Excel Creating New Sheet with Summed Data from related sheet - excel

Lets say I have the following on a sheet.
By some means, I want to either replace this, or preferably, create a new sheet, with the following data. Notice, that PO# is out of the picture, and a summation is done on rest of the fields. Is there a way to easily do this?
The end result has to be data in excel grid like below (preferably on a new sheet). This can possibly be some macro or some other technique I can use to easily create this....

You can easily do this with SUMIFS() or a Pivot Table.
For SUMIFS() the below equation will give you the sum for W.PS123 Product A. Modify as needed for your other criteria by swapping AR and product number (both housed in quotes in below formula, you can also set these equal to a cell range that contains desired criteria).
If you have a set number of "ARs" and Product Numbers, you will only need to build this table once and the equations will automatically update as your raw data changes.
Alternatively, you can build a pivot table and just refresh this every time your data updates (or create a worksheet_change macro to refresh the table automatically when your data changes).
To build your pivot:
Highlight your table array (In your example, Col A-D)
Insert > Pivot Table
Drag AR to Rows
Drag PRODUCT to Rows (Below AR)
Drag QTY to "Values" and change the field to "Sum" rather the default count
Format to taste


Excel Function to Exclude rows based on certain values

I to exclude rows in a excel table based on certain values
For example:
I need to exclude all rows if column A is equal to any of these numbers ( 5840,4302,4432, and so on)
As the table data will be huge to filter only the data that I want.
One way is to exploit Excel Table feature together with the FILTER() spreadsheet function. NB. You will need a relatively recent Excel version for this. Using a Table provides some extra useful functionality (such as automatically adding rows and allowing reference by column name).
The OP's input data may already be a Table, if so, this first step can be skipped.
Put the input and filter list into tables. Excel help page. After the table has been created I have used the Table Design menu (which appears in the menu bar when a cell in the table is selected) to turn off the row banding format and header filters. This is also where you can rename the Tables. I have named them "Input" and "Exclude"
For the filtered output, choose where you want the output to start (cell H3 in my example), and enter a formula to copy the headers: =Input[#Headers]. Of course you can copy and paste the headers manually if you like. Here I've used the Format Painter to copy across the cell formats for the headers.
In the next cell down (H4 in my example), enter this formula: =FILTER(Input,(LEN(Input[ID])>0) * ISERROR(MATCH(Input[ID],Exclude[IDs to exclude],0))).
You should be able to add or delete new rows (right-click in the Table and choose Delete) in both the Input and Exclude tables, and the output should react (if you have Calculation set to Automatic).
NB. The Output range is NOT a Table. Excel doesn't let you convert dynamic ranges into Tables.
EDIT: If you don't want to use Tables, you can simply supply the ranges as the parameters to the FILTER function.
In this example =FILTER(B4:D13,(LEN(B4:B13)>0) *ISERROR(MATCH(B4:B13,F4:F5,0)))

In Excel, is there a way to sum B2 to B6 and place it in B7, B8 to B12 and place it in B13 and so on

Trying to sum values of all keys (that are unique) and place it in the below that column
Something like this
Exel has built-in functionality for this, called "Outline". It is in the data ribbon.
Select a cell in the data, then click Data ribbon > Outline > Subtotal. You can then specify which columns you want to calculated totals for. In this example, you want to total columns titled "b" and "c" at each change in column titled "a".
After confirming the dialog, the result looks like this. You can see that Excel uses the Subtotal function to calculate the subtotals.
If you need to add more data, you can insert rows in the appropriate places, or, remove the Outline, add more data to the bottom of the list, sort by "a" and re-do the Outline.
Note: It is often better to keep data and reporting on data (the totals calculations) separate. Consider using a pivot table to create an overview of totals b and c per category a. Once set up, you can add more data in any order to your source table and just refresh the pivot table. Or use Sumifs() formulas to build a calculation table outside of your data entry table.

Add column to Excel Power Pivot Table based on slicer seection

I have an Excel Power Pivot Data Model with one table of about 3m entries. In one of my sheets I have multiple slicers that I combine to select entries that fit specific criteria.
I would like to add a column with a value that comes from a cell in the sheet, but only when the entry was part of the selection. For example: when the value in the cell is 1, the selected entries will get "1" in the added column. After that the number in the cell could be set to 2 and a new selection could be made. The new selection will all have "2" in the same added column.
I have been trying to make this work running a macro and DAX, but it can't get it to work. Anyone any ideas?
You can use the VBA I've previously posted at Converting multiple variables into values with excel pivot tables or power pivot to do that. It requires you to make up a 'harvester' PivotTable containing just the columns you want to swap out, so that you can then create a slicer from which to trigger the code.
You can also write a conditional formula in DAX that uses a harvester measure. Something like https://powerpivotpro.com/2012/11/one-slicer-to-control-them-all/ (and plenty of other examples on Google)

Excel Pivot Table Exclude one Row in Calculated Field

In Microsoft Excel I want to have a pivot table that uses a calculated field for a row. I would like the calculated Row to exlude the current year. So I want two summary rows one with current year and one without. The attachment in orange shows my desired result.
I know I can manually make the cell formula for each month, but I would like it to be automatic. Any thoughts?
If your row variable was called "Year", your column variable called "Month", E1 was one of the cells in your pivot table and your values variable was called "Score", you could do something like
and repeat for each month.
However you would need to leave room under the table for it to expand to avoid over-writing your orange cells.
The only other way I can think of is the obvious one of copying the whole pivot table and filtering on row labels, excluding 2015.
You can copy a pivot table by selecting the whole table (can use Ctrl Shift *), right-clicking, selecting Copy and then pasting it somewhere else.
This is a mini-example showing the two methods.

Transform badly formatted excel data into a form for pivot tables

How can I transform data in excel in this form (see image here: http://imgur.com/PgX5r) into something suitable for using in a pivot chart. I need three columns eventually, Date, Country and Score. The amount of data points for each country is not constant.
The easiest way i found without using VBA is to use an array formula :
Add another column on the left of your values (let say Col A)
Set this formula on cell A1: {=INDEX(B:B,MAX(IF(ISEMPTY($C$1:C1),ROW($C$1:C1),ROW($C$1))))}
Validate with CtrlShiftEnter
Drag the formula till the end of your values
Your data are almost suitable for a Pivot Chart. What you can do next is to delete unneeded rows (with country names and headers) or use another formula on another sheet to "duplicate" the data except when unwanted rows (you can then filter the blank data in the pivot chart).
