf. There's no use to copy object references of objects that are already global. The fewer global variables you use, the better.
if the first name changes I can update the table to match the new name from my worksheet
You can't just assign the indexResult to a new value. The indexResult isn't holding a reference to any cell, it's just the result of the INDEX worksheet function. You need to use that result to get the cell you want to modify:
Dim targetCell As Range
Set targetCell = rng.ListColumns("FirstName").DataBodyRange.Cells(indexResult)
targetCell.Value = ws.Range("C_Firstname").Value

Excel VBA reference issues

I was following some examples online in which im trying to pass a value from one sub into a another sub in VBA but get the error:
Compile Error:
Procedure declaration does not match description of event or procedure having the same name.
Sub next_sat_click()
Dim iweekday As Integer
Dim nextsat As String
Dim index As Integer
Dim str_game_date As String
iweekday = weekday(Now(), vbSunday)
nextsat = Format((Now + 7 - iweekday), "mm-dd-yy")
Call set_button_Click(nextsat)
End Sub
Sub set_button_Click(ByRef nextsat As String)
End Sub
Change the sub name in something else like SetButtonOnClick.
The _Click keyword is reserved by excel for the Click event on buttons if you have a button called with the same name.
You can't change the parameters for an event handler (except for the parameter name). That also means you can't add any parameters if none are expected. Not even Optional ByRef nextsat As String will work.
There are three ways to pass a value between event handlers in a UserForm:
Using a global variable (not recommended, ever);
Via the UserForm.tag property (recommended for simple values such as strings). Obviously cannot be used if it already has a permanent use;
Via one or more hidden controls (recommended for multiple or complex values as well as simple ones).
I've used the second method:
Sub next_sat_click()
Dim iweekday As Integer
Dim nextsat As String
Dim index As Integer
Dim str_game_date As String
iweekday = Weekday(Now(), vbSunday)
nextsat = Format((Now + 7 - iweekday), "mm-dd-yy")
Me.Tag = nextsat
End Sub
Sub set_button_Click()
Dim nextsat As String
nextsat = Me.Tag
End Sub
A better solution in your case might be to have a visible TextBox in which you store the calculated date when the user clicks next_sat, so that the user can see it. Then in your set_button handler, grab it from TextBox.Text.

Set a range with a string/cell contents

I'm writing some code for a client which pulls data from many differently laid out files. I wanted to write something which was quite flexible for him in the future.
Therefore, he will be able to write for example y.offset(0,1) in a cell depending where in regards to the variable y the data will be.
The reason I haven't just made the the variable 1 is because it, and therefore the cell, may or may not include multiple & "blah blah"
Basically, I'm wondering if it's possible to write parts of code in a cell then pull them up and incorporate them into code.
For instance:
Dim y as range
Dim x as range
Dim c as string
Set Y = Sheet1.range("G4")
c = sheet1.range("A1") [which contains the words y.offset(0,4)
Set x = c
This doesn't work, however I'm wondering if there's anything that can be done to get the same result.
Your need is kind of a recursive and dangerous one
then it deserves such a recursive and dangerous answer
you could use the VBA Project Object Model (see here for info) and act as follows:
Set your project to handle VBA Object Model
follow all the steps you can see in the Introduction of the above given link to cpearson website Add reference to your project
Disclaimer: please also read the CAUTION note in there
add "helper" module
add to your project a new Module and call it after "HelperModule" (you can call it as you like, but then be consistent with the chosen name)
then add this code into this new module
Function GetRange(refRng As Range) As Range
Set GetRange = refRng
End Function
Function SetToCellContent(refRng As Range, cellContent As String) As Range
UpdateCodeModule cellContent
Set SetToCellContent = HelpModule.GetRange(refRng)
End Function
Sub UpdateCodeModule(cellContent As String)
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim LineNum As Long
Set CodeMod = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("HelperModule").CodeModule
LineNum = SearchCodeModuleLine(CodeMod, "Set GetRange")
CodeMod.ReplaceLine LineNum, " Set GetRange = " & cellContent
End Sub
Function SearchCodeModuleLine(CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule, FindWhat As String) As Long
Dim SL As Long ' start line
Dim SC As Long ' start column
Dim EL As Long ' end line
Dim EC As Long ' end column
Dim Found As Boolean
With CodeMod
SL = 1
EL = .CountOfLines
SC = 1
EC = 255
Found = .Find(Target:=FindWhat, StartLine:=SL, StartColumn:=SC, EndLine:=EL, EndColumn:=EC, wholeword:=True, MatchCase:=False, patternsearch:=False)
End With
SearchCodeModuleLine = SL
End Function
Add this code to your main code
Set x = SetToCellContent(y, c) '<--| call the function that will take care of updating code in 'GetRange()' function and returns a range relative to 'y' as per the "code" in 'c'

Can I Evaluate An Excel VB Constant That Is In String Format?

Is it possible to Evaluate a String which contains a valid Excel VB Constant's Name
to return that Constant's Value?
Dim ConstantName as String
Dim ConstantValue as Long
ConstantValue= UnknownFunction(ConstantName)
'would set ConstantValue=-4163
Option Explicit
Function getConstantValue(constStr As String) As Variant
Dim oMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim i As Long, _
num As Long
Set oMod = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Module1").CodeModule
For i = 1 To oMod.CountOfLines
If oMod.Lines(i, 1) = "Function tempGetConstValue() As Variant" Then
num = i + 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
oMod.InsertLines num, "tempGetConstValue = " & constStr
getConstantValue = Application.Run("tempGetConstValue")
oMod.DeleteLines num
End Function
Function tempGetConstValue() As Variant
End Function
All code must be in a module called Module1. That can be changed pretty simply by changing the text "Module1" in the routine.
You'll need to add a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility x.x
There are a number of ways this could fail. Let me know if you have any problems with it :)
Instead of using constants, you could use a dictionary
Dim dict As Object
Sub InitialiseDict()
Set dict = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary)
dict("xlValues") = -4163
dict("const1") = value1
dict("constN") = valueN
End Sub
ConstValue = dict("xlValues")
Is using the string value necessary?
Dim anyConstant as Long
anyConstant = xlValues
msgbox anyConstant
Set anyConstant to any xl constant you please, they are all enumerated Long values.
The first solution offered is indeed much more fun however.
